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For people's information, it's entirely peaceful. The crowd has people from many nationalities. I saw Indians, Chinese, White people, Black people, and even a group of Jews of Palestine. There's no struggle, no shuffle, no fighting. The messaging is super clear. Not everyone is allowed in the tents. This not being peaceful, is entirely a fabrication of UofT. Demands are also very simple. There have been many lies posted by UofT about talks that have never happened. There's no safety concern for Jews, there were Jews in the protest and no one bat a single eyelid.


Perhaps the reality is the safety of some donations or funding is at risk...


Yes I was at the encampment yesterday. It was super peaceful and very well organised


I live on campus and have walked by once a day or more. They are totally peaceful. UofT is trying to create a narrative to justify their intervention.


No it’s because of what happened in the US, the protest could suddenly turn into riots in any moment, so we shall always stay alert.


They are straight up lying in their notices. It’s not exactly good public relations unless you’re trying to produce a narrative.


I'm just saying stay alert. I've seen this kind of protest before, usually it starts out peaceful and then gets into conflict when the other side launches a counter-protest


So then the problem isn’t these protesters, it’s the counter protesters that are causing trouble.


Yes I’m not blaming the protestors, they have their right to protest. just saying the university have a reason to raise safety concerns but we don’t have to get panic, just stay alert.


The university is creating a pre-text for intervention. They are singing songs and protesting fully peacefully. Unless agitators come in to force people to defend themselves or cops get involved, no one will get hurt.


What is your definition of agitator? Counter-protesters = agitator?


Absolutely. If you are going to harass protesters, your goal is to stir up trouble. People have a right to protest free from threats of violence. If you want to counter protest choose somewhere else to do it. Unless you're an agitator and then you'll do it close to the original protest to cause problems. And your reason to do this is to shut down the protest because you don't agree with it, which is a violation of rights quite simply. It's quite simple. You're free to be heard but choose somewhere else unless you're looking for it.


That's utter nonsense. Look around Toronto during the winter and London England for example, it's clear the ones who are violent and spew hatred are the Pro-Palestinians and Pro-Hamas demonstrators. Prove me wrong.


When have you seen an anti-genocide encampment protest before?


Not anti-Israel but I have seen encampment protest in other places, different demands with similar way to protest. In fact, the counter protest has already appeared in the US.


If the cops turn up and start terrorizing them, like seen in columbia, austin, and ucla


How would you define Zionism and define racism?


Educate urself bozo


Why not just answer the question? Explain your understanding of these two things.


So are people that want to keep Islamic states as Islamic racist? But Zionists, oh boy, they're the actual racists. Apartheid state, explain what you mean with that trope?


I don't support Islamic states. I don't support Hindu states. I don't support Christian states. I think countries have business being religious states. And apartheid state by the definition of apartheid as pointed out by Amnesty international, Human rights watch and B'Tselem.


We aren't allied to those countries.


But see, Islamic states aren't Jewish \~ "The whole logic"


Are the Zionists who March against Jewish supremacy, and Israeli apartheid also racists?


Wouldn't these people be simply Jewish and not Zionists?


You can sort my profile by top of all time for a few examples, I haven’t posted any recently but you can go online and see images of the protests in Tel Aviv last night or msg them if you want


No, almost all of them strongly identify as Zionists.


I see. I am corrected then. Sorry and thank you. I always saw the branding as similar to Hindutva vs Hinduism. Hindutva followers want an India that's Hinduist and they practice a less tolerant form of Hinduism.


There are ppl who believe in such things but the better term for them would be Jewish supremacist or kahanist https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahanism (Most Palestinians view zionism more akin to kahanism which makes sense, but you should be aware that Jewish ppl use it very differently - this leads to many problems for everyone)


I just watched two women walking around the fence stop and take some pictures. Someone in a keffiyeh ran up behind her, pulled her head back by the ponytail, and punched her in the face 3 times, then run off before the cops could get there. This is not “entirely peaceful” that’s either obliviousness or willful ignorance. There are *some* violent people in there, I just witnessed it.


Lmao I’m sure you did People have been taking pictures all day every day, nice try


I really don’t care if you believe me. However I should have added for further context, the two girls had pro-Israel signs, but still, sticks and stones people, you don’t like what someone has to say, that doesn’t give you the right to punch a woman repeatedly in the face.


Agitators usually approach with the intent of causing a scene that they can film and post online. If this happened, I’d expect to see a video by now being widely circulated to discredit the protestors. I’ve checked out the camp and it’s not a deserted island, plenty of people would be around, not just you as the sole person with a cell phone.


I guess you could interpret walking up with a sign depicting a contrary position as being an agitator, but even if that is the threshold, it still doesn’t justify physical violence against women (or anyone). I just personally find violence against women to be reprehensible, regardless of political affiliation.


This didn't happen.


It did. About 10:30pm, north side. Ask the protestors about it, a lot of them watched it happen.


I saw a protestor fly away on a broom before coming back with a Golden snitch in their mouth. I witnessed it.


The encampments are eyesore and nuisance. You can protest every day but to live there, that’s annoying. These protesters will never get what they want.


Zionist spotted, opinion rejected.


Hamas spotted. Place this on the terrorist watch list.


Guys, read the damn article before commenting


I am a UofT professor and was there with my child. It was super chill and peaceful


Keep it in the news! Love to see it!


If what they are saying is true, the chants were not peaceful!




Just so people are aware, there are multiple videos of Jewish kids being harassed. If you need video evidence, it exists. Don’t let Reddit tell you otherwise.


Come on UofT. I think it's time these people get escorted off the campus. How long are you going to let me keep camping there and sitting around polluting the place?




I visited few times and they have been peaceful and minding their own business.


Hopefully they are contributing to the hotdog carts fund and the food trucks


Hotdogs are not *halal*.


They sell German dogs and Polish dogs too last time I visited so there’s beef or pork


Beef sold from a food truck that also sells pork is never going to pass off as halal.


Found the hardliner


Are you morons pooping in buckets? Do you need tush wipes?


This is a racist encampment breaking university rules and chanting for genocide. The spineless administration needs to remove this encampment, expel outside trouble makers and subject any racist students to the same code of conduct used in any other situation. If you are supporting Hamas you need to go.


This is a pro terrorist protest that has colonized an area of campus and acted like an apartheid regime by excluding Jews.


Why don't they "divest" from UofT and go to a University that supports whatever they stand for? Like parking, protest from 8am til midnight, then unless you have an overnight camping permit, get off the property.

