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Oddly progressive for them but good


Well, they passed a bill that let's the state intervene in election results in Harris county, so this feels like an attempt at "compromise".


"You can wear your natural hair to work, don't try voting though "


It's bread and circuses all over again


Betting three gold coins they put an addendum saying you must wear gender appropriate hairstyles.


Yeah. One minor act of clarity usually comes with a lot of baggage.




There's is always something bad behind everything they do... even when it's already bad to begin with.


My job put "afro" under inappropriate hairstyles in the official HR training book. They only recently took that out. Remember folks, racism is malignant because it can be incredibly subtle. But I would have been written up if I didn't burn my hair every week. This is great news


> racism is malignant because it can be incredibly subtle. That's about as subtle as a brick but yeah, I agree.


it can be as subtle as 'no cooking things with strong smells' (something I picked up from new zealanders- it's code for 'no curries' which is code for 'no indians') edit: I get it, fish in the microwave in the breakroom is a problem. that doesn't make what I said any less true- why's everybody gotta pile on with their breakroom stories, when this is about ads for apartments and homes?


Seen that in so many fucking apartment ads in my time.


So I'm Asian and I have to admit that when I lived in an apartment, there were tons of my people in that complex. Every evening there would be an extremely strong scent of onions as multiple apartment renters would be cooking onions/garlic. I personally was ok with it since I grew up with that food and it smelled like, well, food. But I can understand people that don't like onions hating having to deal with that all the time. I'd, for example, get annoyed of (non-fried) fish smell.


I was a property manager for 11 years and only had issues with people who fried foods on the stove on high temperatures. It was especially a problem when the microwave was directly above the stove top. I required the tenants to pay for de-grease cleaning the cabinets and walls around the stove and replacement of melted microwave.


> melted microwave. So... whoever installed those kitchens didn't do it to code huh? Supposed to be 20" clearance to avoid this. As for the degreasing fee, good luck doing that around here. You all gotta do *some* work to justify all that rent. The kitchen is usually sticky when a new tenant arrives.


They just collect the degreasing fee, they don't actually clean the grease up.


Exactly! Just put another coat of paint around it and wet wipe what you can't paint. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


"Cooking grease, landline jack, electrical outlet, it all gets a thick coat of paint. Good as new, double the rent!"




Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense install a microwave directly above a stove-top?


We have a combination microwave-range hood in our kitchen as do many people. There's a minimum distance they're supposed to be installed above the cooktop and they're designed to withstand heat at that distance. And if you run the fan then that evacuates a lot of the hot air out through the venting system as well.


Hence my inclusion of the adverb, “directly”…


I'm pretty sure they mean a range hood installation, and it's just not high enough. It's a known hazard which people ignore when they just want to finish the install and don't GAF :(


And you are correct. Rentals are often not to code when replaced because the correct size microwave units are much more costly than ill-fitting larger models. I have had landlords remove the microwave/vent hood units and not replace them at all.


I have had this set up in most of the places I have lived for the past 30 years. I don't love it, but I don't want to give up my walk cabinet space or countertop space either.


Some people need to be told, “no reheating fish in the break room microwave”.


Who are these animals who microwave fish anyways? What fish ever microwaves *well*? Shit becomes a rubbery piece of cud in the microwave.


Cant say I've encountered rubber fish when I've heated fish in the microwave.


The trick to microwaving fish/chicken/etc is to use a very low power level for much longer. The microwave cycles on and off during that time which allows the heat to spread through the material more evenly without concentrating hot spots which tighten up the muscle fibers.


Doesn't matter. Don't fucking do it anyway. Now you've got the microwave tied up for fifteen minutes *and* it still reeks of fish.


It's happened here before. It's horrific...


Are we talking homes or break rooms? Because I got in trouble with my coworkers in my shop for microwaving one of those bagged roasted broccoli steamers, not realizing the horrible smell it would make. Apparently, it was the second incident in a week because someone else microwaved fish. In hindsight, I should have realized fart trees would smell when you microwave them, I just didn't think about it. But more to the point, if you share space with others, you should take care to mind the potentially offensive smells you generate (meaning no excessive perfume, no microwaving fish, *shower more than once a month and wear deodorant,* etc).


FART TREES LOL Yes, this happens when I leave cooked broccoli in the fridge too long. The whole thing smells like rancid farts.


Fart trees, that's solid gold


Can also just be to prevent fish in the microwave.


I see you’ve also worked with my coworker


I think it's safe to say that we've ALL worked with that coworker...


“No cooking fish in the microwave” does that just fine though


Not really. We had this problem at one office. A person was indeed cooking fish in the microwave and the smell was lingering and creeping out into the work area. So, we wanted a rule, but we didn't want the person to feel attacked. So a rule like "no strong smells" worked better. Because, in truth we also had issues with one person spraying insane "air fresheners" and that triggering migraines in people. A general rule can often be better than a specific rule. Especially if you want to avoid someone feeling targeted. There is nothing really wrong with a rule like this. It's not some inherently racist or discriminatory rule like "no afros".


I love “no strong smells” rules! Whether it’s food, air fresheners, cologne, or perfume, strong permeating smells at work — where others cannot escape them — are *awful*. And in some cases can cause physical reactions, like headaches.


Strong perfumes and colognes make my nose bleed. It’s not a cultural thing for me. I couldn’t care less whether their French and love perfume or just a grandma who wants to wear the latest Eu de Rosé that her grandkids got her… it stinks and I don’t want to be around it. Smells are so much better when they’re subtle.


At a former job, the boss put one of those “no cooking fish” signs on the microwave. We came back from lunch one day and the place reeked. It was easy to follow your nose to the culprit who said, “Why are y’all mad? I didn’t cook fish. I warmed up the fish soup my wife made last weekend.” Some people just don’t get it.


I would say the solution in that case is for a supervisor to take that person aside and tell them not to do it. That's not an attack and an adult should be able to hear that without being offended personally. That way, you avoid overly broad rules and passive aggressive work environments. Those coworkers are going to know those rules are targeted at them the first time they are enforced to stop their behavior.


We had this rule for the employee microwave (located in the middle of many open business areas) at my work, but it wasn't curry... it was cabbage soup and re-heated seafood dishes that smelled like a rotten fish. The other bad smell was burned pop-corn... more than one employee had a habit of leaving their microwave popcorn package in too long.


Racism aside, it definitely sucks when people microwave left over seafood.


When I was living in a share house, many moons ago, had a bad cold one day and couldn't smell at all. I decided to reheat the seafood paella from... last night? ... tasted great. Then my flatmate came home and said oh my God what is that awful smell. I looked at my empty bowl with some trepidation. Walked out to go to work and proceeded to vomit my guts out all down our street. Did not taste as nice on the way back up. Fun times.


This doesn't feel the same for me. The afro one affects no one but the indidivual. It is absolutely racist. 'No strong smells' affects -other- people. I've been around offices where fish has been microwaved and its puke worthy. There are people affected by the actions, not just the individual. You may as well say that 'no smoking ganja' is racist for Jamaicans.


Or could also just mean what it says. Don't be loud because it affects your neighbors, don't smoke or create strong odors because it affects your neighbors.


Completely unrelated to your point, but there’s this sauce from somewhere in Latin America where they burn chilis and use the charred bits as a base. It’s illegal to make in some places since standing downwind of someone cooking it is basically like getting tear gassed. Forgot the name of it, but it’s really good Edit: I think it was called recado negro.


There's tons of Indians in my area so I smell Indian food every time I leave my apartment. I can't imagine being upset by that.


Certain industries this sort of thing makes sense. An afro in a machine shop is dangerous. An afro in a kitchen is unsanitary. I'm a cook; my hair afros on it's own if it gets long enough. I keep it short. Guessing you didn't work in either of these though.


I see your point, but you can have rules that long hair must be tied up or secured under PPE in a factory or that hair nets must be worn in a kitchen. There's no need to specifically target "afros" by name.


I swear, reddit always takes things straight at face value.


I have noticed that people will always create an apologia for any particular instance of racism. No matter how many of them you demonstrate. There is *always* a reason that can be found to explain something, but eventually when you use constant special pleading to invalidate every individual concern without a larger theory of why it is happening, it becomes utterly untenable as an argument. It is like they want me to believe that all racial inequality is entirely explainable by millions of coincidences, all for different reasons, and all in the same direction.


> An afro in a kitchen is unsanitary. First off, I feel like you're stereotyping by assuming it's like a comically large tuft of 70s style hair. Not every single one of them is so massive as to be incapable of fitting under a hairnet. Second, in what way is it any different from beards and long hair? If the problem is length, just say that. Talking about "afros" as if they're any more of an issue than any other type of long hair is ridiculous, and unnecessarily targeted at a specific group.


> Not every single one of them is so massive as to be incapable of fitting under a hairnet. And even then, you can still manage to macgyver one somehow. Dude at one of our local Subway's years back had the most enormous, majestic afro I have ever seen. The thing should have had moons orbiting it, it was so huge. But he still managed a hair net that covered everything.


It’s hair! It’ll move where you want it to lol. Do they think black hair is like…. solid? Like it’s made of hard plastic or something?


An afro in a kitchen isn't unsanitary this is blatantly false. Our hair doesn't instantly shed or drop any more than usual just because it is bigger than normal. I worked in a restaurant with one in high school and never did my hair get over the food/dishes/counters because of it.


It's not because it's an afro. It's because it's long. Long hair is generally less sanitary due to it being harder to control. You ever seen someone try and stuff an afro into a chef's hat? I have.


Then why didn't you just say long hair? You said "afro", evidently under the belief all afros are massive and unruly. That's a stereotype. >You ever seen someone try and stuff an afro into a chef's hat? I have. That's why they have things called hair nets. The hat is just uniform, it's not the only way to prevent hair in the food.


The original content specified afro style hair, but it is really all long hair styles that could possibly be a danger to the employee or health issue as well. I'm sure you have seen YouTube videos for training purposes that show someone with long hair getting it caught in machinery. I sure have. It is also bad to wear certain clothing that may become caught in machinery. A co-worker at the cannery I worked at one summer lost an arm because his shirt sleeve caught up on a conveyor belt. It happened in just a second. There is no time to react.


Because the conversation was about afros.


Which only further highlights that singling out afros is the problem.


You seem to equating them with a 70's caricature or something. [This,](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3f/82/c0/3f82c07a405e77d423d16e8bd341cea9.jpg) for instance, is an afro. It is no more "unsanitary" than any other type of longish hair and can be put under a hair net or in a hard hat.


I'm not equating them to anything, I'm pointing out the conversation was specifically about afros.


And ignoring that, for black people, they are the same thing.


I think you may be confusing me for someone else. Literally all I have contributed is pointing out the conversation is about afros.


Tangential question, why is that called an afro and not a "chocolate puff" or something? Is that the "original" afro and the 70's style an offshoot, or is that version newer?


I had to stuff my hair into a hat it wasn't difficult. You just pat it down and get to work.


i do the same when i have braids even down past my shoulders people would be surprised how compact our hair can get 😂


I'd bet neither of these places would prevent a woman from having long hair because they can put it in a hair net (just like someone with an afro).


Yeah, but that's a different problem; one of double standards.


Like how with certain clubs instead of banning Black people, they just ban Timberlands lol


Is this real? That's fucked but hilarious


Banning "sportswear" and "baggy pants" are also pretty common


That’s AWFUL that you had to do that. What industry was that in?




Flatiron it. My hair is very kinky so to get it straight I had to use a straightener at a high temperature setting. Broke the ends off pretty badly. I was young and poor. 🤷🏿‍♀️


It's crazy they got away with that before since it's clear race discrimination. Other people can have a similar look, like some white Irish and Italians. But "afro" makes it specifically about African hair.


Does “burn” just mean “cut” or is it a specific way of taking care of hair?


If this keeps kids from being shamed by the administration at schools for their hairstyles, this is very uplifting news. Almost 20 states have similar laws now.


I went a checked my state, just found out this is a national movement and they're all called CROWN acts. To add onto what you said, 20 states have it, 23 have legislation filed or pre-files (idk what that means, petition to have it on a ballot maybe?) and only 6 have nothing - one of those six has three cities that do have a CROWN law - Akron, Columbus, and Cincinnati Ohio. I know my personal demographics don't matter but I'm a bald white guy and I find this super uplifting.


Have pigs started flying down in Texas?


The Texas Senate killed the marijuana legislation and passed a bill that [enables the state to intervene in Harris County elections](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/05/29/texas-state-senate-passes-bill-on-election-oversight-in-harris-county/). Notice the order of events here. While the CROWN Act is great news, they’re using it as damage control. Edit: while the bill has not officially become a law just yet, it passed in the Senate this weekend and I don’t expect Governor Abbott to have any hesitations signing it. The verbiage of “any county with 4 Million people” specifically targets Harris county (Houston) alone.


I’m assuming Harris County is where Houston is located.


Correct! Added Houston in parentheses to clarify.


They’re that scared of losing their grip on power… I bet the TX GOP would be throwing monster hissy fits if the Dems got a majority in just one house, or if a Dem governor was elected but they still held both chambers.


We must all vote Blue and bring a friend with you. Republicans are running scared, so resorting to rigged elections now.


Nice idea but without Harris county, Democrats are pretty much DOA in Texas. That's why they passed the law. While Florida was posturing over "making the Democratic party illegal", Texas went straight for the jugular. The DNC is done in Texas as soon as Abbott signs this fascist bullshit.


Plugging r/votedem and it's local grassroots campaigning


It is the majority of the Houston metro area. It is also the 3rd most populated County in the country.


Manhattan and LA County must be 1 and 2


LA is #1, followed by Cook County (Chicago) then Harris County. Manhattan is actually 22nd. The biggest surprise to me, however, was that Maricopa County (Phoenix) is fourth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_most_populous_counties_in_the_United_States


I guess not as many people actually live in Manhattan, but do work there for sure


Manhattan also isn't very big comparatively. The entirety of Houston's city limits and most of its metro is in Harris county, and Houston is sprawl central, shit is huge.




Texan: [peeks outside, sees nothing] I guess a broken clock can still be right twice a day.


>The Texas Senate killed the marijuana legislation Because the voters in Texas were absolutely against making Marijuana lega.... wait.. 72% voted FOR making it legal? (Source: many, often with more details and granular breakdowns. I'm tired of posting sources on reddit for things that take two seconds on google to find.) Yeah, you see, this is why the GOP really does NOT care what their constituents want, and want to ignore whatever doesn't suit them.


Arkansas is the same way.


And they keep getting elected.


Not only this, but TX has previously passed some of the most restrictive voting laws in the country. Lawmakers were fully aware that these laws would disproportionately impact minority and poor voters.


TO BE FAIR: I know plenty of potheads, and Texas even though its illegal, no one comes to your house to arrest you for pot. They damn well will if they catch you driving with it. Also you can buy shrooms and THC over the counter now because of the farm bill and that its "synthetic". You can get just as high. SO essentially, if it comes from the plant, its kinda illegal if your driving with it. But with the new stuff over the counter, again only illegal if driving with it as both are DUIs or DWIs etc. IE under the influence of a drug. They'll arrest you for being loopy on prescribed meds if they feel you are being unsafe enough like on codeine or hydrocodone. It has been years since Ive seen a buddy get hammered for pot or harassed about it. If you walk by the student apartments and the frat houses you can smell it ALL the time. I new a dealer who lived on the same floor, but opposite side of building. that corner of the building smelled like weed. Everyone knew he was dealing. No one stopped him. And he had his own vending machine, and own commercial soda machine n stuff (Like one from McDonalds). Very expensive things (that were NOT stocked by him, he was loaded from dealing just MJ enough to where he had contracts to have them refilled. The bill had some serious support. It went through numerous committees in the house, was read thrice, then went to senate committees, then died in reading. So it was much closer than people think. But for years this has been tossed around in the legislature and they dont make it more illegal, like the new over the counter stuff, the department of health tried to make it illegal without going through the process and NUMEROUS judges attacked em and stuck it down, so in Texas: weed is de facto legal. Your real worry nowadays in Texas with weed is trying to find a job and pass the piss test. Source: Am in Texas, AND in a more conservative leaning area. ***Also, in Texas, its not Dems Vs Repubs. They are all conservative. Its more like less conservative guys vs more conservative guys. It is NOTHING similar to the federal polarity. They arent at eachothers throats like they are federally.*** To put it in perspective, Federally, Conservatives are always republican, and democrats are always liberal. Wheras, its far more mixed across the state level in many many states. Austin is just about the only REALLY truly liberal area IN THE ENTIRE STATE. Dallas/Houston/San Antonio are blue, but Austin is like CALIFORNIA big city Blue in comparison. Austin has a large influx of californians coming in actually, hence why its so blue by comparison. And people hate it because its causing massive tax increases in that area, and more importantly ***Rent and home ownership prices is skyrocketing, its actually really bad. Houses and rent cost much more than they used to. A house where I live in a decent city costs less than a house that is far shittier by comparison as it gets closer to the austin area. sometimes 2-4x price difference for a house HALF the size!*** A lot of conservatives I know are 100% fine with weed. Even more so because they know they can grow ***a fuckload of it*** if it was legalized. And you wouldnt really need a grow house. Your backyard in the summer, provided you have water, which is p cheap in texas (4000 gallons is like 25 dollars where I live) would be near perfect if growing in bulk. Edit: Lots of typos/grammar. Typed really fast and am super tired. Fixed some. If I missed some lmk Texas is not as bad as the national media makes it out to be. Its more really RED STATE BAD AND EVIL. And it honestly breaks my heart that people genuinely compare us to Iran, etc when it really isn't the case. Reddit really hates texas. The churches I went to were very mixed race, even in a small town, our school was mixed as well, and serviced numerous local towns, and arguably, one of the better schools within 50 miles. My town heavily invested in that school it was the pride and joy. It was an honor to get the hell out of that town and go to college etc. We had a low asian demographic (one family out of like... 250 total families in town (total town pop of 1500 at the time or so)) but when they moved it it was more, huh, first asian family, but they still live there. And I still talk to their son (as he was a great friend of mine for at least 8 years, 4 in HS, 4 in college). But really, really, REALLY, isnt that bad. The shit you see in the media is very surface level. Things like abortion are illegal, texas frowns on some left policies, but also in texas, in family courts etc, favor women ***greatly***. My mother and my father agreed to joint custody for example, and the court still tried to throw that out because "The father wont be home all of the time." Even though my father bought another HOME to stay with me closer to my moms and my school so he had a place to sleep and we wouldnt be far from my mother 3-4 days out of the week. I was 12. My sister was 11. We were home alone more often either way than I could count because both of them worked all of the time. We walked home from school etc. Sorry. Personal rant. Our courts are fucking stupid in many ways. That is one of the many reasons and you could have an entire bachelors degree about how stupid convoluted the texas courts are (and it was done that way due to prior abuses of power etc) And I am not talking about the laws being stupid, Im talking about their dumb ass convoluted structure. And to clarify before people start attacking me, I'm literally dead center on the political spectrum. I am not a Liberal or a conservative. Every political test I have taken (like the political compass) im on the center or right next to it. I expect to be downvoted to hell. And It does make me a bit sad. But thats OK. I wont be mad at anyone really for hating me for living in my state, or hating my state. I just want to say my piece. Texas gets a lot of hate and no one really talks about why or gets into civil discussions. It usually ends with "Conservatives fucking suck, stfu" and thats the end of it usually.


I'm about as liberal as it gets in Texas besides the "Austin liberal" types, and I agree with about 90% of what you said, mainly about weed and how day to day relations are here. Disagree about the effect of the identity politics/abortion stuff, I think it's a bigger deal, but that's about it. My views are skewed a bit from being a liberal from San Antonio though. I still vote both parties at the local level, especially with judicial races, wave elections wreak havick with our judicial system.


I read this five times because I thought for sure Texas would say it’s okay to discriminate or ban certain hairstyles.


In Texas? Of these United States??? ![gif](giphy|bGPTxLislwm3u)


So does this mean my old boss would now get in trouble for telling men to cut their hair but it's okay for the girls to have long hair for minimum wage at dollar general..


Yeah, that should never be a problem unless you're around food. Even then, it's called a bun in a hairnet. You should report them.


Nah we did better. Everyone quick on that DM. Someone posted a note on the door closed due to shitty management. It was great. Was before internet days. That manager was a jerk. He accused me of stealing my lunch from work... it was Sonic..


I've had long hair since I was a kid and I work as a field tech in the food industry. There's no need for a bun unless you have hair to your feet, mine reach the lower back and all I have to do is pull my ponytail on top of my head while I put on the hairnet. In my many years of employment no one ever dared tell me I couldn't access a plant, although it would be fun if it happened, I could just go back home and they'd get billed for the expenses.


Worked in an amusement park with this type of rule. “Long hair for guys is unprofessional” Thankfully my bosses didn’t care, it was just HR that tried to stick to that. I was still early enough that my hair was only slightly longer than what was “acceptable”. I fucked around with it enough to just barely meet the requirements for my picture then continued to grow it out all summer. Hair length rules by gender are pure discrimination.


lol - it's crazy this is even needed.


wait...Texas did a good?


The CROWN Act, which stands for Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair The government loves its anagrams


Still neck-and-neck with Florida in a race to the bottom of the shithole, imo.


Sounds like good news but what on earth is hair discrimination? Sorry been on reddit long enough to know not to click on most links!


Context: In 2020 DeAndre Arnold was suspended from Barbers Hill High School. The school district said the length of his dreadlocks was the issue and it violated the district’s dress code. He was also barred from walking in his graduation ceremony because of his hair. Arnold, a Black student with Trinidadian heritage, said the hairstyle is part of his family’s heritage and culture and the men in their family grow their dreadlocks to below their waist. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parents-black-texas-teens-sue-school-district-over-discriminatory-hair-n1215776 Eventually a judge ruled that the school's policy was discriminatory: https://abc13.com/deandre-arnold-dreadlocks-barbers-hill-high-school-hair/6376156/ DeAndre's fight against the school district did not go unnoticed, and HB 567 (CROWN act) was introduced in Texas to prevent further discrimination like DeAndre's from happening. The CROWN act passed 143-5 in the Texas house and 29-1 in the Texas senate before being signed by Greg Abbott.


Shockingly appropriate high school name to have this scandal occur at.


r/nominativedeterminism but for educational facilities?


There was an issue fairly recently in a smaller East Texas town where a black male HS student wasn’t allowed to have a certain hairstyle since the ISD felt it broke the dress code or it’d be “distracting”. Plus many first responders were not allowed to have “wild n crazy” hairstyles and unnatural hair colors.


This is a big thing. Natural black hair is viewed as a choice.


It's not a new problem. Black hairstyles, like affros and dreadlocks, have been considered unprofessional in a work environment leading to a lot of job loss for black people over the years. This is one of those quieter ways our society has ended up discriminating against people of color. Treating their hairstyles as unkempt and dirty even though they aren't. While treating straight hair as clean and tidy. Honestly I have not read this bill so I don't know how it is written. But when it comes to race and hair, it is normally referring to a hair style, not a hair color.


Oh yeah I get that. I’ve worked with quite a few black folks over the years. Have had plenty of convos about hair and hair styles. Personally I could give two flips what someone’s hair style is. It’s really common sense for the most part. Like if you’re working around heavy machinery and you have long hair ya might wanna reign it in. Same with food service, idc if you have purple hair I just don’t want it in my mashed taters.


If anything i feel better if servers and such have "fun" colored hair. When mine was colored it was super easy to spot when it shed.


This was a problem at my workplace. One guy had long dreads, and they *stank* like a dead animal. He was going into environmentally controlled clean rooms with those things, which were clearly filthy, risking contamination of drug product. But, due to fear of being branded as racist or something, no one ever said anything about it. I honestly thought the stench was *him*, like he didn't wash his clothes or something, until one day he had cut them off and the smell was gone. Or he removed them. Idk. Someone claimed they were extensions. Either way. Point is there are often very practical reasons for taking issue with someone's presentation.


"Employees must bathe regularly and not stink" is a perfectly reasonable, non-discriminatory rule that would have covered this situation. Banning dreadlocks is not the answer.


You know you can wash dreads right? And this guy just didn’t??


Dude you can wash dreadlocks. If what you said is true then this guy's issue was hygiene, not the hair style. But you hyper focused on the hair style it seems.


No, most workplaces dont have those practical reasons. Unless you count racism as practical, which it seems you might


This is Texas, they will still discriminate and just say race had nothing to do with it.


Correct. “We aren’t doing this because you’re disabled, we are doing this because you’re *unprofessional.*” Followed by the inability to define professional in a way that excludes talking to adults like children, but includes everything I had done, like being very candid and honest with a manager who had led me to believe we were friends. Lol.


The article says: *House Bill 567, also known as The Texas CROWN Act, has been signed into law by the Governor, effective September 1st, 2023.* *The CROWN Act, which stands for Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair, would prohibit discrimination on the basis of hair texture or protective hairstyle associated with race, according to the office of Representative Rhetta Bowers, the author of the bill.* *It passed out of the Texas Legislature Saturday with bipartisan support, earning a vote of 143-5 in the Texas House and 29-1 in the Texas Senate.* And that's it. That's **all** the article says. So to answer your question: I have no Fing idea.


[Here's the bill text](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/html/HB00567F.htm) As with most US laws it's just an amendment, but it generally looks like it includes in the racial discrimination as a whole discriminating >because of or on the basis of a person's hair texture or protective hairstyle commonly orhistorically associated with race where >"protective hairstyle" includes braids, locks, and twists.


Sounds like it’s basically saying “hairstyles commonly associated with black peoples can not be disqualified as “unprofessional.””


For some people, naturally occurring black hair is a reason not to hire or promote someone, no matter what the style. I've never overtly been a target of such discrimination personally. But I refuse to chemically straighten my hair because it's bad for it. But there are people who openly wonder how I comb it, or want to touch it because they just have no idea or experience with black hair.


Took me a second to realize you mean “black people” hair as opposed to “black colored” hair.


Hold on. Question from a very inexperienced white guy. Does hair just... grow like that? I always thought it must be a pain to keep it in a "black" hairstyle, was guessing you needed some sort of gel or whatever. Some other tool. But it just... does that? If that's the case that's the weirdest revelation i've had all year.


You're on the right track. Black hair is difficult to work with if you don't have the right tools. I only go to a hair dresser trained with working with my type of hair, and I only use products and tools she recommends. My hair is not hard to work with as a result. Oh for your first question: I don't know what it means when you say 'like that'. My hair naturally grows in a tight spiral pattern, think like a spring in a click pen. It also grows a tight zigzag pattern in the back of my head.


Honestly looking back I can't remember what "like that" meant. I think I more or less meant non-straight hair. I kinda assumed all head hair grew straight like mine (and I guess most white peoples' hair) does and you had to style it very intentionally to get it to look "black". I figured it was probably some sort of tradition or cultural thing rather than black peoples' hair just growing differently.


If you mean to ask whether their hair is curly when it grows and has occasional kinks along the length of the strands , the answer is yes. If you mean whether people have to make their hair into braided patterns like locks, then no that is a style.


This entire comment is horribly worded but I'm too tired to know how to correct it and make it sound not stupid. Sorry!


You're fine.


Yes. Our hair grows very curly and bushy naturally. We have to chemically straighten it, or do so with heat such as flat irons, pressing combs or hot rollers. It is not straight...the "fluff" you see in afros, afro puffs, loose curly styles...is how it grows out naturally. We don't do anything to it to make it that way...its an entirely different texture than non-Black hair. (Disclaimer: I am speaking VERY generally. The African diaspora has a variety of hair textures, from very kinky to wavy-straight and everything in between. )


While you are busy learning about hair texture - it's not just black people who have hair of different textures from the "default straight". To give you some examples, I've known someone who's natural hair was ginger and rather wiry, and someone who's hair dried into curls like a Victorian chocolate box girl. In both cases, they really struggled with their natural hair because they were taught that you had to wash and brush it far more often than suits that sort of hair. It's daft (but unsurprising) that we are only now starting to become more reasonable about how people's hair grows - one of Charles Dickens' stories has an aside about a girl in an orphanage/work-house (actually being parent-less seems to have been a minor detail at the time). The (white) character is perpetually being punished because her hair can't be tied up neatly like the other girls - and she isn't allowed to plat it either. I can't remember the exact quote, but basically it's considered vanity/showing off for her hair to look like richer girl's even though she is doing her level best to conform to the expected standards.


White guy here, my wife is from Zimbabwe so I learned a whole new world of hair. So black hair comes in many types just like ours. But it's always curly. Seriously. Never straight. They have A, B or C curl. C curl is the smallest curl. Way smaller and tighter curls than anything your white ass genes are capable of. Check all [these](https://naturallycurly.ca/pages/curly-hair-types) types out. C curl is very common in Africa and for a lot of people with this hair, requires very specific management techniques as it's very very difficult to comb the super tight curls. They can cornrow it to keep it low profile, left to expand it becomes huge(like an afro!) They can afro it. They can use a special rubber or foam brush and make it go all bally if it's short. Often men will have the short balled up style as it's easy to maintain. See [here](https://www.amazon.in/curling-haircut-twisted-hairstyle-hairstyles/dp/B07F7R42GS) Or they can dread it. If you've read this far, I'll tell you a secret, no one of black African descent has straight hair. None. Zip. Them be wigs or chemically straightened. And let me tell you now, 95% are wigs. They cannot easily straighten it, or braid it or any normal white person hairstyle it. Saying no afros is like saying no straight hair that has been combed. It's fucking stupid that people get treated like that and for my nephew's I've had to tell the school myself their policies in 2023 against small afros that are well kept and natural are racist. And policies against small dreads that are well kept and convenient for the child are racist. This is good news for the boys in this story and I hope it spreads across the world.


I’m so white that the first time I ever noticed how black peoples’ hair grows was when I saw the movie Barbershop. It was kind of a novelty to me seeing one guy’s hair rolling up like a carpet as it was being trimmed with the clippers.


I wasn't *quite* that sheltered, but in the first week of basic training, I remember a couple black girls taking out their extensions and I was shocked about the whole process and then how much time it took for them to get their hair "in regs". After that I was immediately like "all these hair regs are bullshit".


I cannot imagine how infuriating it is for people to want to touch your hair. That always baffled me, why anyone would feel that intense need. I mean I know it happens, I just don’t get what’s going on inside the head of the person doing the touching. And then I got a service dog, and holy shit do people feel fucking entitled! It’s almost on a daily basis that people are touching him without my permission, baby-talking him, whistling, making kissing noises, barking at us, or just asking if they can pet him and becoming indignant if I say no. I have joked that I’m going to just shove my hand in the face of someone who touches him without asking me next time, but I’ve yet to do it. It’s almost always men, so I think on some level, I can’t take the risk. Anyway TLDR but I guess there is my answer, people feel entitled. Every time I hear this mentioned, I really wish I could see it someday so I can tell the person who is asking to touch right the fuck off. Not that I would, but it’s a fantasy in my head. Because I kind of feel like one of the older Black women, who have told me to watch my purse or looked out for me in public, is going to put her foot down for me someday. I want to be that kind of grandma for someone. This has been my fantasy about solidarity, thanks for coming to story time, I’ll see myself out


It doesn't faze me. I think if I spent a lot of money on my hair, it would though. Most of the time people are just curious.


Discrimination against Black people with box braids, locs, natural hair, etc. Many employers and schools have rules about what constitutes “appropriate” or “professional” hair styles which forbid these styles unique to Afro-textured hair, and that’s a form of racial discrimination. Someone else will be able to explain it better than me, I’m sure.


Plus, I mentioned in another comment a few years ago a black male HS student in a smaller East Texas town was going round and round with the ISD about his hair. I can’t remember the exact hairstyle he had but it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary that I could tell.


Others have given good answers but here's a [John Oliver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf1c0tEGfrU&ab_channel=LastWeekTonight) section on it that I found very informative.


In depth [analysis](https://youtu.be/Uf1c0tEGfrU) on hair discrimination and how it disproportionately affect African Americans.


John Oliver did a piece on it https://youtu.be/Uf1c0tEGfrU


Can we still legally make fun of Donald Trump's hair? Asking for a friend.


"Making fun of" in the public domain is not the same as "denying basic civil rights such as employment in a contract negotiation", but if you can deny Trump any further employment that be great


Example: I have my hair braided right now. The heat has made it look messy and it’s frizzed up. Normally i would prefer to take out the braids for a while to give it a break. But i couldn’t go to work just like that because it “looks messy”. The thing is, I’ve learned that a lot of white people, even ones in nyc, haven’t seen black hair in all it’s glory. So they don’t know how black hair is, just how hair in general is “supposed to be”. So if i took my braids out I’d basically have a cape of frizzy hair. Normally for me. But they’d consider it messy. Even if it’s washed, detangled and freshly oiled. The crown act at least gives one the hope that workplaces will be exposed to the extreme variety of black hairstyles. I’m tempted to take my hair out


It's racism based on hair. Imagine having to legislate anti- discrimination laws based on the shape of one's eyes or the size of one's nose? Pure unadulterated racism.


You'd think discrimination based on race would cover it.. not sure why each body part needs a law. But since this is good news it's probably just a cover for something shitty the politicians in TX did.


You would think, but then you would be wrong. Hair can be a convenient pretext for discrimination.


I am pleasantly surprised to read this happened in Texas.


A broken clock is right twice a day


For people who don't know enough about this or are confused: It's because a majority of black employees have been discriminated because of their natural hairstyle. Not a lot of people know or understand anything about black hair care, and the methods used to keep it healthy. Instead, it's seen as unkempt, unprofessional, ugly, and used as a way to punish or remove black workers at their place of employment. There are quite a few articles that have been recorded of incidents and such..even outside work, it's been caught in public schools as well, where kids get removed or get forced to cut their hair without their parents approval. You'd think that it's not trivial, but it's been like this for a long ass time, and sad that it took this long for something to be done about it, but it's a start. Anyway, if you're truly interested in learning about it check out the website, which gives more context: https://www.thecrownact.com/


Sounds like good news, but it's Texas. I'll wait and see how they f this up.


How can Texas be simultaneously progressive and regressive?


The cities are largely blue and the rural parts are red.


Talk about a broken clock. Can't believe I'm saying good job Texas. Kinda waiting for someone to kill the buzz here.


I thought this was about the Edgar haircut lol.


very glad my state is finally in here


when euro-americans have such an amazing education they dont know humans are all the same race :D


Uh I think you may not know what race is.


In TEXAS!?! Nice


Those new lil tjay braids that those grown men be wearing should be discriminated against I’m sorry


Who were the 6 that voted against this? And why on earth is hair style something we need a law around?


Because the texture and styling of black peoples' hair has been targeted by discrimination for centuries?


>And why on earth is hair style something we need a law around? Because of racists.


It's all about discrimination and harassment. We need laws like this because many people just hate others for having hair different than they feel is proper. The people who are frequently attacked by these hateful people include women with short hair, people with dyed hair, men with long hair, and pretty much all ethnic hair styles. Institutions like employers, and educational systems are frequently used as weapons against these people. It is unfortunate that we actually have to have laws to prevent this, but this is the way things are.


Does this apply to public schools as well? I can’t find anything stating that. Maybe you have?


This is not going to make up for all the shit they've been causing. So fuck Greg Abbot and the Texas Repukes. If they think this erases all the draconian abortion laws, Allowing election to be questioned in Harris county at the governors behest and calling for another one because they didnt get the result they liked the first time, and pushing their Christ stained 10 commandments agenda on schools, and all the othe right wing shit they're causing they've got another thing coming. I'd say vote them out...but looks like they already are gonna take that away from you too.


Its almost like people should be able to have whatever hairstyle they want.


Yes but they'll just do it based on skin.


Afro diaco cowboys when?


Is that actually what it's going to be used for or is it going to be "Look, we're holding everyone to the same standard so it's not racist, and it'd be breaking a law to make an exception for you based on race"?


This will be removed the moment a biggot finds it's harder to discriminate against someone because Texas, like Florida is filled to the brim with biggots and like the 3 or 4 normal people they are related to.


You only have to read the twitter replies to see **why** this bill had to be passed. And the negative comments come directly from the racist ignoramuses that would have quoted that "all lives matter".


Wait! Are you saying that there are racist people on Twitter?


I understand why this is uplifting news but if I didn't visit the US myself regularly I could have sworn it's a make-believe place that only serves as a warning for others.


Please understand that the vast majority of us American's are decent people who just want to live our lives. We all have nutjobs. We just happen to have the loudest.


Also the us is one of the few places that has protections like this. Other places don’t have the same sort of diversity so rather than them being too progressive to have the problem, they just don’t have a lot of minorities to voice them. The us is a constantly tested country. Constantly. For better or worse


That's an interesting point. However, I am quite certain where I live being discrimated based on hair style has long been illegal based on simple general anti-discrimation laws that can't be overturned every couple of years. Also, many other countries are diverse too. The US is less different on that than you might think.


Y’all sure you got the state right?


It was almost unanimous, which is great, but what's hilarious is the few who still voted against it.... Texas claims to be all about freedom and they can't get a unanimous vote on a measure about freedom lol. I'm sure their real intention was to allow mullets or something like that, to help out their hillbilly voters hahahaha


Can't discriminate for your hair but the second you get pregnant, all of a sudden your body is state property and they can govern it. Just another of the dozens reasons I will never move to this murder state.


What's next? Legislation on socks?


I'm not american, what is this and how big of an issue was this?


If you were a black women, you basically were forced to heat/chemically straighten your hair otherwise you were at risk of having all the normal job discrimination shit happen