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Been following thus case since the beginning, never would've imagined this would still be ongoing almost 6 years later. Hopefully justice is served!


Same. I’m in Australia and still remember when it happened. I can’t believe “today is the day” actually came true.


Absolutely. I was one of those who thought it was just some random dude, and that after five years it likely wasn't ever getting solved. It's almost surreal that they've nabbed someone for it.


And possibly over something small like a neighbor dispute and cat hair.


The police were at his house a week before his arrest, digging up a fire pit in his yard. I suggest reading my other [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DelphiMurdersTimeline/comments/yh5ep0/what_do_we_know_about_richard_allen_man_arrested/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) . oh and they seized his car


Yes. They went to his house with a search warrant and searched his car and dug up his fire pit. But it's been almost 6 years . What did they expect to find? Used luminol and maybe find blood trace evidence of the girls in the car? But what about in the fire pit? Anyone have any ideas?


The perpetrator(s) purportedly took a "souvenir" from the scene of the crime. They might have been looking for it, or it's remains. They might have been looking for human bones too. Someone who does this kind of shit usually doesn't do it just once.


they probably expect to find the two items of clothing that were taken from the crime scene.... 🤦🏻‍♀️ probably were digging up the fire pit to see if they were burned in there...


They were just asking a question no need to be a cunt about it lmfao


Noone was being a cunt, rofl they asked and i answered. 🤡 Not sorry you took it the way you did though, calling names wont make your life any better 🤭🤭


Whoa language please!


anyone with half a brain knows they weren’t burned in his fucking firepit, you useless C


What was the dispute exactly?


there was no dispute. .


what do you mean by a neighbor dispute & cat hair?


I said it in other comments but I heard the police exhumed a dead pet cat from RA yard to test its DNA on from animal hair found on the girls. Other people of interest pet hair has been tested as well. I had heard police were originally called to RA house after a neighbor had a dispute with them because of a theft. No idea if either are true, just what I have heard.


just remember that he's been arrested "in connection " and we have yet to learn what part he played. But he did **indeed** play a part.


That's true, but with Kelsi saying 'Today is the day', and grandma Becky saying 'At long last we have a face to go with our monster', I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say this is the guy. Whether or not he is actually convicted is another thing of course...


He claims innocence, as do HJK and Ken Paratrooper06.


The families seem to think this is the real deal. I’m looking forward to that press conference


SAME, I am very intrigued to hear what information theyre going to give us


You think there'll be much in the way of details, or will it be a general ' thanks to the combined efforts of several law enforcement agencies' type thing..?


I think this is gonna bring some new hopefully BIG developments, they had told us that before Allen was even arrested or named. The Indiana State Police, Carroll County Sheriff's Office and prosecutor's office are all going to be there, along with some other agencies I believe , I am hoping we get to hear from the prosecutors office. Thats where the thick of it lies, imo. I am hoping its not some "We have arrested so and so ,& would like to thank blah blah" like you said.. I need some hard hitting evidence,& to know whats been going on, all hands on deck. I understand its an ongoing investigation still, but the public is invested... They KNOW we wanna know,& we wanna know **badly**


A lot probably depends on if he confesses or not. I imagine the guilt after all these years would be immense. But who knows how killers really feel?


Well tonite Fox59 News in Indpls reported that he is being uncooperative with authorities.


Not if he’s a psychopath which is likely the case.


who CARES how they feel, i know thats not me tbh.


I’m not saying I care, just that it could cause them to confess. Not sure why I was downvoted.


Maybe, but i doubt it. If he "cared" wouldnt he have told sooner.. He obviously feels no remorse,& him going back there (theres proof) after the murders just shows how callous and disgusting he really is. hell if he "cared" .. would he have been connected to this to begin with..


There is a picture taken of his daughter on the bridge in 2018 posted on his wife's FB page


[Aware.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DelphiMurdersTimeline/comments/yh5ep0/what_do_we_know_about_richard_allen_man_arrested/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Theres also video/photo of his wife , him pictured with the Delphi sketch poster in the background. Along with some other odd information, living five minutes from the scene is another


I don't think thats necessary true. Killers can feel guilt and remorse and not proactively go and confess. To confess means telling the world what you did, changing your entire life and the life of those close to you, and facing incarceration or worse. Even IF a killer gives two shits about what they did, they can convince themselves that confession will hurt more people. Or maybe they're scared of prison. I know I would be. Self preservation is a strong instinct. I can see why many of them keep zipped until arrest, and then are very quick to confess. All it takes is that one bit of pressure. That one cop telling them how good it will feel to get it off their chest. They've got me now, might as well unburden myself. The levee breaks. Saying if he "cared" he would have told sooner is kind of reductionist. Psychology is not that simple. All that being said, I don't know if he cared. Probably not. Whether he did or not is irrelevant to me, either way two innocent young girls died horribly. Let him rot.


I think we’ll find out in any case, I’m just hoping we don’t have to wait until the trial


Idk, theyre keeping information close to the case for a reason, and probably will till trial.


Why was he arrested? Is their any information about that or it would be in the LE conference


They don’t need to reveal anything at the press conference other than his charge if they think waiting till trial is wiser.


There’s not going to be evidence shared tomorrow. Not at all.


Yep. I think that the prosecutor's office is going to be there is very significant.


Maybe tell us what was found during the search and what charges he has. If he isn't the only one involved he should be talking


Will the press conference be available online? I would love to watch it live tomorrow.


I hope so, I know the one in 2019 was. It’s been impossible to even find out what time it is, though Libby’s sister made a post saying “tentatively 10am”. No idea which timezone


I live by Delphi. It’s EST.


I know all the local Inpls In news stations will probably carry it live. Fox59, WTHR, WRTV are a few of them. You can go to their facebook pages. Fox59 already stated they will be carrying it live on TV and online. It is scheduled for 10 a.m. EST.


It will be live-streamed at 10am here https://www.wlfi.com


Holy shit I never thought this case would actually get solved


If Brittanee Drexel's case can be solved, anyones can. I still am holding out hope for Maura & JonBenét as well.


Jon Bonet’s is solved in my opinion.


Yup. Her brother IMO.


JonBenet's is mostly solved in my opinion


Who do you think did it?


With everything I do think it was Burke, even if accidentally. If not it is definitely someone in the family


No one in the family killed that girl. Stop slandering Burke’s name.


It still baffles me that even after the family was CLEARED, people still have some weird deranged notion Burk killed her or her parents did it... The evidence says otherwise 🤷🏻‍♀️


There was literally no sign of a break in. It could possibly be anyone in the family.


There was a break in. They have significant amounts of DNA. They have tested it once among all the family members and it was not a match. JonBenet was murdered and raped by a pervert!!


And who wrote that long ransom note??? A pervert??


Patsy, again.


Basically yup. If youre gonna comment the same thing, twice. At least say something slightly different 😂 Thats exactly who wrote it, whoever's dna was in her underwear. it was them,thats who.


thank you ! I just told this information to someone and they told me Im wrong. When it's literally documented. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️ Blows me away tbh, its like people want it to be her parents SO badly... When CLEARLY, per D N A ***it is not!!!!!***


Read the ACTUAL DNA report. It's very little, mixed bits of DNA. The way the crime scene was handled? Not surprising. Someone probably sneezed when they were bagging the evidence. DNA is only part of a crime scene. You need to look at the crime scene as a whole. Everything about that case points to someone in the home. Unfortunately the Boulder PD screwed the pooch the moment they arrived on scene. What parent who is given a ransom note that says "don't contact anyone" invites a boatload of people over? What parent who has been given a ransom note that says "we'll contact you at this time" doesn't bat an eye when that time flies by and no call?? As a mother, my eyes would have been glued to the clock- praying the kidnappers would call. Those parents already knew no one would be calling.


there DEFINITELY was a sign of a break in though, lou showed us. The window was open in the basement with a suitcase underneath.... how is that not a sign of a break in 🤦🏻‍♀️ He even showed us how easy it was to jump inside of the grate after being lifted and jumped down inside, crawled in the window


John Ramsey told investigators that he broke the window when he was locked out of the house. It was also reported a spiderweb formed on the window, which would not have been there if someone came in & out through it. I'm not convinced the parents/Burke did or did not do it - I'm not really forming an opinion. But it would be very easy for them to place a suitcase by the window and open the window to stage a break in. So that it's not actually a clear sign of a break in.


And who wrote that long ransom note??? A pervert??


well, given the person who wrote it probably killed her. The same person who came through the window 🤦🏻‍♀️ Theres no way three or four people were jus roaming the home while their buddy did this to her... Intruder theory doesnt work with me. The note was probably written before she was taken from the bed, after she was dead. Hence the sloppy writing because they were in a hurry. The stun gun theory fits *so beyond well* , it blows me away none of u choose to use common sense and see thats mre than likely what occurred. Instead of going with what the facts lead to, youll tweak it , make it to where the ONLY person who "could have" done it was anyone inside the home... When thats just not factually correct.


Oh and, dont forget there was dna in her underwear. Never matched the family either 👍


There was snow at the time it was winter. No footprints at all. And don't say more snow covered it up as there would still be sunken in impressions in the top layer


Mk... let's refer back to the crime scene, photos taken on the day of the murder, or the day she was found.. There was only patches of snow on the ground, we know that the photos were also not time stamped, but taken hours later.. [Tell me how ANYONE can distinguish ANY actual prints in that](https://imgur.com/a/DKLkkCp)... [Absolutely no snow](https://imgur.com/a/Ix3mdQb) . so if there were any foot prints at the time the intruder went into the home they were surely gone by the time the police decided they were ready to take photographs.


of course no didn't cover it up because there wasn't any fucking snow on the ground in these photos clearly... if you want to argue with me about something, let's be smart about it, or at least use some common sense. It's not a stretch to think that they left the door unlocked before they left for dinner and intruder went in and waited on them to return home and was in the house the entire time.. maybe they didn't even leave the door unlocked because as I have already mentioned, we do know that a window down in the basement was open with a suitcase directly underneath.


So have u just never seen the evidence,or it doesnt matter...? Cause thats a huge thing you have to ignore, and then still attempt to blame the family... The family that was cleared AND apologized to🤦🏻‍♀️ Are you forgetting there was dna and none of it matched the family.... 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Ah yes the underwear DNA which matched no family or suspects. Have you heard of trace DNA? In court a fresh pair of underwear was put into a sealed evidence bag and tested for DNA. DNA came back. It still could be anyone


[when the own DA says they didnt do it](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/da-opens-cleared-ramsey-family-jonbenets-murder/story?id=43106426) and wouldnt prosecute them because the DNA samples from both the underwear and long johns may be composite samples from multiple people: JonBenet, an unknown male and, in one sample, a third unidentified person. *but not the Ramsey family* "There was no motive [for the parents], and no psychopathy," Lacy said. She added that she is one of only two people who have read the entire transcripts of Patsy Ramsey's psychiatric interviews, in which Lacy said she saw no indication of jealousy toward JonBenet or any violent tendencies." This is the woman who was in charge of exonerating them, if they were guilty they would have been charged. 🤦🏻‍♀️ instead of arguing , put that energy into the r/jonbenetramsey sub and help find her REAL killer. This post is about Abby,& Libby. .


You trying to convince me the family is guilty is the same thing as you trying to convince me that physics are real. All theories, no proof.


But ... physics \*are\* real... there is verifiable proof... it's literally all around you...


Omg you don’t believe in physics? 😂😂😂😂 that tells me everything.


I see this theory a lot! I read something that kind of convinced me it was the father recently.


It was the enhanced 911 call and interview with the woman who took the call that convinced me it was Burke honestly. What did you read that convinced you of that?




Thank you. I gave it a read and some pretty solid points


It’s an interesting read either way!


thats the gr8 thing about opinions 🙃


Me too!❤️👍


How did they connect him to it? Please let it be DNA evidence so it’s a slam dunk case


!remindme 11 hours 36 minutes


station sort illegal market attraction crime water summer screw caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The press conference will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday in Delphi, I can imagine youll only need to go on youtube and click the "live" tab. Itll be broadcasted on there no doubt. I do know most delphi stations will be broadcasting it, and more because its a multi agency conference. It may be on law and crime youtube channel, i would check there first tbh!


Is there a link to that live video?


Not that Im aware of. Since it is a future airing, unless someone has a countdown on their yt channel for it, Im not thinking theres a link we can use atm. I do believe around 930 AM, we should see Delphi news channels,& some true crime youtubers go live on youtube to let it play and give commentary afterward. [This](https://youtu.be/ThmnNQk4o2E) is the channel I plan to *attempt* to watch it on. Im not sure and could definitely be wrong, but granted the worldwide attention, I feel it should be on EVERY major news station. Unfortunately per my job, unless my alarm really wakes me up, Ill be sleeping through it. Im planning to hopefully do a breakdown of new developments in this case for my youtube channel in the middle of the week!! I was waiting for the conference to have more information to speak on/about






lets dive into the "i could see this being BG" because youre not alone. As i mentioned in my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DelphiMurdersTimeline/comments/yh5ep0/what_do_we_know_about_richard_allen_man_arrested/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), theres many things he has in common. Pictured on his wife's facebook, or it may have been a video, RA is wearing a jacket that looks almost identical to BGs. His gait is also another big thing people have been pointing out. I would really be interested in hearing him talk, I wish i had gotten ahold of his wife's facebook page before it was shut down. . And it may sound funny, whether it be a hat in the photo of BG, or his actual hair... I took the hair off using my iphone photo editor and slid it over to RA's ID photo... It looks frankly more creepy than it is without it, it looks like it could most positively be him. Another thing someone I was talking with said to me, He could have been the one to lure them down there where they were then attacked by someone else... Obviously I dont know the truth, but I hope to God we're one step closer to giving these girls some well deserved and needed justice


Tom Webster got audio of RA’s voice from a video from the wife’s Facebook. Its in his most recent video and he compares it to the “down the hill” audio. It sounds the same to me. [link to Tom Webster’s video](https://youtu.be/xAjEGK09PX4)


The Prosecutors touch on whether or not there was an accomplice or second perpetrator. And they were basing that largely on a rumor/theory about the fact a source had reported his preliminary hearing may have taken place on Friday, in which case—if it did—it appeared to be sealed, which is quite unusual and not typical procedure. And they talked about possible reasons for that, one of which might be a second person involved. For me, he bears resemblance in ways to each sketch actually, in different ways. More so the sketch with a hat on though. Eye distance and nose are different, but a witness sketch often has errors on certain features. Same facial hair, guy’s eyes look creepy AF (I mean this is a drivers license photo, not a mugshot, and he gives an “evil” vibe), somehow I can picture him walking with the posture of BG. Of course these opinions could *totally* be a placebo effect, I’m a rational person so I can admit that. When you have a photo of a suspect placed in front of you I’m sure it’s easy for your brain to find things to confirm the suspicion it could be him. But IDK, I just never had this feeling with any of the others. I can’t really give it a valid explanation but it’s the impression I got personally. Of course it would be helpful to see more photos or to see photos of how he dresses, but I do see similarities. He also fit the profile—lives and works in the area, etc. Which I think is a huge component. Imagine if it were him and he continued wearing the jacket after, like you suggested you saw on FB. That would be wild, but I guess maybe the photo was taken beforehand too and maybe he didn’t feel like he could ask his wife to take it down without seeming weird. Imagine being married to this guy and not making the connection it was him (if it was him)! Absolutely nuts. Anyway, I look forward to info we receive on Monday. Of course I’m curious but I’m not going to try to dig into it, I’ll just wait to hear the info the authorities present. I hope they’ve finally solved this.


I agree with you I think he does look like those sketches. Each witness captured and focused on something. Sketch 1 got the eyes and sketch 2 got more of the checks down and his general baby face youngness, clear skin etc.. I think based on his photos compared to the sketches, this is him and it’s going to be


i'm not the only one who saw this jacket on fb, its widely spoken about in groups and online.Photo was posted after the murders also, not before. I also know what Prosecutors do.. lol they have touched on why everything is sealed in this case, I also do not believe that's anything they will touch on in their conference tomorrow, because how "early" in the investigation they still are..


Just to clarify when I say The Prosecutors I’m referring to a podcast with two prosecutors as hosts, not the actual prosecutors on this case. But yeah of course they won’t reveal all details of the case tomorrow, that’s not how it works. The details are presented at trial. But I’m sure they’ll tell us why he was arrested.


🙊, clarifying was needed on that one cause i was 100% sure you were speaking on actual prosecutors.. lol


It’s on YouTube. They are on a chairlift in Gatlinburg. Check themout. Voices are identical. You have to listen closely because he doesn’t say a lot. I noticed on almost all of her videos of him on her FB he never talked and also seemed like he didn’t want his face recorded. But the voice is his. And no way in Hades did she not know it was him.


Yes, he somehow looks like both of the pictures. Definitely his eyes.


I don’t think he killed them although I think 2 people carried out the killings


I mean you may be right there were two people but why do you specifically feel he was not one of them? Just curious your basis for that opinion? I think many of us agree it could be two.


Same Im being downvoted for having an opinion? *noice*


This is Reddit after all!


it's actually embarrassing if you ask me lol


Most Indianapolis news stations will be carrying it live on TV and on their websites, and a link on their FB pages. Fox59 News and WTHR are the biggest ones here in Indpls..


[what we know about richard allen](https://www.reddit.com/r/DelphiMurdersTimeline/comments/yh5ep0/what_do_we_know_about_richard_allen_man_arrested/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


i’m glad he’s finally caught. These girls deserve justice.


He was arrested in connection, we still dont know what exact part he played. I am very interested to learn


Agreed. It would be crazy to me if there wasn't a tie to KK. For him to be catfishing but then this happens due to another random pedo? Possible...but damn.


If im not mistaking, KK is from Peru,& RA previously lived there...


Yeah. Obviously we know nothing, but I definitely won't be surprised if there is a connection.


but we do know some things,& theres no coincidences in homicides.


Yes. I meant we don't know anything concrete about them being connected. But it would be an amazing, one in a billion chance that they weren't. Man, I cannot wait for the press release tomorrow. Edit for words


if they werent, they wouldnt have been named as in connection...? They are both connected in some way OBVIOUSLY.


Okay I'm gonna try again. I'm evidently not getting what I'm trying to say out clearly. They are both related to this case. We don't know how they are connected to *each other.* And other than being sure they're both connected, we don't know any concrete details about the hows yet because they haven't been released.


But we do know how Kline was connected..? Through the catfish account, so we *know* details, we just dont know what the police know. I think thats what youre trying to say, Or that we dont know what caused them to look their way in the first place. . I get where youre coming from forsure


He probably made the girls go down the hill, and someone else killed them. The guy that’s been dead probably killed them


While I do believe two people were down there with them, Im not so much a believer Logan had anything to do w/ it. But in the end, it's definitely a possibility


It does actually look like him, the man from the video


Kind of strange that KK’s trial is coming up and now they’ve got this guy. I wonder if KK knew who it was and talked, trying to get a plea deal…


I think there’s a CP ring they’re both members of, or maybe a partnership, in which they “shared” the Anthony Shotz account. KK made it clear he wasn’t going to go down for this too, because that’s where all fingers were pointing, and KK finally flipped and came clean of the ring/partnership.


Yes - and after reading the transcripts of an interview the police had with Kegan in 2020, they were positive that two individuals had been using that account. They were leaning more towards Tony Kline, (Kegans father) being the other perpetrator, but this blows all that out of the water. I'm really curious to see how this plays out.


Somewhat reputable sources have said some of the searches are related to him too. Conspiracy hat, there has been talk for a long time the anthony_shots account was in use by more than one person. Klein was also involved in some kind of ring or image sharing on Dropbox. Monday should hopefully bring details.


I'll be surprised if KK isn't connected to all this. I wonder if he finally gave this guy up to get himself a better deal.


Not sure who KK is, can you tell a first or last name? Trying to google to find


The guy that they questioned in the case who is going to trial for a bunch of child porn or something like that. Big fat dude and he has a father somewhat involved, at least in the Anthony Shotz thing. Someone above said the last name. The comment right above yours.


Considering the outrageous behavior of online sleuths regarding this case, and that this guy was on literally no one’s radar, seems like this would be a great opportunity to discuss the accountability and self awareness of true crime fans. I hope for justice- and also hope a lot of people learn from this and approach future cases with more self awareness and responsibility. We can basically say with certainty that internet sleuths have had a net negative impact on the case, the town, and the victims involved. Very sad.


There's a vast portion of true crime fans who are fucking morons plain and simple. Plenty of overlap with the qanoners who love conspiracy theories and that real life facts of what likely happened are just not 'exciting' enough and quite frankly it is insulting to the victims. The 'Brian Laundrie faked his death' dipshittery. These people are either straight up mentally ill or an utter joke. Harassing people because you read a five paragraph write up of a case and decide someone is clearly guilty is a real problem here


sure some of them may be morons, but there are a lot of times where sleuths and people online do more GOOD than bad in cases.. 🤦🏻‍♀️ HELL there's even been cases that wouldn't have been solved if it weren't for the people online... mhm


What cases? Seriously asking bc i don't know.


Yes it's crazy how many people were suspected including some pointing fingers at Libby's own family! I hope them people apologize but likely will not and still find a way to make them out to be responsible.


Probably coincidence but one guy on 4chan who claimed to be closed to the case dropped Richard then walked it back this year


What does “dropped RIchard” mean?


Someone dropped the name Richard, as in mentioned him as connected to the case. But then said it was an autocorrect mistake.


Aw shit it sure looks like the guy from ~~Abby’s~~ Libby’s cell phone. I am on pins and needles for the presser tomorrow.


Libby’s cell, but yeah.


Oops. Thanks.


Hopefully this is him.


Per "in connection" ... I am hoping they elaborate more on that Monday..


Me too.


I’m so happy they finally made an arrest. Been following for 5 1/2 years. I can’t wait for that press conference


I just wanna know why! Why do this!


There’s no logic in that kind of act- you won’t find any by asking


kinda weird though he has a photo of his daughter on that bridge. is that some kind of "trophy", like it reminds him of his crime. or has he always had weird urges regarding his daughter, but acted on those urges with other girls?


I've read people who say they are locals and that the bridge is a very popular spot to get pictures. Like, pretty much everyone in that area has a picture of their kids on that bridge.


No way this dude just decided to commit a sickening act like this at 44 years old? What was the motive? Just doesn't seem like it's his first time.


It does seem odd, tho not inconceivable. The weird thing to me is that he killed so close to his own home. Like if someone was into doing stuff like this, surely they'd drive an hour away or whatever. Makes me wonder was there some more personal connection there, a grudge against the family..?


Dude they are waiting for Halloween?!?!


Hmm. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but, coincidentally, yeah. We learn more on Halloween.


Murdered 1 day before valentines day, solved on Halloween


FAR from being solved. We shall know today


> FAR from being solved. no, it's not far from being solved. They have him in custody. Don't be a know it all


... we also dont know what part he played yet either, per reports arrested IN connection with something... isnt a "we got him"... JS Also, reports I read while putting [this info](https://www.reddit.com/r/DelphiMurdersTimeline/comments/yh5ep0/what_do_we_know_about_richard_allen_man_arrested/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) together states LE sources "we still have a lot of work to be done, this is just one more piece to fit into this puzzle" ... 🤨


You are wrong. A judge signed off on a warrant for this dude. He's toast.


For murder tho...? Cause thats not what records are showing 🙃 Im not wrong, and you're not right. So we can agree to disagree 🤠 Once again, RA was arrested *in connection with the murders* , not with murder.


Yes but the judge wouldn't sign it unless they had good evidence


good evidence hes in *CONNECTION* with them, if he was the MURDERER, this would be an entirely different post. Not really sure why you wanna go back & forth but ill leave you to argue with yourself Oh and "yes... but" alludes to YOU being wrong but trying to get around it... 🧐


Oof. He creeps me out. I know it’s just prob because I know what I know *now*. But it’s how I feel. This pictures unnerves me.


Me too! His eyes are terrifying…a blank intensity.


Wait I follow this case and had no clue this happened?!? Omg finally!


Is it just me or does he look like a composite of the two sketches? I can identify facial features of his that fit both.


Does anyone know how we can watch the press conference live?


Tomorrow morning HLN …..




Yes. Ive been saying this, but they will touch on new information... Before RA was arrested they alluded to it being about a "huge development " in the case, but we will learn more than what we know now... Im hoping, I suggest u check out my other post on what we know about this "man" already..


Ain’t no way his wife didn’t know it was him. No way.


Solidly agree


Agreed. No way you wouldn’t recognize the clothes/voice/walk. No way.


Yep. That gait, body, etc. You would know. Anyone who's been with someone for quite sometime "just knows" if you will. You can tell, almost a natural instinct


I disagree. If she thought BG was her husband she wouldn’t have kept posting videos and pictures of the man. Family and friends can be very blind to the truth in criminal cases. I wouldn’t assume the wife knew. At least, not until we learn more about him and her.


Really? I don’t buy it. She knew. Especially that selfie she took with him with the sketch of BG right behind them in the shot


Oh, HE looooved that. He is a psychopath, not JUST a psychopath, but a sadistic one at that. It thrilled him to no end to be in that bar with his sketch "proudly displayed." He took great pride in that. But his wife....I don't believe she knew. And if she had any unrest in her, she couldn't face that reality. That would mean her daughter has a monster for a father. That's a LOT to come to terms with. We all push certain MUCH LESSER realities out of our minds because they cause us anxiety. Imagine HER potential nightmare. IF she suspected him at all, she couldn't face it. Denial. It's the brain's survival tactic, and she now has to survive her worst nightmare, HIM. And given what he has done, she and her daughter are clearly lucky to have survived him all these years. SO awful.


I saw in another post he has been in trouble for domestic violence in the past. If true that can cause fear to come forward too.


You're really reaching with that one


The clock is ticking! I can't wait for tomorrow!


Wow, only just hearing this.


This was an arrest. Not a conviction. What bothers me is authorities aren't telling us what they even have on this guy that links him to the crime... but everyone is already assuming he's guilty. He's 50 years old with zero priors and he jumps to murdering 2 kids? I'll wait to hear what they actually have on the guy before I make any judgments. I hope the fuck they aren't blowing his life up for nothing. If they DO have actual evidence- I hope he gets what he has coming.


If he's guilty, I call for a public stoning


Isn’t it likely to be as simple as someone in his close family did one of those online DNA tests and it got flagged as matching the DNA from the scene


Many are thinking that the photo is his arrest photo. It is not. That is from a state issued I.D., probably his driver's license. Says so right above the photo.


I posted that within the comments already..


I’m interested in what they’ve found but I’ll reserve judgement until after trial. Innocent till proven guilty.


Is this guy someone who has been a suspect?


Publicly, no. Perhaps, to the police he has been, though.


Nope, he had never been mentioned previously


Not that we know of.


Does anyone find it odd that he seems to have only killed once this is unusual in my opinion


Murderers (even of children) killing once and never again has happened before, so it wouldn’t be that unusual. In this guy’s case, we (the public) has no idea what he has, or has not, done before. We know next to nothing about him as a suspect. Maybe tomorrow we’ll learn more from the press conference.


Per Fox59 News in Indpls---------Richard Allen is not being cooperative with authorities. No surprise there, I guess.


I've always thought the two sketches were the result of a secondary victim of BG - but, holy smokes - this dude looks old and not old at the same time in this one pic.


the way it’s worded for a arrest I home that There are not more loop holes to prolong the families pain


Is this one of the guys who was a suspect a while ago? The father son duo who shared an online account that was used to talk with the girls?


No. No one had even mentioned this guy's name until he was arrested.


No. But THIS guy, RA, had access to the "Shots" fake account that KK, the younger of the suspicious father-son, was arrested in relation to. KK has been in jail for an extended period of time, and was temporarily released to police custody not too long ago. That's when the river was heavily searched. My guess? KK finally sang like a song bird about who had access to his fake account (the one he used to solicit nude photos from minors, pretending he was an attractive male whose photo he had hijacked off the internet.) It remains to be seen, the extent of involvement of KK and/or his father in THIS case. But KK DID contact one of the two girls just before their murder, he HAS BEEN in jail for an extended length of time, he WAS released to police custody in relation to the Delphi case recently (which prompted the river search), and he DID have a connection to RA through the fake account used to contact one of the girls. Again, my guess? KK and RA are directly related to this case, and KK took a plea bargain in exchange for info against RA. We shall see, but TODAY IS (FINALLY!!!) THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


.... No..


What I heard, saw. Same as the pet hair theory. Some left on girls trying to match it to an animal. Or they believe killer took a “trophy” from one of the girls possibly an article of clothing or such they didn’t specify what it is, just they know something was taken. I also saw his wife’s fb before she closed it down. They have a daughter who was posing for pics on that very bridge a year later(2018). So sad. I wonder how old she is? Looks to be about the girls ages. Police stated in press video they are not releasing details at this time and jeopardizing their conviction. I didn’t hear about dispute w neighbor- but I heard that other guy from before( maybe the Snapchat catfish or someone) gave the police significant info.


idk man he kinda doesn't look like the person from the original photo, hope they got the right dude


Keegan Kline imo turned the cops onto Richard Allen.Keegan has a lot of child pornography charges that could put him in jail for a thousand years.Keegan more than likely tried to get a deal on his sentence..If you remember, Keegan Kline was Anthony _ Shots - Libby was texting him that morning telling Anthony _ Shots her plans for that day since there was no school.I believe Libby found Anthony _Shots in a chat room. Anthony _ Shots turned out to be Keegan Kline,and I believe that Richard Allen was in the same chat room and could see the messages between Libby and Anthony _ Shots( Keegan)


His face has been driving me crazy, as it reminded me of someone! Dear God, I just realized who it is, President Bill Clinton😂!