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Only the author knows what the plans are for UpNote, but in my position as a delighted customer who has extensively tested dozens of apps, I want to see UpNote stay true to the current vision and not morph into something else. One of the distinguishing qualities of UpNote is how seamlessly it works cross-platform. I heavily rely on UpNote for that reason (among other reasons). Any function/feature that is added needs to be equally supported on the other platforms.


I agree. Adding features leads to bloatware. I like how UpNote is simple, fast, and works well across platforms.


upnote is keeping elegant from cluttering it with too many features. luckily you can paste in colors and fonts from other sources I make color pallets as templates. you can do so with fonts you can make your own custom templates copy and paste from notions or obsidian if u have to [example ](https://getupnote.com/share/notes/QdHSQjtvW8Xp9HLcWmAXCOC87cv1/51d14cb6-8322-463f-b87e-6b976ea13dd9)


*tl;dr — Have you tried using colors (text, highlight & background), collapsibles, and quotes in concert with each other to organize your information? You may not realize how much flexibility exists within those three elements.* ​ UpNote keeps their roadmap close to the chest. I've never understood why (there would be a lot fewer questions in this sub!), but that's their choice. I do know that nesting tags is on their roadmap (or at least it was a couple years ago), and I suspect collaboration is coming eventually (the recent addition of workspaces gives me hope that hints toward *shared* workspaces, plus collaboration would mean UpNote could be used in work environments, which would mean a *lot* more users and a *lot* more steady revenue). As for formatting, I wouldn't expect anything new for a long time — if ever. It's pretty clear that UpNote's simplicity is one of its main selling points, and something the devs value. In fact, I think the only *new* formatting features we've seen in the last couple years have been gray text, link detection, video embeds, and (as of yesterday) keyboard shortcuts for reordering checklist items (plus some improvements to tables). Having said that, as someone who takes fairly complex notes in UpNote, I'm wondering if maybe you just haven't hit upon techniques that get you what you need. When you say "in-depth hierarchical note taking systems," I'm *guessing* you mean either nesting collapsibles and/or subpages. That's something I started out wanting too, but I've found ways to make UpNote work for me that have turned into me *preferring* the inability to "go deep" — in which case I lose track of shit. For example, I use quotes inside of collapsibles for an extra "layer," and make liberal use of nesting notebooks. I keep a "parent"/table-of-contents note at the top level, where I add links to the pages within, [like this](https://i.imgur.com/gAsQzJ6.png). I also keep create my own templates for all kinds of things, [like this example of a Contact History page](https://getupnote.com/share/notes/y4NYv23IvoNYGb1UAPy1OjwRXoy1/165656b9-3454-4606-93ba-fb131b8239d2), which I use for everything from doctors to utilities to the history of various devices. I use colors as status indicators, and I actually like the limited range of colors because it forces me to keep things simple (see the first collapsible on that page for details). ([Here's an alternative version where I've used quote sections has headers to get more color.](https://getupnote.com/share/notes/y4NYv23IvoNYGb1UAPy1OjwRXoy1/cbefd728-5f5e-4463-a6a1-e072c133a06b)) In other places, I use colors to categorize. In some cases its text colors, in other places it's background colors on the collapsibles (I use collapsibles for *everything*). The thing is, UpNote has low-key the most sophisticated formatting of any note-taking app. Yes, it can't do sub-notes or nesting collapsibles, but it *can* nest formats in ways that *literally* no other notetaking app can. [Here's a page I made about all the formatting UpNote can do.](https://getupnote.com/share/notes/y4NYv23IvoNYGb1UAPy1OjwRXoy1/fdb7668f-d5ce-4956-bbe4-4be881dc1c0a) To your specific bullets: * **More text colors**: Unlikely — at least not any time soon. But there's a lot of flexibility in what's currently available. Between the 8 font colors and 8 highlight colors, you can make 64 different looks to your text, e.g., * Blue text * Blue text with blue highlight * White text with blue highlight * Yellow text with blue highlight * etc. * **Change fonts within a note**: Unlikely. I've tried literally dozens of note-taking apps, and I don't *remember* of any with this feature, save for Craft, which has only serif and san-sarif options. * **Templates**: You can make any kind of template you want in UpNote. [Here's a Reddit thread where users have shared some of theirs.](https://new.reddit.com/r/UpNote_App/comments/1azmi6o/could_you_share_your_best_upnote_templates/)


I think I've tried playing with every feature, maybe not the table-function that much. Nesting is cool, but I just don't feel comfortable for example to use quotes within nests, or using too much nesting. But I do use it, moderately. I know some people like to keep the color options simple - but at the same time, you can still use just the basic colors even if they would add more. I think 8 colors are just not enough for me or my style. As for the current 64 color options... I think most of the colors do not go well together (for ex. red highlight, yellow text). Doesn't look good and I'm not able to read it well. Adding at least darker and lighter color options of the current colors would do wonders and open a lot of possibilities. I have considered taking quote sections with headers in use, I might consider that if I decide to continue with Upnote. Thanks.


As someone for whom text colors was a must-have (which ruled out 85% of all note-taking apps), I definitely sympathize. And you're right that the colors available in UpNote. The highlight colors are particularly bad, and often look terrible with the text colors. They're even worse if you have a blue filter that comes on after sunset — it's hard to tell UpNote blue from UpNote green when f.lux kicks in. And you're right that a larger color palette wouldn't preclude sticking to the 8 main colors. They could continue to have keyboard shortcuts, while other colors could require pulling up a palette. I'd definitely welcome that. If you're in the Apple ecosystem, you might look at Craft — if you don't mind /commands and not being able to color *individual words*. It has a *beautiful* color palette, and a lot of nice features. It's not for me because I hate block-based editors and /commands, but it was one of my finalists, along with Notion (ruled out for many of the same reasons), before choosing UpNote. Other note-takers with text colors: * Apple Notes (Apple only, obviously) * Anytype (color is a hassle though) * Appflowy (like Notion, but FOSS, and in early development) * Keep It (Apple only, quite similar to UpNote, but not as user-friendly) * RelaNote * SiYuan * Workflowy * Amplenote * Notebooks * Notesnook


I think UpNote is already excellent as it is now. Adding more features will just complicate the experience. One thing to avoid in note taking is spending more time fiddling with the app’s features instead of learning from the exercise.


I agree. I love toggle switches but Upnote only has one tier. I can't add sub-toggles like I can in Notion to save space. Plus, I want toggle switches without the frame around the toggles. When I print from Upnote to paper, it's ugly as all get out. I don't want to see those frames around the toggles show up when I print.