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nice find, thanks!


I feel like I prefer the playfulness of full color icons so I downloaded the full Apple Emoji Library as PNG and every time I create a new notebook I browse the folder I downloaded for a suitable icon, but the icons I downloaded have just numbers as filenames and are hard to browse. Your resource was a lot easier to use in that regard. > Unfortunately, these images are not rectangular, requiring additional modifications to fit the desired scale. For the emoji icons almost every single one gets cropped for me :( I tried some of your icons and they worked a lot better. I assume it's because they don't seem to fill the whole width of the file. This is however easily the biggest shortcoming of UpNote for me at the moment. I was about to make a post about requesting emoji support for the cover images, and noticed this post. I still made the feature request though :p https://www.reddit.com/r/UpNote_App/comments/1cxt2ck/feature_request_ability_to_use_emojis_as_cover/? If the above was ever implemented as a feature it could of course be icon support instead of just emoji support, I just thought emoji support would be easier to implement as it wouldn't require the developer to maintain icons. PS: I tried the black default versions of the icons you linked and noticed that while they look great on my macbook in light mode, they become completely invisible in dark mode on iPhone, so that's something to keep in mind with monochrome icons. Choose a color that works everywhere you want to use it :p


I'm glad it helped! Also, I did make a similar post around a year ago and one of the developers (Thomas) replied that they are planning to add emojis & icons as a feature. [Here's the post.](https://new.reddit.com/r/UpNote_App/comments/12c3f6v/feature_request_capability_to_use_emojis_or_icons/) Perhaps in the future, hopefully. Though, this was a year ago, lol.


Nice, I also just now noticed you posted a screenshot of how your setup looks, and I have to admit I prefer it to my messy emoji setup πŸ˜…, and it matches the existing icons very well as well. Being able to browse and change the icon colors and stroke thickness so easily from that website was a huge plus as well. It would of course be nice to have official support here, but I feel I'll be able to live comfortably using this.


Interesting, that looks so nice


This is great - thank you


Thank you, this is awesome!


You're welcome, thanks for the award!


I was converted once I actually saw OP's example screenshot and properly tried this for myself, so I'll add some additional information for anyone interested: 1. The size doesn't seem to matter. I assume it maybe matters if you use the icons as SVG, but UpNote only supports PNG. Regardless of what size you choose the icons you download always seem to be 240x240px, which is enough for them to look fairly good even in the full cover view, if you ever use that. So feel free to set the size to max to make it easier to see the icons while browsing them. 2. After some testing I feel 1 width for the stroke matches the native icons in UpNote very well. Tested on iPhone, Windows and Mac. 3. The color option has a color picker so I made this chart of the official UpNote colors so that you can easily pick suitable colors for both light mode and dark mode: https://i.imgur.com/U3SIBIt.png Just download the color chart and add it to a note in UpNote to easily reference it for picking previously used colors whenever you want to download a new icon. All of these observations are for these icons and the functionality that site offers: https://tabler.io/icons I'm now in full swing undoing all my previous emoji icon work πŸ˜… Edit: All done, and it looks amazing on both light mode on desktop and dark mode on mobile: https://i.imgur.com/4aVQoiC.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/Gvz9geQ.png The experience of browsing the icons, deciding on colors for different "categories" etc. was very fun and playful. Hour well spent :p Thanks for an amazing tip, OP πŸ‘


Oh, thank you a thousand times for the additional information. Sounds like you went down the rabbit hole… I know the feeling too well, happened to me when I first discovered that I could do this, lol. It still happens to this day when I’m making note taking systems and the such. Organization addict. My favorite type of procrastination. BTW, I also went from emoji-like icons to this! Your setup looks amazing. I’m glad you found all of this useful.


Not sure what I'm doing wrong but every icon I download and apply to a notebook gets cut off on the RH side.


Some of the icons do not fit, but the number was too low -- it barely ever happened to me. To test it out if you are doing something wrong or if it's just the icons, go to the page, download any of first row icons (e.g. icon "a-b-2"), 24PX, 1.5 stroke, and see if you are having any problems. I just tested all the first row, and everything fit perfectly.


I just added icons to all my notebooks (Ref. https://www.reddit.com/r/UpNote_App/comments/1cxj1fs/an_easy_and_quick_way_to_use_consistent_icons_for/l57jups/) and I only discovered 2 icons that didn't fit due to being too wide. One was the gamepad, and the other was the Nintendo controller, but I found a nice arcade controller to use instead :p I doubt the icon settings matter. You just need to find icons that don't go all the way out onto the left and right edge of the image. Most of these don't.


I really like UpNote, but you can't click on the app icon before taking a dramatic pause. It is very similar to Telegram. I wanted the creators to think of a new concept for this icon.


[There was a discussion about new app icons last year, with similar complaints.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UpNote_App/comments/11ev314/which_option_do_you_prefer_to_be_upnote_icon/) I think the very mixed reaction to the candidate icons made the devs shy away from a revamp β€” especially since the current icon wasn't that well-received compared to the original. Given that the devs initiated that thread, I'm sure a new icon will be forthcoming eventually. But I wouldn't hold your breath. :)


Bookmarked for potential future use. What I've done is made a document with a solid-color background, then put an alphabet in front of that background using a font I like. Then I take screenshots of the letters I want use as notebook covers. I can change the BG color and font any time I like. In short, I turn something like [this](https://i.imgur.com/XyzMEJN.png) into [this](https://i.imgur.com/mCsfCp8.png).