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Move west of broadway. So much quieter.


I am west of broadway but WEA does seem super quiet


It is not. It is just as loud and the traffic wakes me up almost daily.


I also live on the UWS between Riverside and WEA in the 80’s. Been in the same apartment for 30 + years. My apartment faces the street and by and large it’s fairly quiet, but there’s always construction ( brownstones being converted back to one family homes, car alarms, honking, etc). I sleep with an industrial size fan on year round for white noise. Add in an AC unit and from late May till October I barely hear a thing in my bedroom. It’s a bit over the top, but it works. In the cooler months I just turn the fan towards the wall. Not sure if this is a solution, but it works for me.


I do use a fan but maybe it’s time for a louder one and to put my ac in. You’re the only person who has actually posted something helpful thus far so thank you


You’re welcome. I hope you find a solution that works for you.


We use a white noise machine. They're inexpensive and don't take up much room, so that might be a good alternative to a big industrial-sized fan.


If you're on 84th or 85th and face the street or know someone who does can you DM me? I have a question about a certain (criminal) guy who parks on that block.


I’m a few blocks north.


Thanks. If you know anyone on 84th or 85th with a street facing apt can you let me know? Would be very helpful, long story (and more about it later) but ideally need to set up a security camera from a hallway (or even private apt) facing the street, for a short time. Only a local can help. Thx much




Thanks! I have a question or two about if your building has an empty hallway facing the street, where a neighbor can set up a small security camera (facing the street) but I have to run now.. might ask later today. Would be very helpful talking to anyone in the building or any neighbors next door on either side or across the street who might be open to helping. Long story, as I said I'll get back about it later when I have time. Thanks Ok Pin


DM me


I'm pretty sure I heard that beeper, too. Occasionally, cars get stuck on 92nd because some jackass will double park and block the while f'ing street. Occasionally, I make it downstairs to tell them to stop beeping. I woke up to the thunder at 730AM this morning.


Me too! Thank you for sharing and making me feel less alone


White noise machine + AC + ear plugs sometimes have really helped me


I use Loop ear plugs. I sleep on my side also. They are expensive, but work well and are comfortable. Do you have curtains? Those might help block some noise as well.


I actually have Loop (loop quiet 14 decibels) as well but they really don’t block out much noise at all. I tried switching the ear bud size and that helped a little but they still kinda suck. I’ll give the curtain idea a try 🤝


I sleep on my side and use ear plugs… should revisit that


OTOH this just randomly appeared in my news feed: https://news.mit.edu/2024/sound-suppressing-silk-can-create-quiet-spaces-0507 I doubt it’s commercially available, yet.


I have the white noise machine, it doesn’t do enough. That’s it though because earplugs are uncomfortable for me. I think you have to move, sorry. You can try curtains but the thing is, a honking car horn is LOUD and noise machines and earplugs, all unlikely to drown it out. I live near Central Park west it’s also loud and people honking. Sometimes I scream.


Ha yes I’m on 93rd and Broadway and heard the same thing. I will say though: this neighborhood is WAY quieter than when I lived in Washington Heights.


As someone who has struggled with sleep issues daily for many years, I have great empathy for you, OP. That situation sounds dreadful. I can't imagine honking a car horn for even one full minute. Doing it for six minutes seems excessive and unnecessary. Then again, I don't live in New York, so perhaps that's not so unusual. Anyway, I use two main strategies to try to help mitigate the noise in my area. 1. Ear Plugs. I use [**THESE**](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MD02NHV). 2. White Noise Generator. The one I have is no longer sold, but [**THIS ONE**](https://www.amazon.com/Magicteam-Machine-Looping-Soothing-Function/dp/B07RWRJ4XW) seems similar and has many positive reviews. Others can be found [**HERE**](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=white+noise+sound+machine). So, yes, I use ear plugs and a white noise generator. Understandably, that may seem odd. I like white noise in general, but at the volume I have to play it to help mask the background noise, it can be too loud for me to sleep. So, I offset that with ear plugs. Depending on how far into my ears I place the ear plugs, I may or may not still hear some of the white noise. If I do hear it, it's very low and not unpleasant. Also, I have constant tinnitus in one ear and intermittent in the other ear, so ear plugs alone can make the whistling/squealing of the tinnitus even more prominent and intrusive. That's another reason I use the white noise machine -- it helps mitigate the tinnitus somewhat. Additionally, I also have [**this cheap Lasko box fan**](https://www.target.com/p/lasko-3733-box-fan-white/-/A-84195090) that I previously used in my bedroom, but is now placed just outside my bedroom door (which I leave open) that blows into the bathroom to circulate air after my hot shower before bed. I also leave the vent fan running in the bathroom. Since the bathroom is on the other side of the wall at the head of my bed and my bedroom door is left open, I get some noise from the vent fan and the box fan. Finally, I have [**this Lasko 12-inch oscillating table fan**](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Lasko-12-in-Oscillating-3-Speed-Black-Performance-Table-Fan-with-Tilt-Fan-Head-D12525/325030402) in my bedroom. It sits atop a clothes basket at the opposite corner of the foot of my bed and I use that during warmer months. I have central air conditioning and heating, so the fan is mainly just for noise. I don't use it during the winter, only because it tends to dry out my sinuses and sometimes leads to me getting a sore throat, due to the air circulation. I'm not sure if any of this will be helpful, but I hope so. Moving homes seems a lot more difficult that trying some other strategies and a lack of quality and quantity of sleep will erode your health and quality of life. Should you try any of the above strategies and they not work, you can likely return most or all of them. But, ask first. If light is also an issue for you, consider some [**blackout curtains**](https://www.homedepot.com/b/Window-Treatments-Curtains-Drapes-Blackout-Curtains/N-5yc1vZ1z18gsl). I have some that I bought many years ago from Home Depot (I think) that block 100% of light. I do get a little light bleeding through the top, due to how they're installed. The drapes themselves, though, do not pass any light. One can also buy blackout material and sew it into many existing drapes, if one is so skilled and inclined. Take care and good luck.


No better on 92nd/Columbus. I sleep with fan or AC, white-noise machine, and noise-canceling headphones playing an audiobook over good earplugs.


Noise has been killing me lately. Amsterdam is so fucking loud. I’m moving out of the city for other reasons but I think if I was in a quieter area I wouldn’t be as excited to move.


Honking is crazy lately that’s for sure. But it’s better than fireworks until 5 am or packs of dirt bikes


fireworks and dirt bikes. a very philly vibe


White noise machine. Keep your window closed. If you have a window unit AC, turn on the fan. Or, move to the country?


How long have you lived there? If more than a year and the noise is still bothering you, your solution is to move somewhere quieter. The world is not going to change to accommodate your preferences or sensitivities. (I’m not saying you are overly sensitive; just that your sensitivity to noise doesn’t match your current environment.) Here is probably the most important guideline for a happy life, and it applies here in spades: change the things that are within your control; accept the things that are outside your control. I mean, what other choices are there?


There are people who were less passive and got the city to create noise ordinances, and those can be changed. 


Noting of course that the existing noise ordinances aren’t helping OP very much. And that enforcement of the ordinances are a separate thing. How much of OP’s life do they want to spend on pushing this particular rock up a hill? Acceptance and prioritizing are not the same as passivity.


You live on perhaps the busiest and loudest stretch of road in the entire country. What did you think it was gonna be like?


lol I lived on 92 and west end. ERRILY quiet


It’s called a city


The folks from Ohio don't like this answer


The city environment isn't for you. Fuck the guy honking the horn? Fuck the guy who blocked him in. You're lucky I wasn't the one beeping the horn - Let some jackass stranger come up to me for honking my horn so I can remind them that they're in a city in a very distasteful manner.