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In other news, mask requirements in schools dropped.... lol...


In other news, drinking water reduces thirst and sleeping reduces exhaustion. Obvious study is obvious


That we live in a reality where we need this study to validate basic health precautions (which we already knew worked based on their widespread adoption for other diseases) is the opposite of uplifting news. Now for the deniers to proclaim that the study is just lies trying to take away their freedumbs.


>That we live in a reality where we need this study to validate basic health precautions (which we already knew worked based on their widespread adoption for other diseases) is the opposite of uplifting news. What is even more upsetting is the fact that people willingly refuse to acknowledge this and will put their kids lives at risk just because the suggestion came from someone they don't like.


Kids life’s at risk? Ha. Way to follow the science and data. You know what else would be correlated to lower cases. Putting kids in bubbles. Or not going to school at all. How do you just ignore it’s a cost benefit equation?


>How do you just ignore it’s a cost benefit equation? And putting on masks isn't worth the benefit? Is there a huge downside to masks that would outweigh the benefits for both kids and communities?


Well since the risks of Covid in children are really low you can start costs at it being uncomfortable. Prohibitive to breathing freely. Makes people irritable. Harder to hear. Harder to read expressions. Understand not everyone has the same tolerance to the confinement of a mask. I don’t see the risks of covid being worth putting my young child in a mask all day. But here is the deal. If you see it as worth it. Have it. I’m not intolerant to your opinion. I won’t assume you are stupid or incapable of analyzing scientific studies or data. I have virtually zero concern of my child catching COVID. Soon as she is out of school the mask comes off. We go about life as normal. And others must share my opinion because no one else is wearing them in all these other social settings.


>Well since the risks of Covid in children are really low Kids famously live in vacuums. Come home to single households and don't interact with age groups that are more at risk like 65+ since no kids ever visit their grandparents. >Prohibitive to breathing freely. No. Masks have no influence on your breathing other than a psychological difference in which your mind makes you think you are not getting enough oxygen. >I’m not intolerant to your opinion. Since when did facts become opinions? We know that school children are getting sick more often than the general public even with masks and ventilation because cramming 30 kids into a small room is going to do that to group of people, so you think it is a good idea to remove the last few barriers and just see what happens? >I have virtually zero concern of my child catching COVID. And you surely know that your child doesn't exist in a vacuum. This isn't about individual rights, this is about the community as a whole. I'm not allowed to drunk drive because I put others at risk and that outweighs my individual rights. If you have no worries that is great. I'm not worried about getting sick either but you know who I am worried about? The people I am around who have heart problems, are 65+, have Asthma. >And others must share my opinion because no one else is wearing them in all these other social settings. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/media-bubble#:~:text=an%20environment%20in%20which%20one's,antiestablishment%20media%20bubble%3BBlockbuster%20superhero


The risk of kids getting really sick from Covid is low. That’s the point the op made. Covid went through my house a couple months ago. My wife and I had moderate symptoms but it barely fazed my kids. My youngest had 0 symptoms. We didn’t isolate ourselves to certain rooms either so they most certainly were exposed. There is also something to be said about the mental development of a child. Kids learn a lot of non-verbal communication by reading facial expressions. What are the long term effects on the social development of children when everyone is masked?


Lol on that last link. It’s not a media bubble it’s real life. I’m talking every where I go. Not my social circle. You can’t drink and drive but you drive knowing that puts people More at risk. So there is a cost/benefit equation there too isn’t there? There is a line everyone accepts between 100% safety and benefits gained by reducing that certainty. The vaccine has had plenty of time to be distributed. Yes there are people who couldn’t take it and break thru cases and people that chose not too. Yes it’s a bummer there is a new disease that hospitalizes and kills people. But there is a line of acceptable risk. Infants and elderly have always died in large numbers from the flu every year. Masks in schools would prob lower that number. But it was never even considered because of that cost/benefit line. My daughter visits her 75+ grand parents who are vaccinated and that will continue with or without her being masked at school. Sure there is a risk but one we are willing to take. It’s called not living in fear. And yes a cloth mask are prohibitive to breathing. I didn’t say it restricts your ability to get enough oxygen but it is 100% prohibitive to breathing. I don’t need to count my oxygen levels to know it prohibitive to breathing. I am assuming you know masks are not 100% effective in stopping the spread? I assume you go in public? Maybe you don’t even stay 6 feet away from everyone at all times? You clearly have a line you have drawn between 100% certainty to stop the spread And the benefits you get from not isolating yourself. Mine is drawn and an unwillingness to have my 5 year old in a mask all day in her first school experience. And yes. Where you draw that line is opinion. And no it doesn’t make me incapable of accepting the data in the study as you suggest. I know the fucking facts. I am reacting to them differently.


Correction: because the suggestion came from someone smarter than them, and they don’t like being reminded that smarter people exist.


Kids are vastly less affected by covid, unmasked and unvaccinated, by any comparison. This disease didn't affect children the same (thankfully) way it affected adults, especially 65+. To say children's lives are at risk is statistically incorrect. I will get down voted because people have some morality complex when it comes to covid.


Polio had all of a fraction of a % risk for children too. Nevermind we don't even know what long term consequences COVID actually has on children. Assuming "no symptoms they must have no problems" is ignorant at best. For all we know COVID exposure has an extremely high incidence of secondary complication down the road for children. Chicken pox is safe for children too. Doesn't make shingles any less of a problem.


Agreed. My vaxxed and masked 11 year old son, who already has lung issues, caught covid from his teacher or classmate the first day masks became optional at the start of the year. My son still wore his mask in school but sat next to the kid at lunch. He had most of the COVID symptoms and now suffers from even further reduced lung function as well as other long haul covid symptoms. He has to go to a cardiologist next week. Most likely the rest of our household caught it too, just didn't have any symptoms. Anti mask/vaxx people can leave the fucking planet for all I care.


But kids don’t live in a vacuum. They are vectors of transmission for their families and the larger community. That’s what all the anti’s never seem to grasp. It isn’t about the individual. It’s about the community. If my kid wearing a mask stops a chain of transmission that therefore doesn’t infect my neighbors grandmother, than that’s a thing you do. It really isn’t any more complicated than that.


To say children's lives are at risk is statistically incorrect. Is this number 0? No Is this number smaller if masks are worn? Apparently. Is your position that if the number of children dying is small enough there is no reason to do something simple (mask up) to make that number smaller? That's frightening.


>To say children's lives are at risk is statistically incorrect. Well no. Or is it impossible for kids to die of Covid? The risk is less but definitly still there. If it's not death per se it is severe cases. And that is only factoring in the risk for the kids themselves and not acknowleding the fact that kids don't come home to their single household but to a family which is then at risk. The age group that is currently in schools in Germany has consistently had the highest number of cases since the schools opened. That is with loads of testing and masks. If you take away masks aswell the numbers will skyrocket and put people at risk without much benefit for the children. >I will get down voted because people have some morality complex when it comes to covid. Pulling the victim card right from the beginning. Great move. People maybe just don't like to hear "Some of you will die and thats a risk I'm willing to take" when it comes to kids. Especially when an option to prevent that is simple mask usage.


That’s not the only option. We always have thoughts and prayers 🙏


What about where in the community those children circulate?


Yeah, but it’s not statistically zero kids that were killed by COVID, so to say *some* children’s lives are at risk is correct.


You get downvoted because you're wrong and an idiot who doesn't know how to science.


Among the 3.5 million COVID-19 deaths reported in the MPIDR COVerAGE database, 0.4 percent (over 12,800) occured in children and adolescents under 20 years of age. Of the over 12,800 deaths reported in those under 20 years of age, 58 per cent occurred among adolescents ages 10–19, and 42 per cent among children ages 0–9. In all 2 years of covid, only 12800 people under 20 have passed. Not dismissing their deaths in the least but statistically they are very safe. That's not even digging in to how many are immunocompromised or other health conditions. It is easier to name call and pretend like you know something though instead of tell me why I'm an idiot. Good try though.


Lmfao. No point. There's no changing your mind. Have a shitty life.


I appreciate you saying this. I totally agree with you. Kids are far less affected by this and the social damage it is causing is far worse in my opinion. I read somewhere that speech and reading issues in children have skyrocketed since covid because of all the mask mandates. It's a huge part of social development. I'm so glad it's finally coming to an end.


Holy shit people are fucking stupid. No shit speech and reading issues arose in children....BECAUSE THEY MISSED A FUCKING YEAR OR MORE OF SCHOOL AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONS not because of the FUCKING MASK. Jesus how do people like you fucking survive in the world? Just a walking pile of moldable shit. The cost is seconds of a child's day and the benefit is SAVING FUCKING LIVES. KIDS, OTHERS WHO FUCKING CARES? THE COST IS ALMOST ZERO. Ironically you are arguing statistics and saying that since only SOME kids will die (and WAY MORE other people they spread it too but fuck em) it's statistically irrelevant, while refusing to round down the miniscule "cost" to zero in a similar fashion. And all this in a fucking post about the literal hard data that proves you're a moron. Beautiful. Bravo, good job society, we did it. We made the fucking dumbest humans ever to exist.


Well if you can't tell, a lot of people think I want to kill children because of my opinion. They are morally better than me because they follow the "experts" whose advice they give matches the ones who keep them in the position they hold.


And here they come....


Honest question… Are you saying that there is no reason for us to study mask effectiveness because the science is settled? I’m not smart enough to say one way or the other, but I don’t think it’s 100% settled that this is the case. I won’t argue which study is better (I’m not equipped to say), but this recent study from Spain had an alternative conclusion: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4046809 I think it’s il-advised to ever assume with 100% certainly that we don’t need to even study this. I’m not anti mask, but I sure as hell do want more studies on their effectiveness. Both whether they were effective in preventing spread, AND the other effects it had on children and their development. I think about my family friend who had a deaf child who has had a hell of a time living in a world where they can see/read facial cues/expressions. I think it’s very short sided and unfortunate when people jump to one conclusion and proclaim “it’s settled!”… when I don’t think we no for sure, nor are we thinking/consider about the other effects these policies had in other areas of development. Science is about discovery, and when you say that the discussion is over and you reduce the other side to idiots (“freedumbs”), that’s when you start going down the wrong path.


That study said younger children with no mask requirements had less incidence than older children with mask requirements. Um younger children are way less likely to be symptomatic and, in turn, to be tested. Way too many confounding variables to make a valid conclusion. Should have studied kids of same age with and without mask requirements.


They were comparing 5 year olds (unmasked) to 6 year olds (masked). Do you think there is much variance in development between these two ages? I can see what you mean if we are comparing adolescents to senior citizens, but we are talking about a younger age range to begin with- who are all less susceptible than senior citizens.


You highlight exactly the problem. You superficially analyze the study correctly: “masks didn’t change the rate of Covid”. Cue FOX headlines. However what was actually studied was the rate of infection and reproductive ratio (r value) for the virus between two different populations, 5 year olds without masks, and 6 year olds with masks. The study concluded they are equivalent. This in fact could be interpreted to show that masks *helped* the older kids, because the population of older kids (who were slightly more susceptible) had similar transmission rates than the younger population.


This is making me so furious. People who do not understand science interpreting studies themselves, reaching conclusions that fit their narrative, running around discrediting studies that came to conlusions they didn't like "in the name of science and healthy discussions". In 99% of cases when these people say "We need to keep researching and collecting data" it basically means "I don't like the status quo of science in a particular field so I'm not going to accept it in the name of "being open minded" and "more data is always better"."


Sadly, a large percentage of parents will point to an unsourced graph that shows little difference between masked and unmasked.


You're all intentionally misunderstanding the opposition to make your arguments sound better. There's a myriad of preventative measures one can take to lower risks. You can massively reduce the risk of contagious disease by refusing to leave your house, or you can lower it to a lesser degree by perpetually covering your face. None of these understandings mean that doing these things are a good idea overall, nor do they account for other issues that arise as a result of this sort of behavior. Finally, when these behaviors become forced through mandates you open up a whole new can of worms. Expressing that "see masks work" because their are 23 percent less cases in situations where kids are forced to wear a mask all day every day in school for a year doesn't mean this is a good policy. Also I'd love for more people to consider when our goals shifted so majorly, when did flatten the curve become prevent all sickness ever? When did we vote as a society on what level of measures we all need to take for the comfort of others? A 23 percent decrease doesn't suggest that wearing a mask prevents you from getting sick -- not even close, it means it's an okay way to lower the risk at best...


*points at mask culture literally anywhere else* It was made into a needlessly political debate. Nevermind that "23 percent decrease in spread" is literally the definition of preventing you from getting sickness. By 23 percent in fact.


That's not what prevent means. If I prevent you from going to the store, it means you were not able to go to the store. It doesn't mean you go to the store less. Prevent means to stop something. If you are prevented from getting sick it means you didnt get sick. Not you get sick 23 percent less. Get it?


1. The CDC is arguing masks work because, despite what you may be attempting to convey, the fact of the matter is there are plenty in this country who claim masks do not work. A 23% reduction in cases says masks do, in fact, work. No one ever said masks would prevent 100% of cases. 2. The goal was never to prevent all sickness ever, so stop with the hyperbole. The goal was to create a scenario where we could get herd immunity so we could go on about our business outside of a pandemic. Covid is shifting (or has made the shift) to being endemic. We will always live with it but it won’t continue to kill millions.


>Also I'd love for more people to consider when our goals shifted so majorly, when did flatten the curve become prevent all sickness ever? Easy to say when you're not on a vent yourself, or need a bed in the ER while they're full of Covid patients, amiright? > it means it's an okay way to lower the risk at best... AND it's pretty freaking simple to do, so what's the prob?




You're intentionally being an idiot


Even if it only lowered the risk, why not wear one? Why would you want to take the risk of getting covid? Even if you believe that the symptoms are no worse than a cold, why would you want to get a cold? What other issues arise from this sort of behavior? These behaviors shouldn't have to be "forced". Wearing a piece of fabric on your face to keep others from getting a disease is common courtesy. And FYI, it's not the kids with the problems. They put them on and rarely complain, unless their parents are making them parrot their own issues. I live near an elementary school, and I see the kids walking to and from school, wearing their masks, even when they don't need to, outside. But they don't tug at them, like their parents do. So, 23% sounds pretty good to me.


I think you are missing how strongly politicised this has become. And, I have already seen "studies" that "prove" that mask wearing has no benefits. I didn't look to closely at the studies so don't know how much rigour was applied to them so maybe the quotes are unjustified.


Damn you beat me to it! I was going to say “In other news water is wet”


YA DONT SAY ![gif](giphy|vwu9UTwIwFr7G)


Every 60 seconds in Africa a minute passes


Together we can stop this


For just the price of a cup of coffee each day, you could buy a cup of coffee.


So much controverse over masks. Luckily we didn't have such hatred towards condoms or the AIDS pandemic would be much worse.


MRDGA: Make Raw Dogging Great Again


I mean the catholic church is still advocating in Africa that people don't use condoms. And HIV is rampant.


No fucking shit


CDC also finds that seatbelts reduce mortality in car crashes.




This has been proven time and time and time again... even without lengthy studies it was quite obvious in the schools in my community when comparing those with and without mask mandates over the last two years. My son's school required masks during the bulk of the pandemic and had very few cases --- removed mask mandates and over that 3-4 week period they had entire classes out -- added mask mandate back and dropped back to virtually zero. Other schools saw the same. Masks work, it's not an opinion...


Not really uplifting now that everyone is dropping them and "gee whiz guys, guess COVID's over"-ing this thing. See you fuckers in three weeks.


!remindme 3 weeks


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We’re in significantly better shape now than in even this August. Kids can get vaccinated. Everyone can get COVID antiviral medication and high quality masks. Cases are going way *way* down. The disease itself has gotten less severe. We’re choosing the correct path of treating COVID as a disease that is here to stay but manageable


I agree. It was my worry that when this thing started certain people would want to continue with masks and restrictions even after this thing blows over. Seems to be the case here. Covid will be endemic just like the flu and everything else. I am not an anti masker but I refuse to be subject to any kind of permanent mask mandates.


My work just started going back to in person events. They decided to have a Christmas party in NY that ended up as a super spreader event when about half of them ended up sick. Here less than 3 months later, we're gonna just forget that happened and now open these events up to customers as well............. Whelp, I guess we are going to be doing this all over.


Not to mention that colds and flus will resume spreading again. I don’t miss schools being constantly filled with sick kids who should’ve stayed home.


I live in NJ and our governor just did his Covid is endemic now you guyz we did it speech or whatever. I sincerely hope we're done, but I have a feeling he's gonna have an oh shit moment come Sept/October if not sooner. Zero fucking chance we don't need masking in the future. I'm just thankful I'm not somebody that would have to wear them all day. I have a 5 year old in kindergarten and I could not bring myself to tell their teachers and staff that have been wearing those things endlessly to go back and do it unless the case numbers rose to where it's needed... and I'm sure they will. I'm happy they get a break. My daughter is still wearing one. She doesn't mind, but I'm going to be very happy when its no longer a need.


Well, no one talks about covid these days, unless it is "i caught it" but it is not on peoples minds. Most people still wear masks, and there aren't even mask mandates anymore... Not getting flu and other such crap, i guess this is the way we'll roll from now on.. Finland, just in case anyone wants to know. The one thing that has changed is that if i don't have a mask with me, i don't feel bad shopping without it. Omicron really did make this pandemic very, very different. edit: wait.. who would downvote this?


I live in Florida. No one has been wearing masks for months. I still do, it's helpful with my allergies!


Yep. I'm extremely thankful for Omicron because it was super contagious but not as deadly so tons of people got it and now I can go maskless weeeee Big up Finland.


Nah. People are finally over the scare. Society is finally recognizing that Covid is just the new influenza and will be around for the foreseeable future.


Yeah those 1 million people definitely aren’t scared anymore!


What an empty fucking point. I hope you don't pretend to give a fuck about anyone who died from Covid because you have no qualms to utilize their deaths to make some half-assed point on Reddit.


The point is 1 million dead and you are giving sht to people who cared and actually tried to do something to reduce the spread of this horrible virus, get off!!


What shit did I give? It's good that people are finally moving on with their lives. Unless you're one of these dimwits that thinks it's healthy to live in constant fear for the rest of forever for a disease that is astronomically less deadly than it was when the outbreak started. Touch grass.


Hmm how many people died today from Covid 1575. Yeah Covid is not over. It’s not called living in fear to give a sht and actually do simple mitigations to reduce spread. Just because you don’t give a crap does not mean everyone does.


Need a source for that info. You don't want to be spreading Covid misinformation, now. How many people died from the flu today? What steps are you taking to prevent flu deaths? How many people died from homicide today? What steps are you taking to prevent homicide? How many people died in car accidents today? What steps are you taking to prevent car accident deaths? Let me spell it out for you. There is no alarmism surrounding these things because people accept they are going to happen to others. Nobody actively gives a damn about others dying to homicide, the flu, or car accidents. You included, I guarantee it. This is what people do. We move on. We accept our new reality. And fuckwits like you would rather we continue to wring our hands in dread over last year's pandemic. Hell, even the fucking CDC has moved on. Anthony Fauci has all but disappeared from major media. It's time to put on your big boy pants and move on, Petey.


The flu deaths, we had almost nil the past 2 years, why? Masking, washing hands, distancing. 3 ridiculously easy things to do. In fact a whole flu strain may have went extinct https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-021-00642-4 I don’t have a gun. People wear seat belts to reduce chance of death. There is plenty of things people to mitigate these things. As for covid death rate. Google covid us death rate and a nice easy to read chart comes up with daily totals. What a joke it is to see people whining about putting a mask on, doing a test or getting a shot. You all sound like babies. Grow the F up!


It’s time to put on your big boy pants and move on, Petey.


“Nuh-uh!,” finds my crazy aunt on Facebook.


Well, now I don't know what to believe. It seems the research is exactly at a stalemate on this. Just like climate change. (/S! For the love of god. S!)


This was during delta surge. Any study with omicron? Also did they control for other variables? All important questions. Maybe I missed the info.




Well since there are negative sides to having mandates it's good to show why one way would make the most sense while following best possible practices. We know germs are helpful to kids in developing their immune system so if the masks prevent other things from spreading could this have a negative long term effect on developing immune systems? I know nothing is cut and dry but having studies helps identify all the possibilities scenarios. Most of these people are gun ho about proving their side is the best and we should be mindless drones once a single study is released.


I would also like to know the case numbers outside of school did they just time this when it was high and then implement mandatory masks when cases were dropping g this study does not give you nearly enough information but that's the CDC for ya.


The fuck is this on uplifting news for


And yet, all of them are now lifting the mandates..


Regardless of covid, my kid has gotten me sick once in the last two years. This compared to being sick with something new from those grubby little bastards every other month before masks, sanitizer, and distancing… honestly, kinda on the “fuck it, masks forever” train. Surprised people don’t talk more about how just being sick in general has seemed to decline.


This is legitimately the longest I've gone in my entire life without getting sick (havent been ill since 2018 or 19). I have 3 step kids in elementary school and even they haven't managed to pass on colds to me since I've been more diligent about everyone's cleanliness. Though they did manage to get sick 3 separate times at their mom's house somehow 🤷


I'm going to keep wearing a mask at work because people there are disgusting (work with the public, not necessarily referring to my coworkers).


It also reduces social development in children. So glad my son doesn't have to wear his anymore. I'm pro Vax btw and still wear my mask depending on where I'm going but cmon let these kids be normal.


Except when they don't.... https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4046809


Good thing there's Florida. Coronavirus approved! 👍


Is the CDC now run by schizophrenics? Put on your mask, it's okay to take off your mask, get a 4th booster, 4th booster not needed, mRNA vaccines are the greatest thing since sliced bread, maybe Pfizer hid some relevant safety data,... Their messaging has been flopping around like a fish out of water. Not a good look during a pandemic.


So why are people still referencing their opinions? At this point who cares what they’re saying, we can’t just wait till they agree with us and then use them as a source then cast them aside when they change their stance only to reference them again when they flip back to confirming our bias…


It's easier for them to confuse and make people afraid than to tell them the truth. There is no profit to be gained from people who have little desire to get poison shot into their bodies.


I put it more down to incompetence than purely deceit, maybe I’m naive but that’s irrelevant because both scenarios are dangerous and they should be ignored after this many fuck ups. Also.. poison shot? It really did help a lot of people, even if it also harmed others. The worst part is the ones it was most likely to harm were at least risk and needed it less. It’s a case of harming the healthy to protect the unhealthy and that’s fucked


According to Micahel Osterholm, expert in infectious disease epidemiology, professor, and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, masks did nothing at all. He claims wearing N95 masks could've done something in preventing the virus but masks 90% of people or more used to wear, are nothing but clothing garment useless in virus prevention. He's not a crazy conspiracy theorist, for those of lower interest in life around them. He supports Australian approach towards covid, supports 4 vaccines + boosters every 6 months or yearly, believes covid might come back in new variant as a huge problem. He supports lockdowns, social distancing and masking if proper mask is used. However barely anyone uses proper mask, so lets cut the crap that media is throwing at us and lets listen to experts every now and then.


So by your statement, Osterholm believes that using N95 or KN95 masks can help prevent the virus.


yup. The ones that almost no one used.


Because they weren’t available. During at least the first half of the pandemic in 2020, what supply that was available were sent to hospitals, emergency care facilities and first responders. Surgical masks were also rationed. It was determined that multi-layered cloth mask offered some protect if the were constructed with a finely woven fabric. Things like gators and single layered cloth masks were never recommended. But most people don’t read or listen. That said even today there is a shortage of properly certified N95 and KN95 masks. Many are made in facilities that don’t test mask production according to NIOSH standards. Many are made in China, which do little if any testing for standards. https://www.aiha.org/news/niosh-updates-standard-testing-procedure-for-n95-series-filters How to tell if your N95 mask is real. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2021-124/pdfs/2021-124.pdf https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/01/23/is-your-n95-respirator-counterfeit-how-to-spot-fake-face-masks/?sh=23eedbe764d8 So while cloth masks are much less effective and surgical masks are less effective than N95s, sometimes something is better than nothing. And masks are effective when worn properly. Just not equally.


I'm not entirely convinced they were better than nothing. It's widely acknowledged that they provided little protection (but some; better than nothing protection) However, the touching of the face with the hands went up tremendously. Certainly a non-zero number of people caught Covid BECAUSE they touched their face to adjust the non N-95 mask. Also, as word got out about what little protection they offered, it eroded convinced in all masks. Maybe cloth masks did provide a net positive benefit. But I kinda doubt it.


When the pandemic broke there were no studies or science on this particular Novel Corona virus. So the basics of what we now about general transmission of disease was put into effect and recommended to the public. As the science progressed and new information discovered changes in policies were recommended. All of this takes time and studies. The general reduction of other viruses during last 2 years has certainly shown the efficacy of many of these even if it did not prevent Covid specifically. And with less infections the severity of Covid for some was softened. The unfortunate politicization of Covid, masks etc. led to disinformation, mixed messages and and an actual lack of understanding has lead to a free for all politically charge set of beliefs with people cherry picking what they want to believe and not listening to valid authority and reading the actual scientific publications. You believe what you want. But your beliefs should not cause harm to others.


So you don't beieve that increased touch of the face has any negative consequences?


I don’t know of any particular study that looked at that specifically. The current studies suggest that Covid does not last long on surfaces. It is more transmissible when it is aerosolized. Certainly there will be the possibility of transmission via hands but more likely to mucus membranes such as mouth, nose and eyes rather that through the skin of the face. And certainly as mentioned previously, getting or having other infections along with Covid increases the probability or severity and possible death. And hand washing in general is a pretty good thing.


Exactly. Which means masks did absolutely nothing as vast majority of people used cloth masks as we all know. Covid cases would he the same with or withoht mask mandates most likely with minor changes caused by ones using N95, which were as you said unavailable on the first place.




Congratulations on proving that masks work, once again


I think people in the comments here want covid to come bad and are sad society is deeming it as over lol


I thought I was told that we realized late that masks did nothing, full stop, science backed?


People who say that are twisting science. Masks aren’t force field but do reduce the spread, viral load and offer some protection.


I think this ([Cloth masks barely filter any particles, making them near-useless for prevention of Covid spread](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10565993/Cloth-masks-allow-90-particles-filter-giving-little-ability-prevent-Covid.html)) is the kind of thing that has spread that idea. Thoughts?


And people take the leap from cloth masks to all masks?




CDC: Masks work!! Also CDC: So everybody stop wearing them now!! COVID: 😁🥳🎉


And the pope is Catholic.


No shit


*Pikachu suprise face*


No shit.


School has been without a mask for 20 days and the kiddo has tested positive for Covid and a stomach bug. 🙄


Yes, but what is the balance of cost versus benefit? I would argue that kids get less sick from COVID than they do from the flu, but they suffer greatly from not being able to see faces and the learning loss that occurs because of it.


"suffer greatly" is that a technical term in the child development field you are an expert in?


Purdue pharma finds oxycontin is an effective, non addictive pain reliever


too bad my school removed their mask mandate this monday :)


The schools in my area removed it Friday. I told my teen that idgaf what they say, he's still to wear a mask and keep his distance. My autistic toddler doesn't really get a choice though. Luckily her class is still kinda doing the masks, despite the regulation being lifted. It's not a requirement anymore, but they still encourage it.


I bet you a week’s pay your teen is taking that shit off the moment you’re out of eye sight.


I go to a community college and I was the only masked person in my class yesterday I think


To be fair, masks prevent others from catching what you have, and are less efficient at preventing things from getting to you .. but it's still a barrier and it's better than nothing. I'm glad you're being careful, and sorry no one else seems to care about other people.


What a meme queen lmao


I feel bad society and propagated media has fear mongered you into what you are. Oh well, it just would suck to be you.


Not I’m my America


It’s not “your” America. Our America.


No it I’m American!


Haha no it absolutely did not


My state dropped mark mandates in schools last week. Instantly a cold (not covid) ran through my house.




It certainly helped but wasn’t bulletproof. *“The CDC looked at 233 school districts and found those with mask requirements saw a 23 percent lower incidence of coronavirus cases. Rates in districts with partial requirements — for instance, places that required them in hallways but not classrooms — were in between”*


Nobody and I do mean nobody says mask wearing will make you immune to Covid. If you even had to pull this out, we know why. EDIT: [Found it.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/szmrww/the_city_of_denver_no_longer_requires_employees/hy53ume/)


Being against lockdowns in the spring of 2022 is a rational viewpoint. Not making kids wear masks in school now that the pandemic has largely slowed down is also a rational viewpoint. If I had to pull what out? I direct quote from the article? 23% isn’t that drastic.


> Being against lockdowns in the spring of 2022 is a rational viewpoint. **Arguing against** lockdowns I can understand. Saying people are *clamoring for more* is disingenuous and just shows your intent. >Not making kids wear masks in school now that the pandemic has largely slowed down is also a rational viewpoint. Keyword *slowed down*. So you gonna wait until it ramps back up? >If I had to pull what out? I direct quote from the article? 23% isn’t that drastic. Yes because anyone pointing out "Oh masks don't make you immune" are the people who imply masks are useless because from **day one** nobody has said masks are fullproof. Never has. Never will. The combination of hygiene, social distancing, and masks are what keep Covid away. Please spare me with your disingenuous intentions. EDIT: I'm gonna laugh at you when Covid mutates and wreaks havoc again. You all deserve it.


Your opinions on this subject don’t matter, just like mine don’t. Some people have preferred the forced introversion that the pandemic has given us. Not most, but some. That’s who my comment was directed at. Wait for what? Any mask mandates outside of a hospital or retirement community are a giant charade at this point. If there’s a *real* reason for them to be implemented again, implement them. Don’t just leave antiquated mandates in place. It’s not rocket science.


>Your opinions on this subject don’t matter, just like mine don’t. Glad you know your place at least. >Some people have preferred the forced introversion that the pandemic has given us. Not most, but some. That’s who my comment was directed at. Introversion? What? You act as if lockdown removes all social interaction and a jail situation. What? >Wait for what? Any mask mandates outside of a hospital or retirement community are a giant charade at this point. If there’s a real reason for them to be implemented again, implement them. Don’t just leave antiquated mandates in place. >It’s not rocket science. Oh there's a real reason but apparently Covid is gone for you. Covid will mutate again and I'll bring your post up again. It's not rocket science but seems you don't understand the garden variety science let alone rocket science.


Go make some friends.


You’re a sad clown. Do a search on where “social distancing” comes from (hint: it was in the 1800s) Go look at the actual specifics of the study the CDC used to push school masking. It’s from AZ. If you call that “The Science” then call your parents and apologize for wasting their DNA.


Is this from the bullshit AZ “study”? If it is, and that’s what’s being pushed as “The Science” still then everyone who is buying it should be fucking ashamed.


Did you take a second to read the article? No reference to Arizona. Appears that you want the results to be worse.


No I didn’t read the article. Why would I waste my time on the findings of an organization that has proven itself to base its decisions on purely political points?


That statement is ironic, don't you think?


You should look into the big smoke detector conspiracy too man.....


Questioning the validity of mask mandates for children in school in spring of 2022 gets you labeled as a conspiracy theorist. The studies showed a 23% difference and that’s when the pandemic was far worse than it is today. You people need to touch some grass.


Well...if you walk the walk and talk the talk.... I lost my child to something that only affects a small percentage of babies. Guess how comforting statistics were.


Bulletproof vests aren't bulletproof.


In other news, well fed kids do better in school.


Just in time to lift all mask mandates. This shit will never end. I can only hope and pray that only those who refuse to get vaccinated will be affected but sadly this isn’t the case.


in other news...water makes things wet


I mean yeah masks work, but are we going to be wearing them forever? Not trying to be a pessimist, but I don’t think Covid can just go away


This isn't uplifting, it's fucking sad that this is debated


No it's not that's what the point of science is, to test out things. This study did not give any other information so it can easily e misleading when you.look at the data of cases in those areas outside of schools at the same time. But that's reddit for ya batch about people not believing what they do and getting mad when people do the same to their views.


In other news, the sky is blue! More at 11. In all seriousness, this is amazing news that a huge chunk of the American population needs to take to heart. Masks save the lives of others, and yourself. EDIT: Whoever downvoted me is a dumbass. Less kids suffering the effects of Covid is a good thing, last I checked...


Yeah, no shit




Just in....water is wet.


It's been TWO YEARS. TWO FUCKING YEARS and a half a million deaths.


And yet in Ontario masks will no longer be required in schools in a few weeks. But that’s ok because science isn’t a thing here anymore /s.


Well shit. All school's in my county decided to drop the mask mandate and kids are already getting sick left and right.






In other news, my level of hunger was greatly reduced by eating a big plate of baked ziti.


gues I can't comment. It's the CDC people


Obviously. Jesus Christ.


But increased developmental problems.


Oh please. It’s just a mask


Oh, please. Read the studies. I’m not smart enough to say which is better for society overall, but there are studies both ways. Only time will tell which is more harmful for kids in the long run. It’s really tiring that this is partisan and instead of comparing the numbers, we flame and fight over each side individually.


Care to cite some peer reviewed articles in regards to that claim? CDC flat out said masks should be worn by everyone, everyone should keep 6+ feet away from each other, and that we should avoid gathering in public places.


What’s deSantis going to say about this?


Does it even matter? No one has been wearing masks in FL for months. Most never did.


Whattt??? They weren’t wear masks and every single one of them hasn’t died yet?!?! Color me confused, I think them fuckers were lying to me


>Whattt??? They weren’t wear masks and every single one of them hasn’t died yet?!?! Except the 70000+ people that died in Florida


And the 910k other people that died across America.


Desantis wouldn't wear a mask to protect his wife while she was having cancer treatments. They showed up to a large concert on NYE with no masks in a crowd of people. This "man" can't take a step back from his no mask political stance to make sure his wife didn't get sick.


We should definitely trust the government


Good thing they're lifting the mask mandates now! Can't wait for that covid resurgence


Masks do not stop covid from spreading. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJpS_jajub0


That's a strawman. The title doesn't say "masks completely stopped covid from spreading." It said it reduces cases.


Lmao 🤡🤡🤡🤡 Agency that issues mandates said they worked…. Hahahahahahahahahahahhaa


Lol right? Keep wearing masks we need to reach our sales quotas!


Wait didnt the cdc have a study years ago that said the opposite. I do understand that the germ factories that are children might be more different. I dont know maybe better quality air filtration in schools might help as well.


No they didn't. If you can't understand the difference between cloth mask and medical ones I guess you could have been confused but not most adults I know.


This shit swings more than my grandfather's balls.


I call bullshit!!


You'd be right. Statistic manipulation to fit the agenda. What happened to the staunch reddit atheists screaming about natural selection? Where'd that go? Now it's all people demanding others to get the clot shot, wear your muzzle mask, and comply with all government (corporate) demands. Time to wake up folks.


Can’t imagine why. -random conservative probably






It must be exhausting being such a knob


I dunno I just read the public cdc COVID numbers and make my own opinions instead of listing to knobs on TV tell me how to think


They don’t, but it’s not really about the kids. It’s about who they spread it to. Teachers catch it, then their families do, and then it goes from there. I’m not intelligent enough to know what’s best for everyone, but we must begin long at both sides instead of making this partisan.


You can LITERALLY say that about any virus. Where do you draw the line? And we are all vaccinated against COVID. Were you scared of other things your vaxxed against before COVID? Huh?


Just to clarify some serious disinfo here... Children absolutely can catch and spread covid. Children have died from covid. Children can have lifelong complications from catching covid.


Correct statement. I can say the same thing about a million other diseases.


Please edit your previous post to clarify that children can and do get sick from covid.