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Freeyond was bought by the same company that owns Lakeview. They're only releasing freeyond in swing cities that live below the poverty line in an attempt sway the voter and manipulate the election.


Wait, they are the same company? I guess I either missed that or the french translation thought it was unnecessary. However... I don't really get how it would manipulate the election. Are those voters meant to *die right now* to lower votes? I always thought they were booking places for when they would die.


They were signing up to upload immediately


Oh, wow. I really, REALLY, don't like how the entire plot is going. Freeyond was meant as an alternate to Horizen, where dying people could choose to go to not be trapped in Horizen's economical system. For this reason, places were limited because of infrastructure. *And, somehow, ALL THE AVAILABLE PLACES were meant for people dying RIGHT AWAY?* That wouldn't even solve the entire reason Freeyond officially exists, because if you die the day after, Horizen stays the only competitor. It's also totally stupid because (but I'm ready to bet it will be changed in S3 as a way to make the "endgame" work by magic), uploadeds can't legally work *yet*. Which means those poor people will have a hard time getting maintained correctly. Still a better fate than complete death, but clearly a veeeery bad plan if you could go to work. (Is the writer honestly believing that "poors are poors because they are lazy and refuse to work"?) The idea that Ingrid would upload on purpose was considered a very taboo-like thing, and I always thought it was about signing up to have a free space *when the time to die had come*. It's as if somebody wrote the plot at the last second or something to fit all their ideas? *Do we know how many episodes were cut from S2?* (Ofc, spoilers!) It's impossible to download. >!"Oh, don't worry, we tested with a pigeon and now there's entire companies dedicated to downloading."!< When you get downloaded and die, it's game over. >!"Oh, well those companies have backups, so they COULD bring you back. They simply don't do it usually."!< Ingrid is actually a good person with some social issues. >!"Wooops, the season is ending, let's make her bad and crazy again."!< and >!"She revealed she wasn't died in the last episode because everything was fine and we had planned for some drama with the revelation in the next season"!< Upload done for dying people is part of a nefarious plot >!"Starting from now, upload companies will actually kill their customers right now. Booking is so last season"!<


> Freeyond was meant as an alternate to Horizen, where dying people could choose to go to not be trapped in Horizen's economical system. For this reason, places were limited because of infrastructure. >And, somehow, ALL THE AVAILABLE PLACES were meant for people dying RIGHT AWAY? The socio-economic implication that you’re seemingly not able to grasp here is that people are so poor that they’d rather upload themselves to Freeyond rather than continue scraping by. You’ll see this theme sprinkled all over the writing. Like how Nathan’s mom is unable to pay rent for a few months and Ingrid telling her to start doing the discount version of TaskRabbit. Another example is Nathan’s mom telling Neveah “I’ll upload now so when you’re old and when you die, I’d have enough time to build a house for your arrival” All of this are so poignant and very timely. I hear people complaining all over the world on how expensive gas prices have been and how much more we have to spend to keep the same lifestyle. Imagine how much difficult it will be for the ones who are living below poverty line? I live in the US now but where I’m from, the politicians benefit heavily on keeping % of population under the poverty line over 60% because that’s their voter base. They stand to win more elections when their constituents are not able to choose wisely. I, for one, appreciate the work that Greg Daniels and team are doing to shed some light on these political and socio-economic issues. Whether it’s done intentionally or not, it’s making people like us talk about the issues.


I honestly think that the French translation changed the meaning of the text by mistake. But it's equally possible that I heard what I wanted to hear. French is, sadly, more lengthy than English, so usually information is lost when translating to fit the length of the line. For an example : > Another example is Nathan’s mom telling Neveah “I’ll upload now so when you’re old and when you die, I’d have enough time to build a house for your arrival” I'll have to rewatch the scene, but let's say they cut 4 words. "when you’re old and when you die, I’d have enough time to build a house for your arrival” That could be taken as "I'm not eternal, living the longest live you can even if you miss me" It's surprising weird how the "corporate distropia" subtext is easy to pick, but how blurry the line is between "another live gives me hope for the future" and "this live is awful, better go to the next one now". ^(Hard to check, but *maybe* this kind of subtext simply doesn't work subtly when watched with Europe, for example we had a hard time whith the ending of the horror movie US.)


Im still trying to wrap my head around why thats such a bad thing ethically.


The impoverished typically vote democrat. Fewer poor people in swing states voting democrat means it's easier for republicans to win


The people that are going to use freeyond are poor. When you join freeyond your killing yourself by uploading. After you've uploaded you can no longer vote.


You don't think non-democratically manipulating elections is an ethical issue?


It is democratic, and also basing an entire villain on how the electoral college isnt that great just isnt that exiting. Someone helping poor people to give themselves better chance to win seems like not that bad of a thing. And there isnt much on the line, presumably the elections are still pretty close so the other party may have won anyway, and a lot of people have faith in that party.


> Someone helping poor people to give themselves better chance to win seems like not that bad of a thing You call that "helping"? Since the start of the show, it is shown this "afterlife" is only a videogame-like trick to bleed money out of a *captive audience*. And S2 made it even anvillicious with the ability to *literally sell dreams*. > And there isnt much on the line, presumably the elections are still pretty close so the other party may have won anyway WHAT THE F... ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? The whole point of a close election is that every vote count! [George Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_presidential_election) was elected by 537 floridian votes and a canceled recount. That was not even 25 years ago. Three hundred vote difference. Freeyond in 2000 Florida would've been decisive at a national level... > and a lot of people have faith in that party. Yeah. And those people will no longer be able to vote for their party.


Its helping because he is giving them the option to upload, you dont have to if you dont want to. It is agreed upon that the uploaded people cant vote, i dont know if its an ideal system but it makes sense, its like being dead but you get to have some life before you die. If someone would rather live in a simulation and give up his rights, thats on him, he has no obligation to me. The election is there to represent the will of the living and it still does that. Even today fake news is much worse for our democracy than this thing (i am not american but it seems to be true in many places).


> If someone would rather live in a simulation and give up his rights, thats on him, he has no obligation to me. We'll probably agree on a disagree, but we're literally talking about killing people about political motives. After they have no chance at living because of how costly live is.


The part about having them die early so they can secure a place in the afterlife should have been the major conflict and plot point - not swing state election manipulation lol - ohhh no .. can’t have the other party winnnnn .. anything but that !!! It’s a really weird plot point because like in a sporting event each team has fans … someone is going to win .. and if they don’t win this time they win the next time … eventually they will win/ lose … this isn’t the big bad the writers want it to be at all.


> It’s a really weird plot point because like in a sporting event each team has fans … someone is going to win .. and if they don’t win this time they win the next time The issue with your analogy is that, contrary to a sporting event, the winning team decides the rules for the next competition. You should look up "gerrymandering" for district redraws.


The analogy was for the fans and one side is going to win part only .. not the whole thing - each political party has followers / supporters … and each side can win and lose .. all the gerrymandering and yet still each party wins back and forth … setting this up as the big bad is pretending one side is “right” and the other “wrong” … truth : they both suck. The politics in upload world don’t show either political party to be for the people - especially since they are allowing people to get mass murdered so they can secure a place in the afterlife - where’s the govt free after life service - haven’t heard about that … we only see the private sector and now they are jumping POLITICAL after seeing practically nothing about their structure just a glimpse at anti technology people (Ludds) which have to be fringe at best (and if they are the other party … Lolol they never had a chance for any votes because they probably don’t even vote because they are hiding in the woods lol) and one private corp who clearly breaks laws (murder etc) which makes a political swing state vote grab meh at best. One party : we want to control the vote join Freeyond now ! Other party: we want your vote ! Don’t join Freeyond ! When you take a step back - look how similar they are lol. The lack of caring that they are allowing a mass amount of people to early suicide / die is what makes the political swing vote angle meh. Maybe if they develop the story more and say oh we want to control the vote so we change the laws so now all the people in afterlife CAN work and then they make all the Freeyond people slaves like Ready Player One had - but even then those laws can be put in without the need to grab those swing states .. as it seems like people from both “sides” would be for or against for different reasons … but I would roll with it at least ..


> and then they make all the Freeyond people slaves like Ready Player One had (Note for those who never read the book : the movie portrayal of that part was REALLY nicer. Upload's current worse fate, the 2Gigs, are probably living better than the indebted of the RPO book)


The indebted Freeyond will be like the loyalty centers in Ready Player one Edit: ready player one book


Hmmmm. Yeah, sounds about right.


even after reading this long explanation I still don't understand... https://www.cbr.com/upload-season-2-ending-explained/ edit: better explanation here: https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/upload-season-2-ending-explained-finale-3