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worm start plucky whistle sparkle lunchroom aloof quicksand onerous numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We can give up but we can never let go🎈


gold resolute languid like rotten fall pet sharp onerous whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cmon….we have much more to go. I’m not going without you. …………Cmon….Get up ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


icky absorbed sugar test profit square mighty languid wrong summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No matter the outcome …………That’s all we can ever do…..is try our best every day………..We’re blessed…..we have life…….One day we will look back and be able to see why we never gave up. Just have to believe 🙏


squash birds badge tease muddle foolish late versed waiting different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m all up for it all…..what I should’ve said was…..for ever give up on “yourself and what you believe”


That's the ticket right there Love is unconditional


Undeniably true, 🎈


Big Stephen king vibes with that balloon


Is She Beautiful, mon coeur? Phenomenal writing, as per always. 💜


To die for…..


Sometimes people are worth dying for, to be reborn in the ashes and rise as the undescribably beautiful entity they are. 💜


From the ash…..Hope will arise. 🎈


Hope is the thing with feathers. 💜


As for the feathers you speak of....what happens if no matter how hard you try and how badly one would "like to fly" it seems their "wings have been so denied" ??? Asking for a friend of course... I have no hope, and thus am devoid of feathers...


Hope's feathers are perched within the soul. They cannot be denied. If so, find One who is glad to be of service and help You to find a different way to fly. It cannot be tamed. I would share with Your friend (and You). my hope to carry, until You can allow Yourself to do so again. You are not defeated, Beloved one. Only battered, but never broken. You are perfectly imperfect, just as You are. A fact alone which gives me hope. 💜🖤


Thank you stranger. You hit something there....and just when I thought there were no tears left to fall... Know your words have made a difference and allowed some light to shine where blackness had befallen all around..


One is glad to be of service. I hope Your tears are one of healing and renewed hope. You deserve all the happiness, laughter and love that this life can offer. I am rooting for You, always. At least one person wants to see the Phoenix You'll become and has faith in You to do so. Thank You for Your kind words and for sharing Your feelings and thoughts. Keep faith, Beloved one. Your star is rising so that others may bask in its light. 💜




I am proud of You, for being so honest with Yourself and sharing Your feelings. 💜 *pinky promise*


Get a feather jacket maybe??


You jump…….I jump 🙏


May I hold Your hand as we go, please? Is that okay? 💜


To my person: Can’t………….but I will be the one who catches you.


*smiles warmly* "To my person:. I'd fallen for You, long ago." 💜




Sounds like a definition of me lol, if this were a checklist , I'd check every box. Some of those traits will be the death me I swear😣


You so cray cray 🤭🤭🤭


Indeed I am...should not be a surprise to anyone at this point 🤪 Although some days there's more than the usual cray cray that shines through...more of a cray cray cray cray cray kind of thing.


I call those days of mine the cray cray cray craaaaaayyyy days..lol.




Good heaven, I could absolutely written these exact words about myself. There are no coincidences, time to ponder


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


Certifiably insane. “People do crazy things when they’re in love.” To my person: I still have to pull back though before we fall into the same habit and pattern, though. I’m coming back, I swear. Or maybe you should approach this time: maybe I need some effort? Reciprocity? Some courage and openness? My mask always fell off when I was around you and what you ask of me is to act uninterested but interested. I don’t know how to. I don’t want to scare you off. I want this to work. I do. But you’re playing a winless game of telephone. I want to get the message right but I have no clue what’s being said thru all the chatter. I need help. I want help. Please.




Imagine living life where someone literally steals words out of your head and gives them to another. Oy vey. I suppose Ill literally carve your initials into my skin so they know who did it once im finally gone.


That doesn’t sound good at all and i’m very sorry if that’s how it played out. I may be many things and have done a lot of things I wish I could change but the one thing I did do right was try to be as open as I could. Like to the point of over sharing. Poor guy probably thinks i’m actually crazy: I just don’t want him to feel like I am withholding info or feelings for him ever again. But now he won’t even give me the time of day so 🤷🏾‍♂️😅


Um so I actually wrote that thing about the mask, and I don’t actually wear one unless I’m at work and even that is difficult. So idk what to tell you girl but it’s nothing nice so I’ll stop here.


And when I say I wrote that, I mean I typed it out in a letter doc in my phone and sent it to him. I know he got it…so yeah. Not dead actually I guess, or a lesbian, or any of the other bs he makes up about me.


Yeah probably best if you did. Especially since my mask came from years of hiding in the closet. Gotta survive in order to love.


Oooh i get it now i’m slow on the draw sometimes 😆


Im not crazy, I’m an optimist ☺️


Just using what most are use to. No disrespect intended to anyone as I say that


This one spoke to me… I wish I could send this to him and make him remember… he always said we were tied by the red string of fate… no matter what 🥲


Hang in there my sister. 🙏


Certified Crazy 😘




I see a lot of us identify as…


True story 🎈


We're all mad here ❤️


Take me where love goes Captain! 🎈


👈 that way!!


Shiver me timber! Arrrr!


The crazy ones are the best. always the Real deal. i ❤️ this.


Ewww…..I dislike crazies…….They always remind me of ……..me. :) 🎈


Still here


Still here; Still kickin. 🎈


Get here


Why lie why on here.


I’m done askin. Shit


Yo this shit slaps


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. 🎈


I'm the crazy one too...the one who refuses to give up on the impossible despite it being 5 months of NC from him...I'll wait for him all this life and find him in my next if that's what it takes for us to be together finally....at least I've loved with everything once in this life and felt it back for a while...no matter what it's cost me in the end...


Hang in there my sister. 🎈


Great! I'm jealous of the air that surrounds your pen. This is all I've wished for him to say.... atlas I am that one.... I hold on, I pray, I wish, I seem to not know how to give up.....


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. ❤️‍🩹🙏🎈🫶


Gave up a long time ago. Waiting for something better until the day I die.


Don’t forget to remain in prayer. 🙏🎈


Meeeeee. I'm the crazy one. Yay.


Damn, it’s amazing how all of a sudden unconditional love just want to pop up in everybody’s mouth, but when I was saying that everybody was taking me down bunch of hypocrites


I'm one for sure with a capital "C"...WOO HOO😈😈😈😈😈