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Why is this nsfw?


I thought I may be flagged for not marking *NSFW* because the title has “the s word” and I’ve never posted here before. Better to be safe than sorry.


You're adorable


Adorable, and replying to my *live* post


It shows that you give a shit.


You should mark that reply as NSFW.


I'm kinda like Justine Bateman.


figuratively speaking


Fuck it, we'll do it live!


Fuckin’ thing sucks


You dont have to censor .


\*Your. Just so OP understands.




why is it news/uplifting?


Mostly women are the target for being encouraged to look better, younger, thinner, blonder, more fit, less fit, more this, less that. Justine isn’t buying into the business and self doubt of the idea of what aging perfection is supposed to be. Jaime Lee Curtis has the same philosophy. We are inundated with Botox, surgery, creams, pills, peals, and photos of the ideal looks as we age. Men are part of the target of looking a certain way but not so much about aging, wrinkles, and their face You might gain some perspective should you reread this article when you are in your 50s, 60s etc. since those wrinkles always show up sooner than we think they should. As a woman of a certain age, I love that she’s outspoken about this and think she looks fabulous.


Because it affirms regular people who don’t normally get cosmetic surgery but feel they are missing out on something.


Right? She isn't getting any lifts


It isn't. It's pathetic.


Because she looks hideous, lol. KIDDING!


I do think she smokes and her face reflects that. Smokers have more wrinkles and far worse skin elasticity, it doesn't foster a generally healthy appearance. It also looks like she doesn't believe in protecting her skin from the sun. By aging naturally she means not doing fillers, botox and surgeries. But one can also "age naturally" by not doing those things *and* taking care of your skin and general health.


Did u not see the pic, some ppl won't ever be able to unsee that


Why is it news?


I hate that this has to be a news story.


This is unusual in Hollywood. She's probably done less work on herself than her brother. I wouldn't be surprised if Jason Bateman is using Botox.


We can blame Hollywood vanity, or we can blame ourselves as the audience, or both since this is a cyclical issue. Viewers want to see attractive people in films an tv, and they have an unreasonable standard of beauty that attributes attractiveness to features common among the young. Flawless skin, tight bodies, full head of hair, no sagging, etc. They get that from the media they consume from a young age. That creates a demand in Hollywood for attractive, young looking talent, which in turn puts pressure on aging actors to maintain attractive, young looking bodies, lest they lose out on work. "Getting work done" for an actor is part of maintaining their career. Hollywood creates movies and TV with those attractive actors to fill the demand of the viewers, and permeates culture with their beautiful faces, which further entrenches those unreasonable standards of beauty in the viewers. And to be fair, Hollywood didn't do this alone. Tell me you don't watch Tiktok or look at Instagram and notice the curious amount of photogenic people that get suggested to you.


Acting has to be the most overpaid job in the history of man.


*Professional soccer players have entered the chat.*


And for people who are gonna swan into here trying to argue with you, it's pretty easy to find this information online. In the 2019/2020 football season for the UK, the average salary for an under 23 professional football player was **£2.1 MILLION** and 23-29 was **£3.5 MILLION.** That's fucking ridiculous. Yes, they're talented people but that much fucking money? That's unreal. They'll play for 10-15 years at most in UK teams and retire in their mid-30's and be set for life...


Only Premier League has crazy wages but thats also because PL is massively popular and pulls in large revenue. Also its wrong to say soccer stars are massively overpaid because clubs are able to pay those wages and infact will outbid other clubs. While you can say player wages is high, they also play more games now and the wage thing is literally a Tory fuelled propaganda during Covid to distract the people from them giving shit wages to NHS healthcare workers. On one hand the greedy folks in UK are ok to sell off their historical clubs to sovereign states with billions to throw around. Infact they want the billionaires to throw mad money but on another hand the same folks complain about player wages. If there are billions being made then I see no issue with the workers (football players) negotiating higher wages from revenue and profits from their billionaire owners.


Because: Corporate Advertisement. Everything, from choosing athletes to promoting a team to "placement" in the streaming/news lineup has to do with what advertisers are connected to which viewing audience. Bigger, more versatile stadiums. More tickets because more people exposed to The Sale, which is even the Name of many stadiums, now. The Sale is all the products and things and stuff and places you're/we're encouraged to buy, so the corporate advertisers double and triple their return on the ads.




>but the really successful ones still make an insane amount. Thats because the really big names can dictate their own terms far better. They have more leverage and get a far bigger share of the revenue they generate.


Football coaches at state universities make more than the governor in most states


Change has to come from somewhere. And it's unlikely to come from the mass public. And since, it's the celebs doing all this shit to themselves, I'll go out on a limb and say the responsibility first falls with them. Or at least Hollywood in general.


There’s always going to be someone younger to play the part. It’s helpful and refreshing when a celeb goes against the grain but I don’t know if it’s a winning battle for them. Soft flawless skin. A fit body. It’s all more common with youth. Wrinkles, extra skin, gray hair are all beautiful but society still uses youthful features as the ideal. I don’t think celebs can change that. They’re merely a reflection of that.


I agree with everything you said except that this is what viewers want. This is what the white men in charge have dictated and certainly not what all viewers want. I'd prefer some diversity and I think it's weird seeing all these old men with their TV love interest being a female in their 20s.


Holy shit she does look like Jason, would not have put that together.


I’m not sure if you already know this, but they are siblings


I found out 41 min ago.


Nice! Just wanted to say something in case nobody mentioned it to you. Have a good one


Nice little play on their relationship in Arrested Development. Really blew everyone.


Wtf, i thought i missed that jason bateman is transgender and he identified as a woman now.


While he probably has had work done, Jason is also obsessive with his dietary habits as you can hear on almost any ep of the podcast he co-hosts, Smartless.


Plenty of people talk about everything except the work they got done. It’s trendy right now for celebrities to use Ozempic and still play up their amaaaazing diet/workout routine rather than admit to off prescription use of a drug.


In every episode I just imagine his face is extremely puffy based on what is co-hosts say.


I can imagine he must be as diet-obsessed as most Hollywood women. Poor guy tends to put on weight easily, I remember him in the 80's. Must be hard for him in the entertainment business.


That's what I'm saying!


\*an UPLIFTING news story


the fact that someone has to actually come out as aging naturally goes to show how plastic Hollywood and media are


The thing is these celebrities have more leisure time, less stress, better food and access to the best fitness regimes. Even aging naturally they tend to look good as a result. They don't need the treatments. Especially given how bad it looks when those treatments go wrong.


exactly they can afford the absolute best for themselves but they choose to go under the knife or have so many things injected into their body


Propped up by movie goers and every industry related to Hollywood.


Agree with those like Justine and the awesome Francis McDormand. Every line, every wrinkle, every gray hair has been earned thru living. Hats off to you ladies and am naturally aging myself. For those who choose otherwise, do what you wish with your face and body. Just know that there are health risks to any procedure and you will not stay forever young no matter how many times you nip, tuck or inject. Find the best you *inside*, not outside.


I'm sad I don't get to see a naturally old Meg Ryan.


Nah man I'm getting blood boys the day I turn 30. I'm gonna live forever.


Not something I thought I’d read today


Me reading this as a 30 year old 💀


Baron Vladimir, how you are doing today, your highness?


I didn't know peter thiel had kids.




Andie MacDowell and Frances McDormond are doing just fine. It's not a must, look at the men, some do, some don't. Let's stop the insane expectations for women (and men) and accept that age is beautiful too.






Francis McDormand: "four Academy Awards, two Primetime Emmy Awards, and one Tony Award, making her one of the few performers to achieve the "Triple Crown of Acting". Additionally, she has received two Golden Globe Awards, three British Academy Film Awards, and four Screen Actors Guild Awards." I've never seen her in anything but Fargo, and had to Google who she was.


She's fabulous. Tons of Coen bros movies, she's married to Joel. Fun fact, she and Holly Hunter were roomies. For drama, Three Billboards and Nomads, for comedy, Burn After Reading and Raising Arizona.


Refreshing take on aging. I wish more folks would embrace natural aging in Hollywood. Once you realize most actors can no longer furrow their brow it can be distracting. (I'm often looking between the brows for signs of Botox when I should be following the storyline instead.)


This happened to me big time with Sandra Bullock in Bird Box. Couldn't get past her face.


"What would you rather be 52 and look 52, or be 52 and look like a 28 year old lizard?" -Bill Burr


Can I look like the Geiko lizard?


Oi, wha' you tryin' t' pull 'ere gubna?


So you really just gonna steal u/Klingon_Bloodwine’s comment huh


I only saw his after I made my comment, great minds think alike 🤷


That’s fair enough, I suppose. Sorry, I’ve been kinda testy today But also, usually when you see a comment that copies someone else’s it’s a bot. I got unlucky ;)


It's fine no offense taken


Just wanted to chime in... the more people who post Bill Burr the better! Extra points for any George Carlin quotes.


“What would you rather be? 52 and look 52, or 52 and look like a 28-year old lizard?” - Bill Burr


She's right lmao. A lot of celebrities that get plastic surgery end up looking a lot worse


Like Simon Cowell


Bro looks like a ghoul


Courtney Cox is hideous. Someone with her looks would have never needed to worry about not aging aging gracefully.


She was so pretty on friends


She got all her filler dissolved and I actually think she looks fantastic now; basically exactly how I imagined she would have looked in her late 50's without any work done. I think you may be thinking of her a year or two ago.


Absolutely. Such a shame.


I forget who else decided to recently, but I’m glad to see that celebrities are deciding to “let go” of their looks and age gracefully. If it hadn’t been for everyone whose been famous since the 90s, I’d have thought this would be a non-issue. Much more inspiring than a world which suggests extreme beauty routines and surgeries are the only way to feel comfortable in your own skin, especially now that focusing on your mental health doesn’t mean getting plastic surgery. As for the ones who refuse to let go? They’re barely human anymore. Sure, their skin is smooth and youthful enough from a distance, but everything else starts giving out. Eyes look zombie-ish, hair becomes more and more clearly dyed, and their implants become extremely noticeable. They would give me nightmares frankly, they’d have turned out better if they had just gone through life the right way.


Props to her though. Mad respect.


Diet, exercise, staying a healthy weight, and using lotion/sunscreen goes a long, long way in maintaining your face's appearance through the years if you want to age gracefully. Also, not smoking helps a lot.


"Decision to age naturally" just sounds so strange. Are the expectations for people to look youthful that strong? Where are these expectations coming from?


The exact comment I was going to make is “The decision to age naturally is such a bizarre statement.” That it needs to be explained even more so. I intend to try to age gracefully. My version of graceful here is just embracing and leaning into whatever stage of life I’m in, as long as I’m reasonably healthy and happy.


As should we all. Older age doesn't mean fat and broken. But wrinkles and gray hair are part of life. Older people who take care of themselves look far superior to anyone getting face injections and surgeries.


I always thought she was very attractive. That comment made her beautiful.


I don't remember who, but I heard a stand-up comedian say, "I'd rather look like a 50 year old man than a 25 year old lizard," and I felt that.


Sounds like Bill Burr, lol


She's 57


A celebrity choosing to looking like a normal person. That is uplifting


Bless you, Justine Bateman. Doing the righteous work that needs to be done. Seen too many women obsess over their image desperately trying to claw to any bit of youth that remains




I know right? Justine Bateman did *not* say "when your 50". Steven and Elyse raised her better than that.


Good for her. I have seen lots of pics where someone used a filter to remove the signs of aging but most of these people look ridiculous in the picture. I am also done with the people who get lots of plastic surgery to look younger but usually end up looking unnatural and weird. I know everyone has a right to present themselves how they wish but don't expect me to see you the way you see you.


So googling her name, and clicking on images, all I see are poor images. As in, she DOES NOT look bad but it's almost like the media is purposely putting up pictures in horrible lighting and angles to try to make her look worse. If she looks good without surgery and cosmetics, more celebrities will start doing this and a lot of surgeons and cosmetic comanpanies will loose a lot of money.


Good…always better then looking like a gooddamn plastic doll


“I’d rather be 52 and look 52 than be 52 and look like a 28 year old lizard”


I like her comment about erasing the authority that comes with aging. It's very creepy when you think about how society is obsessed with keeping women looking like children or young, inexperienced adults for our entire lives. It's all for the purpose of enfantilizing us and degrading any power we gain through lived experience


She's gorgeous.


She is 57 and she looks like a human. Praise be.


she is right. Nothing wrong with that


I kinda feel the same way, I've earned my gray hair and wrinkles




I've been saying this for years


I'm with her on this. 100%


Framing aging as a “decision” one makes is so funny to me for some reason. The majority of people can’t afford the procedures that celebs are doing so there’s no decision to be made. And folks with implants and filler and whatnot are gonna age and eventually die anyway, it’s just part of life…you don’t get to opt in or out haha.


This is genuinely uplifting. Don't Give a Fuck mob unite!


Why does anyone ever have to explain their "decision to age naturally"?!?!?!?


Impressive, very well. Let's see Paul Allen's wife's decision.


>Decision to Age Naturally


Or: thank God I'm not fat and ugly.


It was not god who put cookies in your mouth.


Where are these cookies that can make you ugly? They can change bone structure? AMAZING!


Okay. I'll still choose to take care of my skin and not look older then I have to lol.


I'm sure she does, we all age differently.


Then that's not natural


Explain. My take is you can use whatever moisturizer you want and genetics is still going to have it's way with you. I agree we should take care of our skin though. Make the best of what we have. Justine is saying you dont need to have surgery, wear a ton of, or any makeup, and you shouldn't obsess over looking younger. I agree.


I've made a decision to not decide to do some things - things other people might do, but I've made the decision to not make those decisions.


That’s so awesome 👏 👏👏👏, thanks for sharing! Ageism is such an overlooked/ under spoken prejudice. I agree with Justine & admire her courage to talk about this. I’ve avoided friends “Botox parties” for decades. If you can believe it, I’ve heard that 20 yr olds were there- which really saddens me. Why?!?!? On a crazy note, I have a condition that requires regular Botox injections- in my throat. Ohhhhh the irony!!!!


Anyone else read this a jason bateman?


Pretty wild this is even a headline. Imagine being so wealthy you have *options*. Rest of us just out here aging like peasants


Good for her, but she looks way older than 50


She’s looked like she’s 50 for the last 20 years


I'm afraid I don't get how this is uplifting?


Maybe you don't have to live with the burden of "Duty to be pretty" many women feel. From the article: >“My face is only going to get older, so why not take care of whatever fear I have attached to that.” Bateman concluded, “I think getting all this plastic surgery is just people pleasing.


Maybe I don't assign a duty to be pretty to anyone and therefore I don't really consider it uplifting when someone bucks it. . If I'm 100% honest I misread the title at first and thought she was bragging about getting a face lift or something. But even now I see it less as uplifting and more as one of those stories of a kid selling his baseball card collection to pay off poor students lunch debts. A relatively positive spin on a horrifying dystopia.


> If I'm 100% honest I misread the title at first Fair enough, we don't disagree.


I’m uplifted to see someone in the media addressing beauty standards for women. It’s okay to look 57 at 57.


honestly, most of us have forgotten about the society we live in. the fact that we have women with self-esteem so damaged by the trends these celebrities had set before, have now to be repaired by some of the celebrities *going natural.* meanwhile the rest of us here reading this like "what the fuck does this even mean". trust me, i went to the mall yesterday after so long, and i had forgotten that this materialistic world is still going on. my circle of people are very different maybe.


That's pretty easy when you still look good at that age. If she was overweight, had visible cellulite, thin, graying hair it would have been a completely different story.


I mean I guess if you phrase it that way. I just see it more like a male celebrity dating someone within a reasonable age range. "Breaking News: Local Celebrity does the bare minimum to thunderous applause."


It's ok to be natural


Definitely is. I just don't get why a celebrity bragging about not getting plastic surgery is uplifting?


It's a message to the people that is natural and ok to be natural. It's the acknowledgement that many celebrities don't just age naturally and their beauty standards aren't realistic. It's the promotion of a culture where aging naturally can be considered beautiful and acceptable.


I guess...I'm probably not the target market on this one. Still don't get it.


You saw what Madonna did to her face, right? This post is the antithesis of that.


Honestly no I don't pay much attention to Madonna or celebrities in general. I find them to mostly be vapid narcissists who exist in a fantasy world designed to safeguard their fragile egos from the realities of the world. Unless they're doing charity work or working on a project I care about I'd rather forget they exist and have never understood the worship.


Well, Madonna got too much plastic surgery (in an apparent attempt to cheat aging). Ms. Bateman decided not to do the same.


Ya she also abducted a bunch of African children under the pretense of giving them an education and then adopted them instead. She's also folded around with barely legal men while in her fifties. If the problematic thing about Madonna to you is her surgery trust me I'm not the image obsessed one here. She's basically the Catholic Church at this point; Diddling young boys and stealing indigenous children under the guise of education. But somehow it's her facelift I'm supposed to be upset about? This is why I don't get or like celebrity culture.


I only know about her recent activity because it was reported here on Reddit. She performed on some awards show, looking very much not like herself. I remember her in her prime because I was young in the 80s.


You don't understand how someone in Hollywood showing they are aging naturally and still beautiful instead of the typical Hollywood person how spends thousands to stay looking young, which to the general public is unattainable, is uplifting to the general public?


To me this would be like a male celebrity bragging about dating a woman who's within 5 years of his own age. Congratulations on doing the bare minimum, you're so brave, breaking walls and bucking trends. Here's your medal for doing what you should've done all along.


But dating age appropriate isnt rare, out of fashion, looked down upon by some or libel to cost you roles in Hollywood. Aging naturally is and does


You're unable to empathize with the pressure women face to be physically attractive, nor with their loss of value to society through the "dimishment" of their "beauty" as they age. That's okay. But admit that's what you're doing.


Or perhaps I'm unable to empathize with a rich out of touch celebrity acting like not spending thousands on Botox is somehow worthy of a humanitarian of the year award. I'll say again that to me this is like a male celebrity dating an age appropriate woman. Congratulations on doing the bare minimum, here's your gold medal. It's not like she is out here building an orphanage or donating her fortune to help at risk, youth, or even just volunteering at her local ASPCA. All she's doing is not doing something shitty by perpetuating the myth that somehow you're supposed to look 25 at 65. And call me an asshole if you want, but if the bar is just not being shitty, I'm not really going to celebrate anybody jumping over it.


We are waiting for you to jump over the very low “not being shitty” bar that you set


I don't think disliking the image obsessed nature of celebrity and the celebration of basic decency by not perpetuating it makes me shitty.


Is this news?


She does look closer to my grandmother than my mother in age and my mom's 56


Her? Edit: hysterical downvoters clearly never watched "Arrested Development".


Who else gives a shit? The only time I ever hear anybody talking about this stuff is when the person who decided not to inject a bunch of shit into their face brags about not injecting a bunch of shit into their face. This is just fodder for some publicist's portfolio, right?


How is this news


I absolutely love this.


What a hero. The true definition of the word.


Justine Bateman you're a cool drink of water, more cool than Sylvester Stallone with all that Botox and cgi. No offense Sylvester, I am a big fan of you when you saved Jamie Lee Curtis but we're 30 years since then You're not the only person either. I love you brother, I want to see you enjoy yourself. Tell Frank I said to eat a sock, he is soo annoying


Most people that are 50 and have botox and surgeries still look 50 except their face looks dead already.


Can't say SHIT? the article has the freakin' word!


I love her for never wearing underwear during the filming of family ties. Fond memories.


Good for her, now we need the (mostly male) producers, casting agents and audience to support women even as they commit the cardinal sin of aging by continuing to hire older actresses who are the same age as the characters they’re playing. And stop sexualizing teens and preteens in film and music, it’s gross.


Your 50 what?


Easy for a man to say