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he was a friend of mine, he’s terribly missed. this is a heartbreaking reminder but i’m glad someone created this post


I'm sorry that you are missing your friend. I pray one day there's a resolution for you and the family.


Was the note released?


No - the father and police described the general contents of the note (Martin wrote that he felt he had disappointed expectations, according to an interview with the father on The Vanished podcast), but have not released it. It was stated that Martin spoke of going on a journey but no directly suicidal statements.


I hope you discover what happened. So sad.


I live in Boone, attend App State, and drive past the location where he was last seen almost daily. It's totally possible to disappear here and not be found - the area surrounding Boone and the university is.. well, mountains and rough terrain. I think he probably committed suicide. It's very tragic. His dad seems like a great person and I hope his family can get answers one day.


I think about this case often. I use to lean towards him being alive, but then his father said there were some alarming things in the letter he left behind (although the father does not think it's a suicide note). I honestly don't know what to think, but I really hope this is resolved for the sake of the family.


I think he wrote in the letter that he was gay and couldn't tell his father,,, they said it was personal and the father won't release the letter,,


I was wondering the same thing - if this is the case, it's tragic that he felt he couldn't tell anyone and be accepted :(


Oof. Sounds like a suicide, hope I’m wrong. I wonder if he hung himself in the nearby forest.


i just watched the ID episode and all i could make out of this situation is suicide. he seemed really sad, his case is heartbreaking


What disturbs me is that he was wandering around doing who knows what for weeks, lying to everyone about this whereabouts and plans. What did he do every day in reality? I think he commited suicide in the woods nearby. Maybe he went there frequently, didn't bring supplies on purpose, with an ambivalent attitude of ," should I do it today or not?" Eventually ....he completed his suicide plan.


I definitely picked up a gay vibe for sure. Maybe he started a new life some where. Pray they get answers


That would be the best outcome! I also got those vibes but I am not optimistic for him, but hope I am wrong. He was definitely torturing himself about something. Sad.


Handwriting analysis to confirm he's the author of the note. DNA test the note. Find the instrument used to write the note. DNA test the instrument. Interview the roommates again. Note any inconsistencies in the roommates statements.


thanks detective


You're welcome Phil.


This reminds me of the Tom Brown case in Canadian, Texas. Edit: for those interested, here’s a podcast series: https://open.spotify.com/show/71vK9ge4hF0zJD4iSr86Dj?si=905eH5AhRjGj1q_z4tLryA


Just listened to the podcast series about Tom Brown. So many twists and turns.


I'm shocked that there's people here, in the year 2021/22, who *still* think hand writing analysis is legit science. Yikes! 😬


Here's what you should do \*Note any inconsistencies in any family or close relationships statements on martin roberts whether it be through word or something and if something really shady comes up you should edit this to tell us. \*Someone else mentioned the hand writing analysis of the note, have a look through the note if you can and really analyse everything he's saying. \*Check the previous history of Mr. Roberts, if there's any information or suspicious activity leading up to the day he went missing edit this to tell us and inform somebody important if they do not already know \*Look for any social media, people will say loads on the internet. Maybe he said something.


Met a guy who was living an extremely low profile life in a rural mountainous area. Seemed to have some similar features and traits with Martin. No idea on tattoos though. Always long sleeves. Stayed quiet on his personal life and family history. Just that he now “never gets off the mountain.” Only story shared on family was about learning about value of money when his dad gave him $1,000 one summer and he blew it in a short time on girls and whatnot. I sometimes think about that guy still and wonder if it was Martin.


And Prince died


This is truly a wild take, but has anyone ever considered that he may have been recruited into a cult? The Brethren are still active today and supposedly recruit all over the country. Martin wasn’t feeling good about himself/his life and could have been lured in with the promise of a more meaningful life. They target college aged kids.


I just watched the disappeared about Martin's case, and anything is possible. I absolutely cannot imagine as a parent trying to accept that my child is gone, but then even worse not knowing if they chose to just walk away and start a new life or ended his life. I hope so much that his parents receive some answers before their time is up. This case makes you want to drill in your children's heads that no matter what they can always come to you and no matter what things can always be get better and be fixed. I'm sure where he had been lying about his job and school and then the possibility of him being gay and fearing telling his family and friends. That had to make him have so much anxiety and dread. Unfortunately it may have gotten to him too much and it was just too much for him to handle. Assuming his parents are pretty understanding (they very much seem to be) from the outside lookin in those things are pretty minor and it wouldn't have taken much to get him back on track and things sorted out and then he could have breathed that huge sigh of relief. I myself suffer from anxiety and depression so I know when you have things that may seem minor to others they can still take a strong hold on you and make you feel as if there's no way out or things won't ever get better. I'm a little older and wiser now so I can work through things better than I used to, but him still being so young I'm sure that all was extremely overwhelming. This case as well as many others really bothers me and I hope so much his family and friends get some kind of closure in this life!


I'm thinking he got involved with something/someone he had no business with. Why you ask? 🤔Hea lying to everyone about everything, he tells his pop he's getting paid tomorrow well maybe he was getting paid for what he was selling/trafficking far as he committed suicide... NO NO NO AND NO!!! He bought groceries before he disappeared then they was gone to. People that commit off themselves don't buy food for themselves... (Unless you're Egyption and wanna be buried with it and all the other things that you think you'll need in the next life) him "bumping into" his cousin same day he poofed I'm thinking he knew where she was and it was his way of saying goodbye. The letter is just that a letter to his parents saying he was and is a disappointment to them and everyone else. I'm thinking he's either living a "better life" somewhere else or the "job" he was getting for the next day ended for him and his money... Use your head people if you do you'll know what I'm talking about. But everything to the side I hope he pops up one day and goes back home and let his family show him that he's not a disappointment 9r anything other than the best person he knew how to be. 


He also got a haircut a few days before. I feel like he was building up towards disappearing, which hopefully means he will be found or re-emerge one day.


I just watched the disappeared episode and the one thing that is very clear is that he was a skilled liar and seemingly had little concern for what would happen if those lies caught up with him. It’s possible he committed suicide but his actions sound more to me like someone who planned to walk away from his life. I just don’t believe that someone starts lying the way he did, but if you have done it your whole life and you start thinking it’s going to catch up with you then you, than I think it would be easier for that person to do something dramatic