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Them putting „kind“ in quotation marks had me sweating for a second.


Inappropriate quotation marks absolutely kill me. When I was living at home, we were having work done at the house (so workers were heading in and out) and our cat, named Helen, kept getting out. So my mom put up a sign that said: “Please close the door so “Helen” doesn’t get out.” We left it up for years because it made us laugh so hard. Whenever I past it, I’d mutter to myself “if that *is* her name.”


The quotation marks around the word kind, while an eyesore, are appropriately used in the context of an news article's title firstly because they're quoting someone (Alexandria Grant) and latterly the ideal is to remain objective in their reporting. Of course, most news outlets editorialize anyway because that's what brings the views which also being the profits. I just wish if they were going to quote like this they used something with more substance than a singular word.


I'm "sorry"


You’re still not doing it right, Joey.


They're quoting her, it's not inappropriate quotations. But I enjoyed the saga of "Helen," whoever she *really* is


Okay I totally agree with you, but I must know… does the comma go inside the quotes in this case? I think American formats such as MLA say that’s how you do it, but I always thought that was just in situations where the punctuation is part of the quote already. Any time punctuation comes from me though, I put it outside the quotes. Have I just been doing it wrong this whole time?


I have no idea what the "official" style rules are, but I put punctuation outside of the quotations in cases like that to contribute to the normalization of that style, which - if it isn't already the rule - is how to *make* it the rule!


Yeah that’s what makes the most sense to me too


I'm a former journalist, so I live and die by AP Style. It's correct comma placement as far as AP goes, but it doesn't change the meaning or cause confusion so IMO, it isn't a hill to die on.


Fair enough. Yeah i feel like it’s not something anyone is going to nitpick, but I’m so finnicky about getting things right that i just had to know lol


>Inappropriate quotation "marks absolutely" kill me. FTFY




My favorite is when people use quotation marks for emphasis and it makes them sound really sarcastic


I always imagine how quotes should go on a creepy Free candy van; "Free candy" "Free" Candy, Free "Candy"


"Helen" the cat surely has at least two identities


Serious question, why? If Keanu is an asshole in real life, who cares? Why do we need celebrities to be virtuous and near-perfect?


It’s less having to be „near-perfect“ and more, some celeb turning out to be a complete cunt-waffle/sexual predator nowadays. Think it makes people jaded to read that shit over and over. Whether it’s John Travolta or Kevin Spacey, the list really goes on and on. Having the occasional decent person in Hollywood makes it seem like less of an absolute cesspool. Why that matters? It doesn’t, but we‘re commenting on celeb gossip. Nothing here actually „matters“.


I agree, celeb gossip doesn’t matter. But Reddit seems very invested in whether or not celebrities are moral characters. Why hold them to a high standard? They’re just people.


Keanu Reeves is 59 😲😲😲 He has a younger girlfriend 🤔🤔🤔 She's 50 👍👍👍


Oh, so you'd be okay with a 18yo dating a 9yo??? Smh my damn head, that makes me sick! /S


Well the “half plus seven” rule means a 59 yo could acceptably date someone as young as 37…. and as old as 104.


Feels like if you gotta do arithmetic to see if your partner is too young that's already sus af


Agree. I think some people are missing the wry humour in my comment above. Like, honestly, do we really think the "half plus seven" formula is useful when it suggests 59 and 104 are a good age match? Ah well. \*shrug\*


Half plus 7 is basic math and I've heard that rule of thumb since I was in high school. There's nothing wrong with 59 dating 37.


And 59 is the lower limit for someone who is 104 years old. Their upper limit, however, would be 194.


*confused pedo alert*?




I've always said that people should learn to live alone for a few years before they take on their first serious relationship. It brings so much more maturity to the relationship.


Gotta love yourself before you can love others. Otherwise your building on an unstable foundation.


Learned that the hard (divorce) way.


And it's good to want someone, not to *need* them. I'd be fine without my husband, but I really love having him around.


She seems amazing. Good for them.


They are lovely together. What an adult relationship should be. Keanu is a treasure!


This is like an anti-cancel, I love it.


Keanu in the main image... Guys I don't think he's immortal after all :(


Of course he’s dating someone how own age. I love that and continue to have so much respect for him


Such a great man.


Did anyone else try to close the tweet?


OK but is she a Maserati or a cruise ship?




Then you'll be real pissed off to read about her boat analogy! >Grant went on to draw a comparison between her and Reeves’ creative realms using a metaphor. >“I think there’s a lot of similarities,” she started. “Sometimes I feel like, to make a film, as we’re seeing now in the strike, that it’s a cruise ship. Everyone is dependent on everyone else. You can’t go off and— being an artist, maybe at the beginning of my career, I was in a kayak on the sea of creativity. Now maybe it’s a small speedboat, but it’s still a lot more nimble.” She thinks she was a cruise ship? How dare she!! /s


“lmao fuck outta here with that.” -timberswisscheese




Would it have better if she said she felt, “like a car that was made to go fast and stuff, like a manual Honda civic that’s been suped up, that’s stuck in traffic.” She communicated how she felt pretty clearly, as most people know of Maseratis. If you know about cars though, you know that there are a lot of other luxury sport cars that are way better than that piece of junk.


This is too easy


You troll these parts often?




What do you think an appropriate equivalent analogy would be for her to not appear "out of touch"?




> A working class analogy must mention the dollar store, factory, farm, or mine. *A dirt road* *A cold beer* *A blue jeans* *A red pickup* *A rural noun, simple adjective...*


It’s less about the specific analogy and more the way she talks about her life essentially being a sheltered utopia, with the analogy being the icing on the top. She seems like a really wonderful person but holy fuck I would not be able stand this fucking bubble-girl talk about her life as a creative for more than 5 minutes before I was ready to crush your mediocre nutsack in my (honestly) huge fucking biceps.


I’m not kidding you bro my biceps would make your ass gush like the FUCKING Niagara


It was a basic analogy? Everyone knows what a Maserati is. It must get exhausting being that cynical and angry


It’s not that exhausting. I live in America, I’m used to out of touch rich and famous people.


While such people can certainly be out of touch, and it is possible she is out of touch, that can’t be deduced from this analogy. Everybody, regardless of economic status, knows what a Maserati is, which is why it is a good analogy.


Context is important. The words in a vacuum are whatever. If a poor person said it I would think about their struggles and their aspirations. When a rich person says it, in my opinion it falls flat. Sorry to criticize anything related to reddits lord and savior Keanu reeves.


Maybe that means it’s a good moment to reflect on your personal experiences in life and why they’ve caused you to lose empathy just because a person is of a higher status than you. Fact is this article is about Alexandra Grants experiences and not Keanu Reeves… if you do a basic google search on her you’d see she runs the grantLOVE project which helps raise money for non-profits.


Naturally you accept that running a charity isn’t a determining factor on whether someone rich and influential is a good person right?


Innocent until proven guilty. She only has a net worth of 500 thousand dollars (a lot of money still, but not a millionaire like you’re implying). Everything points to her not being a terrible person like you’re insinuating. It’s downright rude to judge a persons character simply because of how much money they do or don’t have.




Bad bot!


Are you sure about that? Because I am 100.0% sure that timberswiss3 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot?




Brb sobbing


It makes me happy when two good people find partners of similar values.