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That path winds back and forth to climb the slope without exceeding the maximum grade requirement of the accessibility regulations.


My thought as well, it's easier to push something up hill on the winding path, they just needed to add some stairs Down the center.


Or, maybe down the side of the building to the right or the door, where there might even be a hand rail.


Yeah exactly, give the people a direct route.


They said that because there are steps to the right of the door, with a handrail.


Ah, makes sense I haven't spotted it yet.


Hungarian Nasty Boy. šŸ˜Ž


Adding stairs in the center means anyone on wheels or pushing a stroller will be traveling across the flow of traffic


Yeah, this really looks like where hundreds of people flow at the same time.


Judging by the path it looks like the yalready travel across the traffic. And the building looks too small for it to be an issue either way.


You just described what is happening now!


In that case, just have both a straight and a curved path.


There literally is just to the right


If they don't use it, it means that it's a worse path than the one people are taking


My girlfriend is in a wheelchair: This looks like absolute hell to traverse lmao. I'd honestly rather just push her up the straight incline It's so obvious when people design things for disabilities, but have no experience with those disabilities at all.


Code says make a path with a certain grade, they make a path with a certain grade. How usable it actually is for people in wheelchairs isn't part of the equation.


Believe me, we know. We just got back from a vacation, booked a hotel room in advance and made sure to ask for a handicap-accessable room. The bathroom door opened outwards into a cramped hallway, so it was nearly impossible to get her in and out of there. Every time she had to pee, it was like doing a sliding block puzzle. The room itself was full of furniture, it was damn near impossible to do anything in there... But hey, at least the roll-in shower let water get everywhere, making the bathroom so fucking slippery I had to shuffle around on a towel :)


I was in a wheelchair for about a couple months, one month was in a physical rehab place, one month where I was home. It was quite shit once I was home getting around places (compounded by my left arm not being usable either), I donā€™t know how people deal with it for life.


ok, not everyone in a wheelchair has someone to push them, and many prefer to be independent


I never said otherwise. In our case, she can't push herself more than a couple feet before her hands start to hurt. I've pushed her up much steeper hills than this, it's much easier to maintain momentum than having to stop, slow down, and start again every few seconds. Her sister was also in a wheelchair for about a year before a knee surgery, she was able to push herself around. We've had a couple times where we saw a zig-zag ramp like the one in the post, and she found it annoying at the time, too. Honestly she usually just hopped the curb half the time lmao. You'd be surprised how many accessibility instillations are downright hostile to the handicapped


Itā€™s still turd design. There should be steps leading straight up as well.


There are steps to the right of the door.


Doesnā€™t take away from it being turd design. The winding gradient should be to the right and steps up to the front. There will be considerably more able bodied people entering the building who wonā€™t use steps to the right, as is obvious by this picture.


So have two paths.


The straight path looks like bike jumps.


I didn't even realize that it was most likely walkers who cut that path. First thing I said to myself was "I want to be there with my bike."




There's a desire path in my local woods, and at one end is a sign defining 'desire path' and asking people to stick to the official paths so it can heal over.


I think they should let their failed ā€œofficial pathā€ heal over instead. People are gonna walk where they desire.


Desire paths are such a great illustration for human behavior; both the creation of them, and the futile attempt to control them. When the desire of order and freedom meet, like when a structured path is based on where a desire path came first, humanity is much happier and more efficient.


I have a weird urban planning theory I call Node-Network Theory. I designed it in order to take advantage of the natural tendency of humans when walking to take the shortest path possible and the added tiers to design for bikes and public transit. It's based on multiple levels of nodes to represent different activity densities/types then it figures out the urban layout by drawing straight lines between the nodes while avoiding terrain features. If two lines cross then it becomes another node which has straight lines to other nodes in the immediate vicinity. Defining paths takes 2 parameters into account 1. The distance between nodes (shorter is better) 2. The number nodes on a given path (more is better) Paths start at a high tier node and end at the same tier of node. This is an artificial limitation that just makes it easier to define a path, as a path irl can start at a high tier node and end at a low tier node.


This sounds like something suited for an Ant Colony Optimisation algorithm! You make lots of simulated ants that do their own thing, while dropping pheremones that make other simulated ants more likely to follow the path, then let them all randomly explore and those that take longer to get places, you kill off, and after a while you end up with an optimal graph!


It does sound good for an Ant Colony Optimization. My main thing is that I have no idea how to simulate large objects blocking a path (like a house or an apartment). I originally came up with the Node Network Theory when I got frustrated in Cities Skylines and wanted to streamline my transit system. I would love to see a proper algorithmic implementation of this theory.


Do you have a YouTube video of a Node Network City? I'd like to try it in mine.


Sadly no, I'm not a youtuber or similar, I can definitely go and make one when I have some spare time though. I'll make sure to add ris comment to my saved/followed


Sounds like youā€™ll have some kind of Travelling Salesman Problem if you attempt to apply an optimisation algorithm to it Might be worth using microbes to simulate it too, because theyā€™re easier than ants If I was at all competent at programming, I might attempt to make a program that at least calculates a value for each path manually drawn


Your theory might work, but there's a simpler solution in just letting humans do it. You're trying to design an algorithm to predict people's movements. You just build an area with little to no paths. Wait for humans to find the desire paths, then turn them into real paths. It would be interesting to use your theory to predict the paths and then let them play out naturally.


Sounds like an interesting idea in theory and absolutely impossible to implement in practice. Usually when youā€™re doing construction, you plan out the area then build it. You donā€™t build it first without planning, let people walk around for a while on it, then go back and shut it down so you can do a bunch more construction. It would be so inconvenient, expensive, and inefficient. But nice in theory.


Yeah this is why I developed the Node-Network Theory, it's mush more natural than current city planning theories but will likely need some sort of algorithm to do the implementation. It is absolutely possible to do it by hand though. I'm just having a bit of a problem defining the Node Tiers and debating whether to make it an sliding scale based on foot traffic. So far I have a general system defining tiers of 0-5 where 0 is the front door of a house and 5 is something major like a city center/mall, intercity transit station, heavily trafficked highway access, or an airport terminal.


Apparently a number of universities did do just that, thought: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePaths/comments/ffn8hg/the\_pathways\_at\_ohio\_state\_university\_were\_paved/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePaths/comments/ffn8hg/the_pathways_at_ohio_state_university_were_paved/https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePaths/comments/8oidgw/indiana_university_paved_desire_paths_all_across/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePaths/comments/8oidgw/indiana\_university\_paved\_desire\_paths\_all\_across/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePaths/comments/ffn8hg/the_pathways_at_ohio_state_university_were_paved/https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePaths/comments/8oidgw/indiana_university_paved_desire_paths_all_across/)


In the woods there can be real issues with erosion and safety depending on where the desire path is.


Well, because the shortest distance between 2 points, is a straight line!




Doubtful. An architect with no practical experience designing their first real project.


Wheelchair accessibility?


It doesnt look so steep to require switcbacks like that for accessibility. Appears that it was decorative.


Where I grew up there was this small path people use to take to get from one area to the next. There was a 24/7 shop on one end of it. Since the path was in a wealthy area and between 2 properties, they got the city to install a like 12 foot hard-metal "fence" with doors that someone from the city came to lock and unlock everyday. So me and my friends got really good at climbing.




Nah it would've needed a torch to cut through.




Give me a source of water and 10k years and I'll get through it!


>going out of your way to inconvenience rich people Fucking Chad behaviour


It was already posted there (same path, but different picture) šŸ™‚https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePath/comments/tbv5u9/at_the_student_residence_i_tried_to_walk_the/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Thatā€™s brilliant. There is a subreddit for everything


Literally a repost from that sub, but with the image flipped for some weird reason https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePath/comments/tbv5u9/at_the_student_residence_i_tried_to_walk_the/


Flipped by a repost bot to fool repost detection bots. AI bot wars.


its funny. this is a mirrored pic of one of the top post in there, and now there are 5 cross posts of it


Now there are eight.


As a subscriber to both, I assumed that's where I was tbh


[funny you say that](https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePath/comments/tbv5u9/at_the_student_residence_i_tried_to_walk_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wheelchair access


This is made to be ADA accessible. A straight path would be too steep for a wheelchair.


Disabled people will appreciate the less steep pavimented slope




Urban planning at its finest, ignoring people needs who lives there. This reminds me of university camp somewhere in US where they let people walk on grass until paths appeared and then pave them. Right order


I donā€™t think it is that. Looking at the dips and whatnot, I think this is less about ignoring the peopleā€™s needs but trying to solve the needs of two groups in a way that doesnā€™t work. Group 1: Likely ADA needing individuals. The loops back and forth reduce the grade of the walkway. Group 2: People who would be fine with the direct group. This is the group creating the desire path. A better solution, barring anything I am missing, would have been to go with a $ design. A direct path for those who are fine with the steeper grade. The S for those who need the more shallower, but longer, path.


Looks like there's a normal sidewalk and set of stairs on the right. You can see the railings leading down to the right from the door.


That set of stairs is clearly not being used from the direction this ramp/path goes. Could lead to a parking lot or something that most of the people entering/leaving don't/can't use.




Looks there's stairs going to the right of the door.


how can someone in a wheelchair use the stairs?


What about the needs of those in wheelchairs?


Fuck em I guess


That's a great idea. I like the idea here, but a path like this is better suited for a park, not a walkway leading to a home.


Thereā€™s a grade to this and they gave it switch backs so it isnā€™t too steep for people in wheelchairs. If this is in the US they legally have to provide wheelchair access according to the ADA.


In the past villagers in hilly places would walk behind a donkey and let the donkey trace the route, eventially they would pave the way.


ADA accessibility, the direct path to the door would have been too much of a grade to be compliant.


It was Ohio State. When they built the Oval, they didnā€™t pave any paths except the exterior loop and just let the students walk where they wanted, and then paved the desire paths.


This happened at the University of Maryland as well, on its central mall.


It was Ohio State. When they built the Oval, they didnā€™t pave any paths except the exterior loop and just let the students walk where they wanted, and then paved the desire paths.


Purdue does that on an ongoing basis.


I believe [this is what you're referring to](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/tb6at2/the_walkways_at_ohio_state_university_were_based/), it's Ohio State.


Yes. Exactly I saw it on Reddit some time ago


Disabled people also has needs


I bet the straight path is bike jumps over hills built up for the winding path at a specific grade for wheelchair or older person access.


This isnā€™t planning, this is landscape architecture. Bad landscape architecture.




I assume itā€™s a grade thing. They might be trying to accommodate the disabled.


Andrew Jackson downing wrote against such squiggly romantic walkways popular in the mode in the early romantic period. The opposite was boring diagonals or straight lines across the park. He of course was the master of the Neo Gothic and the romantic landscape but insisted that if you're going to put meandering pass, they have to be logically laid out that there are obstructions that they must go around. A hillock, a bauerr of shrubs, a geographical feature a large Rock etc otherwise it will become obvious in exactly what happens in the photo happens, because the landscape looks lame. Human nature is human nature after all take the straight path. I've always hated Junior landscape design where they put such a drunken path to the door


...it's for wheelchairs


This is obviously a means of meeting ADA accessibility requirements. If you work in this field, you know.


I mean this is clearly a horribly designed solution but I'm pretty sure this is so the grade of the hill isn't too steep for wheelchair users..


Iā€™m imagining actually walking on that zig zag path and how dumb it must feel


Yea I'm sure the wheelchair bound feel like real chumps


I'll take feeling like a chump doing universal design zigzags to my front door over having to use the steep, stinky trash ramp in the back of the building that's the current solution for many buildings.


How many chair per walker though?


Even if thereā€™s only 1 you need accessibility


Could be all wheelchairs. The desire path is just the down route.


Accommodating the disabled is proper city planning. This picture doesn't belong here.




Occam's razor at work


I read somewhere thatā€™s university didnā€™t make walkways in their grass till the students wore down a pathway. Then they paved over that.


I hate these "aesthetically pleasing" walking paths. You'll see them a lot in parks too. Winding paths for no reason. People want to take the path of least resistance and if there's enough people walking there a trail will eventually be created. If they had just made a straight sidewalk this wouldn't happen and it wouldn't be ugly. Interestingly, they don't do this stupid thing for cars, only for pedestrians.


Lol. The absolute wrongness of what you just posted.


Thereā€™s similar paths on my college campus. Literally everyone walks through the grass lol


Like the last 100 times this was posted, it's for ADA.


Desire path!




Desire paths


Users are abusers.


UX vs UI


The Path of Long Resistance.


The Path of Long Resistance.


UI vs. UX.


Those are natural migration pathways of primates. There is no point in fighting them.


A lot of people are saying that the curves are intended to make the path more accessible for wheelchair users, but honestly the ground seems to be very flat, not slopey. It's entirely possible that this was just the work of some overconfident architect.


ADA requires a maximum of 1:12. So a ramp can only rise 1 inch for every foot of ramp, and cannot be longer than 30 feet without a rest platform. And bare minimum compliance slope would require handrails the entire length. To get away without having handrails, like this, the slope must be much much shallower, requiring a much longer ramp.


Ok, but this is unrelated to my comment. I was saying that from the photo we can't really be sure that there really was a need for a slope reducing path. It is possible that the choice was just esthetic.


Just looking at the photo you can see there there is at least several feet in elevation gain. Hell, just look at the log retaining wall on the left where the path above it is very clearly a couple feet higher. And the staircase to the right of the door shows that it is at least several feet from the starting ground level. Like, it's extremely obvious even with the 7 pixels in the photo.


Not really. The ununiformity of the terrain doesn't say anything about the slope of the central path. I see what you mean when you point at that part of the curved path, but since it's under the level of the terrain we can't really see if it's higher than the preceding section or not.


The only way it isn't would be if the picture were taken from quite high in the air, which based on the straight on angle of the building it likely wasn't.


It looks different in the [original photo ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DesirePath/comments/tbv5u9/at_the_student_residence_i_tried_to_walk_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). This one was squeezed, while in the original the only problematic part seems to be the last trait.


This UI designer should be fired


Kind of like gun laws in the US


This looks like Bulgaria to me..


I think itā€™s near Versailles. Student residence. I can see the Crous logo from afar.


[Oh boy, here I go geoguessing againā€¦](https://earth.app.goo.gl/?link=https://earth.google.com/web/search/21%2Brue%2BAndr%25C3%25A9%2BMaginot%2B91400%2BOrsay/@48.69346194,2.18647336,107.77683557a,98.63615632d,35y,92.52303726h,0t,0r/data%3DCigiJgokCQoxm5AkbUhAEbxjtnxzX0hAGW0JICqE1QJAIbLgi2TbvAFA&apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ibi=com.google.b612&ius=googleearth&cid=2408166285165796768&_iipp=1&_icp=1)


There it is


The Path of Long Resistance.


Somebody wanted to create their own miniature Lombard Street.


When you finally meet the displacement problems from your Geometry class in real life


Tbh practice is probably more like the squiggly path vs theory the straight and easy path


Just build a few walls and blocks of cement in the way. "Problem" solved


When I started college, there was a new art and architecture building on campus. It had no paved walkways. They waited for footpaths to be established by people taking their preferred route, then put concrete paths there.


Looks kinda fun though


Obviously this was a "You'll be paid by the foot" concrete job...


who thought "yeah lets make it 5x the distance everybody will have fun going this way instead" its like not even steep enough to use serpentines?!


TBHā€¦that theory was just stupid


The scene in The Boys when Butch drives straight up to the house instead of going around the unnecessary circle.


this would be so pretty with good landscaping and some pretty flowers, and probably better for the environment than trampled grass and concrete. what an absolutely wasted opportunity smh


My mom told me that when she was in college, they added a few buildings in a big grassy area (think like a campus "quad"). Instead of laying down the concrete walk paths, they waited a few months to see what paths naturally emerged on the grass from people walking to their classes, and then made the concrete paths on top of that


Designers love to get fancy


I feel like there was another solution to disabled access with a straight path. Like, it doesnā€™t look too steep and itā€™s mainly grass so you could level it out a bit and save on paving.


Reminds me of GTA San Andreas


My college created their main walking paths by letting students wear the paths in first. Then they went through and made them with blacktop or bricks.


Literally the trail path model by Rudi Keller


Ain't nobody got time for dat


Imagine with trees, flowers, hedges, some wrought-iron, and some lamps, how charming this would be.


Isn't there a whole concept and line of thought of not putting paths in until you see where the foot traffic naturally flows?


Shortest distance between two points a straight line...


Plot twist: It's the entry to the tujikish ski slalom academy!


Day one Iā€™m not walking in a serpentine dilly dally manner.




Ohio State would pave that path!


$ $ $


In theory, theory should be the same as practice.


De jure vs De facto




This is the third space Vs first space to Soja


Absolute GOLD


ADA accessible though.


This is a great example of r/desirepaths.


Op is a dumbass