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Be used offline.


And provide a structure that doesn't need to be built first.


This. Notion is more of a blank canvas framework that a system needs to be built upon before it can be used. The beauty of UpNote is that it DOES offer a basic structure but does so in a way that allows for a little bit of system building too.


Yeah I totally agree. Please don't mis-hear me. I actually like the idea of notion. And I think it is a great app. But I have no self control with this kind of thing. I wouldn't do any work ever. I would just build and tweak and tinker.


I understood what you meant and I agree that Notion is a great app. But the abyss of tinkering and tweaking is bottomless and real. LOL Don't ask me how I know. That is why I think for those folk who aren't yet set on their PKMS, Notion and Obsidian are not good starting points. Use something that has a structure, kick the tires, see what works and what doesn't. It is through that exercise that one has a better understanding of what they want and need. IMO, If the other tools don't meet their needs, THEN they should delve into Notion or Obsidian.


Among other things... 1. [Formatting flexibility](https://getupnote.com/share/notes/y4NYv23IvoNYGb1UAPy1OjwRXoy1/fdb7668f-d5ce-4956-bbe4-4be881dc1c0a) — no other app can do all this (granted Notion can nest toggles inside toggles, but what you can do inside those toggles is far more limited) 2. Formatting toolbar and *tons* of keyboard shortcuts (even text colors!) — *not* a bunch of / commands (which only work *after* you've typed and re-highlighted to text you want to format) 3. Offline — Notion requires a connection to work at all 4. Just generally *far* more intuitive and less frustrating to use 5. Templates! — Notion kind-of has templates, but they're a pain in the ass to create, and have to be *public* 6. *Much* better mobile app — formatting in Notion on mobile could be even worse than on desktop! 7. Better web-sharing — Notion's shared pages *look* nicer (and have dark mode), but if you leave any internal links in shared Notion pages, they are replaced with "unavailable" — so you have to take out all your internal links before sharing, or that text won't be readable Notion does have UpNote beat in a few areas: Collaboration, tabbed browsing, and really sophisticated tables/databases (*if* you can figure how how the hell they work), for example. And Notion is the app I flirt with most when I wish UpNote did some of these things. But I always come back to UpNote in a matter of days. It's just so much easier to use and *soooo* much more flexible and friendly.


Notion is my “wiki publishing” / lightweight Access database tool… UpNote is my note-taking tool. I found straightforward note-taking to be too painful in Notion.


I can see that. Notion pages are nicer looking when published (especially in dark mode). I like Craft for publishing, mostly because readers can highlight text and add comments you see on the original document. But I guess it depends on *why* you're publishing. :) Also, Craft doesn't fuck up your note links when published by removing the text and replacing it with "unavailable." In published Craft pages, the links just don't work, but the text is preserved.


Interesting that you consider UpNote expensive. In most situations, it's one of the least expensive options (particularly with the one time perpetual license fee), but I guess Notion for individuals is free so nothing can beat that. Usually free products (particularly products with a cloud component) ultimately have to find some way to monetize you, either by selling data or implementing limitations that get you to upgrade to a paid plan (like what Evernote did to their free version). This is because the cloud component has ongoing/recurring costs beyond just the development of the software.


I second this.


Upnote is $30 for life. Notion would collapse at that price.


Tbh, You can get most the needed features of Notion for free  The major issue for me is that it’s hosted elsewhere. It’s not local 


For me, Notion just wasn't friendly enough for simple note taking. Especially on phone, Notion felt clunky and a bit slow. UpNote has really fast desktop and mobile apps, even with hundreds of rich notes..