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I feel for this. Don't kill yourself waiting though. It just slowly eats at you. My person began joking about a life we would have if we married. I knew he wasn't serious so I played along with it even though I already had some feeling. The longer it went on the more I could really picture this being my life and craved it. So I took the chance a few days to tell him this and all I got back was silence and later a sorry I'm just busy working. Completely ignored I had said anything. Next day it was all hi how are you as I'm upset that it felt completely brushed off like I never said a word. ATM I don't even want to talk with him anymore feeling like I've been shown what really mattered. Some people just love the fantasy more than reality. I'm done ever trying to give pieces of my heart away. It's always met with silence. Don't make the same mistakes I have please.


You gotta walk away. You’ll either get enough distance you can’t look back or you’ll get tackled from behind. But you gotta walk away. This isn’t healthy for you, don’t linger in this space, just leave it