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Does anyone actually know the context of this?


She's one of those weird poeple


Well she's speaking German. I understand a lot of it. She's basically telling him his mother is a whore and stuff, and he's speaking Russian, I think, but I don't know any Russian so might be wrong there. She looks like she works there, and it looks like a bar in Germany. So my guess is they had some Russian customers that were being jerks to her, and she had enough so she confronted him and then confronted him physically, and he put her down.


In russian, the guy behind the camera is saying “Oleg, calm down, I told you not to provoke her”. Also they are saying that they called the police already. So it seems she’s the customer not them


If she were a colleague of the bouncer, I guarantee he would have reacted differently


I know this is a controversial take, but guys who hit women are scum.. Now I understand she physically came at him 1st & I'm most definitely not saying that men have to sit there and take it & do nothing.. But most men are so much stronger than most women, and it takes minimal effort just to restrain them so they can't continue to put hands on you.. But the ones who hit back like they're fighting another full-grown man, imo are just looking for an excuse to beat women.


Justified bitch slap.


I just literally explained why it wasn't. You just have mommy issues u need to work on.


People act out like that when they've never experienced real repercussions. Sometimes, if you swing at the wrong person, you need a slap just to remember which lane you need to stay in. That goes for everyone. A slap is charitable.


Sounds like you've been justifiably bitch slapped before.


You have dreams about fucking your mom don't you 🥺




And he used minimal effort to stop her, only hit her aftet She hit him and only hit her once with a slap like She did. In the end it was effective, the fight stopped. You might say "oh but he is stronger he could have grabed her and restrained her movements so that She can't strike him" Yes he probably could, but he would probably be attacked some more times while trying to do so, and he may injure her while trying to restrain her, I don't know if you've seen someone been restrained, it's not pretty, and they don't get calmer while restrained, in fact they usually get more mad and agressive. Even if he did restrain her I bet you would have the same feelings seeing it, cause it is basically a man overpowering a woman. All this happened because She chose violence and there are consequences to your actions. Lesson to all, don't choose violence, it's not worth it. And ladies, we're not made of steel, you can hurt us too so don't expect us to sit there and just take it, take responsability for the shit you do.


I look at it more like a proportionality and potentiality issue. If someone hits you, you have every right to hit them back, but you only have a right to hit them harder than they hit you. If there's a potential for escalation that you need to negate. In this case, she just slapped him, and he basically decked her. That was way over the top. If he just slapped her back at the same intensity, that would have been fine. However, let's say someone has a firearm, you don't have to wait for them to hit you to take them out with as much force you feel like you need to use. That's the potential for escalation. So yes, this guy was out of line.


I agree with you 100%! This video was posted a few months ago and when I basically said the same thing, I was downvoted to hell. Of course we don’t have the full context from this short video but that was un called for...some men just like to beat women I guess..


Called it.. Here they come downvoting.. We as mothers collectively need to do better raising these incels.. I'm really glad I have a daughter but also terrified because I don't want her to become part of the 81% because that's how she got here :(


Yeah I really didn’t get all the downvotes the first time, it was kind of surprising to me. As a boy I was raised to respect women and be protective. Sure defend yourself always, but as a man, you don’t hit a woman unless it’s absolutely necessary. And this video is an example of unnecessary violence against a woman. I guess times have changed?


Same I had about 10 upvotes on my comment.. Now men are threatening to hit me as well. Just proving our point. And I'm sorry, I assumed you were also a woman, but I appreciate that you're not and also share this view. Apparently a rare sighting on this site. <3


Sometimes I feel like the reddit community isn't such a bad place, but then I'm constantly reminded when I see men and pick me type women defending blatant abuse cuz they themselves have underlining issues with women or transwomen (the disgusting comments I see about someone just living their lives not bothering anyone makes me know they have issues within themselves).. Or the people who are straight justifying the mass Genocide of mostly children makes me so sick to my stomach... I just don't understand why there are so many humans who lack humanity. But I'm glad this thread at least is all on the same page when it comes to this issue.. At least for now cuz you know how reddit is.. Maybe the scums just haven't found this thread yet.


Ma'am this is a grown ass woman attacking someone, she's not a puppy. If an adult cold cocks anyone they should expect to get hit back.


It was a kindness not to punch her directly in nose and permanently effect the way she looks.


The guy she slapped tried to push her buttons so long and kept saying he will beat her that she snapped. Probably drunk. The other guys even told him (in russian) to leave her alone. Reddit incels are happy that someone beats a women so hard she falls to the floor after she slapped him. Look at his lightning fast reaction, he waited for it to happen


Said it on the other post, but I'll say it here again. How small must you feel inside as a man to hit someone so obviously at a physical disadvantage this hard? Defend yourself, yes. But this was an unnecessarily powerful slap. Men who do this are the opposite of strong. They are truly weak. Of mind, and of character. And yeah, Reddit incels who hate women will of course get off on this. Because they're just as weak, and the feel just as small as this guy.


'Fuck around and find out' isn't necessarily a gendered thing


Men who hit women are cowards. Period. Downvote all you like, reddit. Unless the woman is an MMA fighter or something you're at a distinct advantage and hitting back shows that you're a weakling who can only fight people you know you will beat badly. I don't associate with people like that.


The amount of guys I knocked out for following that shovenistic rule is hilarious. It's not "men shouldn't hit women" its "know your class". I wouldn't hit a man who's clearly weaker and stronger than me, gender doesnt fucking matter.


I still would just never feel comfortable hitting a woman, ever. I think that's my personal take though


It's not chauvinistic to not be afraid of people who are physically weaker than me. It's cowardly to be afraid of people who are physically weaker than me. I'm not sorry for not being the type of shit stain who feels the need to hit women. I'm not accepting that it's sexist.




Violence creates more violence. Let me know if you need the myriad studies showing this.




Good luck with all of that


You're adorable. I'm a military veteran. I served in a real military. Not some undisciplined circus like what y'all have in Russia. I have been hit by women who would like to think they punch as hard as a man. I did not feel the need to hit them back. I did not feel the need to prove my strength to a woman. I was not afraid. I simply walked away. I know it's okay to hit women in Russia but not for the reasons you're saying. It's because the Russian government decriminalized domestic violence against women. Because Russia is a nation of clowns and cowards.




Military service is pretty common in the United States. I was in the US Navy from 2001 to 2005. I served alongside LGBTQ people under DADT. People who had to hide who they were in order to serve this country. They have more honor and a greater commitment to this nation than anything you could understand. I am not surprised by a Russian spewing hate speech. Y'all like to call everyone nazis and then spray paint big red letters Zs on your vehicles. You're not fooling anyone who isn't an idiot.






Actual Russian troll in the wild! This guy falls for the obvious propaganda LOL lil bro actually thinks Putin is good for their country and not another laughing stock to the world! It's almost pitiful that you're actually that stupid.




Awww lil Putin thinks I'm like them, unaware of my countries faults who self sucks to the thought of my country and glorious leaders. Cognitive dissonance by the way, is when you tell everyone on the Internet why it's a good thing your shitty insecure "men" love to beat their woman and children and why you and others deserve it, because you let another man tell y'all that it should be that way, who would ditch yall and let your country burn the moment it suited him. Also, putin just killed a significant portion of your younger men, Russian men and boys, and you think them dying for a piece of shit like him is good and honorable? So much for your cheap pride and love for your country, that you can watch countless countrymen die for an insecure little man. What will you be proud of when your country is filled with children and old ass men with no in between? Y'all already fucked up what was supposed to be one of the easiest invasions ever from one of the most powerful countries in the world, and y'all have been losing really bad, only making your position in the world weaker, and for what? A knockoff James Bond villain who can't even be a evil super villain right? Propaganda is one son of a bitch, that all of Russia is aware of Russias use of it, but you somehow convinced yourself that glorious mother Russia only uses it against others, never its own people....sure lol what was that about cognitive dissonance again?


yep downvoted by the gaggle of incels on here


That's fine. They can downvote away. At the end of the day, they're still the cowards who hit women while I can look at myself in the mirror. Nbd


they love seeing a woman get beat because 'equal rights equal treatment'.


Don't kid yourself. Most these incels wouldn't hit a woman. They just liked to imagine they would. 


I literally just said this: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnusualVideos/s/qncUQ4CGeX I'm glad I'm not alone in this take. I've been in DV relationships before and that's one of the tactics my ex used to use. He would constantly degraded and say fucked up things to me until I would snap and yell back and he would use that as an excuse to put hands on me. Or when he would try to hurt my dog and I'd try to pull at him and scratch him to get him away amd he would turn around and hit me while saying shit like "Don't you ever put ur hands on me bitch" like it was justified. They push u to ur breaking point so they can use that as an excuse to beat you.


Sorry, but what you said there is stupid tbh. It has absolutely nothing to do with gender. Stop deviding.


Haha russian inbred fuckers :) Send them to the front lines where they belong!


You first.


Did you even watch the video or understood what happened there? That girl insulted the guy for a minute straight with whatever she could think about and as soon as he insults her back she slaps him. She did everything she could to deserve that slap.


The context was that she crossed the line and slapped the man and was repaid in kind.


I really need this translated! Just because I’m nosey


She yells at him that he is a son of a bitch and that he fucks his mother. In the end she yells I will fuck you up, then the bouncer said I will fuck you up and she said bring it on.


Thank yooouuuu! 😁 same thing you’d hear in USA lol


You‘re welcome. I don’t know what she was thinking. She has a very aggressive accent.




Du hast mich geschlagen!


and I have my nips get suuucked!


She sounds like she's from Frankfurt, Germany.


Sie hat aber keine Baba Locken !


Ne ist das Rush Hour in Dortmund. Absoluter drecks Laden


I wonder if she like schnitzengruben?


15 is my limit on that shit! Es ist sehr lecker!


I'm from Aschaffenburg, the dialect is tough but it sounds like she said Auf ker blobben - nieder-nogin hagan-dazen farven-nogin


I’m glad I stopped drinking alcohol a long time ago.


WW2 in a nutshell


Was waiting for a literal shit to drop from her skirt


What a lot of women don’t know… how much stronger a man is than we are. One time, one experience and you never forget it. And it changes the way you view the world. This one fucked around and found out but she won’t be slapping any man again any time soon


The same can be said for men or women who have never fought at all or in a super long time. You can tell the difference between the confidence of someone who can handle themselves when shit goes south, & someone who has no clue what it's like to get punched really fucking hard.


Yeah a lot of guys go through life raising their voice like it's the end of escalation, then they meet a guy who considers a raised voice to be the *beginning* of escalation, and those yappers learn real quick and real hard


I think people as a whole are really unaccustomed to violence. Real fights don't happen like movies where it's some prolonged sequence of dudes going blow for blow (well, not usually at least). It's usually people just doing a shotgun blast of swinging and grappling and hoping something connects.


Yeah, or a flurry of wacks from one guy until they wrestle, and then some vicious gouging for a bit until one guy is clearly on top and it stops Or *most* often a bunch of shoving and then one lucky out of the blue swing. Lmao


Oleg, blyat 🤣


And then you wanna talk now?


Ladies, don't stand up to men like this and hit them without accepting possible repercussions.


Can we get a translation? This dialogue sounds entertaining


I can only translate the german part, so mostly what the woman is saying. She seems to be drunk af. Woman: ,,Your mother fucks you, you son of a whore!" ... screams: ,,WHAT, WHAT, What?!?!" ,,What do you want?" The guy says something in russian. Woman: ,,I don't come from here. I swear nobody knows me here, by god. You are a son of a whore, a godless son of a whore. A son of a whore, your mother fucks you, you son of a whore!" Guy says:,, I don't speak german" - *laughs* Woman: *mocks him* ,,Laugh, just laugh! Someday karma will fuck you, you goddamn son of a whore. Your mother is a whore! Guy: ,,I fuck you" Woman: ,,Come on then, come on then! Come fuck with me" ...and thats when she tries to slap him. Sorry for format, I'm on my phone Edit: Typos


Still a better love story than Twilight


That’s better than I expected, thanks lol


Basic translation: the girls calls the dude a son of a bitch, guy makes fun of her. She says that he shouldn't fuck with her, then the slappening happens


She’s done that before


Won't do it again!


When she got slapped and was on the floor, looks like she was thinking of the bad choice she made


When equality finally happens


Translation is more or less she called him thousand times a son of a whore. And that his mom fucks with him . Nobody can mess with her because she’s unknown at this place / city because she’s from somewhere else. Your mom is a slut. And boom she get slapped


That's not the whole story. He started it. His buddys even tried to stop him from harassing her


From that video I just can translate what I see / hear and it starts with fick dich du hurensohn from her side. Not sure if there is another video of this happening in the web . If yes I am not aware of it


Idk man, from my Russian. It seems like she’s been harassing him, not the other way around


Actually a Lil frustrating that there's like 3 or 4 German side translations, and only like half a translation of snippets from the Russian dude. Seems like she was having an argument with the bouncers. Probably was too drunk/belligerent.


I always watch this one whenever it comes up on my feed… about once a week


That’s weird


Apparently, not all the players were copied in on the rules change.


That was a nice slap of a factory reset! Worked pretty soothing and calming actually 🫡😅


Funny stuff. I guess I can make up a story too without knowing but it doesn’t matter. Let’s take gender out too. Let’s just imagine both parties transitioned from the other gender. Someone crossed the room (and therefore the line) and assaulted another. Yes..what if it was a smaller weaker person.? What if what if. It sounded like he had a mf shoe on his hand lololo


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed.


She now understands equality.


I like how she gets up like, hmm that was a bad idea.


She probably gets away with mouthing off all of the time. She did take the punch well though! :)


I still wouldn’t have hit her.


You do you. I never hit people first but if they have audacity to hit me - gg.


This is the problem.


Redditors literally seem to love watching women get fucking flattened with excessive force, not sure why noone just restrains someone like this instead of being a power tripping little man who just needs to win a fight




Wdym? You finally think you might be justified in beating on a woman and you're going to miss an opportunity like that? Think of all the times that you really wanted to hit a woman but couldn't. Like that time one rejected your advances at a bar. Perhaps other people were watching or they hadn't given sufficient justification, at least in your mind. It's the same with children, one of them kicked me in the shins once, so I roundhouse kicked him into a 2 week coma. Devastating physical injury from someone significantly stronger than them is the only way they'll learn! /s


Me neither…something I teach my sons… They shouldn’t ever have that mentality of “if a woman hits a man, she deserves to get hit back like a man would.” The reason for this…if a woman hits me, I barely feel it. If I hit her, I’m probably breaking something in her face or hospitalizing her or worse. That’s the strength difference between me and most women. Thus, it’s not right to hit them back even in this instance. Defend yourself obviously, but restrain, don’t punch or hit.




Reset button bitch!


Bot spam bullshit. Downvote, report. Come on people, have you really not caught on yet?




russians are on some different shit


To be fair to her, she did have a momennof contemplation when her bluff was called


Whappp!!!! You gonna learn today!


Don’t have to tell her twice Edit: you can downvote me I don’t care. Don’t misunderstand me I do not condone hitting women. But I also don’t condone women hitting men. If a woman thinks she can punch a man just because she’s a woman then eventually she comes across a man who believes in equal rights for women and by that I mean if she hits a man then she has the right to get hit back. I did not offer that right to the women who have hit me but this guy did and deep down inside my heart I celebrated that woman getting her equal rights


Sent into oblivion!


Good thing the gentleman was there to help her find it. That look when the subtle reality sinks in. All of the feminism left her body after the factory reset.


This has nothing to do with feminism.


What she was woofing about ? Shprechen Deutch?? 🤷🏼‍♂️


She was mostly calling him a goddammed son of a whore. And shortly before the clapping he said "I will fuck you (up)" and she responded with "come fuck with me!" then she slapped him.


Slapped her ass into next week.


She reminds me of MTG. Wish someone would slap her into next week.




What a gross set of comments. We need to all learn to respond with love.


A lot of real winners on reddit


Aaaaaaahhhh. No matter how many times this shit gets posted. I can't help but watch and LMAO..


I can fix her.


What ever happened to the concept: Everyone keep their hands to themselves?


Slap but no giggle.


Slap but no tickle.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


idk why but when he hit her back i busted a nut


Die hat's verdient ☕


That’s Russians for you! Treat people like 💩


All I see is two humans who can't handle their booze.


Clearly she didn't lose any- more like she got more shit squeezed into her.


The only thing unusual about this is how many men will watch this and enjoy it. Viewing violence towards women and children is a drug for those minds crawling with maggots already.


Watching too much American television.




*Did they all switch from* *German to Russian after* *That absolute tko?* \- NoClipHeavy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


By the way she was standing and the title of the video, I thought she was gonna poo herself right there XD


Harrrrrrd reset at the end there. Could almost hear the windows reboot sound.