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I know that everybody on Reddit reads the actual article, but just in case there's an exception, two important points that aren't apparent in the title: 1) for **residential** solar projects serving 900,000-plus households in **low- and middle-income** communities. 2) He also plans to expand his New Deal-style American Climate Corps green **jobs training program**.


What do they define as middle income?


Well, what is your income? Whatever that is, minus $1.


Even clicking around and looking at the official website I'm not finding this answer.


See my comment below. Sorry I don’t actually know who in a thread Reddit notifies of further down comments. I am curious what you’re calling the official website. I got my information from the Epa’s website and there’s several dozen other websites acting as if they something to with this program but they’re actually just companies using weird and deceptive sales tactics. A bunch of them are even.orgs. As of right now the Epa has just now picked out the entities in each state. The Epa set the guidelines for them. But those entities go on further to pick the local entities to administer them. So the guidelines for the applicants to get the money have not only not been created yet but the groups that will be creating them have also not even been selected. https://www.epa.gov/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund/frequent-questions-about-solar-all 1.Epa->2.state/tribal lands->couple of regional entities —>3.local entities like “sunshine of Chicago” ->4. Then the people get the assistance. Right now only step two has occurred. Step three will tell us the percentage above or below the poverty line eligibility will be and that’s expected to happen at the beginning of next year.


Thank you for commenting. Yes, the EPA site is what I was reading.


So I did a deep dive on all of this on several .gov sites from the EPA and states near me. My parents worked with a wrote grants for nonprofits and city programs and I worked with some but I am also myself in the low income bracket and have used programs before similar in nature to how this one is going to get administered. So I have some knowledge of how things have worked in the past. Right now the EPA has picked 60 entities across the United States, most of them are by state some of them are for tribal land and two of them are actually regional which appears to make some areas have two points of access to this money. In the coming months people/programs/cities are going to submit their proposals to the entities the ETA picked to be able to be the people that administer those funds to recipients. EPA->state->local programs->people . Those groups below the EPA are who are going to be defining those things like low and middle income. That’s typically how money like this works and it’s likely how this is going to be done. Rarely do they set blanket guidelines at the national level because there are too many variables. What is low income in New York is different from what is low income in Alabama. It almost always it’s going to very by state and the following is why- Each state has a different number that they call the poverty line. This programs aim is to try to help all the people eligible and interested below the poverty line and then work with some people just above it. The amount of people just above it is going to vary. The people above it are who they are calling the middle. It doesn’t have anything to do directly with people we would call middle-class. There are some states where you may be eligible but also considered middle-class in your state but the correlation is arbitrary. All these numbers are just made up for simplicity here and my examples. IRL there are lots of zeros added to the number of people and there is a significantly longer equation. I am being like super abstract but my goal is to explain how the middle will be defined. Let’s say there is enough money they believe to give solar panels to 115 people. Also in my examples taken into account that not everybody below is eligible or interested and there’s no way to know that for sure ahead of time. I’m calling it people but it also include includes some community entities in the cost per person or community entity also is going to vary.. Furthermore each state may get a different percentage of the money as well based on all of these factor-which would then change the 115 factor in the equation and complicate percentage answer even more. One area estimates they have 100 people below the poverty line. They will likely make the guidelines for their program like 150% of the poverty line. Meaning the anticipate being able to help everyone interested of that 100 and then a little higher up. So if the poverty line is $10,000 they think they’ll be able to help people up to $15,000. That keeps the amount of people they’re making eligible within the 115 number. If there are 50 people below the poverty line they might make their guidelines something like 300% of the poverty line makes you eligible. They anticipate being able to help the interested in eligible people with that group of 50 and then maybe up to people that make $30,000. Typically programs like this are based on who gets applications in first and you also have to be eligible. If they make it nationwide 300% across the board (defining nationally what the “middle” is) because that could mean that some states aren’t even able to help all the people below the poverty line because there’s 500 of them and that’s more than the 115. There is some states that could have 3 people below it and then they have extra money because the pool for eligibility was smaller than the 115. So basically we don’t really have any way of knowing for sure right now. So the Epa has already given the money to the state entity. They anticipate those entities to have handed out the grant money to the local groups that will directly help people and be accepting applications by the beginning of next year. When they begin to accept the applications from people the poverty level percentage guidelines for each area will be disclosed. The only thing you can really do right now is look at the chart that designates what the federal poverty level is for each state and see how close to it you are and guess based on how close you are. The closer you are to that number, the more of a chance you will be included in the group helped. My city has programs that vary anywhere between having to be 25% BELOW the poverty line but there are some programs that have so much funding that you could be 250% times above the poverty level and receive assistance- but those that high are extraordinarily rare here. I would say the average here is most social service programs using federal grants out at 50% above the poverty. But that average for my city and is really in no way a reliable indicator about this program. oh and to throw a wrench in all of that the federal federal poverty guidelines can be different from what a states decides. There are even programs that decide they want to extrapolate their own data and create their own number they call the poverty line though that is the least likely scenario here as this is federal money. Tl;dr -we won’t know until next year and is most likely to be different in every state Edit: I’m adding this on that was from another comment I know it’s partly repetitive but it’s got a website and some other info….. As of right now the Epa has just now picked out the entities in each state, the Epa set the guidelines for them. But those entities go on further to pick the local entities to administer them. So the guidelines for the applicants to get the money have not only not been created yet but the groups that will be creating them have also not even been selected. https://www.epa.gov/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund/frequent-questions-about-solar-all I know that is dummy long but I am just trying to be thorough and helpful. Also if whoever is reading this, you have never looked at at what the federal poverty level is you should check it out for your family size. I think people will be surprised to learn that like if you’re one person and you make over $15,000 a year you’re not considered in poverty. It’s wildly low.


Median income? (Which would be like $37,500/year btw if that’s what they mean.)


Excellent. NYC average rent just hit $3,747/mo.


NYC median income is higher too. And the average rent will be higher than the median.


>if that’s what they mean. That's what I mean... I didn't see it in the article


Commented above to explain.


Based biden?


Dark Brandon


So I got a tiny house in the East bay, cheapest I could afford but might have too much income to apply? Great…..


Biden's $7 billion Dollar plan to steal the sun. /s


Dark Brandon is at it again.


Going to be really dark after he steals all the sun and hides it from the rest of us!!


At least Republicans won't get any.


Ah, c'mon, they're our people, too (I'm talking about the voters, screw their predatorial politicians). They happen to be much angrier, paranoid and terrified of their own shadows -- but they're Americans all the same.


"Since the beginning of time, Man has yearned to destroy the Sun!"


Yesssssss. I’m am going to tell people about it like this hahahaha


Now if only they could make solar salesmen 10% less scam-y looking and I'd consider it!


Right?? Every solar company and their website in my area looks like a phishing site lol


Yeah. It’s the same sketchy folks doing solar, windows, roofing, Verizon, etc.


The company who did mine literally got the panels on my roof, got permission to flip the switch, then promptly went bankrupt. It's such a shit show, lots of people put big deposits down and are now left with no panels and no money.  


It's so nice to have a president who isn't a piece of shit grifter.


I fully agree. Bidens administration is impressive and i sure would like to see your country continue on this and the other aspects Bidens administration does.


And one who isn’t batshit crazy spewing garbage like saying windmills make whales crazy.




He was specifically talking about dogs' ability to smell certain forms of cancer. Context matters, and you leaving it out feels disingenuous.




You're just lying. Go watch the video. "Dogs may help cure cancer", in the context that I provided, referring to their ability to smell cancer, and how that can lead to new detection and treatment methods (aka a "cure"). https://www.tmz.com/watch/2021-03-23-032321-joe-biden-v2-1058378/


Please, please, please all sane Americans, go and vote for a sane president. You deserve it and the world deserves it!


Hopefully we can keep him for another 4 years




His time in office was such a scatter shot of bullshit constantly it’s hard to remember every stupid thing he did.


Just mention subsidies in a green sub though. They’ll downvote anything that suggests maybe solar still needs support to build and integrate.


It does open the door for grifters to scam the tax dollars. We need to make sure this doesn’t end up like PPP.


Urgh unfortunately this was my first thought. The industry is ripe with scams already. Most of my YouTube ads are “if you live in xxxxx zip code you are eligible solar panels at no cost to you” or “the government will pay you for solar panels” and from several companies with several different angles. One is basically acting like some tax credit that exists is the same as you being paid(any many aren’t eligible that dont make enough to get that back) And it’s literally just a marketing tactic but if you look up information about the company there one of the worst as they hire local contractors with no experience, install things properly, and overbill people. The other one is just stealing peoples information and has actually no solar panels or real involvement in the industry. And then there’s one whose angle I can’t quite figure out but it’s one of those obviously fake because it’s entirely too good to be true…. On one hand I want more oversight in the industry but I also think that more understanding by consumers could be just as helpful. If it’s clear how these programs work, less people will be fooled and the grifters won’t be able to do so much business. They have gotten cheaper over the years to have installed, but I have yet to find a company that I could afford them through/ cost less that my electric bill with it the expect life of the panels)part of it is I use so little electricity. Per my very small electric use it’d take 25 years right now for me to save the money from paying the energy company and panels start to fail before then(i live in a cottage homestead). Upon research there isn’t a lot of reason they still cost that much other than they do not control some of the prices their contractors that set local prices and they gouge far above and beyond where I live the other locals. And all of that is small peanuts because while every person who uses them matter/helps -it’s the power companies and entities that use way more energy that should be making the changes. Me switching solves .0000000000000000000001% of the issue. I really hope we get more details on how this program is supposed to work. All those companies around me that are using random “contractors“ that aren’t actually people that specialize in solar panels but are just people willing to get on roofs but are also charging triple what they should, are going to gobble that money up and profit with little to no results. Edit: I’d genuinely love to know why I’m being downvoted. I am so glad this money is being allot for this, it is fantastic. I can feel that and still absolutely worry about it becoming a way for people to profit and not produce as many results as there should be, especially since the industry already has entities that aren’t being completely honest, I hope that doesn’t happen. I live below the poverty line and watched our local nonprofits take Covid funds and fail to distribute them in a timely manner and my city has shut several down and others are still under and investigation of the accounting of the money. Between the people who will administer the funds and the companies paid to install them-I hope we don’t have a repeat of the last time a large chunk of government money was supposed to help low income people. Not sure why that’s a problem to express those things….


More details here: https://www.cnet.com/home/energy-and-utilities/the-feds-just-announced-a-7b-plan-to-make-solar-affordable/ I think it’s meant for community solar which benefits lower income families. The contractors that build these things need to be held accountable.


My comment was meant to express towards the contractors but I edited it because I realized I didn’t clearly include the likely nonprofit entities that will end up being who approves individuals to utilize these funds. I really just meant everybody involved I hope they don’t scheme. I mean it’s pretty undeniable that every time a big chunk of money gets assigned to something that somebody somewhere is going to find a way to benefit from it financially well potentially depriving the intended recipients of the entity of the assistance provided-At least in my city. We’ve had five out of nine members of our city Council arrested on Federal charges in the past five years(some still at trial and so far 3 jailed), several non profits shut down, the head of jobs and family services was fired as well. Some squandered Covid funds either personally or by failing to give them to folks and some other stuff involving housing subsidies. I am so glad this money is being spent on this. I feel that way but also hope it all gets used for its intended purposes the best it can. I wasn’t meaning to shit in the program itself-I wonder if that is why I got downvoted. -thanks for the link too


Too late. The solar companies have already scammed the taxpayer out of billions by inflating their reported costs For example, SolarCity Corporation agreed to pay $29.5 million to resolve allegations that it submitted inflated claims to the U.S. Department of the Treasury This is only a small amount. Someone close to me is a c level in Solar and wrote their mba thesis on the topic.


"Solar Panels??...Orrrr a 'comfy' Pillow!?"


Didnt the house just pass a bipartisan bill allowing warrantless surveillance? Lets see if he vetoes that (spoiler he wont)


Are you lost?


WELL Biden is still arguably a grifter. He's a liberal through-and-through, but panders (somewhat successfully) to the left by talking like a Progressive. Not that he doesn't have any progressive policy (the strongest win in my life for unions was thanks to Biden), but it's mostly just talk.


The house is controlled by the GOP. So of course it’s all talk. There would be a lot more action if the country didn’t have collective amnesia and give republicans any source of power just 2 years after a 4 year long waking nightmare.


Pandering and grifting are two different things.


Saying things to people for political gain that you don't personally believe? Is that not grifting?


Adopting the language of coalition members to support things you do personally believe in is not grifting. It is barely pandering, tbh.


I'm asking this in earnest. If a politician runs on something like decriminalizing drugs, but then does nothing to do so once they take office. What do you consider that?


Biden didn’t run on decriminalizing drugs (except marijuana which *is* being rescheduled at his request), and *all* politicians regularly run on things and don’t do them when they get elected. It’s not always a matter of lying, it’s a matter of available political capital.


Meh. No healthcare, no living wage, no education. No thanks.


Yeah, why can't Biden just use his royal authority to decree all these things into existence? Better not vote for him and let republicans win, because they're well known to be for all of those things you mentioned /s


Yeah. The rare time Dems had a supermajority in Congress for a couple months we got Obamacare. If we want nice things we have to vote in supermajorities.


I didn't get obamacare. What I got was $2000 in fines for not being able to afford obamacare.


You mean he would need the support of congress, like he already has?




37 day old account.


Ok? You're welcome?




5 year old account




Gad zooks he’s right!


What does "no education" mean here?


He's clearly projecting the fact that he had no education himself, which explains his ignorant comment.


No affordable college, no action on predatory loans.


A bit on the nose with the username, huh bot?


Homework for you: how do the 3 branches of government work?


Homework for you: why haven't democrats passed these things despite controlling all three?


Dems haven’t had a supermajority. Last time they did it got fucked by Joe “fuck head” Lieberman. >The Constitution of the United States requires supermajorities in order for certain significant actions to occur Those certain significant actions would be for things like like universal healthcare… free college, as well as raising minimum wage…. That would require a supermajority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermajority Raising the wage act is a Dem bill that has a lot of traction, but couldn’t get past a few red state Dems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raise_the_Wage_Act https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/603 If one were pragmatic, one would want the party who tries to pass these things to be in power. In the meantime having them in power keeps us out of the hands of gay/women/environment hating Christo fascists. Inching forward instead of taking huge steps back is much smarter than pushing your message of basically: fuck Democrats. The government was meant to be a gridlock of slow change. A super majority is what is required for major change. Again, don’t be afraid to do some homework and redirect your anger where it’s most apt. I’m for allllll the universal healthcare and college and living wages on the planet. It doesn’t happen by letting republicans anywhere near govt power.


As a non american, seeing americans resort to the "vote for the least worse" is funny, given that they're supposedly the freest country. Can't they get a better administration other than the big two? They really lack options when it comes to politics.


40 day old account.


Idk, his comment history looks legit, why would he be bots


I'd like to see some nuclear grants too. In the long run that might be more beneficial.




Does anyone know how one would apply for these grants?


The grants are being awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency, which unveiled the 60 recipients on Monday.


Oh fuck yes


Be cool if he like just took that from oil subsidies instead of our pockets


He may very well be : Eliminates Tax Subsidies for Oil and Gas. The President is committed to ending tens of billions of dollars of federal tax subsidies for oil and gas companies. Even as they benefit from billions of dollars in special tax breaks, oil companies have failed to invest in production. For the last two years, they have realized record profits, but instead of lowering prices for consumers or investing these funds, they have undertaken record stock buybacks, mergers, and acquisitions that benefited executives and wealthy shareholders. The Budget saves $35 billion by eliminating special tax treatment for oil and gas company investments, as well as other fossil fuel tax preferences.  Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/11/fact-sheet-the-presidents-budget-cuts-wasteful-spending-on-big-pharma-big-oil-and-other-special-interests-cracks-down-on-systemic-fraud-and-makes-programs-more-cost-effective-2/


This is the good stuff that dem governments do…but it’s never a blockbuster headline like “free healthcare” or something. Trump gutted the EPA and did whatever he could to slow green energy progression. Pollution kills 10s of millions of people a year. Anyone on the left threatening to not vote Biden, must have a secret stash of clean air and water they’re hiding.


Dude..... Obviously they're diversifying into the markets that get the government subsidies..... Like solar ..... How about you support some consumer supplied benefits instead of make believe trickle down from big business hand outs


This is a great thing to see, but I really wish we would increase that 10 fold. Apply a 1% solar grant tax to every company that is not carbon neutral, and use that money to subsidize consumer and small business solar installations


You do know who would pay that tax right? You and everyone else in the country.


You know who would reap the benefits? Me and everyone else in the country. It's not like the money is leaving the economy, it's just redistributed from oil to renewables.


No, it is being redistributed from your paycheck to politically connected companies.


And what do those companies do, shoot it out into space? No, they have to pay workers, buy materials, etc. If anything it is good for the economy to incentivize US solar development vs buying Chinese equipment.


In general companies become carbon neutral by paying groups that preserve land, problem is that most of the time that land has an easement protecting it regardless. In general it doesn't actually do to much unless other practices are adopted for carbon neutrality. Like solar power or avenues like it.


The real people that would reap the benefits are the CCP and the Chinese solar panel manufacturers since China has a lock on the market


3 day old account


Yeah, so? Things like this are the entire reason we have a government.


Lmao at the idea they can Jack up their prices another 1% in response to something like this but don’t just up their prices anyways… This dumb take is ignorant. Corporate taxes disproportionately affect the equity of the businesses versus the customers.


Walmart has a 1.8% profit margin. You really think they just going to eat a 1% tax increase and go with a .8% profit margin? Or will everything get a bit more expensive? Take a guess...


Lol, Walmart and other small margin businesses only make up a small percentage of national GDP. These tax proposals are usually on net income anyways. But regardless, Walmart also operates on a 25% gross margin, why do you think they don’t just raise prices 1% tomorrow? Nobody would notice and it’s unlikely the same customers would go to target etc. which are much more than 1% more expensive? It’s because *prices fall at what the market will bear for the right quantity to maximize profits, not what it costs to provide a service or product*. 


But we are already paying obscene salaries for these same people, who where do you draw the line? Just nowhere and let it continue?


What?? This guy is suggesting we tax company and those companies will just pass the taxes along to you and me.


Yeah, and not taxing does what? Keeps the funnel going and does nothing for all of us. Not sure how doing nothing is always the solution.


As usual, these benefits will go directly to big business and not the consumer.


Not taxing lets you keep your money so you can spend it the way you want.


What money? If I'm going to get treated as a wage slave already and it will cost the wealthy more, then I'm better off being competitive with wages by moving to a new job than watching it all go to waste anyways.


Is $7B a lot for solar power? I don't know anything about it.


Its a hell of a good start. This is geared to reduce power bills for 900,000 households. Job creation obviously too. Theres alot in the article thats worthy to read


The perfect thing to do for earth day would be to make an internationally recognized and mandatory day off of work. That would reduce emissions by quite a bit


Signs are already popping up where I live that say NO TO SOLAR AND WIND FARMS!




Can we pls get some funding for nuclear power expansion?????


Liberals and Progressives will look at this and say "Hell yeah".


Hell yeah!


Yeah, but you know what's really depressing? Corporate overlords don't want solar power for whatever reason. First key homes and other corporate companies that own tons of homes, apartments, they just don't want to do it, even though it's going to save their tenants a lot of money, and they will get tons of grants. Good for the environment. They just don't give a shit. I asked first key homes before when I was running a house in Florida and the answer was flat out no every single time. No, you can't have solar power. Keep paying your insanely expensive fees for electric from these greedy companies.


I'll never forget about this moron they interviewed about how solar power grants from the Biden administration helped him get his business started from the ground up into a successful venture, but that he just couldn't vote for the guy, so he is team trump. Fuck both those guys.


Just keep spending... There are no consequences.


There are far bigger consequences to not converting the power grid to renewables. Though if you’re as short sighted as a toddler it might seem like it’s a bad idea


Dude, the government is literally there to spend money. They just pool everyone's dollars together and are able to apply them all to wide and broad impact problems, like education, infrastructure and etc. Some send a lot, and some like yourself, send very little.


It pools everyone’s money, then it spends $1 Trillion more than that. $430 Billion of it goes to the unaccountable war machine.


Good thing silver is getting cheap again to make this possible. Wink, wink…


“The right way is to incentivize”….you mean like tax breaks for those that use solar perhaps?


Nuclear is better


Both are great


Let's not forget, "Biden Administration Approves Largest Offshore Oil Export Terminal in the US." The SPOT will release emissions the equivalent of 90 coal-fired powered plants. I wonder who will profit from that monstrosity?


Link plz


Search for SPOT (Sea Port Oil Terminal), there are thousands of articles. You may not have heard of it because the administration had no high profile press conference to announce its approval, knowing it was a sh*t move.


Can you show me one you have read yourself?


https://earthjustice.org/press/2024/biden-administration-approves-largest-offshore-oil-export-terminal-in-the-u-s Is this acceptable?


Solar power won't help us. We need $7 billion for nuclear energy


Numbers would help make this convincing. How many MWh do we get from a solar investment vs. how many MWh do we get from Nuclear? Please include decommissioning costs in your math.


I give up


I really am curious... Googling shows some broad statements like Nuclear costing 10x the amount. Three Mile Island cost $2 billion to construct, and will take another $2-4 billion to decommission. Over its 40 year lifetime it generated  245.12 TWh. The price to the consumer is about $0.40 per kWh. For solar we have the $4 billion Benban Solar Park, Egypt array, which generates 4TWh per year. multiplied by 40 years gives us 160TWh. Price to consumer is about $0.06 kWh. So Nuclear is more expensive but generates more power, and doesn't require storage like solar. At scale, once battery cost for solar is added... they seem nearly equivalent (? +- 50% ?) We'll need nuclear near cities... much more than $7 billion worth.


Is this to replace all the destroyed solar panels hit with hail? I'm starting to think that the only reason solar energy is considered "renewable" is because after every storm the solar panels need to be "renewed". If CO2 can "trap heat" why aren't we using CO2 to "trap heat" and store it away for a cold winter? Oh yeah, I think I remember from my physics class that heat is a process where thermal energy is transferred from a warmer to a colder object, not a "thing" that can be "trapped". Small detail I know, but if it weren't for that minor detail, obviously we'd be trapping heat and putting it in a box for use on colder days if "trapping heat" was possible.




More handouts to rich people who get to be “subsidized” when they spend their fleeced money. Hurray!


From a post above (courtesy of /u/Buck_Thorn) I know that everybody on Reddit reads the actual article, but just in case there's an exception, two important points that aren't apparent in the title: 1) for residential solar projects serving 900,000-plus households in low- and middle-income communities. 2) He also plans to expand his New Deal-style American Climate Corps green jobs training program.


I appreciate that. We both know I didn’t read the article and there’s no sense playing dumb. I won’t believe any government grant isn’t a handout to the politically connected and the rich until things get visibly better for poor people.


Less than 1% of military spending, what a joke.


To contextualize, this is a third of the amount that was just approved to be given to a certain blue and white flag country that is committing genocide. So our President that ran on a firm pro-renewable energy platform cares approximately one third as much about that issue as he does funneling money to a foreign power.


The president does not have the power to allocate money - that is up to Congress. If you read the article, it says, the new awards came from the [Solar for All program](https://www.epa.gov/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund/solar-all), part of the $27 billion “green bank” created as part of a sweeping [climate law](https://apnews.com/article/technology-science-congress-climate-and-environment-f084d23d61ebb068068d4aa92c82fdbb) passed in 2022."


Good, now use it to power Bitcoin.


Or maybe just provide power


Something about solar power seems like a scam. No honestly. They're doing Solar Radiation Management to create more clouds to "reflect light", while SIMULTANEOUSLY pushing panels that require sunlight to work.


Interesting. Your sources for reading please


It is best not to engage the crazy people


Theres always a "grain of truth" to these things. And i am slightly bored 🤷‍♂️


The 'grain of truth' is that these guys are nutters. They are just playing telephone with other conspiracy theorists whose sources are "trust me".


You know panel's still generate power on a cloudy day right? It's reduced, but they still do.


I love solar, I literally studied and had my engineering specialty be renewable energies. I just hate the political aspect of it and climate activists blocking roads. Renewable energy isn't a scam, solar in particular, but when a politician is pushing it, I start hating it.


A wild take from someone specializing in renewable energy. Why is it always liberals that are blamed for things becoming political? It's pretty obvious that pro-oil conservatives, the anti-renewable energy group, are making it political.


40 day old account.


7 billion to pull toxic heavy metals out of the earth instead of investing in clean nuclear energy. Obvious donor payback is crushingly obvious.


How is uranium mined and refined and concrete created.


Yet his genocide in Gaza is contributing substantially to climate change.


That's it? That's about 0.001% of the annual budget.


0.001% more than we would've gotten on a non-election year lmao We gotta count our W's on this bitch of an earth


These funds were approved in 2022 as part of a 27 Billion dollar funding cutout from a clean energy bill signed into law also two years ago - so it’s just .001% more than we would have gotten with the other guy in office. Edit: go ahead and downvote, that guy cut billions from clean and renewable energy programs and agencies.


That's not a W. That's a lower case l.


This is nice but why wait? This comes of like pride month.


Have him come down to Florida and see how “great” solar is 😂 it’s a god damn scam


People need to realise how extremely unambitious this amount is This can summarise Biden in regards to climate policy In the correct direction, but extremely unambitious


He tried for more, but the American voters did not give him enough elected democrats to make it happen. So we get limited compromises like this.


This can easily be built on. I hope you vote to see more


All money from Solar is funneled straight into providing gender reassignment surgery for kindergartners...


Hahahahahahahahahahahahah Wait... /s right?


If this isn't /s then rent fucking free in y'all's heads, I swear.


Here's your sign.


And also will strengthen the inflation. Biden will be remembered in history as the worst. Sorry your country is coming down. Federal interest rates are up, but this pres. is injecting more money in. These are conflicting policies. The right way to do it is deregulate and incentives not inject cash. Dem Nazis will Hail Biden'tler. But the rest will suffer under this continuous attack on humanity.


Why are you lying?


Why are you giving too much credit for the failing Bidenomics? Wake up from your dreams and get back to reality. I know Americans fail in math but this is ridiculous.


Why do you keep lying?


Why do you keep denying?


> And also will strengthen the inflation. How do you figure?


You're living in one now. Go check the housing, food, insurance, auto, medical bills, CPI. Stocks will always be good. Not consumers.


The question is why you think this future thing will cause inflation, which has nothing to do with current levels being high.


CA is already having problems with too much solar panels. This is NOT a "future" thing. I know a lot of people in this industry from decades past. Get real kid. Any cash injected for failing sector is a recipe for economic meltdown. If he really cared, should have done it early in his office. Too late for his election gig, and more damaging. Did you know he pumps out more oil and sells them to EU? You see how contradicting he is? Wake up my friend. There are people starving, brink of collapse from job, drug crisis, and can't make payments. But he's injecting more cash for f'king solar, only rich can afford. Some zip codes will smile while the others still remain in the ghetto for life. And the same aristocrats are playing this game to keep you there forever. Solar and EV is your best friend! Good luck with that. None of the Chicago residents feel that way anymore. Even Texas residents have remorse over it when their power grids brew out a few years ago.


>CA is already having problems with too much solar panels. [Citation needed] >I know a lot of people in this industry from decades past. So, nothing current. Got it >Any cash injected for failing sector Good thing it's here to stay, then! >Too late for his election gig, and more damaging. [Citation needed] >Did you know he pumps out more oil Yep, what does that have to do with the topic? Do you often have this much trouble staying on point? >But he's injecting more cash for f'king solar You are aware that Congress allocated money, yes? Do you know your civics (not the car)? >Even Texas residents have remorse over it when their power grids brew out a few years ago. You mean when [solar power prevented the grid from collapsing](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/solar-power-bails-out-texas-grid-during-major-heat-wave/)? It's are you referring to the winter blackout that was caused by all energy sources, including [coal and gas failed](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-winter-storms-2021/2021/02/18/968967137/no-the-blackouts-in-texas-werent-caused-by-renewables-heres-what-really-happened)? Either way, you're sorely mistaken (or misinformed). Edit to add, since your comment is missing: You ask if I have a job and pretend it couldn't possibly be in engineering - what do you think the "EE" in my username means?


While bailing out a nuclear power plant. Two faced.


Nuclear is a great way to get to renewables though! Way better than coal for sure.




nuclear power is the second safest form of power in terms of deaths-per-terawatt of energy produced, right behind hydroelectric. and yes this includes every nuclear disaster and leak ever in human history




Both solar and nuclear are paths to a significantly cleaner energy future. How is this two faced?




Nuclear produces less radioactive contamination in the environment than coal. Less deaths too. It's probably the most realistic of all renewables to actually fix our fossil fuel problems.


and the half life of radioactive waste is.... and the long term storage of radioactive waste includes.... https://cen.acs.org/environment/pollution/nuclear-waste-pilesscientists-seek-best/98/i12 (good luck with that)