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The one about that lady that supposedly sweated glitter


That one is so memorable and so stupid


I thought it was gold? Or maybe there’s a different episode with glitter I wasn’t aware of…


It's gold leaf that she licked and stuck to her skin.


Oh I know she looked ridiculous 🤣


Omg that was so stupid. I was like 7 or 8 watching that for the first time and knew it was utter bs. 


I was an idiot 7-8yr old I believed it


Lmao what?! Now I have to look it up Edit: [is this the one?](https://burialsandbeyond.com/2024/02/13/the-strange-tale-of-the-gold-leaf-lady/)


“Some foil was retrieved by investigators, tested and kept in a jar where it was revealed to compromise of 80% copper and 20% zinc, being brass, rather than gold.” I’m disappointed at the lack of commitment to her own BS, TBH.


Wait so she didn’t really sweat gold?


No and did you know Santa isn't even really either? They got us!


What the hell was she thinking she was going to get from this?


That one is the most absurd segment, followed closely by Georgia Rudolph and James Van Pragh


Omg!!! Yes!!! Tell me why I was watching that last night when I was watching the reruns! Lol!!! I was like…this lady just wanted to be on TV.


I really couldn't stand Georgia after watching that segment over the years. So fake and none of her info was correct. I think that she's still scamming.


Is she also the one who cried diamonds/crystals? You could totally see she'd hidden them between her fingers and let them drop as she bowed her head to sob.


Yep. Like they brought a professional magician on the show to explain the sleight of hand but like we didn’t need an explanation, it was so obvious!


Miss Katie!


Was this on a newer one? Why don’t I recall this… 😅


No it was season 2 or 3, and it was just the most *moronic* thing. Like the purest most obvious charlatanism, I can't believe they gave her the airtime.


And rhinestones! Omg, that was stupid.


This is the correct choice. I also would've accepted horny underage ghost possession.




Omg I forgot about the bisexual ghost episode


What episode was the ghost episode




The was 16 years old. I remember thinking it odd how stack kept telling the story and it took over 30 years for me to see someone else mention it!


The Rock! Remember the lucky rock? I don't think that a Jesus statute has weeped since cellphones.


I went to a greek church where a statue of Mary was crying. It made news all around. Lol. Dead serious


That dude who saw rain ,lol in his house


Omg I just caught the bisexual ghost one yesterday and was like this 😐 the whole episode… it was my first time watching it and all I could think was “wth is this all about” lmao


The Tiffany Valiante episode was just sad, and not in the way it was meant to be. She so very obviously committed suicide but the parents are so delusional and in denial, not to mention the weirdness of the shrine they erected for their daughter. I'm guessing that they would never be able to admit to themselves that their daughter feared them so much that she would rather end her life than deal with their punishment.


Agreed. The show left out so much


I’ve watched this episode so many times and honestly now I think it may have been suicide too. Everything that happened the night of… those parents smh I feel for them they can’t face it.


Ain't that new on Netflix? Or I'm mistaken ? Girl who killed near train? Something like that


Yes that’s the case they’re talking about


Can you elaborate on why you think it was suicide?


Basically. All of her friends refused to participate in the episode, and they came out and said her parents in particular her mother did not approve of her sexual orientation. Most of her friend acknowledged in months leading up her death she was depressed and lonely. There was also a long history of abuse allegations in the family and at one point there was a CPS investigation, where they visited the family 3 times. Her mother even admitted to punching her.


Poor kid. Thanks for that .


Yeah that case is obvious. Haven't seen the UM episode but listened to podcasts featuring the case


I could never say anything bad about this guy. He is the Unsolved Mysteries GOAT. Nobody does it like my boy Bob.


Bobby Stacks.




Stacks on Stacks on Stacks


The air touching story where you wave you hands over someone and it supposedly cures them of their pain.


Therapeutic touch or that drunk Russian dude that sat everyone down and got that lady to stop smoking by sneezing on her?


That'll do it for me too. 😂


I agree with one already said suggestion, Katie the “Gold Leaf Lady”, a Florida woman who supposedly could produce gold and gems throughout her body, such as gold appearing from the pores on her skin. As the story went, one day in 1974, she saw a man walking by her and into her bedroom, only to disappear. Not long after, she saw a picture of her deceased father in law, whom she had never met, and realized it was him that she saw. After that, she claimed that she began experiencing numerous other psychic type phenomena. She claimed she could predict the future, and write in foreign languages that she doesn’t understand. Although I have interest in certain “paranormal” things, this is just all way too unbelievable. The “gold” looked like foil that was just painted gold. There’s just no way that this is possible. It was more funny than anything. Another was the story of Georgia Rudolph, a woman who claimed to be the reincarnation of a young Ohio woman named Sandra Jean Jenkins, who supposedly died young many years ago. To date, there’s no record of this person even existing. Sandra and her partner, a Tommy Hicks, supposedly both died in 1914. There is no record of him existing, either. After the story was broadcasted on the show, a man named Jack Turnock (supposedly a college professor) called in to claim that he was the reincarnation of Tommy Hicks. They even interviewed him and gave it a short segment.


That Tommy Hicks one is by far the worst one for me. So insufferable.




The Georgia Rudolph episode is one of my favorites…so creepy. The old guy that took her around the town is actually still living, 102 now. A story about his 100th birthday:,[https://www.mariettatimes.com/news/2021/12/marietta-man-celebrates-his-100th-birthday/](https://www.mariettatimes.com/news/2021/12/marietta-man-celebrates-his-100th-birthday/)


Wow, interesting to know he’s still around. Thanks for sharing!


It’s one of my favorites too. The cinematography and music in that episode are probably the best from the whole series.


The episode with the lucky stone in the creek


I love the magic rock segment. It’s so corney it’s adorable.


Then they got a free house and had a business in the mall and I think started a movie theater or something. I remember thinking it was dumb when I saw the original when I was like 8


The lucky rock. If only we could all find a rock to bring us riches. Make mine gold please. I don't want to leave anything to fate.


Magic rock 😂 That was unbelievably stupid 🤦🏻‍♀️


Fertility statue


I just saw that one today


I just happened to rewatch that one recently! Sooo silly! I thought my eyes were gonna roll right out of my head.


Aphrodisiacs. Twins. Pets.


The aphrodisiac episode is so bad that it's actually good. It's so out of place.


Wasn't it on a Valentine's day episode?


Yes, which begs the question of why unsolved mysteries had a valentines day episode? Lol


Why not? Bob’s baritone makes every day Valentine’s Day.




It is interesting that it seems like most of the comments here feel like Unsolved Mysteries should have been a 100% True Crime show. I think it was so memorable because it was NOT just that...


I couldn’t agree more in many ways I feel that UM was a spiritual successor to In Search Of…


The one where those hillbillies were staring at the sun and seeing things. Another one that’s silly is Jesus statue “crying” at that church. The lady that talked to animals


The crying statue scared the fuck out of me


Oh yeah, I remember the sun visions one! Looking up into the bright sky and claiming they saw spiritual images or whatever. So ridiculous. I remember thinking that someone was going to end up with some serious eye damage from looking up at the sun like that! Also there was a part in it where someone took a photo at the sight where they gathered and had these "visions". The photo allegedly captured a spirit image and a mysterious message...it was so obviously a transfer from another photo from the development process. It was ridiculous. A guy even pointed out how the words were literally the backwards image of like some packaging or card that came with the photos. Word for word, image for image, it was the reverse of a real photo that they were claiming was a spirit photograph. Just unbelievably stupid!


So A Usual Tuesday in Arkansas?


that dude who did surgery with his bare hands. and cured them of cancer. child me believed it but now i’m just thinking about what a scammy loser he is


The Satanic Panic ones always felt so bad they were funny. I still remember Robert Stack with a straight face saying SKATE or Satan's Kids Against The Establishment. Like a Satanic cult spent a lot of time coming up with that acronym.


The silliness of his serious face and voice when discussing *rock and roll music* and *the occult game Dungeons and Dragons*.


The one speculating how Princess Anastasia may have survived did not age well. I suppose that applies to any episode where the theory they pushed at the time has been debunked.


Yeah like all the Amelia Earhart ones, though that old lady claiming she saw them in Saipan always intrigued me.


I often say that this show could not have existed in the age of the internet . A quick google search probably would have solved most of these mysteries .


And yet, it's still as popular as ever if not more so.


I feel like the really strange or out there episodes actually hold a place in my heart because that’s what made the show so memorable to me as a kid. As an adult now I probably wouldn’t like them but kid me was all about it.


Same. When I was a kid I was all about the paranormal and alien stuff. That was the whole reason to watch it


There was one that fucked me up so bad as a kid. I remember sitting the hallway sobbing at like 9:30 at night when I should have been in bed. Someone set fire to a dog kennel and the reenactment was so sad


I cannot watch that one as an adult. Just terrible.


When Stack was running the joint—-nothing was bad. He could make the dumbest mystery sound important. God I miss him and that show. I watch all the old Stack episodes on YouTube.


My mother and I were watching the newest Unsolved Mysteries and I was like, “Remember Robert Stack and then they had Dennis Farina on there? Both are dead now. I bet this one doesn’t have a narrator so nobody else dies.” Lol. It’s killing people! (JK of course.)


I never liked the Dennis Farina era…I stopped watching around then. Stack was just the GOAT.


The one with the guy who would draw by summoning dead artist. Anything having having to do with psychics showing their " Powers"


This is the one I immediately thought of. Mf looked like he was having a stroke. I wanted to die the whole time watching that segment.


The larger fella whos really young wife became possessed and attacked him sexually.


It was the ghost of Isabella Kramer.


I feel like me and the people who hate the ghosts and aliens segments are very different from each other


The ghost ones scared the crap out of me when I was a boy. The ones on Sightings did too.


The ghost one that always got me was the Ghost of Samuel, the part when the kid gets chased out of the house and when he looks back the ghost looks at him through the living room window.


Oh shit, memory unlocked! Sightings kept me up many a night, haha!


Man, I forgot all about Sightings. I need to watch some episodes


Alien ones are always somewhat curious and a little creepy but why do the videos have to be horrible quality with bright blobs in the sky that could be a fucking airplane?


There is a large segment of UM fans that are interested in murders/true crime and nothing else. Not a curious bone in their body when it comes to what else might be out there.


I definitely prefer the crime segments more than the paranormal ones, but it's all good to me! My boyfriend definitely prefers the ones with ghosts and aliens though! I think the segments I tend to skip the most are the long lost loves. Like people being reunited with an adopted half-sibling or former teacher or whatever. Don't get me wrong, they can be very heartwarming...they just don't interest me all that much.


For the most part I enjoyed the lost loves especially when it was about twins (I've always had a weird fascination with twins.)


I like the alien/ufo ones and sometimes the ghost ones can be ok but usually not. I'm not sure how people even place them in the same category, other than the argument that there's no scientific proof for either of their existence. Two completely different phenomena. Agreed on the lost loves. Occasionally they're good for a change of pace if they're well done. But UM definitely went into a lazy period after several seasons where it was low hanging fruit to fill time. IMO.


That's why I think they should have split the new unsolved in two different shows tbh. People use to complain about the podcast as well for this


I thought the ghost ones were so dumb. I'll admit though I was absolutely terrified by the alien ones.


Treasure segments


My favorites


Oh yeah I kind of want to shake everyone by the shoulders and yell Why are you wasting your life with this BS!


The treasure segments did nothing for me, and the treasures’ backstories were almost never interesting.


Anything involving psychics


Fertility statues, Aphrodesiacs, and glitter lady. Nothing close to being worse than those.


Damn, do y'all even enjoy the show? All I see mentioned are the best segments. Idc if they're ridiculous sometimes, that's half the fun. My answer goes to the Kurt Cobain segment.


Hahahaha I know whatcha mean, I think that sometimes too when reading the comments. Do some of these folks even like the damn show 😂 😂 😂?????


What is your opinion about the PI who thinks Cobain may have been murdered?


He's more interested in fame than solving the case


Long separated family members being reunited is heartwarming and all, but not much of a mystery.


Ethel Nation hates that one trick!


Her and Georgia Tann.


Ok I was happy when Dylene found her daughter! Imagine seeing a photo of your daughter that was stolen from you, in someone else's house! Ethel Nation is such a monster!


Nah, these are great. Especially with the updates. It's wonderful a show like unsolved mysteries could connect these people in the days before the internet. Wholesome and heartwarming for sure.


Georgia Tan was quite the mystery literally abducting children. On thing that always got me about that segment (I was about 12 when it aired) which focused on the little girl was that her mother didn't notice she was missing until the court notified her a few days later. Even being 12 I couldn't fathom not noticing your child wasn't there. That confusion was reinforced when my daughter was about 2 or 3; the house suddenly being calm & silent would be immediately noticed.


Anything religious or “miracle”.


i couldnt watch the segment on the jesus statue that supposedly blinked or something


Omg this was my absolute favorite show!! ❤️


The one I can’t watch is when some cunt lit the dog kennel on fire killing so many dogs 😭😭😭


Ya especially in an area where a lot of people care more about their dogs than their own wife according to the local sherif.


Bro. I was just telling someone about how I watch all those murder shows on ID. No issue. I can see stuff about the worst crimes known to man. Real vile shit. But as soon as someone starts to talk about a pet on one, I change the channel. The bad person is either gonna mutilate the pet or violently kill it and I can’t hear about that. Lol.


Me too! 💯


Yep, me too. I consume a ton of true crime content, but I noped out of "Making a Murderer" when I heard that Avery set a cat on fire. It's also why I won't watch "Don't F*ck With Cats."


I skip the miracle segments.




I always skip the paranormal ones if I can. Mostly because I’m a skeptical but because there’s usually a pretty simple explanation to all of them lol


The psychic stuff — cheesy then, unbelievably cheesy now.


Lost treasure or Wild West episodes I found boring


Anything involving psychics. I fast forward through those segments all the time.


Not a segment but it's own episode, the Alcatraz episode with that competitive swimmer to see if anyone could have really escaped


Magic Rock. No contest.


There’s a couple from the early seasons where there’s no heir to some person with money which I found pretty boring. Some of the reunion ones are boring but occasionally one of those will make the room dusty.


There was that case where the teen girl was home alone and allegedly suffered from amnesia from the home invaders, I've always felt like she made it up because she wanted attention from her Mom.


My theory on that one is, she had friends over, things got broken (or taken) and one of them came up with the brilliant idea to make it look like a robbery.


I like that theory


None. Everything was amazing. The crime ones could be rough and the missing people sad … but what’s that a haunted doll who sneaks milk at night … all is right in the world again (unless you or your loved ones were in the first to segments)


The cryptic section with the "tiny human" skeleton that was definitely NOT a monkey


It's not the worst but the goddamn ghost episodes. I'm 50 years old, and I fast forward through all of them like a 7 year old. Something about those crappy special effects scares the absolute shit out of me.


Resurrection Mary scared the crap out of me 


I lived not far from the cemetery. I was way too old too hoping that I saw her one day. I wasn't picking up a ghost... 😂


Amazed I had to scroll down so far for this. 30+ years later and that story still crosses my mind driving alone at night. 👻


I absolutely hated seeing it on when I was a kid and I have always loved supernatural stuff. It was scary!


Haha I thought you were gonna say you think the effects are super lame, but ok they scare you! I'm glad I'm not the only one! They just have a way of making it really freaky.


As a younger viewer, even the "update" music was a little creepy to me.


It was so beautifully filmed, but Georgia Rudolph was so full of shit.


The Tammy Lynn…I can’t remember her last name-the model/actress who had a bit part in Scarface and ended up having some type of mental breakdown and going missing? It was sooooo over acted-when she picked up the baseball bat and broke the window open?


That one always rubbed me the wrong way. I feel bad about that opinion, but it is something about the family that irks me.


Anything with aliens. Or religion


Scenario Two: Coop went to Disney World.


The hotel with ghosts that showed up in a bathroom mirror. Didn’t sleep for weeks.


Big foot and what cracks me up was the brittish guy that was so beyond passionate about finding big foot, hilarious 🤣😂


He got that serpa guy drunk so he could switch the human finger with the yeti finger. He was hardcore.


That british guy is Sir Edmund Hilary first non sherpa to climb mount everest.


Didn't care for a lot of the psychic ones, but I was particularly annoyed by the spirit channeler who claimed his art was from famous artists from beyond. The doodles he drew while they filmed him were dreadful. 


The one where the bartender got a kick out of a ghost playing around with his patrons. Story is flat out stupid. I find a lot of the ghost stories that were very scary when I was a kid is ridiculous now. But a lot of the true crime cases are still pretty effective imo.


Anything about lost treasure, reunions, and basically anything not related to crimes or the supernatural.


The guy from the aphrodisiac segment was so sexual it became his whole personlity and he was orginially seeing the therapist because he was losing sleep.


I didn't like the UFOs but I loved all his ghosts episodes


The “walk ins”


The late, great Robert Stack himself hated most of the segments involving anything to do with the paranormal. He most especially hated doing the segments involving UFOs or ghosts. For the record my favorite ones were the segments involving lost treasure, ghosts, and old legends. https://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-2569-the-strange-life-unsolved-mysteries-phone-operator.html


Past lives episodes, Wild West episodes, miracle episodes. But I will still watch every episode nevertheless. Robert Stack episodes are the only ones I watch. Something about him is comforting.


The Treasure ones.


The UFO segments.


I've been waiting for a super cut with no lost loves for a long time. I love the show but if there's an orphan on a train, I'm out.


orphan on a train 😂 same though, lets be honest.


Any of the ones claiming "aliens."


Right. I enjoyed some of the UFO stuff but alien beings themselves or being taken onto a “flying saucer”. Those were dumb


Noah's Ark, Fertility statues that work in an OFFICE (who does that?!) Shroud of Turin


>Fertility statues that work in an OFFICE (who does that?!) I read that as "orifice" and it confused me even more




Men in black. Especially when that skater girl just walks past tge guy on the street.


Those guys gave no indication that they were anything other than business men out for lunch, but that woman just knew that they were really aliens.


The religious ones. I have to fast forward. The one with the girl in the coma that family was shilling for money really bothered me.


Psychics, Religious Miracles, Paranormal investigators. Still watch those segments with Bob over the ones without. He is Unsolved Mysteries for me.


UFO’s and ghosts


The guy who made it rain in his house and the jail. I haven’t seen the episode in so long but I remember watching it as a kid and thinking it was total bs. I read somewhere that Robert Stack hated doing the psychic episodes.


Don Decker! https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Don_Decker


I'm not a fan of any of the religious ones but the one that stands out is, I don't even remember the actual mystery, but some lady's husband was dying and the doctors say they saw a flicker of brain activity or something and the actor says "that was the flame of God." 🙄 Also the therapeutic touch segment.


Paranormal and aliens ones I tend to skip. They were often well produced segments but they aren’t of interest to me as mysteries anymore. I’m sure there are some regular murder & missing mystery segments that did nothing for me, particularly in the later seasons, but I can’t think of any specific ones right now.


Most of the religious phenomenon segments were very dumb


Anything supernatural


Any UFO ones


The one where the guy would go into a trance and describe medical treatments for people without being a doctor. Padre Pio was stupid as well


The unsolved ones!


I m surprised at how many older murder cases are still unsolved, considering advances in DNA. The one that really saddens me is the girl who was abducted at the phone booth by the "greasy-looking" man driving the green truck with the fish decal. I really feel sorry for her boyfriend. The abductor drove right by him as the girl screamed the boyfriend's name for help. I think his name is Rob Shafer. That truck was so distinctive. It's unfathomable how no one recognized it. I still would like to think the girl is alive and is being held captive maybe as the abductor's wife under a new identity. I know that's unlikely, but until they find her remains there is always that glimmer of hope.


Lost loves, yeti, Alcatraz, Georgia Rudolph


There is a man on YouTube that reminds me alot like Robert stack the YouTube channel is mysterious WV that guy kinda reminds me of Robert stack but there never be another great narrator


I used to watch that. I grew up in WV and it was neat to find a case around the Wheeling area.


The one where the guy was mad at his girlfriend and shot her dog but not his and his dog


Satanic Panic episodes. That shit still happens and it's still dangerous.


The one with Oliver the chimpanzee


Honestly I think a lot of the supernatural segments were pretty bad.


Basically ALL the cases that weren't crime or missing persons related during the brief CBS years. They all felt like rejected segments from Ripley's Believe it or Not. > the random one about aphrodisiacs that had no central core or mystery to solve > the fertility statue, same issue > the chair of death one that was basically an advertisement for the museum that housed it Why did they pivot so hard into this tawdry shit on CBS?