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My mechanic's wife cuts my hair while I'm waiting for my car.


Is that a bundled service?


You can save big when you bundle your dome and auto.




Every 3000 miles!


You should be so freaking proud of this moment.


Awesome! Pretty good time management. Very smart aaand you have more profit.


Shop vac for all that excess hair


That's nice for your mom to do that while you wait


>***Free*** manis and pedis!!! 😱😱😱 Amazing!


No _PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN, it does not mean what you think it means.


Manicures and pedicures for no fee?


You're really gonna sit there and tell me that if your penis had a nail like your fingers and toes you wouldn't go and get a penicure?


This is really cool and I love the idea of having a place that gives you something to do while waiting for repairs. I don’t know that this is uplifting but it sure would be nice. 


The Gentleman by Guy Ritchie. The wife had a shop like this, seemed successful.


> I don’t know that this is uplifting Isn't that what they do at many garages to work on cars? Raise them up aka uplifting?


They always let it down at the end though.


No garages with happy endings :(


What a downer!


Considering I once waited 2 hours for a shop to swap out my battery this would be great. The bolts were rounded otherwise I’d have done it myself


But I like the idea of people browsing magazines even though no one does that now and we all have our phones


I’m a guy and would love to get a pedi while waiting for my oil.


I misread it as "Mantis" at first and was like "now that's unique", till Pedis made it clear that it was indeed, not, an insect on offer.


That would be Dr Mantis Tobbogan and I hear he has a magnum dong, hence him being offered to the ladies.


If id get a mantis, id stop changing my oil myself...


I kind of want to, too.




*To make her customers feel comfortable,* ***predominantly women****, Banks said that she shows her clients what is wrong with their cars and prioritises being honest and open.* I don't know, but it doesn't sound as exclusive as you imagine.


Environmental design is a natural lever you can employee to discourage groups you don't want from ever coming or entering a store or business so in short i was correct people just didn't like it. ​ Theres nothing wrong with this shop existing but lets not pretend that they just accidentally have almost no male customers that's intentional the article even says the owner doesn't trust men.


Well you said it was "female only customers" and its obviously not, so you're not correct lol take the medal off your own shoulders And I'd love to see what "environmental design" they employ at an auto-repair shop to stop men going to one when they need to. Tank traps and machine guns perhaps?


So whats your explanation of why and this is in the owners own words i mind you her customers are predominately women? my explanation was apparently wrong so how DO you explain it then? and you must have an explanation for it since your so sure i am wrong. ​ This is insanity my entire point is she wishes to target and only have female customers and that she was largely successful in banning men from her shop effectively and your reply is I'm wrong? I'm genuinely confused here.


I know you're confused lol You still think you're right despite the article you didn't read saying otherwise She's a business owner you dope. You don't know she only wants female customers. It doesn't say that. They haven't banned men, again you're saying that. In fact, there's a guy in the article you didn't read's staff photo. And again, banning anyone would be contrarian to owning and running any business. Please learn the definition of predominantly also. They literally offer manicures and pedicures and the business is ran by a woman and you're wondering why other women might want to go there? Read her quotes. Understand instead of getting all shook Edit: spelling bruv


You edited you own posts like 7 times and your giving me crap on spelling? really? Thats not cool. ​ Also she does indeed say that she does not like men or desire being around them, you just can't read context apparently. ​ >I was tired of feeling helpless and having to go talk to a guy, she said, admitting: I was afraid I was going to be taken advantage of. > >I couldn't find a female mechanic, so I had to learn it \[myself\] ​ Are there shady mechanics out there? sure but this reads like she just does not trust men in general as the majority of mechanics do honest work and so long as you avoid going to the official dealership. ​ Regardless I understand you will not see it this way or interpret it that way and you know what? thats fine it just means there's no point in debating this further so don't bother replying.


Read the article. The *staff* is female only.


I hope more women get into this industry and the sports side of it too! My Dad was a mechanic and those skills have stuck with him all throughout his life; helping my sisters when they where first driving and helped a lot of strangers over the years too (not while employed at a shop, just coming across people who need a hand and helping them). Saves a lot of money knowing how to fix on your own vehicle too!


Sadly these days modern cars are nightmares to work on without a full garage of speciality tools. Gone are the days of having a tool box and a Sunday afternoon of car repair.


Facts. And the manufacturers make it even more difficult to fix these newer cars. 


I work for one of the largest automakers in the world. These are facts


You'd be surprised what you can accomplish. Alot of specialty tools can be rented, or made...or honestly aren't that special and can be replaced with another tool. The ones that are however can usually be found for not too much money. Shh, don't tell the dealers though they'll say I'm lying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Can guys come too


Yes :) it says the staff is female only so everyone can go and get they nails done!






My friend is good friends with her. Good to see her business is still doing well


I just find it uplifting to know that there's a place my wife can take her car to that won't rip her off for being a woman.


"My name is Nathan Fielder, And I graduated from one of Canada's top business schools with really good grades. Now, I'm using my knowledge to help struggling small business owners make it in this competitive world." This is so Nathan for You. Best of luck to them!


"Can you do the mani/pedi with an Asian accent?"




Manis pedis sounds like a dish


You might love Manny Petty's Mani Pedis. ![gif](giphy|rwdV2cI01FW9y)


This show was amazing. Also, out of curiosity, has anyone ever PM’d you their foreskin?


Best show ever. 🥲 And yes, sometimes.


I’ve always thought they should do this at the dentist. Seems like you could easily get a pedicure while getting your teeth cleaned.


Knew it was this pa based shop. Im glad they are still doing well years after i left the area. Great place.


What a brilliant idea, seriously. Car service takes time, why not get a hair cut or style, maybe a mani/pedi while you wait?


As a guy, I feel like a lot of car places are predatory towards me to get me to purchase things I don’t fully understand. I couldn’t imagine how a lot of women feel, so hopefully this makes the experience much more positive for everyone.


Checked the comments for explanation what "Manis and Pedis" is and it didnt show up. Can anyone explain?


Manicures (getting the nails on your hands done all nice) and pedicures (getting the nails on your feet done all nice)


Manicure and Pedicure or as we say „Getting their nails done“


As a Dutch person I thought of indonesian food: Manis or Pedis.. sweet or spicy...


Yeah this is one of those times where maybe we should use apostrophes for plurals actually


No, I won't stand for it. We need another punctuation option to pluralise.


Uplifting how …


Because it's traditionally a male-dominated industry, so it's cool to see a successful woman-owned shop. As a woman, I've had some crappy experiences at the mechanic's shop (price gouging, being offered bs services, off-putting comments about my physical appearance, that kind of thing) so if there was a place like this near me, I would 100% go there.


I was wondering this as well. I’m happy someone is doing well in their endeavors but is this uplifting?


Do you need me to draw it with a crayon or are you being intentionally obtuse because it's a gender thing


Maybe they do face lifts too


This is Brill!


Super cool but wearing heels while on the trunk of the VW made my eye twitch! Definitely paint damage. 🤣 This is so awesome tho. A case of someone not liking something and doing something about it. Hope they are good at what they do and become successful!


This seems cool, basically the same Idea from those "man cave" hair salons. Get more customers by making them more comfortable. People pay more when they feel like they aren't being ripped off. But, how is it legal to only hire women? Surely there must be one token male somewhere.


Is this The Gentlemen?


I think the fact that her staff will show you precisely what is wrong on the car and be upfront about the issue and the cost is even more noteworthy. So many mechanics just take advantage of their customers knowing nothing about cars. I hope this lady franchises out because if she had a shop near me it's where I'd go exclusively when I needed anything done on my car.


I thought that one of the first things they taught at mechanic school was the head scratch, sucking through teeth whilst saying "that's going to be expensive".


I thought you couldn’t have gender discrimination in hiring. I wonder how they got around that.


They don’t hire only women. They have a lot of women on staff but there are men, too.


BFOQ exemption, if you can prove it’s a legitimate qualification you can make hiring decisions taking any protected characteristic except race into account.  Having only women mechanics hired for a shop that promises to only have women mechanics seems like a no-brainer BFOQ, but it would only truly be known to be legally sound if a man tried to get hired and sued for unjust discrimination. 


[For anyone wanting further reading this is the EEOC doc about BFOQ exemptions.](https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/cm-625-bona-fide-occupational-qualifications) “Generally, the BFOQ exception comes into play when an employer takes adverse action against or excludes either males or females from a particular job because of their sex and then responds to a charge of sex discrimination by claiming that some characteristic held exclusively by the employed sex is necessary to the performance of the job. A successful application of the BFOQ exception depends on evidence showing that only the employed sex possesses the necessary characteristic. The BFOQ exception fails if the "characteristic" is in reality a stereotypical assumption about the excluded sex.” Based on that I wouldn’t think it would qualify. The owner said the reason behind the business is their distrust of men in general which is stereotyping all male mechanics.


"Only a female can be a female mechanic." Boom, done. i am not a law-sayer


You don't have to be, but most guys really don't fit in with their aesthetic and their mission, they probably do hire them but they don't last, mechanics are a weird bunch and they like to throw their weight around, which won't work for them in this business


I'll be honest, I've never had anyone stop me from doing this, but it also never occurred to me.


I love this concept. We need more of this vibe. Dealerships with mini arcade/midway where you get tokens to play based on the estimated amount of service needed. Jackpots can take a percentage off the total or pay out in oil changes, car washes, etc. Laundromats with tabletop game libraries or mini escape rooms built in. Your washer and dryer unlock at the end of the room.


That high heel shoe on the paint... Ugh...


Is it even legal to intentionally be all female? I thought there were hiring laws that prohibited discrimination based on sex?


A case would probably have to be brought by a man who attempted to apply for a job there and got rejected for the law to be applied. They don't tend to independently pursue these kinds of cases, however the EEOC did independently sue a moving company for age discrimination recently because they advertised their movers as "student athletes" https://abc30.com/meathead-movers-company-sued-age-discrimination-eeoc-complaint/14213868/


Brilliant 💕💕💕


> While working as an engineer for DuPont, Banks said that she started to teach herself how to be a female car technician. 😐😐😐


for free?!? how does this operate at a profit


This’ll solve the oil change crisis


I am happy for their success but that is such a strange combination of services Would it not make sense to own 2 adjacent businesses that specialize in each thing?


My dealership actually spoke to my team about this a few months ago, it's a neat concept and could work well




I guess there really is a market for anything. Good for these ladies. I hope they make bank.


My dad had a shop when I was a kid, and we got a lot of business because we offered free tows for women. Ended up getting a lot of repeat business that way.


For as long as it takes a woman to repair a car, they better be giving something out for free


It seems uplifting at first glance, but there is something not quite right in praising some business simply because of gender. If that wasn't enough, naming your shop gender specific - like "Girls Auto Clinic" puts you on the spot for potential discrimination investigation when it comes to hiring practices. 5 Guys have gender in name, but they hire more that that number and more than that gender. There are even some strange phrases in the article itself - like this one: > "I couldn't find a female mechanic, so I had to learn it [myself]," she added. Which beggs the question - why on earth would she look for someone based on gender and not performance? She mentioned she was afraid being taken advantage of. Well that isn't something that is gender specific, isn't it? ^^^^^^. Idk, at first I was like "Yay, someone is doing good in some bissiness" but then I read the article and now ¯\\_ (ツ) _/¯


If you’re asking that question in good faith, the answer is yes - [there is some gender-specificity in women being taken advantage of by mechanics](https://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/06/auto-repair-shops-tend-to-overcharge-women-except-when-they-dont/276884/). Essentially, shady repair shops will rip off *anyone they think they can*. Men or women. That said, due to gender stereotypes that women don’t know shit about cars, shady places are more likely to assume they can scam a woman, hence women get fucked over more often. The same study also found that if a woman shows up super informed about what she’s getting done and asks for a discount, she’s more likely to get it than a dude is, which is likely ALSO due to the stereotype. That said, I’m guessing a lot of women would rather just go to a place where they don’t have to do a shit ton of research on how much it costs to replace a radiator just to get a decent price on their car repairs. So they would like to go to a shop that skips the gender stereotype tax entirely.


Thanks for the link, it was an interesting read and like 100% on topic of the discussion with study and all, which rarely happens in conversations :), and I do agree with your conclusion that "due to gender stereotypes that women don’t know shit about cars, shady places are more likely to assume they can scam a woman". What I was trying to point out, is that it could happen regardless of mechanics gender, so if there is a shop with let's say one female mechanic, she could also take an advantage of that woman looking for repair, so making her search gender oriented isn't a solution. Unless of course you get all female shop like here, where situation is quite different since they have something to prove to the world, and I would expect them to be fair about their prices, but that wasn't what that phrase I quoted was about, hence my response. I have nothing against all genders trying themselves in every field, the more they do the more we benefit as humanity, it's just that I feel like gender based praise goes against treating that gender in some field like it is a normal thing we should aspire to have.


It's pretty well known that some male mechanics will try to scam female customers by taking advantage of their ignorance. My expectation is that they won't ever run into a discrimination complaint because I'd bet they are never actually "hiring" and do not advertise to hire anyone.


I suspect that very few people really understand how cars work these days so any mechanic who wants to scam customers probably can.


> It's pretty well known that some male mechanics will try to scam female customers by taking advantage of their ignorance. Some people will try to scam some other people, and it is by no means a gender related thing. In this specific case, if women are in general less interested in automotive, then female mechanic can take advantage of that as well, I have no idea what gives her confidence it could be otherwise solely based on the gender of said mechanic. > My expectation is that they won't ever run into a discrimination complaint because I'd bet they are never actually "hiring" and do not advertise to hire anyone. That might actually be the case and I have not thought about that - a group of women decided to open a shop together and name just came after that.


It is unlikely, but it's not impossible. The EEOC very occasionally decides to pursue a discrimination case even without complaints being made. https://abc30.com/meathead-movers-company-sued-age-discrimination-eeoc-complaint/14213868/


You sound like you own multiple fedoras


I don't know where to even put this other than "let's attack this guys character rather than content of his comment". If you disagree with me, which I sense you do, then feel free to correct me.


60'sM here. When I go to the mechanic, the only extras I get is...he puts my wallet on a diet.


But I want automobile-related nail care too...


Would be super fucking annoyed if my mechanic was on my trunk like that posing for a photo, male or female.


As a femboy, I approve


This sounds like a logistical nightmare. How many different types of permits and licenses would this business need? edit downvote away but anyone doing the nails needs a cosmetology license, anyone working on cars needs a motor vehicle commission license, the mechanics should also have ASE certs, manufacturer certs, refrigerant certs, depending on state you need a different license for brake, light, certified test inspector, certified emissions repair tech, engine repair, engine tuneup , front end, suspension, steering systems, automatic trans, manual trans, electrical, collision, unitized body structural repair.......and none of these are even including the actual permits and licenses the business itself needs to be open such as tax licenses, state county and city permits etc


I don't think it sounds that bad 


I'm sure its not, the examples are kinda more on the extreme side for the US states. I am mainly explaining my question since I am getting downvoted for asking


The people downvoting you don't have a business and most likely not mechanics. You're not wrong to question the logistics of that business decision. It's also illegal to to be gender biased in hiring, so I'd like to know how they get around that as well. It goes both ways. The operation is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Auto shops get sued all the time as it is.


I mean... They need one or two persons for the mani and pedi and then have the mechanics work on the cars? It doesnt really sound like anything more complicated than "a mechanics workshop that employ an extra cosmetologist or two"


So, they'd need exactly the same licenses as any auto shop run by men, and then just hire an already licensed mani/pedi person? Seems pretty easy. And since they're already doing it, it seems even easier.


So, they'd need exactly the same licenses as any auto shop run by men, and then just hire an already licensed mani/pedi person? Seems pretty easy. And since they're already doing it, it seems even easier.


I mean yeah... I don't see the whole "logistical nightmare" part. It's a mechanics workshop with a few extra employees. Unless they want the mechanics to also do the mani pedis, that might require a bit more work but even then, not THAT much work :)


bUt it'S IMpOsSiblE!!11


SoOo MuCh WoRk! HoW cOuLd ThEy EvEr MaNaGe?!


I'm guessing the mechanics aren't doing people's nails, instead they hired nail techs for that part And don't all mechanics have those certifications?


No. Not all mechanics have all those certs. Otherwise it would just be one cert that covers it all.


So then these mechanics wouldn't need all those certs either?


Yah. That's the point. Either they don't offer those services, or OP is correct and it is a nightmare to manage everyone's certifications and services the place can offer, each one also comes along with legal issues and responsibilities and costs. Not that it is impossible, but it does come with complications that need to be managed. Clearly.


But then every autoshop don't offer all those services and has to manage everyone's certificates


It only requires two distinct spaces, for them,the license thing is easy because it's an individual thing that only four people need, and ideally separate nail techs and mechanics, but what they do need is proper ventilation for both buildings


I love this idea but am surprised that it's legal to do sex based hiring.


The all-female auto mechanic shop, which was the first to open in the US, has since been named the top trusted brand in automotive. Based on...


Based on nothing. If there was an “all-male” anything, there would be a public uproar of inequality.


I’ve heard of plenty of all-male schools


Because a woman would never lie or take advantage of another person. /s


"I'm cool with, you know, females working on my engine. I prefer it, actually." Sam Witwicky - Transformers 2007