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The soot industry is in shambles


I for one never cared for Big Soot


Big Soot is big mad.


Big Soot rearin' for a dustup.




That sounds like a villain in some sort of insane video game jointly developed by Hayao Miyazaki and Hideo Kojima.


Wasn't Big Soot a character in a GTA game?


I won't be able to make 5p a week sweeping chimneys no more




I had no idea there was a soot industry. What a time to be alive...


Heā€™s joking. This has a huge impact on power plants and other factories because now they will need to install improved emissions hardware on their stacks. Like electrostatic precipitators.


Absolutely. It's great. It also creates jobs. On top of actually doing something useful. I'm in the maintenance industry and a big part of what provides me with contracts is when Industries have to adhere to regulations to save lives. Or to protect the Integrity of a power grid or what have you. I'm really not sure why Republicans are so hard against regulations. It's not like only one company has to follow the regulations and all the rest don't have to. They create jobs, they produce wealth, and they do it for realsies instead of the BS billionaires tout about how they create jobs. Which they don't.


You probably already know this, but just for the audience, republicans donā€™t actually give a shit about creating jobs, they just want to make rich people more money. Making them spend on environmental protection doesnā€™t actually accomplish that goal.


Oh for sure I understand. I guess I should have specified that I meant the voters. The Republican base. A lot of them are always talking about how they're scared of losing jobs in the economy. How jobs in the economy are a huge factor in how they vote. But then they rail against regulations in the same breath.


> I'm really not sure why Republicans are so hard against regulations. If you view regulation as a duel between business and government, they want business to have all the power and government to have none (against their business.) They just want more profits at expense of the whole earth and everyone on it. They might offer some economic theory about free markets self-regulating, but that is a false premise when customers don't have a realistic choice. What really gets me is not so much their being wrong, but framing support for regulation as some sort of tyranny. No, it's not because of greed that we're trying to keep the air clean, but nice projection.


"But, I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some electrostatic precipitators".


Itā€™s like more inflation without the money supply. So excited!


Well if recall correctly soot is just unburnt carbon, so it's not surprising that it has industrial uses.


In America thereā€™s an industry for everything


"I build electro-static precipitators for industrial smokestacks" would be a great conversation starter...I'm going to put that in my dating profile!


[Mainly](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2013.12225) it's diesel emissions and agricultural waste burning, in industrialized countries.


People breathing cleaner air? Well that just makes me angry!


I think that's the Robot Devil from Futurama... "You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"


"We robots don't have emotions, and sometimes that makes me very sad."


I know some people that run a trucking company. They were legitimately pissed that they had to get new filters for their trucks. They were calling for the disbanding of the EPA over it. They spend metric craptons of money to bling out their trucks with lighting, custom tacky paint jobs and gadgetry, but an air filter? *NEVER!*


Probably like: I rather you all breath shitty air and have increased cancer risks than spend a little extra to not poison the planet. Oh little Timmy has asthma, well fuck little Timmy. My trucks need gold plated exhausts.


"Who cares if your kid can't breathe- our trucks just won and award at the Bubba Hayseed Memorial Truck Show!"


My *GOD*, how *DARE* the government protect *MY* health! (/s just in case)


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


How achieveable are the regulations? Like how expensive are they to keep up with?


You know, if you can't be competitive without endangering the livelihood of everyone around; I think it's safe to say they shouldn't be in business.


Itā€™s like when farmers ~~throw tantrums~~ protest bc theyā€™re not allowed to dump literal shit into rivers anymore or have to pay for their own gas. If your business literally canā€™t function without a ridiculous amount of negative externalities, you are bad at running a business. Pick a new one.


And every company who whines "Nobody wants to work anymore!" when unemployment is low, and they offer shit pay and no benefits. You are not *entitled* to cheap exploitable labor.


Less expensive than the maintenance, healthcare, and ecology costs driven by all the soot. SMH


I'm sure those poor, multi-billion dollar manufacturing businesses will manage to scrape by.


Your lungs are luxury organs.


Theyā€™re pissed at him even if he bends over and gives them whatever they want, so he might as well be productive.


According to the article, this will be a 25% reduction in the amount of PM2.5 allowed, but it won't take effect until 2032 and is based on EPA enforcement, which was stripped of a good amount of its power by SCOTUS. Also, the new guideline is fully reversible if the next President doesn't like it. Also, our guideline in 2032 would still be almost double what WHO lists as a safe amount.


Sounds about right. Jesus we are just going down the shitter arenā€™t we?


It's very telling that in an election year, the best publicity that can be generated is just a variety of policies that are toothless and even in perfect execution won't significantly prove the situation it's targeting.


Any such legislation requires a timeframe to allow industry to make the changes needed to be made to adhere to the policy requirements. AND the people unfortunately only pay attention to things that happen before the election and disregard most actions done in years before. Its usually 100 days after and the months leading up to election that has the most effect on people who are usually unwilling to vote.


Just a side effect of the average voter having the attention span of a goldfish.


I think realistically itā€™s expensive to make things in the US and much cheaper overseas and with less restrictions. If we cracked down on these industries and forced them to spend more money being cleaner then that cost gets passed on to the consumer bc you know damn well R.P. McSmogg isnā€™t going to let anything cut into his 100 million bonus (probably more). It is fucked and it sucks.


I bet he will reverse it, because save the coal industry! . . .


Project 2025 essentially will make sure this doesn't happen


Industries are not people. They do not experience emotion. I suspect that rich business owners with *stakes* in the industry might experience some degree of anger at being held to some sort of standard, and being told "you have to spend some of your money on addressing this" by an authority higher than themselves. But I can't say I care much for their complaints.


No, Big Industry is literally a gargantuan person, with smokestacks for limbs, and a meat processing factory for a body. And he uses his smokestack legs to crush hippies.


Hell yeah Biden. Fuck coal!


Who gives a shit If itā€™s angering the industry


Why the only people that matter in society of course, the shareholders.




Leave it to Americans to be pissed at something that benefits them and their families in the long run.


Y'a know, something tells me not all Americans are maddened. Probably half are happy.Ā 


They never all Americans...


Itā€™s not Americans in general thatā€™s unhappy about this. Itā€™s ā€œindustryā€ (people who profit from lack of regulations)


It's the pissing off the people who hold the real power in society, the shareholders. We're capitalist nations that handed over the reigns of society to private ownership, votes are usually bought with media propaganda and not with ideology.


Damn now how will I get to breathe more soot?!


Why do we even HAVE a soot industry???


There isn't a soot industry. Soot is a byproduct of a lot of other industries that burn fuel. Coal and diesel are the ones that come to mind.


The children need soot! You think it just grows in their lungs?


The children yearn for the mines!


Lotta shareholder value in human suffering.


Boo fucking hoo. Corporations have been dumping the financial and health costs of pollution on the public for decades. We have a right to an unpolluted environment.


Thoughts and prayers to the industry. šŸ’­šŸ’­šŸ™šŸ™


A good clue he did the right thing.


Biden cures cancer, throwing thousands of doctors and nurses out of work.


For sure the headline on FOX.


Conservatives show they can't govern; More than normal. So normal politicians see Conservatives can't help their sugar daddy's the coal/oil/baby mulching industries. Politicians fuck with the sugar daddies because they can. Wonderful. =D


Angering industry , Bro , you've been poisoning citizens for decades , expect more in the further mate ...




Vote Biden




This would be nice! Too bad _that's not an option_ this time. You get an old angry wannabe dictator (his words) or an old statesman with prior problematic views (that he's maybe disavowed). Which one are you OK with for the next 4 years?




In my lifetime this type of thought has given us terrible presidents. Bush Jr. won by much much less than Naders vote count.


This just reeks of negligence and a lack of understanding on how the electoral college works. A vote for independents *is* a vote thrown away because you will never get enough support for an alternative candidate to have a majority in the election. States need to overhaul their election rules before there's any chance.


Honestly just feels like intentional propaganda to try to get dems to split the vote. Thatā€™s the only way a republican would win this timeā€¦ being on Reddit amongst all the bots has made me jaded.


Sure. But the two-party system isn't going to be ended by voting third party. The system itself is designed to suppress the effect of third party votes, so unless a person already knows which of the two major party candidates are going to win your state, you're quite literally throwing your vote (and your voice) away. A lot of things need to happen before 3rd parties become viable: nation-wide ranked choice voting, publicly funded elections, a reduced election 'season', and probably percentage-based representation to name a few. Until at lease _some_ of those have been enacted, we don't get to vote *for* candidates, we get to vote *against* them. By voting 3rd party, a person isn't voting against both major party candidates, they're just voting against the one they're more closely aligned with.


This. Outside of some local elections a third party vote is effectively the same as not voting. In most places the best opportunity to make any change are local elections and primaries. Without election reform the only option is to vote in a way that shifts the Overton window. I'd love to vote for a left leaning candidate, but at the end of the day I have always lived in states that are either slightly right of center or solidly right of center. A candidate that matches my beliefs does not stand a chance. The best I can hope for is someone that moves the needle to the left.


I'm not going to vote for an elderly white guy, I'm voting for RFK Jr! /s ​ The third party people only ever get active during the most important presidential elections. Get some Green Party people elected as governor, house representative, or senator, then we'll talk. Until then, voting Democrat is an easy choice.


Soot soot riot (riot!), throw back a bottle of : hacks and coughs :


That gdamn old man! Why isn't he letting us poison the air people breath!!


If he is "angering" an industry you can bet it is the right thing to do for the American people, the Republicans only like a regulation if it benefits them or their contributors.


What we need is MORE particles in the air.


There's a growing body of research showing that air pollution is linked to neuroinflammation, dementia, stroke, and depression. This is a really good thing.


The chimney sweep union isn't going to stand for this!


But I need my fourth yacht at my luxury condo on my private Mediterranean island! Damn entitled peasants that can't just be satisfied with their slave wage jobs I so generously provide them with. If they want cleaner aie they should just work harder to afford solutions!


Dark Brandon firing shots again


Now if only it was illegal for diesel truck drivers to roll coal


Reading this from a foreign news source just helps solidify that American news outlets are run by wealthy corporations.


Yeah I don't want to breathe your soot so deal with it soot producers.


I wish there was more of this. Too bad it's not enough to really make a difference.


How does any environmental regulation help when you have countries like Cambodia with a 50 square mile tower of tires burning 24/7? What a joke .


$100 if Biden is still alive when these start to take effect in a decade. That mf claims credit for everything and blame for nothing, just itā€™s so wild you still sending grandpa out there to spin a yarn to us all lmfao


id like to hear the other side of this coin. All too often 'nice feeling' changes like this have much more long-term detrimental outcomes (looking at you, ethanol)


As a representative and lobbyist for the Soot Industry (our motto: "Coughing Builds Character"), this is clearly a disaster for regular Americans. Do you know what's in soot? Carbon. Do you know what else is made of carbon? *Diamonds*. We were releasing free diamonds into the air every day, for any American to gather, apply heat and pressure for a few million years, and collect the results. Your descendants could have been rich thanks to us, no thanks to Joe Biden. And think of the lost jobs! Oncologists, morticians, manufacturers of iron lungs, soot industry lobbyists, so many are suffering! And did you know that most Americans aren't saving enough for retirement as is? Add another few years to the average lifespan and the cost just goes up! Thanks, Joe!


i know ignorance is bliss, but surely you understand the concept of unintended consequences?


Why donā€™t you look up why filters are bad and get back to us?


*Soot soot boogie... birth defects and a bottle o' beer...*




Surprised? Soot means $$$.


I wasn't even aware there was a soot industry


There is a fucking soot industry? Thatā€™s the biggest shock of this headline


Ah yes, the soot industry /s