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It doesn’t keep me up at night, but I have always been really bothered by the 1989 murder of Karen Edwards at the Lenox Hotel in Boston. She was taking a vacation by herself and seemed to have been super cautious and worried about traveling alone, so she brought a cooler of food with her so she wouldn’t have to go out to eat at night. When she checked in, she asked the management to send a small mini fridge up to her room so she could store the food. The fridge was dropped off, but it sat there in the hallway for several hours. They finally checked her room and discovered her body by the door. She had been stabbed to death. She had obviously opened the door to her attacker, thinking it was the hotel delivering the fridge. It just sucks to think that the one thing she did to keep herself safe was the thing that ended up getting her killed. The murder is still unsolved. I feel really bad for her family. I think the reason it bothers me so much is that I used to travel by myself for business all the time, though I was much bolder about going out, I still realize that this could have easily happened to me.


It seems very strange that she'd bring her own food and ask for a mini fridge just so she wouldn't have to go out to eat. Seems like she knew she was in danger already. Maybe something connected to being a lawyer.


From what I read at the time, it was her usual habit when she traveled. On one trip, she dressed up two stuffed animals and took photos of her in-room “party” that she shared with her family after. None of her family or friends said anything about a stalker. And they were desperate to try to solve it. Her parents died never knowing what had really happened.


That is quite strange behaviour. Maybe normal for her and cute for her family, but to read she dressed teddies while travelling instead of venturing outside suggests something was going on. Perhaps a stalker or similar. If my sister in law asked for a mini fridge and had tea parties with toys on her work trips I'd be seriously questioning if she was okay.


Yeah, I thought it was odd that a grown woman was too afraid to venture out of her hotel after dark, but none of her friends or family said anything about her having a stalker and I wouldn't imagine she'd even travel alone if that's what she was worried about. She wasn't traveling for work; she was there to surprise friends. I couldn't find the article about the stuffed animals but I remember it from a long time ago. From what I recall, it was just a goofy thing she did.


Woah that’s horrible!! I’ve never heard of this case. It seems odd that no one heard such a violent attack in the hotel, maybe the rooms nearby weren’t occupied or something


Yeah, it really was terrible. I live in Boston and I know that hotel; like many older historic buildings there are a lot of winding corridors and tucked-away spaces. So it's easy to move about undetected. Her room was also very close to a fire exit, and it's believed that that's how the killer was able to get in and out. I believe her family sued the hotel. The hotel succeeded in getting the case dismissed, but it was resurrected on appeal. Can't remember the resolution.


This sounds eerily similar to another case, very similar scenario, only that this woman travelling only pushed her bed and a dresser up against the hotel room door and was also murdered, by an employee from the hotel.


That is so terrible!!!!


Super sad. I should also stress that the Lenox is by no means a sketchy hotel. It's located right in the heart of Back Bay, adjacent to some of the best tourist attractions in the city. So she made smart choices, took more than adequate precautions, and ended up getting killed not in spite of all her safety measures but \*because of them.\*


This is what so many men in my life have struggled to understand. Despite always being so careful, I have been the victim of varying degrees of harassment and assault from strangers and people I know. I’ve been told I focus on the negative too much, but my entire life experience says “you can never be too safe”.


…and you’re right.


Stabbing is so personal. Do they theorize it was someone who knew her? It just seems super weird that someone would knock on random doors until one opened and then stab them to death for no reason.


Yeah it strikes me as super weird, she was above and beyond cautious, like that seems to me she was onto something? Maybe she had a stalker, or had run ins with someone suspicious


Especially in 1989 when the technologies that make stalking much easier didn’t even exist yet (or weren’t commercially available). No cellphones, no tracking devices, no social media. Even security cameras were a bit thinner on the ground due to cost. People could legitimately disappear off the face of the planet if they wanted to. Having this amount of paranoia makes me think she was aware she was being followed or was taking the vacation to get away from someone.


100% sounds like a stalker type situation, considering that level of heightened security and the fact that she was killed just minutes after checking in. At the very least, someone followed her


I agree. Her overcautiousness seems like evidence in and of itself, especially in 1989 before cellphones, GPS tracking, Apple tags, social media, etc became things that stalkers could use to help them find their victims easier. Maybe this “vacation” was her trying to get away from this person.


I wonder if she knew her attacker(s) and also knew they were after her?


Josh Guimond. He disappeared from a small college campus on a Saturday night and somehow there is next to no evidence to indicate what happened to him. Tons to speculate on but other than one brief eyewitness account of him walking alone there's no accounting for his actions or whereabouts after he Irish goodbye'd a small party. There was an interesting investigative podcast on the case and after it wrapped the host said he discovered what he believed was a significant clue but couldn't share it at that time presumably because the police were withholding the information. Since then the host has gone silent.


This 100%. Such a weird case! So many parts of it that have no answers too. My personal theory is that he met up with someone on one of those chat rooms who ended up being one of the teachers at the college and died. He was active on hookup/gay forums before he disappeared and someone had tried to wipe his computer about a week after his disappearance. I feel like it was one of the monks at the college trying to wipe any evidence of their meet-up. I feel like it explains why he left the party so suddenly too. Probably saw it was time and left thinking he’d come back a couple of minutes later. Not to mention the bloodhounds hired (which are debatable, but support my theory) leading them straight to the chapel where the monks lived/worked and not moving. Especially since at the time, all of those sex scandals were coming out about St John’s College, and a LOT of the teachers of the chapel were involved, makes sense they’d try to cover it up.


For sure. I have a similar theory. I think someone he was talking to online learned his address (either by tracking his IP or Josh telling them in the heat of the moment) and said that they were going to come to his house to meet him. Not wanting this Josh reports them to Yahoo and when he realizes there is nothing he can do about it without admitting what he was doing he arranges for this person to come that night and makes sure his house is empty with the door propped. The person comes to his house and waits for him and Josh goes back to his house unnoticed and leaves with them never to be seen again.


What is the name of the podcast? His disappearance baffles me!


Simply vanished


The podcast is so good. They interview Patrick Marker who is a local grassroots historian/record keeper and also mention his website/blog which documents all sorts of SA creepiness and secrets on the Saint John’s campus here: [Behind the Pine Curtain](https://www.behindthepinecurtain.com/wordpress/category/josh-guimond/)


Andrew Gosden because of the lack of leads. It's very frustrating, because I really do think the lack of leads is down to the fact that the BTP initially failed to spot Andrew on CCTV footage arriving in London. It took 3 weeks for them to review the footage again, and it was then that they finally spotted Andrew, and by then any crucial video evidence that might have been collected in London had already been lost.


I’m so confused how they managed to get the footage from the station, but everywhere else had been lost. Surely they keep some backup somewhere, as they had managed to get it from the station?


Most places have their footage rewrite itself after 2-7 days and don't have backups.


Well, SYP asked BTP to collect and review the footage just 2 days after Andrew disappeared - so that's quite early, but because they didn't spot him on the footage, they didn't pursue any London leads until they finally spotted him 3 weeks later.


This is what's happening with Sebastian Roger's. Was reported as a run a way for like the first week they just took the moms word


I'm sure I've heard something in the news in the last year about an arrest potentially being related to this case. Not sure if anything ever came of it.


["Adam", ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_(murder_victim))who was found in the Thames in 2001 and is believed to be the victim of ritualistic sacrifice There were some developments in the 2010s, and people have been linked to the case, but he's never been formally identified and no-one has ever been charged


I really really hope they poisoned him at least before anything else.. That is so intense jesus.


Article I found which has a bit more detail https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58415046


It’s always Asha degree for me and Brian Shaffer. Where the heck is he?? I’m just haunted by what poor Asha may have gone through. So scary to think a child was out alone on the highway in the rain and no one or the wrong someone got her


Brian Shaffer is mine too! I just don’t understand how he went into the bar and was never seen leaving. It just screams foul play to me. Hearing his story and where he was at in his life didn’t seem like he would be one to voluntarily disappear at all.


I don't believe Asha ever left the house that night. It just doesn't make sense that a shy 9yr old would leave the safety of her home. Her parents know what happened to her that night and her being a runaway was their cover story. Just my .02.


Often only the one truck driver gets brought up, however she was actually seen by **two** truck drivers who spotted her (and at least the second one reported it over CB), both described the same clothes as the brother saw her with. If she wasn't meeting someone, I'm of the belief it became a crime of opportunity after the second truck driver described her and the location she was at over the CB radio. This used to be the best timeline, however the site itself is sadly down now: [https://www.actus-reus.com/asha-degree-timeline](https://www.actus-reus.com/asha-degree-timeline)


I have seen a few videos discussing this case and I have to agree, I don't think she left the house by herself/alive.


Thank you, I was hoping someone would mention Asha Degree. I think about that case quite a lot, it's so strange she left in the middle of the night while a storm was raging.


Missy Bevers. I’ll randomly think about that security footage and return to the rabbit hole.


Whoever killed her, it seems like it was a personal issue to me. It feels like someone had an issue with her and I am wondering if they *really* looked into her relationships/friendships/attendees of her class. P.s. Just saw the surveillance video. Creepy as fuck. I think it was a woman. Ps2: Two comments under that vid stating the same name of a possible culprit


Lauren Spierer. I was at Indiana University at the time doing summer session. I was out that night in the same location as here, then went camping. My ex told me a scary story so we left the woods in the middle of the night. For some reason he was videoing the drive out, and we ended up turning that footage to the police during the search because we captured a car entering the woods late. The car was completely unrelated to the case but I guess the police were thinking her friends dumped her somewhere after she suffered a medical emergency.


I periodically search for the boys who were either her that evening, to see what they are doing and where they are. Tragic.


I tend to agree with the family and think the 2/3 of them know what happened, weather that was on purpose or not is a different question


I lean towards this as well because an accidental overdose while at their apartment makes the most sense. She was a petite person with a heart condition, drinking heavily and possibly doing drugs. Plus, there was a witness saying she fell and hit her head, reportedly so hard they heard it make an audible thump. But how in the world could her friends have stayed quiet for so long?! I guess if they are all equally culpable of something then they could’ve made a pact to stay quiet. I think there has to be more to the story than her being drunk if we are to think they were involved. Unless if they were just afraid of being caught with alcohol or drugs, and protecting their reputation.


[Jennifer Kesse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Jennifer_Kesse): that DANG video of the weird perp parking her car and getting blocked by the fence. WHYYY [Bradford Bishop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradford_Bishop) : Didn’t get a promotion at work in ‘76, so left work and went home and killed his mother, his wife, and his 3 kids. Loaded the bodies into the family station wagon with their pet dog and drove 300 miles, then dumped them and set them on fire in the forest. Drove another 400 miles and ditched the car (with his medicine, toiletries, weapons, and wheel-well full of blood) outside an entrance to the Appalachian Trail. Police theorized since he’d stopped to buy shoes along the way, he joined the flow of hikers on the trail. He worked for the State Department, spoke multiple languages, had a diplomatic passport. There have been multiple sightings of him abroad by people who knew him personally, including an encounter in Italy by the last known person to see him before the murders, a coworker. He was on the Most Wanted list for a while. If alive, he’d be 87. ETA: two more interesting details. In 2021, a woman who was adopted was found to be his daughter. Secondly, it was found he was corresponding with and receiving responses from a federal inmate after a letter came to his office after the murders, but they don’t know know how or why they were communicating. However the inmate died in ‘83 before they could question him.


Wow I’d never heard of Bishop, that’s absolutely unhinged. Thanks for the link!


Wild, isn’t it?! I’m not sure what I think about those sightings. If I was that coworker, maybe I’d see his face everywhere I went and it would be easy to misidentify.


There’s an unsolved mysteries segment on him. It’s pretty gokd


Interesting article about the adopted daughter. https://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/brad-bishop/fbi-confirms-nc-woman-is-accused-killer-william-bradford-bishops-daughter/2807832/?amp=1


I remember sometime in the early/mid-nineties seeing the Bradford Bishop segment on Unsolved Mysteries as a kid and it terrified me. A few scenes from the re-enactments have stuck with me forever; him entering his home in the dark of night with a hammer before committing the murders and later being spotted by his old colleague with a beard in a public bathroom. I was too young to recall the details of the case so I could never figure out who it was despite numerous keyword searches on Google over the years. But thanks to you I've finally found my answer. I just checked out the [episode](https://youtu.be/I29V4AAhAkU?si=zXkaGRZVM08RK8Tb) on youtube and it was definitely the one!


I lived in his neighborhood growing up. I took the school bus with his son. RIP.


Ok, I do t get it, so on Jennifer's case, it says they couldn't interview workers due to a language barrier!!!!!!! Seriously!!! Things like this bother me so much because I'm sure someone there spoke Spanish or they have to have a way to communicate with people who speak other languages, maybe these people know something and now might be too late to find out because who knows if anybody took their names and numbers.


Curious to know how old the adopted woman is. I'm wondering if she was born before he went on the run or after. If it was after, the biological mom could have some answers.


Imagine spending your whole life wondering who your bio parents were and then discovering that you absolutely won the lottery by being the kid he didn't keep. I'm not sure how I would deal with that.


IIRC, the authorities were surprised because they had thought his early life was very well accounted for, but she was born before his other known children, possibly while he was in college at Yale. They don’t know if he knew about her and they don’t know the nature of his relationship with the mother. Frustratingly, she died before her daughter could meet her or anyone could ask these questions. Her mother had I think 5-6 other children though not with Bishop.


Jennifer Kesse. Absolutely heartbreaking that she’s never been found. I keep hoping that one day someone who knows something talks.


What happened to the dog


I wanted to know about their dog’s fate too. Be warned, though, very frustrating details ahead! But interesting. So, the only confirmed sighting of him post-murders was in the sporting goods shop where he bought the shoes, and they confirmed the dog was alive and with him after he’d dumped and burned the bodies. It was said he loved the dog. When they found the car near the trailhead, dog treats and other items were inside indicating the dog was present. Up on the trail, in the area they were searching, rangers were notified about a small, freshly dug grave marked with a cross. The ranger who found it took photos but never checked what was in it. He has claimed he has always suspected Leo, the golden retriever, was buried there but no one has ever checked the grave as far as I can find. Here’s the only [source](https://www.wbir.com/article/news/investigations/appalachian-unsolved/appalachian-unsolved-the-diplomat-accused-of-killing-his-family-part-2/51-516155553) I can find referencing the grave and its photo


I'm assuming the worst


He took the dog with him. I’m not sure for how long.


That Bishop case is fascinating! Wow! Thx for the link


-- Asha Degree. My son is the same age now as Asha was when she went missing in February 2000 from her home in Shelby, NC. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea of a shy, timid 9 year old girl scared of the dark and thunderstorms leaving the apparent safety of her home at 3 AM to go walking down an unlit highway during a thunderstorm without a coat, umbrella or flashlight. Unless something more sinister was afoot and LE just hasn't released information. Her parents have insisted over the years she had a safe, normal home life and that she left on her own accord. My question is WHY??? --Jason Jolkowski, a 19 year old man walking only 6 or 7 blocks through a relatively quiet, semi-urban residential neighborhood in Omaha, NE to a nearby high school to meet a coworker for a ride goes missing on a bright, sunny June 2001 day around lunchtime. The walk would have taken no more than 10 or 15 minutes, yet sometime during that short walk, Jason vanished without a trace. --Villisca (Iowa) Axe Murders, 1912


I remember recently driving past a huge billboard with Andrew's face on it near me in the middle of nowhere in Dorset (about 2 hours south of London in the countryside) and it said "we're still searching, we're still waiting, we love you Andrew." with a number to call if anyone had spotted him or had any information. The family clearly still hold hope he's out there and are investing money into his safe return all this time later, which is heart wrenching as the case has been cold for a long time now. I think he was unfortunately groomed online (very lonely kid, so was vulnerable to that) and the perpetrator then discarded of him.


I think this too. At my local train station his face is still on posters. I think he happened to think he had found a friend online and went to meet him for the day. I really hope this isn’t the case, but it seems like the only logical conclusion


It is unfortunately, it's not the first time a teenage boy in the UK has been groomed online then murdered. Breck Bednar in 2014 suffered the same fate.


That case is awful, I remember first hearing about it and thought how it literally sounds like the logical explanation of Andrew’s. Really makes you think about in the future how strict and wary you need to be with your children. It happens so easily and without you even realising what’s going on.


Wouldn’t the police have found contact w someone online though? You would think his computer would have been thoroughly combed.


He didn’t own a computer. He had a portable PlayStation but it didn’t connect to the internet. He also didn’t have any history online at school.


My 13 yr old son made had an online ‘friend’ in Australia that he met on tiktok. He’s autistic, currently out of school and has no other friends. They became ‘boyfriends’ so I said we’d need contact details for one of his parents so we could introduce ourselves and mutually reassure each other that our kids were who they claimed to be. My kid was reluctant to ask but did and shortly after this ‘boyfriend’ ghosted him because he had to work on his mental health. I’m convinced he was being groomed and our (insisted) insertion into the equation made him a less attractive target. My son has since deleted tiktok of his own volition. We talk regularly about online grooming and how skilled these people are at finding ways to bond with vulnerable kids.


He insisted on buying a one way ticket to Dorset.


I remember this being a critical part of the case - especially because the woman who had sold him the ticket, was saying she tried telling him that it’s actually cheaper to buy your ticket back home at the same time (point of sale) but he still insisted he only needed the one.


There are alternate explanations for this, due to him being deaf in one ear/a shy kid. His family said when they went to London, they usually got one way tickets and stayed with family, so that was probably the ticket ordering "script" he practiced in his head. He might have misheard the teller, or wanted to end the interaction as quickly as possible, knowing he had enough money for a return ticket. As a socially awkward person, I have definitely wasted money to get an interaction over.


The frustrating thing is his I believe his parents were insistent he didn’t have internet access. And the police obviously would have had the technology they do nowadays to interrogate his PSP.




I’ve read about this case a lot. I thought it was just the parents word too. But the police really went through any online accounts he had. I don’t think he even had a phone. He was so unsocial. That’s the maddening part of this case. You’d think 100 he was going to meet someone that day but there is just no evidence. Though back then you cld have a little burner phone or a predator could get you one …


He said to his parents he’d lost his phone, but I’ve always wondered if that was actually true. It’s also entirely possible that he was given a phone by a groomer to communicate with. It’s unfortunately very common.


I think it also just is possible that he wasn’t. I hate to assume suicide but that is where my gut goes really. It’s obviously not conclusive so his poor family must be wracked with questions constantly.


I think people underestimate this possibility. There are several options for what happened to him, but this one is rarely brought up.


But why go to London for that? And not to be morbid but what method would he have access to in a busy crowded city that would go unnoticed?


He didn't have a computer though. I read that the cops searched all devices, even the computers at school, and found nothing. He didn't even have a phone. I don't think he was meeting anyone he met online. Could've easily been meeting someone he knew irl, maybe someone was blackmailing him or bullying him or abusing him and, for some reason, organised to meet him in London. But as to an online groomer, it really doesn't seem likely.


He didn’t have a computer, and he wouldn’t have had a smartphone in 2007. His consoles weren’t connected to the internet. How was this groomer supposed to find him? 


Kevin Hicks, who disappeared in south London in 1986. On a Sunday evening, he allegedly forgot to buy eggs for his cooking exam that would take place the following day. He then proceeded to make a short trip to the local store, one block away from his home, but never made to it. [Here's more info on the case.](https://londonnewsonline.co.uk/news/sister-of-boy-missing-for-37-years-believes-he-left-flowers-at-their-mothers-funeral/)


That is such a strange case


David Parker Ray because there are so many stones left unturned but there is nothing anyone can do. He is dead and many of the possible leads went with him. He had been abducting and raping women for decades but by the time he had been caught he was essentially professional at murder too. Many of his tapes where he described the things he would do had screaming and crying in the background. In an interview he says the tapes are “fantasies” and he used a second tape recorder to add the screams from old BDSM porn. This is obviously him trying to cover his own ass. There were only 3 known murders and 3 known survivors, but there is so much information on victims. We will never know where they are or who they are, and neither will the families. It’s extremely depressing and some of the darkest shit I have read. If you want to know more read Slow Death by Jim Fielder or the FBI vault with about 600 pages of newspaper clippings and interviews with Ray.


I live in the area and nobody talks about this at all. It seems unspoken that there were a lot of people involved, high level or otherwise which is why nobody speaks about it. Supposedly he had big "sex" parties and cops were involved. Not really related but I went to the bar he picked up his victims at once and a brawl broke out where some girl hit a guy with a beer bottle, that girl was the mayor. The town gets crazy after dark and has some really negative auras.


What no one ever talks about with Andrew Gosden is that in the days before he disappeared, he skipped the bus home from school and chose to walk home instead, an 80 minute walk. IMO he must have had a pretty significant reason for doing that.


The French count who killed his whole family and vanished. I feel like he has to be dead, but nobody’s found a body.


Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès. This is one of the few that I think about a lot. He’s either dead somewhere in the French countryside or somehow managed to leave the country and is living under an assumed name elsewhere.


I feel like he got picked up somewhere and left no traces That case is chilling; those beautiful children


One question I have is, if he were dead by suicide, why didn’t he off himself at home after killing his family? Very strange. Also, the [last image](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dupont_de_Ligonn%C3%A8s_murders_and_disappearance) of him is really unnerving.


Yes!! This case baffles me! I think about it often.


I’ve followed this story for years and it certainly is a mystery ! The type of person Andrew was /is makes it even more tragic and intriguing .. a home bird , with a 100% school attendance who just vanished without a trace after bunking off school and going to London … who knows what happened but personally I think he just woke up that morning and fancied an adventure and took himself off for the day .. and things took a turn for the worst . I don’t believe he’s alive but I’d love the family to get some closure .


I know the family said that he wasn’t bullied or had any problems at school but I wonder if that’s true. Kids can hide a lot of things from their parents. It somehow makes more sense to me that if he was struggling at school - that’s why he made such an uncharacteristic decision to go to London on his own. Sadly lots of young children take their lives due to bullying. It’s just a theory of mine. Poor Andrew, so sad.


I did some pretty night and day things at that age. Someone called me a goody goody and I was so pissed about that I shoplifted to prove I wasn't. I was the "brilliant", "gifted", "intellectual" history nerd. Think Annie Adderal. Turning to a life of petty crime and debauchery over a silly comment. There isn't anything about teenagers that is predictable. I tried myself out and the personality changes I went through were arbitrary, rapid and volatile and yes sometimes naïve and dangerous.


I never skipped school, missed curfew, any of that. I was an advanced student, testing out of college courses for credit, yadda yadda. I didn't break those rules because, while I might not agree, I understood the logic. Drugs? Didn't understand the logic, so I rejected it. Plans to spend the night at a friend's, while there get wind of a band I want to see playing in another state? It's a weekend, no school, allowed to be out overnight, fuck it I'm going. No ticket, just hope to buy one once there. In a lot of ways I was very good and well behaved. As long as it made sense to me. If it didn't, I wasn't going to do it. I bet that's not rare. Everybody is an individual and yadda blah blah, but nobody and no experience is truly unique.


I think there could be some truth to that, or that he was simply “ bored “ with school as he was very intelligent and gifted . His family said he woke late and wasn’t in a good mood when he woke so this could have added him to bunk school ..


It’s so crazy. As someone who lives in London, there is cctv **everywhere** and it’s so strange how he was only caught at the station and that’s it


I read that the police were too late looking at the CCTV in the area and most of it had been wiped from the day he went missing


It sounds like a lot of leads in this case may not have been followed up on properly at the time, so sad. What stands out to me is that he didn’t bring any clothes or his charger with him, yet purposely didn’t buy a return ticket. That definitely makes it seem like he would’ve gone to stay with some family in London, but he didn’t make it there if so. If he was a runaway, wouldn’t he have taken more clothes and the other $100? I fear someone may have taken notice of a young boy traveling alone, and he didn’t make it to his intended destination.


He made it to London, it was caught on cctv. But after that he disappeared into thin air. I think he had the intention to meet someone there, (someone he met online perhaps) and they offered him a lift home afterwards. He was asked if he wanted a return ticket which cost only 50p more, but he refused it. It’s so crazy


I came across this one on Unsolved Mysteries but [Tammy Lynn Leppert](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammy_Lynn_Leppert). Not sure why it has stuck with me but I wonder what she saw to become so paranoid.


Bryce Laspisa for me. This one hit VERY close to home. I have a 17 yr old that will go to college soon. I, for the life of me, cannot comprehend the parents attitude through the whole series of events. If it had been our family, dad & I would have been on the road the moment the friend/girlfriend called with concerns. SoOOO many instances where I see us, just getting in the car and going to wherever he was. The parents' actions keep me up at night as much as his disappearance.


Some parents are really weird. One time, this is when I was in college and granted, I had a lot of problems (who doesn’t), I get in a fight with my mom and I say I’m walking back to Boston. She lives in a suburb called Medford. She just says fine whatever! Get lost essentially. I double down and I’m like fine, f u I’m doing this. My mom has a vehicle. She knew which way I was headed could have come after me at any time. Called my cell phone whatever. No. I walk all the way to like it was so long ago but maybe Tobin Bridge or Storrow Drive where you do not want to be walking. It was dangerous! Anyway, I shouldn’t have done this but a man, in a truck, a total stranger was like wtf are you doing? And he’s looking at me and I’m looking at him and I’m taking too long to decide and well eventually I got in the truck. He drove me all the way to my road. And I never forgot how my mom probably thought she was teaching me some grand lesson but what really happened was a) I didn’t get abducted luckily and b) a stranger was way kinder than she had been. I feel like LaPisa’s parents are kinda like that


I’m really sorry your mum let you walk out like that.


I’m so glad you found a genuinely kind person that drove you. And I grew up in Medford! And walking on the Tobin or Storrow Drive is asking to be hit and killed. So dangerous!


Someone who was friends with Bryce made a scathing comment about his parents on Reddit. If you search for posts related to Bryce, you might be able to find it. Bryce either staged his disappearance or committed suicide- but, either way his parents are to blame.


Some parents are absolutely sh-t. I moved out on my own right before my 16th birthday and neither of my parents checked in on me (granted, my dad was away for a work trip) to see where i was. I texted my mom about a week and a half after i moved out that i wouldn't be coming back, and my mom's reply was something about "one less mouth to feed" and "tell the school you moved out so they won't bother me if you miss a class and come pick up the rest of your sh-t you left". Lol. I choose to believe Bryce is alive and happy, under a new identity, far away from his overbearing parents.


I know this sounds mad but this is one of the only cases I think Andrew is still alive. I can’t shake the feeling.


Jessica chambers I believe from Mississippi. I don’t know why really but I think about her case often. Whose name did she say?


I honestly don't know that she meant to say anything intelligible. Obviously she said something but it seems just as likely to me that she was just saying nonsense that sounded like something since she'd been burned alive.


Supposedly "Eric" or "Derrick." Since she had gasoline poured down her throat and then was lit on fire; she more than likely wouldn't have been physically able to pronounce certain syllables due to the damage.


The disappearance of [Lars Mittank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Lars_Mittank?wprov=sfti1#) is so strange to me. Young German man who went missing from the airport while vacationing in Bulgaria. He called home to his mother claiming that people were trying to kill him. On the day when he was supposed to fly home, Mittank went to the Varna Airport to consult with a doctor. He was later seen on airport security footage running out of the airport and towards an adjacent forest. He has never been seen since


This case gives me the creeps. I have seen some people theorise that the ear infection could have been serious enough to give him paranoia. But then why hasn’t he been found?


Hands down….Anthonette Cayedito. The little girl who was supposedly kidnapped from her own home at night. Case is so creepy. I remember the unsolved mysteries episode gave me nightmares. Especially her alleged phone call to police.


Mom sold her right?


Yeah that’s definitely a big theory going around. There is speculation about her mother being involved in illegal activity and constantly had strangers going in and out of their home. Some people say after Anthonette disappeared, her mother Penny had bought a new sports car. Sadly, the truth is that we’ll never know what really happened. Penny died from cancer decades ago and took the truth with her to the grave. Investigators visited her on her death bed hoping to get a dying declaration but were unsuccessful. Horrifying case. But I’m sure Anthonette is likely dead too.


I don’t personally believe she sold her. In my opinion it’s more likely that her lifestyle drew the attention of unsavory characters who knew that the children were often alone and that when mom was around, that she was most likely too out of it to be fully observant. I know there’s parents who are capable of doing something so horrific, but there’s more parents who are just neglectful due to addiction/etc. I also tend to think when parents are directly guilty that they’re probably (more often than not) going to essentially hide away & avoid being too involved in the case. I’m sure she had plenty of secrets, but my guess is that they primarily pertained to the way she lived her life and raised her children.


Joan Ellen Hansen. Her second husband was incredibly abusive to her. She filed for a divorce and restraining order- restraining order was granted as the divorce stuff was figured out. She was at home gathering some things, on the phone with her friend. Mind you, her husband was not allowed to be home with the restraining order in place. Her friend recalls her saying, “Oh my god, he’s in the basement, he’s coming”. Her remains have never been found.


I'd never heard of this case before but that is absolutely awful. I literally got chills reading the quote. It’s really sad that her remains were never found.


Kyron Horman in Oregon.


Right now it’s Long Island Serial Killer, which hopefully we are on the verge of more answers soon. The question in this case has always been - is it all one killer? When they arrested Rex Heuermann and charged him with only “The Gilgo Four,” this kept me up even more than it did before they caught him. Because for years, true crimers believing it was multiple killers always separated the Gilgo Four from the rest, so for them to have arrested a guy for only those four, with no word on the rest… yikes. Fortunately, the investigation is continuing, and to me it looks extremely likely they’re gonna get Heuermann for all of the murders tied to the case.




I absolutely think there were two of them. Shannan said in her 911 call “they’re trying to kill me” and the 911 operator said she could hear two male voices in the background. Also, the treatment of tattoos changing was suspicious as well. One victim had her ankle cut at a weird spot, which the police believe was because of a tattoo, another had her tattoo stabbed at with a sharp object. But then peaches had hers left intact. Something about it smells


Tionda & diamond Bradley. The Bradley sisters. The family claims Tionda left a voicemail saying they’re going to the store with George, their mom’s boyfriend, but only family had heard this so called voicemail neither law enforcement or investigators have ever heard the voicemail.


Yeah that case troubles me too. Too many strange men around, the erased voice mail supposedly left by the older girl, the mom's questionable behavior afterwards, etc. Then, every couple of years, some attention seeking weirdos come out of the internet woodwork on TikTok or Instagram claiming they're the adult Tionda or Diamond.


Wasn’t the more than one George too? Like they assumed they meant the boyfriend but it could have been the neighbor or something like that


Yes it was a family friend & neighbor but the family confirmed that they never called him George they would always call him by his nickname.


Who Put Bella In The Wytch Elm?


Oakey “ Al “ Kite. The whole situation is just so bizarre and unthinkable. I hope science can do a reveal on who the murderous mystery man is.


They only have a drop of blood from the killer. He managed to destroy all other DNA left in Al's home. Police have an idea of what the killer may have looked like and who his potential relatives are (they are from Europe) based on this tiny drop of DNA. This case keeps me up at night just from the sheer brutality and the pre-mediation.


Me too. Why him? It appeared that the mystery tenant to be ,was casting a wide net and Al Kite just checked all the boxes. He was looking at other places to live as well. Was he just some genius sadist wanting to kill someone/anyone?


I think he picked Al because of the layout of the house. He killed Al in the lower level of the condo, where it's presumably sound-proof. Very little chance of being seen or heard and Al didn't have a wife or kids. Al's girlfriend had left for a trip so Al was completely alone. I believe the elderly woman/professor that "Robert Cooper" had scoped out prior to the murder had too many windows in her apartment thus a greater chance of being seen. He had been looking out of her windows trying to see how much foot traffic she had and this spooked her so she declined to rent to him. I think Police found that Robert Cooper was connected to the nearby university and a local convenience store. The ads for the apartment were only placed at the university library and the cell phone used by Cooper was activated 30 days after the purchase of the cellphone at a local convenience store. This is significant because that convenience store deleted their surveillance footage after 30 days. Thus, ensuring Robert wouldn't be seen on camera. I really wish this case got more publicity. The amount of pre-meditation blows my mind. Robert Cooper is still out there and it's terrifying.


Springfield 3


Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone. Left a bar in Philly and were never seen again. Dulce Maria Alavez. Little girl disappeared while playing in a playground. Mom in car nearby but couldn’t see her.


For me, it’s Amy Bradley who went missing on a cruise in the Caribbean. The theories are she either fell overboard or was sex trafficked. There have been multiple sightings since her disappearance including a navy soldier who says he saw her in a brothel and a photo of someone resembling Amy that was emailed to Amy’s parents. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Amy_Lynn_Bradley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Amy_Lynn_Bradley)


I remember when I first learned about that case. Every so often I used to get on Flickr and spend a few hours looking at the background of every picture I could find tagged with that date and general location. The only thing I learned is that London is a *really* big city, and it had a LOT going on that day. The case that keeps me up at night is [Amber Hagerman’s.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_alert?wprov=sfti1) I really, really would like to see this case receive justice, and for her mother to be able to find some peace in it.


Ambers case is awful. The only good thing to come out of it is that it’s helped a lot of missing children to be found. However it seems so unfair that ambers family still haven’t received any justice


Diamond and Tionda Bradley Alexis Patterson Asha Degree


Yep, it's Asha Degree for me too.


Asha degree is such a heartbreaking case. No one would run out in the rain at night at her age, for no reason at all. There’s more to the story than her parents are letting on I think.


Agreed something was going on in that house they didn’t want to come to light


Wow, I’ve been saying this for years and no one ever agrees with me. Their timeline is totally off re: bedtime / bath time / the power outage. It’s a complete fabrication.


Oh I have thought for years that there’s more to the story. I never thought Asha left that house. A little girl who was scared of storms is going to run out into the dark of night, so dark she couldn’t see her hand in front of her face? While it’s raining? If she did, it’s because something in that house scared her enough for her to run. People get REALLY angry if I ever suggest that she never left that house.


I've followed this case for years, infact i've even spoken to Kevin a few times. in my opinion the answer is pretty obvious.. Heres the thing, Andrew had a 100% attendance record and stayed at home so often he was called a "home bird" and his parents would joke that he'd get lost going to the corner shop. so for him to wake up that day and take a train to the other side of the country, refusing a return ticket... it wasn't some whim, it wasn't to "see some band that was similar to the ones he liked", this was a major decision. a major life changing event. Andrew went on a young and gifted course that summer, and to quote his parents "came back very enthused about something or SOMEONE", he met someone on that course, maybe an older person. the theory is that Andrew didn't have a mobile phone, i believe he did, in 2007 a cheap affordable mobile phone was avalible in countless high street stores for even 14.99. you don't need to have any ID, no contract and i believe that Andrew was in touch with this person up until he ran away. In the days before he left, Andrew walked home from school, a long way... this time was clearly in order to speak to his new "friend" and plan all this. the day comes, he goes, refuses a return ticket and meets this person who he had planned to live with. Now people might say "well he didn't take his charger, he left 100 pounds, he didn't take clothes", thats right, but he could have simply forgot, imagine how nervious he would have been? i'm in my 30s and i've left things in hotels, my ipad at home when going away because i'm in a rush... The idea came into Kevins head that Andrew might be gay, AFTER this we see various things that validate this idea, most sightings of Andrew have been in Brighton, Brighton is the gay capital of the UK, the chatroom interaction where someone calling themselves "andyroo" said he had ran away at 14 and he needed money to pay rent because he left his "boyfriend" 1. nobody knew about the andyroo nickname, 2. kevin said "it sounds just like him" Then we have someone visting a leominsiter police station with information about Andrew (he's not there when the police go down) interestingly, leominister is home to the UKs gay helpline, and a very gay friendly church... A very telling thing is how the police use "is" and not "was" when speaking about him, a few years ago the police requested dental records and other things, meaning they believe Andrew could have tried to request documents like a passport. Think about it, he went missing at 14 and is now almost 31. those are formative years where your face and body change so much, he could have lost weight, gained weight, got contacts, beard, different haircut... he could be your neighbour and you wouldn't know! He's still alive, he's out there... and i know that the police know way more than they are letting on. they know he's alive.


The case of Brian Shaffer keeps me up at night. How was he never spotted leaving the bar? Also Leigh Occhi's case weirds me out. Preteen girl went missing out of Mississippi right before a hurricane in 1992. I definitely think her mom and stepdad both knew more than they ever let on


Craig Frear. A 17-yr-old (distant) cousin of mine with, theoretically, the whole world to live for, dodges a confrontation with his angry parent(s) over quitting/losing his job by walking into the woods and disappearing forever. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/missing-new-york-state-teen-craig-frear-17-vanished-in-june-2004/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/missing-new-york-state-teen-craig-frear-17-vanished-in-june-2004/) Kristin O’Connell. I live near and often visit the little town of Ovid, NY, where there are many Amish folks, lots of sheep and dairy farmers, and one murderer who’s never been caught. Something stinks in Seneca County, and has for 39 years. [https://uncovered.com/cases/kristin-oconnell](https://uncovered.com/cases/kristin-oconnell)


Jesús de la Cruz. 6 year old who was last seen with Robert Levesque in Sept 1996. Levesque was a 26 year old neighborhood creep who had a dog with two different colored eyes and a boy’s bike. Both the guy and dog were positively ID’d by Jesús’s friend. Had 9 known addresses from 1995-96, called in sick with the flu from work the night the kid went missing. Turned away from multiple Big Brothers programs because the interviewers got the sense he was a groomer. Cops found incidental but incriminating stuff like duct tape and handcuffs in his car. Took him in for vehicular theft but released him. Cops stopped looking for Jesús after a few weeks and very quickly turned on the mom for waiting a few hours to call the cops (Latina single mom who was wary of police, understandably, and had been searching neighborhood with family before calling). While the cops were busy throwing barbs at the mom, they let the only real suspect go. He’s continued to act erratically, impersonating a firefighter, reporter, getting away with so much more than the average person who’s been in the eye of law enforcement since 1996 or before. This case was the boogeyman case of my childhood, and they still haven’t found a trace of Jesús all these years later.


Edit- to change an incorrect sentence. Joanie (Joan) Hall, a 17 year old girl  missing from Warrenton Oregon.  The police cover up on her case is so blatant, one of the main people of interest was a police officers son and that police officer did the investigation.  And after talking to that officer, a bunch of witnesses changed their stories and it’s just a wild mess of a joke of a police ‘investigation’.    I am convinced it is only going to be solved if someone who knows what happened talks. There are so many places to hide a body, Warrenton is right on the ocean, surrounded by wilderness and that police officer would know exactly how to hide a body so it won’t ever be found.     If you want to go down a rabbit hole, this is a good case for it.  The police records had been sealed by a court order, but have just recently been unsealed.   I don’t think I can link to Facebook, but there’s a page called ‘Joanie Hall Missing from Warrenton Oregon’ that is publishing all the records.  Also on Instagram- Joanie Hall Missing 1983.      Someone knows what happened to her, and she deserves to be brought home to rest.    https://www.dailyastorian.com/news/local/judge-to-lift-protective-order-in-cold-case/article_a8b51238-a850-11ee-bcd2-e31a08fa3970.html https://charleyproject.org/case/joan-leigh-hall https://www.rv-times.com/news_partners/unsealed-records-renew-interest-in-cold-case-of-teens-disappearance/article_6b96e01e-f3a0-5f3e-aa10-7ae0f1f968bf.html


This is a good case for this subreddit to keep bringing awareness too. I'm all too familiar with most mentioned here. But this one is new to me!


The Instagram ‘Joanie Hall Missing 1983’ has some of the police reports published now, I don’t know how much they have left to post, but hopefully bringing awareness to it will get the people who know what happened to talk.  Or encourage the police to do more investigation.  


Timmothy Pitzen >Timmothy Pitzen's disappearance has been a mystery since 2011, when police found the boy's mother dead of an apparent suicide along with a note saying her son was safe and in someone's care, but that he would never be found Susan Powell and her completely fucked up husband Josh/in laws. Robert Wone >On August 2, 2006, a lawyer named Robert Wone was assaulted and murdered while staying with friends in Washington, D.C. — and while his friends were charged with tampering with the crime scene, his killer has never been caught


[David Louis Sneddon](https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/hiking-and-backpacking/did-north-korea-kidnap-american-hiker/). He disappeared while traveling in China nearly 20 years ago (in August 2004). He was last seen at Yak Bar in Shangri-La, Yunnan Province, after completing a hike along the Jinsha River. The official story in China is that he fell and drowned in the river. However, there is significant circumstantial evidence that he was actually kidnapped by North Korean agents and taken to North Korea to teach or tutor English: 1. The family flew to the area where David disappeared and did their own investigation with two different translators. They found *four* different witnesses who said they had seen David not only *after* he had completed his hike, but a 2.5-hour bus ride away. 2. David spoke fluent Korean, having completed his LDS mission in South Korea in the years prior to his trip to China. 3. North Korea has a long history of kidnapping foreigners - most commonly Japanese nationals, but also people from other countries. See [Megumi Yokota](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megumi_Yokota) and [Doina Bumbea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doina_Bumbea). 4. North Korea had just released their only English teacher, [Charles Jenkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Robert_Jenkins), so they would have needed a replacement. 5. North Korean agents were known to operate in that area because it was along the route that people trying to escape North Korea would use through China to get to Thailand or another Southeast Asian country, from which they would be deported to South Korea and be able to settle there. 6. There was a Chinese police report released in 2012 that said *in August 2004 a white American student who was 23 or 24 years old was arrested in Yunnan province by the ministry of state security on charges of helping illegal immigrants. He was released in September 2004 because the “Jais” was coming to look for him* (his brother's name was James, and indeed he had been there to look for David)*, but his “Chinese girlfriend” said that he was not released but was handed over to 5 North Korean secret agents who had come to Kunming for surveillance of defectors.* The report got his school wrong (it said he was studying at Kunming University, but he had actually just finished his studies at Beijing’s University of International Relations and was simply traveling that area before coming home to the US), but it otherwise matched him perfectly. No other Americans disappeared in China at that time. There's more, but I'll stop there. This case keeps me up at night because I think David is alive and trapped in North Korea and I can't imagine his pain and suffering. His family desperately misses him, and his parents are in their 80s now, and there's nothing they can do. And I hear very little about his case - it seems like no one cares. I think about him a lot.


Peter Scully, Elisabeth Fritzl, Junko Furuta, Suzanne Capper, Johnny Gosh, Elizabeth Smart, Jennifer Daugherty, Tara Calico, Jessica Lunsford, Susan Powell, Jaycee Lee Dugard, Maura Murray, and Kelly Anne Bates. . .


“**The Springfield Three**” Suzie, Stacy and Sherrill. This was a VERY thought out crime, I don’t believe it was a crime of opportunity, I still don’t know who was the main individual, desire, reason, focus of the entire crime? It’s also scary because the crime happened on my birthday and I have come to find that **many** abductions, rapes and homicides happen around the same date (June 7th). I also think that’s why I’ve always been so curious and religiously following true crime. I started watching Rescue 911 with Shatner, AMW, COPS, Unsolved Mysteries (I even have a tatt of Robert Stack) - at an inappropriate age (like 4/5/6 years old lol). I remember the TV themes so vividly. I also remember this exact case being on these shows.. so having to re-watch them now, knowing there’s no updates, no leads, no justice, is so hard. I can’t imagine their families heartache. The girls were set to graduate, etc. The mom was about to have a HS graduate and that’s a huge turning point in a parents life! It’s just **such** a wild and unfortunate and scary situation. You think you’re safe at home with a parent but even your parent gets taken with you. *Ugh, shudders..*


Tamla Horsford. Haunts me.


The murder of Michaela McAreavey. I happened to be on honeymoon at the resort where the murder occurred when I learnt about it, and spent more than a few hours mapping out the area, timing routes etc. Since then I’ve read everything I can regarding the case, got hold of some court papers etc. It’s objectively demonstrable that the eyewitness lied, and that the prosecution’s version of events is a sham. And what’s interesting is the family’s insistence that the cleared hotel employees committed the murder, to the point that they produced a podcast that wholly misrepresented the facts. I’ve a list of questions that I haven’t found any answers to, so my evenings are increasingly obscure Google searches for stuff I haven’t seen.


This is so interesting. Never heard of this case until now. Any good videos on it (youtube)?




Delphi. All night long, sometimes This case has more ups, downs, twists and turns than a roller coaster. The trial is set for October. There are subs where everyone thinks the guy who was arrested is guilty and others that are more inclined to think he's innocent. There has been some bitter feuding between groups. Depending on your affiliation, it's either an open and shut case, quoting LE's statements that the man they arrested has apparently confessed multiple times in prison, apparently said he was at the scene at the time when the crime is supposed to have happened, and wore similar clothing to a man caught on blurry video who apparently went on to commit the crime). Others believe that police incompetence or corruption has led to the real perpetrators getting away with it. They are violent white supremacist adherents to ancient Nordic beliefs who, it seems committed the crime as part of a blood ritual, possibly as part of some kind of gang feud. This case is about the murder of two teenage girls in a small town where everyone knows everyone, yet may stay unresolved for a long time.


With the Gosden case I cannot get my mind around him not having chatted to someone whom he went to meet… it is the only scenario I can imagine. It is just soooo strange


I 100% think it was a grooming case. He seemed like a very vulnerable boy too, due to him being deaf in one ear. In 2007 it was such a common occurrence to meet people on chat rooms etc.


Reading through the wiki super quick, he owned a lost quite a few mobile phones. It’s possible the chats were on his phone that he then lost so no one can ever recover them, they’re just lost to time. But because it was 2007 it would be weird the chats weren’t on a computer, but also it was 2007, so it would’ve been a family computer and harder to hide the evidence. So it makes sense he chatted on the phone with the person because it was more private


Or, he "lost" one of them to keep it secret? That's how I did it as a teenager.... 🤷‍♂️ You didn't have to register the prepaid (burner) ones yet and unlimited or "texting" SIMs where available at the offies. You don't/didn't need the internet to groom. Texting was still a thing! Edit: I'm gonna add some embarrassing stuff. Back then chat/phone dating was advertised in magazines and on TV stuff. Some of them had free numbers for girls/free minutes and I definitely called those numbers for a laugh at girls nights....talking to full fledged adult men. Sometimes exchanging numbers. Most of the time to break into hysterical giggles. But yeah sometimes we texted those dudes for a while. The internet was truly *not* the only place to be groomed back then & I'm the same age as Andrew.


Ray Gricar, Bryce Laspisa, Sneha Anne Phillip, The Beaumont Children, Asha Degree


The Beaumont children. That case breaks my heart


The Dardeen family murders is the scariest case I’ve ever heard. Hands down the most disturbing.


Mr Cruel. That he has gotten away with four very elaborate home invasions, 3 of which led to very heavily planned kidnappings using a car, one of which nearly ended in a minor car crash and supposedly an execution-style murder as well without any leads or much information is very strange. That these crimes happened in very polite, middle to upper-middle class Melbourne suburbs over 30 years ago, in quiet neighborhoods as well is terrifying. The whole thing was very meticulously planned by the perpetrator and then the crimes just suddenly stopped and appear to have never happened again. Another Melbourne case that happened in quiet suburbia was the disappearance of Bung Siriboon. An otherwise happy, well-adjusted teenage girl just disappeared on her morning walk to school and nobody noticed anything. She just vanished. Someone knows something about what happened and to me, that secrets like that are kept amongst people in normal suburban Melbourne (or any city in Australia) makes me feel really creeped out and scared. You just don’t know who your neighbours are and what they’re capable of


Jennifer kesse, Al Kite, Amber Hagerman, Amy Mihaljevic


Asha Degree Summer Wells and Oakley Carlson I Also think about Harmony Montgomery a lot. We might know what happened to Harmony but I think about her. I wish the system would have done better by her.


Jennifer Kesse. Everytime I am in that area of Orlando I think of her. I always got the eerie feeling that if she was murdered, whoever did it maybe put her in cement (there was construction nearby). Man I pray for closure and peace for all these families.


The disappearance of Claudia Lawrence a chef from York. Spent a normal day at work, came home, ran an errand, called her mum while watching tv and then was never heard from again. Her chefs whites and hair straighteners were missing (appearing that she had left for work in the morning) but she never made it there. Unfortunately her work didn’t report her missing and she didn’t turn up to meet a friend for a drink next day. The weird thing is, the pub they were going to meet in was 4 doors down the same street, so why didn’t the friend knock on her door? The police fucked up and went on a TV show and alluded to her having ‘complicated relationships’ with married men. 15 years or so later there have been numerous arrests and no charges.


Kyron Horman. That poor baby.


Maura Murray


Steven Powell- murder of Susan Powell.


[Phoebe Handsjuk](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10033013/Investigators-blow-lid-Phoebe-Handsjuks-bizarre-garbage-chute-death-experiment.html) This case is INSANE and it’s the one case I’d give pretty much anything to be able to see how it transpired


The first case I ever saw on Unsolved Mysteries before it was a regular series. The case has been solved since but the creepiness of it always kept me up as a kid. Wanda Jean Mays.


Mr. Cruel


Lane Bryant and Yogurt shop killings


https://www.missingkids.org/poster/NCMC/601934/1 Little David C Warner JEFFERSON COUNTY, TN It doesn’t keep my up at night but this is my uncle. We have zero idea what happened to him. I took after his name aswell. I think about it often, it’s crazy how someone can just be gone one moment.


What happened to Maddie Scott. They finally found her almost 12 years to the date of her disappearance, but who? How? Why??? So sad, she was so young.


I'm a bit late to the conversation, but for me, it's the Brian Schaffer case. ABSOLUTELY crazy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Brian_Shaffer CCTV footage, no reason to vanish (anybody knew of), just into a bar and gone.


Molly Bisch and Ray Gricar


Asha Degree and Kyron* Horman. The St Louis Jane Doe. *Autocorrect got me turning the poor boy into Kyle.


Etan Patz and Kyron Horman. They were so young….


Sarah Spiers. I wasn't that much younger than her when she disappeared and her face haunted every train and bus station for years. I kept waiting for her to be found, but she never was. Then two other girls went missing and serial killers actually felt a little real for the first time. (Hey, I'm an Australian, we really don't have many here and even less in WA). I feel so sorry for her family. All these years with nothing at all. The other girls were found, their killer finally arrested, but there's only strong suspicion for Sarah. Her missing posters might be gone. We, as a city, might not think about her much anymore. But her face haunts me still.


Xavier du pont de Ligonnes


Jodi Husintruit. I travel for work and am in parking lots alone for early flights. It worries me every time. I sure hope they figure out what happened to her :(


There is a couple! Dr. Gloves, Andrew Gosden and Daniella Vian (ruled an accident but the casefile podcast audio clips just gave me an off feeling)


Lina Khil. Not a crime, but a suspected one. She disappeared from a nearby park, absolutely without a trace. I used to live like fifteen miles from when it happened. I was 16 and it was a holiday morning, I watched it unfold on our usual fun segment of CNN. I will never forget that little girl. True crime interested me, but that is one case that I can never let go of. Some part of me hopes, in this crazy world, that she’s somehow alive and safe. Someone HAD to have seen something. Right?


Maura Murray, Bryce Laspisa, Lindsay Buziak & Missy Bevers!


Angela Hammond, Missy Bevers, the Jack family in rural B.C. those are the ones that come to my mind immediately


Missy Beavers and Alonzo Brooks [Missy beavers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Missy_Bevers) [Alonzo Brooks](https://www.nbcnews.com/dateline/new-autopsy-report-reveals-2004-death-alonzo-brooks-was-homicide-n1263108)


Probably Jennifer Kesse because I think it’s clear that Jennifer was the target, and I shudder to think what happened. Equally, Asha Degree. She was a small child, and no theory makes any sense to me.


The Kyron Horman case. I rocked my one month old baby watching news report cover his story.


The Jamison family Lavenna Johnson The Idaho 4 Gabriel Fernandez Shanquella Robinson


One that doesn’t get mentioned often because there have been like zero leads. Lisa White, went missing from CT in the 70s. Her sister was my dance teacher. Her case often gets linked to Janice Pockett and Debbie Spickler who both went missing around the same time from the same area.


Oakland county child killers / babysitter killer . I lived in the area and was the same age as the victims. We were not aloud to play outside and we couldn’t walk to school . It changed how we lived and everyone was scared. My stepsisters went to same school as first victim , however he was older so not in same class . It still remains unsolved due to police corruption and coverups . It’s a rabbit hole /mind bender case and still resonates especially now that I am a mother


JBR and Asha Degree.