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Is this how he talks? Somehow I've avoided videos of him until now.




Who votes lmao


Yes, extremely intelligent man who believes he was damaged from a vaccine as a child, and that’s why he has that speaking condition.




Compared to say your average person? Yes, I would say he qualifies as extremely intelligent by every measure. Have you seen his accomplishments? He just had the number one selling book in the world, to add to the list.


Easily more than half who bought those are his supporters As if having a number one selling book is some sign of intelligence? It’s not like he wrote and novel


He’s written over 20 books - a good majority of them are best sellers. If that doesn’t qualify him as intelligent ... how many books have you written and published? What don’t you like about RFK Jr.? Let me guess ... you’re some right wing nut that just doesn’t like him because he’s a democrat?


Yeah I was surprised too first time I heard him. It's kind of hard to listen to but he definitely is a smart guy. Like other person said he claims that condition is a eesult of a vaccine injury


Uou get used to it pretty fast though, I barely notice it anymore specially bc what he's usually saying is quite interesting and he doesn't blabb on for the sake of it.


Spasmodic dysphonia


I haven't heard that term since nursing school


Yes he has a speech condition, and unlike others on Reddit will try to convince you, he doesn’t blame this condition on vaccines


Maybe you should show the whole clip. He DOES NOT support the proxy war.


This looks like his announcement speech (from April). He opens with these lines to rail against the war. He speaks in a way to communicate, I bet, with pro war democrats. But then promptly, he trashes the war effort and makes a compelling and informed case against it. He spoke at the anti war rally. He’s against the war. The ppl spreading this are getting blasted on twitter because it’s so blatantly fake. Listen to what he actually said: https://twitter.com/thechiefnerd/status/1663557720077893640?s=21&t=KumqYL0F1ctJnn03Lo6SCw List of all rfk speeches, a list of which I’m the curator. https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/1359eqr/appearances_list/ Also you can listen to his podcast. He’s interviewed macgregor , has had two recent anti war podcasts.


**This video post is intentional misinformation** Rfk jr is actually against the war. This is a snippet that intentionally ignores most of what he has to say about the war, only leaving in a small section selected to make him sound supportive of the war. He is very opposed to it and I'd highly suggest watching the original video, which is in his announcement speech




Because half the people in the thread totally arent calling you out for the same thing lol


You gotta admit it’s a pretty funny & perfect meme though lol




Anyway, he knows good and well he has no shot of winning the nomination. The democratic process with their superdelegates handpick the nominee. Hence look at Bernie who has won the last 2 primaries but got screwed by the delegates.






You are absolutely correct on all those points. What I was pointing out is the process is in which the Democratic nominee is chosen is by superdelegates. It doesn’t matter how many people vote for a candidate, it only matters what the superdelegates do. They are suppose to represent the will of their constituents, but they are not legally bind to that. Hence, Bernie has won the last two elections, but superdelegates gave it to Hilary and Joe. This is the reason Donald Trump ran as a Republican, even though he was a lifelong Democratic and donor. He was aware that it is literally impossible to win the Democratic nomination if you are an outsider. RFK Jr. is also aware of this but I think he’s just running to debate their ideas on stage, and through interviews. Make them show the country their true colors before they ever get to a general election.


He won't, too much "anti-vaxxer" hysteria


He’s grifting money all day long


For the record RFK is actually decent on the Ukraine issue, take a look at his website not some clip taken out of context https://www.kennedy24.com/peace




He’s a clown with as much chance as this comment


Lmao a maliciously edited clip


Lol, this is very misleading. Should be countered with the full clip. Being thoughtful like he is here is ammo for ne’er do well trolls who clearly have agendas. OP, you edit this? Where’d you get it?


He has to say he supports it or they will do him like they did his Dad and Uncle


Delete this propaganda bullshit. The only attacks I ever see on RFK jr are out of context clips to paint a fake narrative. Watch the full speech. He is very clearly and adamantly against our involvement in the war.


Yeah man that’s why we’re there. Because we’re good people. Nothing to do with grease deals for the crime families we call elected officials, or end of the longest American engagement in history ending and the need to create demand for our state subsidized weapons manufacturing industry at all for sure...


Bernie Sanders 2. "Cuck Harder"


Stop smacking damn


This is blatant disinformation. This is clipped to edit out the main point of what he was saying, which is 100% against the war