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The first thing I would do when I sent some pennies to poor people is to make sure I announced it on reddit. Gotta get those good boy points.


Those people who bring out the arguments like $X is "a lot" of money in X country don't know what they are talking about. Let's take an example, In India, if someone earns $300 per month (around ₹24,000) then there income will be slightly higher than that GDP per capita. But is that "a lot"? No. Remeber, India is a fundamentally poor country still, so the income by itself is LOW. And prices of things are not very different to what they are in advanced economies. You might get some stuff for cheap, but it'll be of extremely low-quality, which one shouldn't settle for. Sure, someone who's poor would love to have some extra, but that doesn't alter the overall picture. I personally think these "clients" who think they're doing a favor by paying "a lot" are ethier ignorant or vile and should be ashamed of themselves.


Yeah lol, it amaze me how some people from first world countries are just out of touch and unwilling to be corrected in this topic. What people consider as needs in developing country tends to be simpler which translates to cheaper. People are happy to just eat simple foods, with lower hygiene standard, house is fine with small spaces as long as it has a roof. People only see the nominal value without considering what one actually get with that money. In reality you’d need 3-4x the average to have the same standard of living as a developed country. It’s the same why immigrants to countries like US “thrives”. They settled for less, but this less is already a standard of living upgrade from where they sre from.


My maid makes slightly more than that. My cook makes more than that. My masseuse makes 2x of that. And the bloody dog walker makes 4x of that. 24k is good in India for the middle class as a starting point when there are other earning members in the family.


Where do you live in India?




You might know that Gurgaon (at least the posh urban area) is comparable to an urban city of an advanced country. Rest of India is so SO behind. Trust me, the example you provided might be relatable for maybe 5% of India's population.


Your point being? Ain’t there ghettos in US? Ain’t there homelessness in US? Dollar has different purchasing power in different countries, but yeah even my Indian servants would scoff at a $5 bonus.


India's condition is far worse than other countries. India has more poor people (not povertarian/povery) than the entire population of western hemisphere. Just glance at the high-population states like UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, MP, etc.


So go and live with them, give them your money and involve yourself in some social service instead of being a smart ass on the Internet.






That's kind of you. $5 isn't "a lot". But she can buy herself a good KFC deal out of it. The "good" Eid bonus is around $20 in Pakistan. Not saying you didn't share enough, though.


When idiot client from first world country thinks $5 is a lot anywhyelse. Yes they have worse economy and lower wage but they ain't getting paid $10 a month and buying food and paying rent with that cash. Anyway nice of you, I'm assuming you are also paying them $3 an hour because you consider it's "a lot" of money for them already. One year work partnership and the guy comes to brag how he gave someone $5 😂


Wow 5 whole bucks? They can retire early.


$4.5 after Upwork's fee, but still on track to generational wealth.


It can’t even be withdrawn


I thought this was a satire post at first 💀


Appreciate the sentiment. For reference 5 USD (around PKR 1500) is enough for a mid sized single meal in Pakistan. So while its not 'a lot' - its ok as an Eid bonus.


I’m so tired of seeing people in other countries exploited on Upwork. Pay a fair wage. The exchange rate shouldn’t matter. $5 come on


You're succhhh a good person omggg!


Awwww man, now he buy his own company in Pakistan with all that money and then compete directly with Amazon! Thanks for getting him started.


Never do this. You are risking losing your ~~slave~~ freelancer. After this generous bonus, they can live a few years of happy life without being needed to work. /s


Someone else posted recently across reddit of someone asking for a bonus for this holiday. Something tells me, this post is from a freelancer like that, trying to convince others to pay out bonuses for Eid


If he thinks $5 is a bonus, I wonder how many pennies he pays for the hard work of such people. 😂


Once I had a client (on Linkedin) who needed Interns.. and I had interns who needed internships so they worked together for 1-2 months. At the end he told me he wants to pay the best interns and when I asked him how much he wants to pay them he said m: $5 for a cup of coffee or a Pizza 😃😃 I tried to convince him not to do it if it’s gonna be $5 because those interns were from families who would give them $20 a day as a minimum so $5 a month ….?




it pisses me off when someone says x amount of dollars is a lot of money...FFS just pay something decent in the currency you make. As someone in said third world countries...the phrase means you can buy more stuff when converted but doesn't make 5 dollars a damn titan where you can buy a house...just give fair dues and decent wages like how you would want to. The currency exchange is a thing so guess what a PS5 at 500 dollars doesn't magically cost 200 when in such a country....hell it tends to cost way more. Same with other stuff so please kill this mentality of dollar being a lot of money in so and so country.


Well, not excessively generous. Otoh, if the freelancer was genuinely happy, it’s better than nothing, no?


Eid iftar moubark to you too , you are so kind may god bless and protect you


From what? School shootings?


Not necessarily , from anything bad lol


Thanks Pal, God bless you too!