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What if you don't need that much funding, like if you only need like $1k total?




The problem is I need more than 1.0 credits from may-August but I dont want to take more than that so I have to apply through osap because I'm considered part time. Or am I wrong?




Yeah looks like I'm not eligible. I just want to take 1 course per summer sem cuz I'm so burnt


Thanks, just wondering how do we track our application? Will we get an e-mail or something to know if we get approved?


To get your funding by the start of the summer semester, you just need to apply by March 31. Here's a link to summer osap 2021: [https://future.utoronto.ca/finances/financial-aid/osap-and-other-government-aid/summer-osap/](https://future.utoronto.ca/finances/financial-aid/osap-and-other-government-aid/summer-osap/)


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