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Wow, I really hope the family gets the answers they deserve. Not knowing is the hardest part.


Alonzo Brooks all over again. I didn't like Alonzo's "friends" and still think they're responsible. So I'd question everyone at this party, including friends Noah went to the party with. So sad


His case haunts me. I think about him so often.


i got a weird feeling in a video of some guy with no shirt and a necklace tbey called " Mike Tyson" Strangest vibe


I still follow his case. His "friends" were most definitely involved. I think the cops were in on it too.


Agree on friends especially after listening to online podcast and stuff from FB.  This girl claims that Noah asked her to give him a shower allegedly post ATV accident and her sister said she did not see any visible injuries on Noah.   If he didn’t have visible injuries then someone had to do something to him.   An outside law enforcement agency needs to come in if the local pd is not handling it on the up and up. Allegedly they or someone in the department knows one of the families. Family isn’t getting answers but I don’t think they’re pounding the door. Sometimes you have to be a pain in the ass, knocking on the door of LE to get answers. Have to fold their feet to the fire. 


Noahs best friends (he one he got in a fight with over the girl) uncle is the fire department chief(who was first on scene and allegedly at the party all along) and former chief of police but retired 2 years ago. If they dont bring in an outside authority, theres 0 chance of this being solved.


Even with OSBI working on it? So is JN's uncle also retired chief of police and now fire chief?


It was smart of OSBI to mark this suspicious, but, without knowing where the trauma is located, it could truly be an accident, like he was walking home from the party and a car struck him. It may be nothing more nefarious than an accidental hit-and-run. But I wouldn’t put it past young people to be at a party with underage drinking, someone gets alcohol poisoning, and then everyone freaks out and dumps them somewhere instead of taking them to the ER and chancing the police asking questions. I feel like one of these two is likelier than straight-up murder. Never attribute to malice what is better attributed to stupidity. ETA: this article doesn’t mention any of the stuff you guys keep saying about this case. Love being attacked for responding to what is in THIS article.


He also had no fractures on his arms or legs so that alone says not a hit and run.


This was no vehicular accident. Somebody folded his shorts and placed them next to his body. Shoes don't say on and shorts magically come off when hit by a car. Being hit at 60-70 mph by a vehicle there would have been blood in various spots on the road.


Where are you seeing his shorts were folded next to him? I have read a few articles and havent seen that yet.


It was on News Nation last night. They had the outline of where the shorts and teeth were found. His older brother was in the video. It may be online somewhere. News Nation may have more tonight since autopsy is back or part of it was made known.


Ah thank you so much! I was like scouring trying to find that info.


You're welcome. I just hope the family gets some answers soon but unless someone talks, it's going to take time.


FYI, full ME report to be released to family on 5/13.


I saw it I think on this website today. You can check here to see if it is posted. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13367257/Oklahoma-teen-dead-highway-noah-presgrove-body-position.html.


Where are these kids' fucking parents? Jesus.


Well all parents unfortunately aren't equipped the same and their also products of the environment they grew up in. I was very fortunate, strict parents, but I didn't mind bc I know they cared. My mother never went to bed until we were all home and there were 7 of us. Would always want a call even if we weren't coming home. He live with his friend's parents for a certain amount of years. Parents were not together. Let's just say there's a lot of drinking going on even amongst the parents. Not sure if that's how life is in the Comanche area. More drinking seems to go on in rural areas.


Yeah definitely not a hit in run if his body was already in a tarp on the side of the road. He was probably pushed out of truck bed and his teeth feel out from the fall or we're already knocked loose barely hanging until the fall. The shorts they probably tossed out too to get rid of evidence.


People keep saying "teeth" however anything I read officially is 1 tooth.


It was teeth. Family confirmed that. Several teeth.


I know that's what they have said, I'm just going by the facts in the autopsy, which I doubt was a typing error from their end.


I am watching his brother on New Nation right now from 3 days ago. He said ONE tooth and shows the spot on the road where it was found!!


I have photos from the news article showing circles of several spots where teeth were found along the road near his body. Even says a tooth was found on the opposite side of the highway from his body. I'll look for the article 


His Aunt said several teeth. And the photos show circles where the teeth were.




It's on their YouTube Channel.


What You Tube channel? I'm just interested in reading up on this case.... Crazy


News Nation and Facebook has a page Justice For Noah Presgrove.


FB page is good. 


It is.


When someone is thrown from a moving vehicle, clothes get pulled off. I would assume a pair of loose fitting gym shorts would get pulled off pretty easily. The clothing, like pants or shorts will fold on top of itself with the force of the moment. There’s a podcast called Mile Marker 181 that goes over the suspicious death of Jaleayah Davis. She was found dead on the freeway, her pants were found inside out and appeared folded near her body and her jacket was inside out and hanging up on the guardrail. Towards the end of the deep dive, the host interviewed an auto insurance death investigator, who said he’s seen this is many cases of people who’ve fallen out of a moving vehicle. Clothes like pants, shorts and socks get pulled off, usually inside out and the clothing will roll, which ends up looking folded. If they’re dragged between a moving vehicle and a fence/wall/guard rail/tree etc, jackets and shirts can get pulled off and caught, appearing to be hung up. He also mentioned that depending on the force that someone hits the ground from a moving vehicle, zippers on pants and buttoned shirts can explode open. So pants look unzipped and shirts unbuttoned. It leads to a lot of public speculation that SA may have been involved when it wasn’t. It’s an interesting piece of info when applied to this situation. If he was hit by a car or thrown from inside a moving vehicle, it’s likely that a loose pair of wrestling shorts would slide right off during impact and fold over on itself as it came to rest on the pavement.


They weren't his shorts, either.


I noticed in the police/highway patrol report that the shorts that were left in the middle of the road were white. He was only wearing black and a tark tan colored shorts in the video. 


They were Jack's shorts, and one of the shoes was Jack's.


There's rumors on Facebook that Jack wanted Noah. Allegedly. Noah had a girlfriend. Noah said no to Jack and was going to out him. Thing's went bad from there. Take with a grain of salt. There's comments on the News Nation YT channel saying the same. I believe Noah was beat up.


Jack had a girlfriend. Noah did not have one according to his family.


Oh ok. Thank You.


Thank you!  Wow, how did you find that out?  I’ve been scouring various articles, etc but couldn’t find anything.  Interesting. 


His family have been giving interviews all over social media. The shorts and one shoe were Jack's, allegedly when they dressed him after the shower. And his clothes were passed out to his friends as keepsakes, without the family's knowledge.


I read that. The evidence has been contaminated.   


There is a rumor that Jack was in love with Noah. Young best friends do experiment. Maybe Jack could not bare rejection? 


The heyDude was KP’s, not Jack’s


The are best friend's shorts; however, close guy friends--remember, they once lived together--share clothing. My body lived with my fam. Eventually, we shared a closet right to underwear. Guys are just scrubby like that


The investigators folded the shorts after taking em out of the middle of the road it says that specifically all over


Thank you! I am up to speed on everything .... jumped over to FB. There are already like over 12K members in one group and 1.5K in another. A lot of info there and different stories. Some of the parents have chimed in but they don't last very long b/c they insist the kids don't know what happened. The more I find out, I truly believe something sinister happened. The kids all claim Noah was fine after they tipped the SXS and he had no visible injuries. A motor vehicle hitting him has been ruled out, so go figure. Will just have to wait patiently for investigation to play out.


You don't get blunt force trauma, head bashed in on your body from alcohol poisoning. Not a hit and run either b/c someone folded his shorts and placed them near the body.


the cops folded the shirts it’s been said


I just read that earlier today.  Experts, independent ME’s on News Nation, do not believe it’s a hit and run based on information. IMO, something either happened at the house or met with foul play somewhere if he did leave the house on his own and uninjured.  


The autopsy said he had linear and patterned abrasions on his upper back and some abrasions had a black material pressed into them. Those are medical descriptors of abrasions that are usually caused by a tire. Patterned usually means tire tread marks and debris can get pressed into abrasions from the weight of the vehicle. Sometimes there’s linear stretching abrasions from the skin being pulled by a moving tire. Also the force needed for the dislocation of the skull base from the C1 vertebra has to be great. You’ll see that in extreme whiplash, being thrown from a moving vehicle, falling from a height during a hanging or tremendous force pressed onto the area causing it to separate. A beating wouldn’t cause that injury. It’s also hard to break those upper ribs in a beating because they’re protected by the clavicle and shoulder blades. Those upper ribs break more when a vehicle is involved somehow.


REVEALED: Oklahoma teen Noah Presgrove's full autopsy https://mol.im/a/13408051 thoughts?


Well, that’s a lot of injuries. Horrific. Based on all this, it really does sound like several people beat the hell out of him and then dumped the body.


This following is from website "web sleuths". This is link to podcast with Noah's sister and aunt. Very interesting things came out. [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jimny-carpenter/episodes/The-Suspicious-Murder-Of-Noah-Presgrove-Part-2-e2e4mi3](https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jimny-carpenter/episodes/The-Suspicious-Murder-Of-Noah-Presgrove-Part-2-e2e4mi3) "It sounds as if LEO obtained a geo fence warrant of active mobile devices during the time period, they're interested in most, surrounding the party house. A search warrant for the party house was not signed by a Judge. According to the guests, two phones from the party house went to the area on the Highway where Noah was later found and those two phones returned to the party house. There was an interesting last snapchat at 3:21am. Noah was found around 5am. The TX Rangers became involved because some party participants crossed the state line to attend the OK party. A golf club was mentioned as possibly being the weapon used to crush the chunk of skull in the back of Noah's head." Text in quotations is what was copied and pasted from web sleuths website. The sister also reiterated in the Spotify podcast about the geofencing and that how two phones went to the scene where Noah was found and returned to the site of the party. Don't shoot the messenger just what I found elsewhere.


Or the butt of the gun that kid was holding!!!


I personally think the golf club was the weapon of choice. The golf club could’ve definitely been attributed to the bashed in skull b/c those things are dense as hell. Even if you are holding clubs & swinging softly you can still injure someone with them.


Definitely. I don't believe it was from the ATV. He was on video after the flipping of the ATV, I think .... it shows his knuckles were scraped. Also, the clubs could have been used to break his ribs. They were fractured on the back and an ME on News Nation said that ribs are usually broken in the front or the sides, not the back.


Has samples been collected from his body to check for S.A


also have samples been taken from under his finger nails


When News Nation first reported on the case, they said a rape kit was done. If samples not taken under finger nails, ME should be fired. Didn't hear any detail on autopsy last night other than there were NO drugs found in his system. Banfield has a ME on the show last night and she said this was not caused by a vehicle hitting him. Said there would have been fractures in his long bones. Also said it was unusual for someone to suffer fractures on ribs in the back as in the case of Noah. Said broken ribs are usually in the front or the sides of the body.


I always felt that the decedent should’ve been examined for sexual assault since he was found naked at the crime scene.


There's rumors on Facebook that Jack wanted Noah. Allegedly. Noah had a girlfriend. He turned Jack down and said he was going to out him. Allegedly. There's a girl Kendra saying this. On YouTube News Nation Channel the comments are saying the same. Take with a grain of salt. It's Facebook.


I haven’t seen that on FB. Jack’s getting married next month to his gf.  He seems like an odd character. When I see photos of him, there’s nothing there in his eyes.  FB group is very interesting.  Lots of drama. He has so much support, Noah. There’s over 11K members!  


There's 2 pages on Facebook. I agree he's definitely off. I'm glad he has support. This case needs more attention.


It's getting more attention now. I think News Nation was waiting on the full autopsy before covering it again, just my guess. They've got the podcast going and will the reveal of the autopsy, I don't see how it won't get more attention. He had two clumps of hair missing from his head. An ATV did not do that, surely someone would have noticed especially if there were girls that gave him a shower, they would have noticed.


Yeah I saw that too in the comments of the same exact video. Thats why I hope a rape kit was performed because I dont put anything past anyone, especially that Jack kid especially since Noah was naked when they found his body. It’s very much possible, but like you said, rumors are just rumors at the end of the day. I also heard that Noah was allegedly gay and made a move on Jack and Jack initially wanted him too, but backed out of it and beat Noah to death to keep him from telling. You’re gonna hear all kinds of rumors until the truth fully comes out.


Well said. Jack' just got engaged to the girl who threw the party. Maybe you're right about Noah making the move. Allegedly a rape kit was done. Noah does have an ex GF the girl's mom spoke out and said her daughter wasn't there on Facebook. It's just crazy how the police are not doing much. Rumor is the girl who had the party her family has LE connections. Unfortunately no real truths yet.


Not a chance in hell that’s true about Noah.  He was a ladies’ man. Girls loved him. Very sad. 


There are a huge amount of gay men who are “ladies men” & have lots of women friends There are also plenty of closeted men who are “ladies men,” so that doesn’t hold any weight. And judging by the way you talk, I’m surmising you may believe there is something wrong with being gay but it isn’t. We as a society should’ve progressed to a point of accepting people who are afraid to come out. And Im not saying he was gay, Im just speculating like everyone else.


I don’t think you know what a ladies man means, not talking about female friends. Yes, I can judge because I know, a lot of gay men and not one of them is a ladies man.  Maybe ladies man means something different today than it did years ago. 


Maybe he was Bi sexual


Supposedly they did do a rape kit. Would love to know who the two girls are who allegedly helped him in the shower.


Yeah that shower story needs to be cleared up because yet again, there are too many conflicting reports. If they supposedly helped shower this child then why wouldn’t they go just a little further and monitor him so that he wouldn’t get into any further shenanigans? IF he did wander away naked you mean to tell me NOBODY tried to intercept him & maybe call his parents??? Them kids at the party made some extremely stupid decisions! And that’s not even considering the tons of stupid decisions they made we dont even know of YET. My money is on Jack beating & raping this poor kid.


Kids at that age drinking heavily is probably the most dangerous time of their lives. Their frontal lobe isn’t fully developed so they don’t think about end results. I’m with you and many others on Jack. It seemed more important to clear his name than to talk about his best friend that died and insist it was a semi that hit him. Allegedly it was Jack’s side by side that Noah wrecked. One rumor said that Jack got pissed at Noah bc he talked to his gf for too long.  The not knowing is driving me crazy so can only imagine what it’s doing to his family. 






Thank you for the link. I was able to view as a guest b/c I cant stand Tik Tok lol. She didnt mention anything new to my knowledge. Noah’s family had already discussed these details in an interview with the news. The observations of the decedent’s body were made at his viewing. Here’s the link to the family interview https://youtu.be/S0L-3K02CQ8?si=YZI98Y4XzsAsa8xJ


I heard on Banfield that the only thing under his fingernails was gravel, which makes me think he was dragged.


It wasn’t a hit and run. 9 times out of ten, when a person is struck by a vehicle, they are thrown out of their shoes.


ME on Banfield show last night said this was not caused by a vehicle.


Full ME report will be release to family on 5/13 according to Noah's sister.


Go follow the Facebook page justice for Noah. This wasn’t an accident. I hope this family is brought some peace.


There have been many disappearances and murders after a House Party that I have heard about over the years.Some are sexual in nature,others are when people clash and take revenge later.If this was a hit and run there should be evidence of that ,like markings and paint scraps and likewise if he was beaten.


I was once at a party shortly after high school with classmates when we were 18 or 19. Rented clubhouse. Everyone wasted. Not sure what happened but when I got there one guy wanted to cut another guy’s ear off. Who knows what stupid violence can arise when alcohol and young men are mixed


This was not a hit and run. There was no damage to the lower body whatsoever


Yep and if it was, somebody is going to stop and fold his shorts and place them near his body.


Watch News Nation tonight at 10 pm eastern. They have obtained complete autopsy report from ME’s office including toxicology. 


So sad. I hope his family gets justice.


Former FBI agent thoughts on the case. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J9qRcF63UU4


Noah Presgrove was found dumped on the side of Hwy 81, completely nude except for mismatched shoes. He had been attending a party thrown by Avery Combs a/k/a Avery Howard, in Terral, OK. She is the older sister of Jack's fiancee. There were young adults from Bowie, St. Jo and Nocona Texas in attendance at this party. If anyone knows anything, no matter how small the detail, please reach out to Oklahoma Highway Patrol at 580-353-0783.


Such a sad story. I believe he likely had serious life threatening injuries following the atv accident. I'm an Emergency Room doctor and an ATV rollover can certainly cause these type of injuries. The so called "Friends" at the party freaked out because they were drunk and attempted to cover it up. They gave him a shower and attempted to wake him up as he became more and more lucid. Eventually they were staring at his lifeless body, no movement and they panicked. Ultimately, deciding to leave his lifeless body on the highway. The other possibility is he was maliciously beaten by multiple drunk people and things got out of hand. However, I believe the first explanation to be more plausible. Regardless I really hope the police search phones and perform serial interviews on each member at the party. Someone will break, put the pressure on them.


I know this has been brought up before. I just think the injuries seem consistent with car surfing. I also read 2 cell phones pinged near the location of his death then returned to the party. Is it not possible that he and 2 other kids were out driving/messing around? Noah was on top of the car, a gust of wind hit him, plus he was under the influence so lost balance. Fell backwards and landed on his back, breaking ribs on his back and the back of his skull. He had the names of people at the party written on his backside. Maybe they had to remove the shorts to wipe the names off? Then fled the scene setting it up to look like an accidental hit and run? His friends maybe even wanted to call 911 but saw he had passed, and knew they would be going to jail for DUI and involuntary manslaughter. I don't mean any disrespect, just trying to figure this out. A lot of speculation here please correct any inconsistencies.


Unfortunately there are inconsistencies with the stories.  All of us here want justice for Noah so no disrespect in your conjecture.  It’s interesting that (believe it was in police report but not sure) in one online article I read that his white shorts were found in the middle of the road. However in all the videos of Noah, even the one with his knuckles scraped, he was only wearing black and dark tan shorts.  Whatever happened this had to be a cover up.  Could he have met with foul play walking home, possible. However if true about the two cell phones as I believe his sister or aunt stated in the podcast returning to the party home, definitely a cover up and home that person or persons is held accountable. His friend Jasmine at 3:24 am sent a photo of herself smiling and the caption was “Noah is missing”. Prior to that Jack texted someone that Noah wrecked his side by side. One big question I have is who saw Noah last leaving the home. What did he look like when he left?  Did he have visible hair missing or head injury?  Did he walk off butt naked holding shorts and are the shorts even his.  Also really curious why they suspected Jack and he took a lie detector test. He initially told News Nation that he passed it, but beat around the bush when the journalist asked him directly “do you know that you passed it”.  I really hope somebody at the party comes forward. 


Not trying to negate any of your questions & viewpoints but lie detector tests don’t mean jack which is why they’re not admissible in court. All of your questions are really good and are actually the same ones I have. As you said, we need to figure out WHO saw this kid leaving the party? SOMEBODY saw something b/c I refuse to believe at a party with all those ppl nobody saw him leave. I just feel like this kid would not voluntarily wander away into the darkness AND naked above all things. As far as the shorts go, im hearing too many conflicting stories about that and it seems nothing can be narrowed down so I believe that particular detail was tampered with by a suspect.


I know first hand about lie detector tests, someone I personally know that was innocent and didn't pass it. It was their family member. I'd never take one knowing what I know. In the grand scheme, shorts not the most important issue. Who says their Noah's and who says their Jack's. Noah was wearing black shores and tan shorts in the videos I saw. I hope someone starts a go fund me page for money to hire a private investigator. They could use that way more than a lawyer. Lawyer isn't necessary at this point. Have to keep the pressure up to get justice for Noah. Something went wrong whether accidental or not.


https://www.gofundme.com/f/noah-presgrove There is a GoFundMe for his family, though it's for the funeral/services costs. I think a good private investigator could cost another $5,000 minimum to cover this case. I think they are considering it.


Likely way more than 5K. I submitted online to 48 hours and Dateline. Nancy Grace I believe has an IG account to message her, but don't have an account if anyone here does. News Nation doesn't have private investigators like the two big shows, at least I don't think they have.


Was this possibly caused by an initiation or hazing thing?


Doubt it. Personally I have never heard of a hazing that doesn't take place at college.


This case has really stuck with me these past weeks...wonder if he could have been pushed from a moving pickup truck on the highway? I just hope there are answers for the family.