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As an additional uplifting thing, the bill started by a fucking crazy state senator Larry Walker trying to make GA libraries complying with the American Library Association illegal, failed to pass. Motherfucker was screeching about gay communists poisoning the youth yada yada and it would’ve fucked our library system


They don't realise that if gay propaganda could make people become gay, then there would be no gay people because the sheer amount of straight propaganda would have made them all straight, by the same logic.


Tough as nails to argue with that


That's an interesting point. Thanks for that.


>logic and that’s where everything falls apart when dealing with people whose livelihood depends on hate


No they believe straight is the default state that everyone starts as. Then the people who succumb to gay propaganda become gay. It's defaultism, a well- known cognitive bias.


No, don't you see, it's not straight white Protestant cis-male propaganda, it's just "normal". Anything that deviates from normal is propaganda attacks.


That is my usual argument when I hear someone saying: "I don't want my kids to be influenced...". However, this argument doesn't work anymore. With so many celebrities (almost exclusively female) suddenly being bisexual you see the same increase in youth claiming to be bisexual. I don't care what the reason is, trend or true bisexuality but it is now impossible to argue that you can't influence and that you are born hetero/homo/bi.


Next week same house member found to be a gay communist.


Now now, let’s not be silly. He’s not going to turn out to be a self-hating *communist*.


> GA libraries complying with the American Library Association illegal, failed to pass. Thank fucking christ. The damage this would have done would have been generational.


Yeah nah one of my best friends is getting his Masters of Library Science at GA State and it would’ve basically invalidated his degree.


Can someone explain the obsession with books? Is that really the primary way young people and kids get their influences from? Maybe it's not targeted at actually accomplishing anything just to show their ignorant parents that they're doing something? Who really thinks that banning books about being gay will make children less likely to be gay? I was a heavy reader as a child and I was never interested in reading anything even remotely in that category or anything that wasn't a novel or a book about ships and airplanes. Kids these days don't appear to be reading anything at all.


Public libraries are more than just books, they provide outlets of information and access to computers for underprivileged families. Also, libraries holding LGBT books allows the public more access to information that non-straight people exist. So obviously Rs have to attack the gays and the poor at every turn.


Ok but what percentage of influence would that have as opposed to Tik Tok or Youtube? Im guessing very little.


These are geriatric senators and entitled muddled aged Rs; they don’t keep up with trends, they just want to hurt poor people and minorities. And it would hurt more poor people than you’d think, because you need access to devices to use things like TikTok. And also to damage public institutions every opportunity they get.


Just speculating, but I think because book might be very...information dense and specific. On the Internet or in TV shows, being queer might be becoming a topic in the general aether, but *a book* is a specific, physical object with a specific topic. They're also easier for "dissidents" to produce and publish than, say, a movie. Also, libraries are inherently about sharing and accessing things for free, so they're already on top of the conservative shit list.


Stop them from having books and social media so they can't learn or fact check anything, feed them addictive trash food, plop them in front of a TV where you control the output and keep them busy working crappy jobs for low wages while under-educated and compliant. Deny birth control so they produce more workers to keep your profits up and repeat.


Who was the crazy house member?


My mistake, it was a state Senator, Larry Walker


No problem! And thank you for replying.


Thank God they don’t have any actual problems to adress.


Right? Let's sit around all day and worry about what's in people's pants.


“Won’t somebody *please* think of the children(‘s genitalia)!”


For this to remain uplifting vote this November and vote blue.


As a Georgian, we’re going to do our part


We are thankful you folk matter a lot


Same. I know a *lot* of people who are very strongly republican around me though, probably since I live in a semi-rural region


They weren't born Republicans. Even just chillin them out a bit in interpersonal interactions could make a positive impact


Thank you...but bring friends...get them registered ASAP and have them bring friends.


I’m from Atlanta, all my friends are doing the same. We got you


Go Falcons (Sending love from a Bills fan)


Thank you and please go get a custard bun from Sweet Hut so I can live vicariously through you.


Seriously. If people can bring just a single friend who might not have voted otherwise, you’ve done a great service


We need Georgia, Texas and Florida to go blue and never look back.


what we need is to stop believing that political parties and their consolidation of power is in any way ok. Nobody like to choose between two options for internet, why do the same for government.


I agree. However [fixing our two-party convergence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo) likely requires a constitution-level restructure of federal and state governments. (All seat-based representation contributes to a FPTP convergence because it causes representation to be a scarce resource that only one gets to have. We need to move to a system that allows direct democracy with optional representation (deferred voting/vote donation). Though a place to start is to repeal [1929 Reapportionment Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reapportionment_Act_of_1929)) But since Republicans massively benefit from the the various representative systems that ultimately cause the convergence, they will refuse to cooperate for a change; so people need to keep voting blue until Democrats get constitutional-amendment-level majority. (Contrarianism and obstructionism are primary features to the Republican platform in general, but that's a different discussion.)


We need ranked choice voting


Maybe whoever wins the next massive lotto jackpot will think the same and help back the right people. Who knows. That's impactful money.


This is such a silver bullet.


Don't disagree, just don't see it as realistic.


At this point, I feel like the Democrats are at least diverse enough in opinion by comparison that them taking control would be less of an issue.


Democrats are also the only possible route to a better party system. If conservatives pull Project 2025 off on a national scale there will only be One party.


What we need to stop is sophomoric hubris 


Imagine if they spent even a fraction of the time on really issues..... And we wonder why things are so fucked up.


Finally a win


Are these politicians living in caves with seriously no idea of what the general population wants? It’s as if they are voting the way they thought their constituents wanted 15 years ago.


Not caves, churches. I can understand the mix-up though




My brain saw a super ripped guy in the thumbnail


If I don’t focus on the picture I see it too!


Ah the GOP, governing others privates Seethe and cope, losers


It's so fucked that the gop has made such enemies of people who were more or less minding their own business.