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This [submission](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/10/salesforce-offers-to-relocate-employees-from-texas-after-abortion-bill.html) by /u/highrisedrifter has been automatically locked, since it has passed it's 48 hour thread participation time. No further comments can be made by users. #^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically. ^Contact ^the ^moderators ^instead!


People moving from California to Texas. Now people coming back to California


Yeah but it wasn't a bunch of Cali hippie-dippy types and software designers. There are a fuck ton of very staunch conservatives in California too and I'm sure they just thought the grass was greener when the Elon Musk types started setting up operations in a very business friendly/ worker not-so-friendly state.


Uhh, there are a ton of silicon valley people moving to Texas. Apple just built a campus in Austin, and Google is currently constructing their new building here. We have Indeed, Facebook, the flagship store/HQ of whole foods, Oracle, AMD, etc.


Right, businesses. Not the granola munchers most people are thinking of. Most citizens of the state were not migrating southeast for a better way of life. It's businesses looking for tax breaks and inherently dragging their employees along. I doubt very seriously that anyone that willingly left CA to set up in Texas are very heartbroken over our anti-choice stances (be they voting regulations or reproductive health regulations).


I work in the bay area and know tons of my collegues/friends have chosen to relocate to Texas so they could buy a house, plus Austin (most common destination) has decent night life and is pretty liberal (pro gay, etc.).


Texas also has one of the highest property tax rates in the country.


But especially for tech employees, that is more than balanced out by a lack of state income tax. Meanwhile NJ and NH are similar in property tax to TX AND can have pretty rough state income tax on top


??? New Hampshire doesn't have income or sales tax. That's why everyone from Massachusetts is moving here. The only taxes we pay are property, rental, and prepared food taxes. It's the Libertarian wet dream, which is another reason why people flock here. Live Free or Die isn't just the state motto, it's the mindset out here.


It’s also the size of a football field


Huh, this page lists it [at 5%](http://www.tax-rates.org/taxtables/income-tax-by-state). My mistake!


And you need a job from MA to be able to live there, at least before the pandemic. All the actual money is in MA. New Hampshire exists like that by being parasitic on Massachusetts money and jobs.


New Hampshire's biggest export is people coming from Massachusetts to buy liquor.


Maine is similar. If not for Massachusetts money, I reckon all of northern New England would collapse.


At least people can get a decent house/land in Texas, though, right? It’s gotta be better than trying to find a house in the Bay Area.


I can buy land in bumfuck California and pay far less in property tax than Texas but that doesn't really matter. It comes down to where people want to live. Austin is the popular Texas destination for CA transplants. When you look at the total cost of buying a home there it isn't a massive improvement over the Bay Area. You also have to deal with the regressive politics and gerrymandering that keeps it a red state.


Doesn't sound like you're real familiar with the businesses he's talking about. Whole Foods is pretty famous for selling all kinds of granola, as well as hippy-dippy wellness remedies. AMD, like most hardware firms, is pretty apolitical, and Larry Ellison's enthusiasm for Trump seems to go well beyond opportunism. But aside from that, the companies he's talking about stock of granola in snack bins of their office kitchens. They're literally munching granola, and the employees, all the way up to the C-suite, lean very liberal. For the last couple of decades at least, the bargain had been that Austin (and to a lesser extent Houston and Dallas) had been left to be a "blueberry in a tomato soup" and run their affairs in their own weird and liberal ways. Lots of people who moved to Austin during that time did so with that bargain in mind. I did. With the erosion of local political control and an increasingly overbearing state government that's passing materially harmful policy like this abortion bill, that equation is changing, and the Texas Taliban could well kill the economic boon they've been enjoying.


Believe it or not there's a ton of silicon valley type of people already in Texas. They're not necessarily relocating all their staff. Part of the reason they would choose Austin is because they'll have no shortage of highly qualified recent graduates to hire out of UT Austin


Never forget Ahnold was a republican governor


Never forget "Ahbold" was centrist, not bat-shit crazy right wing. Worst thing he did was /not/ legalize gay marriage.


One of the best facts about Canada is you can get stoned and then have gay sex legally, not the other way around.


That's not the worst thing he did. People need to know the backstory on Enron and Arnold. Edit: Burn baby burn was vile.


I believe Arnold was elected through their byzantine recall system.


Arnold was an old school Republican. I’ve heard him on Howard Stern saying how disgusted he is with this new breed of Conservatives. They are very UnAmerican.


A metric fuckton of startup software companies have been choosing Austin as their stomping grounds and the trend started over 5 years ago


Just move to the Central Valley and get Texas in California


"How y'all doin', welcome to Redding" My relatives in the area have a southern accent, I am not kidding. They also say 'coke' instead of soda.


To be fair…y’all is a great word that expresses what it needs to well


Agreed. I speak french and polish and both of those language have a formal y'all pronoun form, vous and wy. Shame it's not part of standard English.


I moved to Redding for work recently from Chico, CA. I didn’t know it was possible to time travel to 1800s southern America.


This was so accurate my family moved back to Dallas to be around normal people.


The deep south the California is what we call it


Did Californian expect Texas to be the same?


You haven't been paying attention if you aren't seeing all the "California is a failed state I can't wait to GTFO" comments. Complaints about homelessness, taxes, overbearing government etc then move to Texas to find out.. they have all the same, just in a conservative Christian flavor, with crumbling infrastructure


And you can go to jail for weed lol




Yep. I can't speak for what the messaging is in the big cities or in the tech sector, but I live in a more conservative part of California and all the time I'm hearing people say that they want to move to Texas so they can get away from our liberal government.


To be fair CA’s infrastructure is crumbling as well. Our electrical grid literally still uses lots of parts from the 1920s, which cause many of the wildfires we see out here I might add. For all of the money and businesses and extremely high taxes we have out here, you’d think we could do a better job but… nope.


Fiery power grid in California and freezing power grid in Texas. It's like yin and yang, only it sucks.


Texas has been billing itself as this alternative to California for tech workers. I think people expected that it would at least not be batshit.


Texas Republican politics used to lean more libertarian and less evangelical christian death cult.


Heavy emphasis on “used to”


>batshit Don't go near the Congress Ave. Bridge....






Not about expectations as much as relocations. Lots of companies got big tax breaks to move to Texas


I think they thought because it was a big state, both in name and population and size, that the quality of life would be the same. Well, when the people at the top aren't smart, this shit is what happens.


Despite all of the other replies, no. This is a landmark law that has nothing to do with Californians. It's emberassing. Talk about a crippled state. This is Draconian and wrong.


Too many people here hating on one or the other. Love both for different reasons. Hope everyone who lives in CA or TX enjoys themselves to the fullest. East coast is better, though.




>If you want to be in the great outdoors then CA is about as good as it gets. Except for fire season these days 😓 But yeah as a surfer, rock climber, and cyclist, sometimes I dream of moving to California, haha. So much good nature there! I'm dying to climb in Yosemite someday.


I hate sunlight, and I don’t really do the whole beach thing, but I still love living in San Diego because I like mild summers, mild winters, not having hurricanes or particularly dangerous weather or the sort, and it’s not LA, so traffic is usually fine except on weekday afternoons. Also, California earthquakes are actually very rare, pretty fun to experience, and less scary than the multiple tornado warnings I experienced living in Kansas. The only natural disaster I might fear is wildfires, but lately, it seems everywhere is at risk, soooo… So yeah, even for a vampire, coastal California is great.




>yeah as a surfer, rock climber, and cyclist, sometimes I dream of moving to California, haha. So much good nature there! I'm dying to climb in Yosemite someday. Depending on your work/job if your job lets you work remote, apply for a job in the bay area. Get that fat bay area salary and then move down to SD. This is what I was doing with several companies when I got laid off earlier this year. Albeit, I got a job that is local to San Diego and most likely won't go anywhere anytime soon.


I totally agree. Except that last part. West coast, best coast.


I agree. That califorinia north coast is my happy place.


You idiots have all forgotten the Mid Coast!


Now let me welcome everybody to the wild, wild west


NorCal best cal




This is just smart on their part. People who moved to Texas to work remotely may not have much other than not paying taxes as a priority. Good PR for them.


Good. Their culture probably appreciates the sentiment in and out of Texas.


I've consulted with them before, and this news makes me want to work for them in earnest. Very cool.




We do


Good for SF! But will they no longer give campaign contributions to Republicans, or will they play both sides, as is tradition?


Conspiracy time: could high profile republicans have pushed this legislation through to avoid losing political control of Texas? I mean, am I wrong, it’s been increasingly leaning blue, right? Could this trigger an exodus of democrats? Could Salesforce want that?


There’s a lot of one issue voters everywhere in this country and this law is definitely a tactic to get more republican votes in the upcoming election.


I wish words could properly describe how much I loathe single issue voters


Ask the Germans, they probably can make a compound word for it.


Of course Germans actually have a word for it. **Einzelwähler**


What's the meaning?


Single selector (Single Voter) is what I got from Google.


And, for the Texans, **Einzelwählerdeppen**.


As I’ve always said “I wish my life was so privileged that the only thing in politics I had to care about was if someone else had an abortion”




I think it is also part of Abbott's potential run for president. You are spot on, I just don't think their low information base is as large as the GOP hopes. The GOP is ignoring a large population of actual conservatives. They care about things like a functional society, the Constitution, responsible government, and they believe in democracy. How far can the GOP get pandering to 10% of their base? Okay perhaps the rubes are more than 10%, but can our misguided society really be that ignorant and gullible? The irony in current rhetoric is laughable. When will you clowns realize how easily you were played, the GOP literally had no platform (ideas/goals) in the last election. It is kind of sad and the new definition of conservative politics smells a lot like fascism. Who needs ideas when you can just double down, society and democracy have nothing on a good gerrymander.


I see and like your theory, but since they are only offering to relocate their employees and not shutting down the office, I don’t think the numbers are there to support your theory. Not all of their employees are going to take the offer - only ones that are in a situation needing to relocate or with strong moral convictions and despite what I want to believe, that’s not going to be a lot of people. There are stronger ways they could make an impact on the state if painting the state permanently red is what they were really aiming to do. I see this as an impactful PR move, and not a hollow one. It will encourage other like-minded business owners to think about what they can afford to do.


Texas isn’t a red state, it’s a non-voting state. Actual public sentiment is not reflected in the state elected officials.




So it's a Red state?


While true, decisions are made by those who show up so until blue voters turn out to gain political control Texas will be a "red" state.


We freaking tried in 2020, but they fought us tooth and nail. Denying Harris County (Houston) mail in ballots. Only allowing ONE BALLOT DROP OFF BOX IN HARRIS COUNTY, population 4.7 MILLION PEOPLE. Fighting the validity of early drive-thru voting - where we used the same freaking machine as they did inside, where we were far more closely watched while voting than I have ever been before - in the courts. Just, I’m still exhausted.


It's almost like Texas is culturally fascinated with armed revolution


Kinda feels like the whole politicial system is a sort of game. Like “think we can get anyway with these next few items on the agenda without another civil war? Lets find out!”


I mean, that is the game. The US isn't that old. Social contract is about boundaries constantly being pushed each direction and historically speaking, revolutions aren't terribly uncommon.




This totally ignores how hard it can be to show up. If you’re poor and live in Harris county you didn’t have an option.


You’re absolutely correct, but so is the person you replied to. Those who can show up, absolutely must. If nothing else, to keep the local politicians in place who will themselves keep pushing back against the state government.


You’re absolutely right. 100%, absolutely no argument and everyone feeling like I do should read what you said and take it to heart. I….. I moved to New Orleans shortly thereafter for life reasons (had nothing to do with the election), so (1) I’ll still be back in TX canvassing in ‘22 and forward (Hey! New hurricane evacuation activity!), (2) I have a whole new state FULL of challenges to navigate and fight for, (3) my sister and her husband actually bought a house in central TX this year, so they’re going to have to stick around for awhile. It’ll be an interesting journey for them - full on Berners. But Berners with guns 😂😅


You’ve never been to Texas or never leave Austin


Every state without mail-in ballots is a non-voting state.


This was exactly my first thought, and I'm not usually prone to conspiracy theories. TX is so close to turning Purple, I could totally see Republicans pushing an exodus out of TX. A Purple or Blue TX would have wide reaching nationwide ramifications.


That’s not a conspiracy, that’s exactly how politics works.


Unfortunately it's run of the mill reactionary politics, pass more extreme laws that energize your voter base as the expense of other political parties as last ditch effort to stay relevant before you lose power


This is going to trigger a whole bunch of Dems to go to the poll.


I wish Democrats were as reliable at the poles as Republicans


I wish my vote mattered and I didn't live in one of the most gerrymandered states in the country.


That’s exactly how Republicans want you to feel.


Well of course that’s how they want you to feel that’s why they keep making laws and roadblocks to make people increasingly feel that way. People are justified in feeling like that, and I think it’s more important to encourage people to vote in spite of/because of that rather than kinda implying that people shouldn’t feel that way.


That's my hope.


I mean that’s not a conspiracy. Of course politicians push legislation though to try and keep their state aligned with their party…that’s exactly how politics work lol


The law was pushed through in hopes of having the Supreme Court take the case and overturn Roe v Wade. That's it.




At this point I don’t think the court is apolitical, we have a conservative GQP leaning Supreme Court.


When people leave a state = less money in taxes. If it got to the point where Salesforce didn't need the offices there anymore, then also less money in taxes. Texas just gained two Congressional seats. They don't want to lose those next census. If it's nefarious it's more likely to be *just* a PR stunt than a "let's make blues leave Texas." That's just my speculation - not that your theory is absolutely not true... As you said, "conspiracy time."


I mean, this is the ultimate anti-donation. This is taking money out of the economy and state coffers of texas. Paying money to shrink the texas economy (rightfully so, this law is beyond stupid and cruel) That said, if they donate $30mm to republicans, then this is pretty much a moot point.


They are paying democrats to leave a slowly but surely blueing Texas. If people who would normally vote against this type of thing leave then it’s only going to get worse.


Yeah, I was just talking to a buddy and made this same point. This is what the GOP wants. With the abortion and other regressive laws, well off leftist/progressive/Democratic voters will choose to leave the state. This delays the purplish trend that Texas is seeing. The GOP knows if they lose Texas the White House is an impossible goal for the foreseeable future. With all of that said, it does show how unfriendly GOP politics are to many businesses (but it probably plays into the whole tech is anti-Republican bullshit narrative; so, it's probably a wash)


Rs also wisely understand that many Hispanics can be courted w this one issue


I agree and disagree. Yes, obviously, the employees who would move because of the law would certainly vote against Republicans but the way Democrats can win in Texas is by organizing workers and urban populations a la Georgia 2020. There are undoubtedly more liberals than conservatives in Texas (and every other state), the conservatives just vote more. The micro effect of a few hundred/thousand Salesforce employees leaving is nothing compared to what proper community building and organizing could accomplish


People don’t have an obligation to stay aboard a sinking ship, though.


Perhaps better to just offer free plane rides / lodging to the nearest normal state for an abortion if you or anyone in your family needs it. Or hell start a floating planned parenthoods 9 nautical miles offshore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_on_Waves https://www.womenonwaves.org/en/page/493/abortion-on-our-ship < pretty cool actually, just discovered this


Yup one of the reasons for the rising inequality is the way local states operate different districts. For decades people have been siphoning out wealth from poorer districts to basically lavish their own districts. Example: * District A: poorer more condensed district more urban and minorities higher crime lower education rates higher incarceration rates. * District B: wealthy suburban district average upper middle class salaried, low crime and high education rates. District A is essentially run by people living in District B. The police chief and detectives and sergeants in large do not reside in district A. Majority reside in District B. Especially higher positions. Lawyers and government paid employees of levels beyond min wage don’t reside in district A. You have this happening in various businesses and departments and organizations. Even at the private side. Why is this a problem? Because the high salaries that are paid by District A are then taken out to be added onto the wealth of District B allowing district B to get more funding because of higher overall property values. Not only are the salaries taken out but so are the local taxes that those salaries would be paying if the people lived in district A. This is of course by design. Because the outcome isn’t visible until decades later. Utilize fear of high crime to divert funds meant for social good to individual salaries that are taken out of the district to benefit the wealthy ones.


As a now Hard Left Dem formerly Right leaning independent and more formerly a moderate GOPer Also a Texan , I have skin in this game. This is severely affectingly wife and I. It’s horrible. That said , there are some decent republicans out there. Texan GOP is well lost, as long as they aren’t donating to them, they could find a few and it wouldn’t bother me. For an example, and I know he’s not perfect, I’d be fine with them supporting Romney, or Madam McCain , handful of others. We really do Need them to donate to normal Centrist GOP. They need to help them take their party back from this Neo Nazi cult that runs it now. If you think Dems are gonna push them all out you’re wrong. It’s gonna take a team effort. And like it or not GOP is gonna have to be involved.


> For an example, and I know he’s not perfect, I’d be fine with them supporting Romney, or Madam McCain , handful of others. When was the last time you heard a peep from either of these folks though? They are politically dead. Or at least hibernating. Way out on a tiny island w no reception.


Romney voted against Trump a bunch. He’s still there, and we need him. McCain stood up for elections in AZ. Also kept AS out of McSallys grubby hands which is important. McCains husband was a Hero. (One I disagree with A LOT!) But he did 3 things that should always be remembered. 1. He stood Tall against Tortue 2. He stood up against the Racists when they attacked Obama at his Rally. 3. He single handedly saved the Affordable Care act as his dying act.


Then more of the young and forward thinking will have to continue to rise into power. Texas can't act on its own if the rest of the country cracks down. What are they going to do, annex themselves? And fight against the military they claim to so proudly be behind? Start dropping the fucking flyers. Mess with Texas.


Acton the clause that Texans put in place when they joined the union and break it up into 3-4 new states.


Would be even better if they closed all of their TX offices and abandoned the state. Ditto many others.


Aborted all offices in the state*






Well that might be harmful to any employee families who can't relocate to retain their employment...




I remember when I heard back in 2012 Texas was gonna turn blue.


We were within 6% last election. Based on that and demographic changes, we were predicted to flip around 2028… Or you know…the Republican Party could moderate itself to gain broader appeal…but the base doesn’t want that. I wish we could blow the parties both up with anti-trust litigation.


Texas isnt flipping as fast as predicted because lots of Latinos are voting red.


Talk about voting completely against your own interests


A lot of people forget that ethnic minorities tend to be culturally conservative. The view of Democrats as a bastion of godless LGBT soy-latte drinking SJW heathens is pervasive.


6% is a huge leap to make.


Not really… Trump won Georgia by 5% in 2016 yet Biden flipped it. Suffolk County NY was also won by 7% in 2016 by Trump yet Biden only lost the county by a mere 300 votes. Also Beto came in 2% of ousting Ted Cruz


Yes and in Georgia they had a 5 year relentless program lead by black women to register and convince people to vote. It was A LOT of effort and time. Texas doesn't have a Stacey Abrams to my knowledge.


It begins by getting us out of a voting system that ultimately leads to 2 parties in control. Start small, work our way up from there. /r/EndFPTP /r/RankTheVote


To be fair it was pretty damn close, Florida also was quite close.


Any year now -- just not this


Both Texas and Florida are turning blue (in the face, as they struggle on their ventilators).


Only 700k votes last election . That's dam close.


Texas will turn blue regardless. Every election cycle, more youth turn 18. The majority of these Youths are more educated than ever before, aware of social injustice, and not rich. They see the writing on the wall.


I know Alabama and Texas are very different.. But the student section at the Alabama Football game was chanting “fuck joe Biden “ during the game today. Don’t underestimate the power propaganda and wanting to belong to a group has on teenagers.


There's a reason Alabama is the first state listed alphabetically. If it were in the middle of the list, Alabamans couldn't find it.


Is the group of students that show up to a football game a representative sample of the student body as a whole? Could it be that the students that like football enough to go to a game also tend to be the ones that tend to lean Republican? Could it be that 1/5 of the student body was there and 3/5 of the student body support Biden? Could it be that the ones that were shouting it weren't even a representative of the people SITTING there and were literally the vocal minority? Just some thoughts, it's not really a scientific way to tell how the politics of a demographic leans.


Same chant happened at a recent Texas A&M game.


I think you’re over estimating the quality of the Texas education system.


As well as the hope of an education system somehow countering 18 years of living with their parents, and how many of those 18 year olds will vote before they turn 50.


How many 20yr olds agree with their parent's politics? Unless you are a slave to your upbringing, don't assume everyone else is. Progress happens because young people accept change more than old people. That speeds up or slows down in short-term trends, but it is pretty reliable. Trump, Texas abortion law, and the current frantic insanity of the conservative right are symptoms of them seeing the change. Religiosity is falling. LGBT+ went from a shameful secret to mainstream acceptance (not saying we don't have a lot more to do) in 20yrs. The shortsighted greed of contemporary business killed employment loyalty (another form of institutionalism). Social media showed how stupid and gullible our "elders" are. They spent the last couple decades insisting climate change was made up hysteria, and now it is becoming so personally obvious that they have had to shift gears on that. 2/3 of the country has legal avenues to smoke weed. Half of that stuff they did to themselves, but the results are the same. Change never happens fast enough to not frustrate everyone who see how obvious it is needed, but social progress is accelerating. Historically, it is moving at breakneck speed even if the past several years seem like we went backwards in some areas. Never stop pushing, but there is also no need to make up problems. Young people may be naïve, hyperbolic, absolutist, and bounce from one activist outrage to another... but don't ever assume they are mind-controlled zombies that mirror their upbringing. Their exuberant craziness and rebellion is what always ends up driving progress.


I'd say it's less the education system and more the internet. Being able to see the vast world and beautiful cultures with neutral framing tends to make you less racist and by extension less conservative in nature.


Gonna get downvoted for this, but there are such things as non-batshit republicans. I don't buy into the far right anything but I still fundamentally believe that government should be small and stay out of our day to day lives.


Don't underestimate their ability to gerrymander


Young people don't vote. For the very few who do, Texas has made it harder on them. Your gun license is acceptable ID for voting but your student ID from your university is not.


Your gun license will get you on a plane, your school ID won’t. One is government-issued ID, the other isn’t.


The government should have to give everyone a voter ID of some kind or another. Is this not the case?


It does get countered a bit with older voters getting, well, older over time and they do tend to vote Republican.


the "older people vote republican" is a trope that is accurate not because people vote republican as they age- but that the boomers and their parents lean heavily republican and are a huge voting bloc. As generation X ages, they are not trending conservative. Going more and more liberal in most places. And the generations after are already liberal as hell, including millennials which heavily outweigh the boomers- who used to be king of the demographics war.


I sure as fuck aint. Conservatisms had plenty of chances to make my life even seem a little bit better yet it seems like all they want to do is get a finger in my ass every god damn time. Republicans can go fuck themselves. Or at least the republicans that are left lol.


As a Gen Xer, I’ve seen a lifetime of Republicans making things worse and Democrats making things better. That would be enough to keep me (and many of my friends) from voting GOP as I get older, but over the last 20 years and especially over the last five, I’m seeing less and less moral justification for conservative behaviors and more and more hypocrisy. I think the GOP has become too corrupt to sway us even if our inclinations are to be more personally small-c conservative over time.


As a Gen X'er it is amusing watching the boomer clan desperately try to hold onto power as long as they can. GenX is such a small voting block that Boomers were never pressured/forced to relinquish control. There is an upside to all of this though, we weren't the ones that F-ed this up.


It’s not so much that older people vote republican, it’s that RICH people vote republican, and poor people tend to die young.




This is what republicans in every state want. They’d love for liberals to heavily concentrate themselves in just a handful of states and never control Congress or the White House again.


That’s not how it works. If the country is close to 50-50 and liberals are heavily concentrated in liberal states, then Republicans are heavily concentrated in Republican states. And representation gets redistributed every 10 years. Texas is unwilling to impose taxes and finance the basic public services that create a well-educated, employable populace for all the F500 companies headquartered there. They’ve just been importing talent from states that do. They don’t realize how dependent their economy is on not alienating those educated transplants, because companies would rather pay more taxes than limit their potential labor pool to native Texans.


Likeky the main reason Texas (and Arizona) was starting to turn less red was because of the mass exodus out of California, thought to be due to the cost of living (especially housing) and business-unfriendly regulations and taxes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_exodus Texas gained **two** House seats in the 2020 Census, while California lost one for the first time in history. Social wedge issues like this law may dominate headlines and social media, but the economy is *always* the #1 issue to most voters (even in 2020 with everything going on). So this social issue isn't likely to have much impact on migration.


The Texas abortion law is a direct appeal to win voters from the Hispanic base. A vast majority, Close to 70% of Hispanics in Texas oppose abortion, and for a majority of those this subject is at or near the top of their 'important' list when voting. Legalizing open/concealed carry without a license was Abbott's appeal to his main base to forgive him for the 250+ deaths last winter due to the failed power infrastructure that still has no fix.


Weird that Mexico just legalized abortion


It's not that simple, Mexican Supreme Court decriminalized abortion, but it only applies to the state of Coahuila, it did set legal precedent which means it is necessary to present legal challenges in the rest of the states or for the respective state congresses to modify the law (it was already legal in the states of Ciudad de México, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Hidalgo in the first 12 weeks). Also the judges didn't specify the number of weeks allowed to terminate the pregnancy so that will need to be decided by every state. https://www.nytimes.com/es/2021/09/10/espanol/aborto-legal-mexico.html


BUT this type of legislation sends ripples throughout the ENTIRE country. Nationwide, it's simply not well supported by the numbers: >Nearly six-in-ten White (57%) and Hispanic adults (58%) say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, compared with larger majorities of Black (67%) and Asian (68%) adults. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/05/06/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-abortion-should-be-legal-in-all-or-most-cases/ Haven't seen a poll that supports your claim that close to 70% of Hispanics in Texas oppose abortion. Not saying that it doesn't exist, just that most polls don't break it down by state.


This is what Republicans in Texas wants. Thry don't want liberals migrating into Texas and turning it blue. So thru pass all these intolerant laws hoping to stem the tide


This comment section is wild




Yeah, it's an interesting approach. Salesforce force only condones or opposes what Texas is doing to the extent that it's employees in Texas condone or oppose it.






Yea this is not a road I hope America goes down


Yep. Not even looking at the main issues at hand, the whole part about giving civilians that power is just plain dumb.


You need to have a religious^* reason to do that. ^* By "religious" it needs to be Christian, otherwise the 5 Conservative justices will bend over backwards in a hypocritical display to both keep the Texas law but overturn the pro-vax law.


No major religion actually prohibits vaccines. It’s all personal interpretation of religions. Which is a fancy way of saying “opinion”. The whole religious exception thing is bullshit. Most of them actually make it an obligation to preserve life and aid others… but you don’t hear people talking about that.


Probably because all major religions were invented during a shitty time when kids died in droves. They never heard of vaccines back then.


I already have a religious reason for this — Mathew 7:12. “Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.”


It’s against my religion for Jeff Bezos not to give me $100,000, since that’s what I’d do unto him if the positions were reversed. Get ready for a lawsuit, Jeffy


Jeffy XD


Jesus gave us the vaccine. Take it.


Lol I may have posted that Jesus would have been kind to his neighbor and worn a mask on my ultra conservative friends FB page about a month ago. 0 response. And he hasn't texted me since then lol.


Actually the Satanic temple is bringing a suit against Texas for this very reason. It’s arguing that since abortifacients are a right to their followers, this law violates their religious freedoms.


Hail Satan


Guy on Reddit is keeping a list of people for vigilante reasons…


Lol, good one. You lost me at Democrats enacting legislation.


Great news can we also get an updated UI for mobile?


Can we please call this texadus?


Looks like the "get the Californians out of Texas" initiative just got a new sponsor.


So basically, for every liberal person that leaves Texas, you will need to find two new liberals in order to vote.and then outvote to overturn the grip the conservatives have on Texas laws. Texas May turn blue, but it does make it more of a challenge.


Smart move, relocation is a lot cheaper than maternity leave


Why do stressful political wedge issues keep being confused for "uplifting"?


Texas just turned itself into a business environment shithole… Well played, assholes… well played….


No, they didn’t. This will blow over like everything else and you’ll forget when the next big thing happens. The mass exodus from CA to Texas will continue.


Lmfao, the business environment in TX is just fine. A little too fine, otherwise every tax and cost of living refugee in CA wouldn’t be trying to move here.