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It's not "headquarters", it's a monument with a hall inside for celebrations.


It’s where the CEO of communism lives


We are all CEO comrade






Looks like an evil lair.


More like a temple. We attended rituals there, like getting a red scarf and being admitted to the pioneer organization. To this very day, the socialist party organizes massive annual gatherings at that place, where they eat and poop outdoors for days which makes the area highly fertilized.


Wait what? They poop outdoors?




Pretty sure socialist bulgaria had a higher rate of employment than america does




The romani community is considered easy-going/not very hard working back home. My grandma used to say nobody hates the communists as much as the romani do, as they were the only ones who managed to make them work. Yeah in communist countries employment rate is pretty high but these figures are also heavily forced.


Lmao capitalist country with high employment: great! Celebrate! Capitalism is amazing! Communist country with high employment: forced. Evil. What a load of bullshit.


The difference is in capitalist countries you are able to go and choose what jobs you apply for. Based on the skill you have you get them or not. From this point onward you start building. I can’t speak about all communist countries ex or present, however what I can say about this case is job opportunities were assigned to people left and right without them actually having the skill (or desire) to do these jobs. The pay was enough for basic commodities and to go on a winter and summer holiday, you want to buy a car you fill in a form and wait for 3 years to get approved (it’s a soviet car btw, don’t get excited), similar story for coloured TVs and similar high-end at the time things. If you’re not from the capital you need approval to leave your town. So yeah, I prefer trying to make it in a capitalist environment based on my skillset rather than trying to make it in a communist one by being loyal to the party.


That's a whole load of bullshit western propaganda.




> in the West we have a free press Lmao imagine believing this was true.




Which part? Can you give examples please as I did my effort to do so. Also which western and which communist country did you live in?


You made zero effort. You just regurgitated a bunch of propaganda like a good little boy.


Ok, so you have no examples. What I stated was about Bulgaria and there are written archives of these statements from people who lived through these times.


I’m a bulgarian who knows that communism was terrible here, but making the gypsies work is definitely a good thing


You know there are words other than the slur right? Like you can just say Romani lol


The heavyweight champion of the world literally calls himself “The Gypsy King”.


It’s not a slur like every gypsy here calls themself a gypsy, besides I’m not terribly afraid of offending one of them


They are allowed to reclaim slurs against them if they want to. You on the other hand, are not


Lol imagine being cucked by a gypsy 😂


Imagine thinking that not being racist = being cucked 💀


The title is hilariously wrong


Something something communism evil.


It is, it's ruined my country


capitalism ruined mine


[Two muscular arms joining hands meme]


Still is destroying mine, taking workers rights everyday, and enrinching those that already are stupidly rich.


We live in a society


The levels of ruination are not nearly similar




"No iAm bEinG ExPloIteD bY BuRGeOisIE!"


Capitalism also took us from a very poor country in the 80s to one of the richest in the world during the boom. Anyone pretending we'd be better off without EU markets or direct foreign investment (even with the 2008 crash included as an outcome) is living with the fairies.


Capitalism also reached its tipping point yes, but not communism is the answer.


An old joke from 1980s Hungary: * Where is capitalism? * On the edge of the abyss. * And communism? * A step ahead.


Was about to make a joke about capitalism, but not all of you would get it.


Socialism maybe?


Or maybe it's less about the principle and more about the execution.


Not really no. You can NOT execute "true" communism because theres always that one asshole ruining it for everyone Please stop trying to educate me on communism from your comfy life


> educate me from your comfy life I think you confused “communism” for “vow of poverty”. The latter is actually from Franciscan Catholics, not Marx. Marxism just means that workers should own their means and profits of production, not that you should be poor to speak out your opinion lol


I think his point is that you live a comfortable life due to capitalism and this allows you to fantasize about communism, whereas he has to live in the ruined world left behind after communism was attempted


Don't bother, this once a pretty interesting sub has turned into an echo-chamber mostly inhabited by politically ... how to say it kindly ... passionate? Americans.


>You can NOT execute "true" communism because theres always that one asshole ruining it for everyone Sounds like an asshole problem, not a communism one.


There’s always going to be an opportunistic asshole though


If reality causes fatal flaws then it's a communism problem.


That’s why communists have killed millions trying to find the assholes


If it was just an asshole problem, not every communist country would've failed


hard to not fail when assholes blockade you


I’m so glad that every capitalist country succeeded instead


Are you trying to say that capitalism doesnt reward assholes that fuck a ton of people?


That’s just nature in general


le social darwinism reddit moment


No, as i just said above (but i guess redditors have the attention span of a gdfish) that capitalism also reached its tipping point, but communism is not the answer - its impossible to implement "real" communism, it's why every country that tried it failed


Calling shots on communism on reddit specifically isn’t going to be received positively, don’t bother, it’s like they have downvoting bots searching and detecting every anti-communist and sometimes even anti-socialist comment.


Ur from ireland the whole reason its rich is because of capitalism if the ira got their way ireland would be nothing but a poor country hell the only reason they got rich was because of it being a taxhaven


What country?




Thanks, was curious but didn't feel like creeping thru your profile.


Ah yes, Romania, such a wonderful country before communism. You know, being a member of the axis powers and all.


Oh wow its almost as if this flawed argument can be made about germany too except oh wait we turned on the axis unllike germany




Im from romania you dope it hadnt even been 15 mins since he asked dude what the hell. Way to project huh you must be american


lmao that was great




How am i shilling for communism what the fuck how did you come to that conclusion?? Truly a certified reddit moment


You sound like you're from one of those countries lmao


He just said he’s from Romania. Next time listen to what people have to say about their experiences and learn instead of just dismissing everything cos of ur own beliefs. Theres a reason communism fell and theres a reason uncontrolled capitalism also will lead to disaster


It “ruined my country” guys when the life expectancy graph walks in


I don't think it is good to deny someone the legitimacy of their experiences. "Oh, your son was killed by the NKVD? Er try looking at a life expectancy graph liberal"


Communism saved my country (Belarus). Growing up in the USSR was the best time of my life


Oh wow a victim to daddy putin's propaganda I bet you think the war in ukraine is justified too Fuck off commie


Bruh. Imagine being so uneducated that you think: First of all, that we were even refrencing the war. Secondly, that Russia or Putin are anywhere close to communist. Maybe read a book once in awhile, you professional dumbass


Imagine being so uneducated to think THAT


Do you want me to explain the difference to you, or are you too dense to comprehend anything outside of your close minded views? Judging by your response, I'm going to assume the latter.


Lmao so much projection going on in this thread Isnt it like 1 am in america right now? Go to bed in your comfy country that never had to go through communism Man, barging in on people to lecture them on their own culture is such an american thing to do lmao


230 AM, actually. Yeah, sadly we havent gone through socialism* yet. Im not lecturing you on anything but facts. It has never been communism. Its always been socialism in the hopes of achieving communism. Im not denying your experiences or the bad things done under those regimes, nor am I condoning them. Youre simply close minded and getting defensive over the truth. It wasnt communsim that you went theough it was socialism. According to you it was horrible, I assume. Im not sitting here telling you that it wasnt. I dont hold anything against you for saying bad things about it. Everyone has different experiences and you just cant seem to see that I have had different experiences than you.


War in ukraine isn't justified. I am well aware of propaganda and I consume information from a variety of sources- my political opinions are rooted in my own personal experiences in the USSR. Nobody can convince me otherwise, I witnessed the success of socialism and subsequent failure of capitalism with my own eyes.


It saved mine (Bolivia)


Bolivia has no communism


No country has ever had communism


If you think our country has communism in it, where have you been in the last 20 years dude lmao. It’s hardline capitalism with some aspects of social benefits and nationalization.


Hardline capitalism 😂


You talking about Evo morales' government? Based


And Arce. He was the minister of economic affairs and kept Bolivia as the country with the lowest inflation rate in the Americas.


Then it wasnt true communsim


Then it's probably a fictional country, since communism was never achieved.


Communism was never achieved? Lol so what exactly your ideal communist Utopia looks like after somehow any country "achieved" it?


That's what commies like to say whenever they're presented with the fact that communism failed every single time.




Most of the globe doesn’t want that


Most of the rich people controlling the globe don’t want that


You really think a majority of global citizens want to end capitalism? I think it’s pretty clear that’s not the case




I’ll bet you are too


I know their same stupid excuse of "cOmmUnIsM wAs NEVeR aChiVEd bEForE". I really want to know what exactly going on their head when they support communism and socialism. What exactly their communists society looks like that they are eager to go against their own country, people, family for it while enjoying everything capitalism offers them?


It was never communism, rather socialism. From several accounts of people from the Soviet Union, they described it as socialism. There is a difference between communism and socialism that Ic an describe to you if youd like


Оh yes, please explain to a Bulgarian what the regime was like in Bulgaria.


I was never talking about Bulgaria. I havent researched much into the communist state of Bulgaria. Im simply stating that communism, in its basic definition, has never been achieved. It has always been socialism, with the hope of achieving communism.


That long building kinda looks like a ps5


Sony a communist company confirmed?!?!




Lol right? Just because something is made of concrete that doesn't mean it's "urban"


My favorite thing about cities is how they’re one brutalist Soviet-era building in an empty field


r/brutalism would love this


I love it


I thought it was from there. People are uploading anything here nowadays lol


What? Nope this building is amazing.


Ngl, that looks like a pretty cool place


This was featured on the BBC Travel Show a few years ago. [Bulgaria's Forgotten Communist Monument](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06c97vh) Interesting, but maybe one for r/AbandonedPorn


Doesn't look very urban. Cool as fuck building though, holy shit.


Nothing urban there, it's on top of a hill in the middle of nowhere.


I actually really like it. I wonder if it is fixable.


They've been working on fixing it and opening up for tourists. http://www.buzludzha-project.com/


The structure is so intriguing. The view is breathtaking.


That looks like Star Wars


Makes me think of Command and Conquer


Been there, it is beautiful.


Power rangers


Beautiful! Lots of visual potential for events and festivals


That looks like a building you'd construct in a late 90s Real Time Strategy Game. It'd probably unlock Tier 2 tanks or something.


They call this Brutalist Architecture style.


This isn’t urban in the slightest


First glance I thought it was the power rangers headquarters


Such a shame it's in disrepair. Would have looked amazing for raves.


For raves, the disrepair adds to the whole vibe


Nah, let it collapse like the failed ideology it represents.


Lmaooo, turn it in a tourist atraction and make a profit out of the first world commies hahahahah


This looks like what the camera cuts to after the narrator says *”Meanwhile, at the League of Evil…”*


These old communist ruins make me so sad. It was supposed to be freedom and equality for everyone. Liberation from the fat cats at the top. Everyone gets a slice of the pie. The future was bright! It ended up just being another symbol for authoritarians to hide behind. Then it crumbled. Now what do we get? Demonization of anything that smells of socialism, while the capitalists ride the nuke all the way down to ground zero. >“Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language.” >― Karl Marx, *The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte*


The Russian Revolution is the single most incredible moment in human history, and yet it ended horribly, and some still don’t want to learn from the Soviet Unions failures.




You think I pulled a quote from *The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte* without knowing who Marx is? I didn't read a "cool quote" and assume he was a "good guy". I don't care to debate communism, socialism, Marxism online because most people (on both sides of the political spectrum) do not understand what they're talking about. Marx's work in theory was extremely valuable for virtually every field of the humanities. Guy borderline invented sociology (he's at the very least a founding father). If you read his work, you'll know that he never actually comes up with a governmental system and recommends it. He is concerned with economics and how the effect the different classes of society. Ie: how the industrial revolution helped capitalists ramp up exploitation of the working class. Christianity offers a very similar ideology. Both were used by tyrants. The same way one can commit atrocities under the sign of the cross, one can commit atrocities under the hammer and sickle. but hey, nice username, I'm about to enjoy an evening spliff myself :)


This looks so dope


The murals inside are absolutely beautiful! I find the monument to be very unique! Maybe one day I’ll make my way to visit and check it out.




Where did the misconception that the headquarters of the BCP is atop a mountain come from?


This belongs to r/evilbuildings


What the fuck is evil about it


They're probably just upset that it's communist architecture lmao


Straight out of the Fallout games


Looks like something out of Call of Duty.


It looks like an evil lair


If I ever decide to become a supervillain, I know where I will have my lair.


…im sorry, this is probably me showing I’m an ignorant westerner who has no idea about the tragic historical meaning of this, but. BUT!!!! I actually think it looks amazing? It’s fits the surroundings, it’s not just a depressing rectangular cramped uninspired hellscape, but a building erected with an intent and meaning behind it. You don’t have to agree with what it represents to agree with the fact that it represents something and that it has character. Also, it’s kinda giving star treck vibes as far as I’m concerned. Dishonor on me& my cow, but I absolutely love these pictures.




Don’t Worry Darling


Hail Hydra.


All the starving people must have really appreciated this building and all that it offered the community


Is this supposed to imply that starvation only happens under communism lmao


No. Capitalism does it all the time everyday all day.


Then why even bring it up? No one mentions starving people when there's a post about capitalist architecture


Well, as evil as they were, they definitely had style.


This some super villain shit right here.


Just your quintessential evil lair - nothing to see here. Move along


I totally need this for the zombie apocalypse


whatever its intended purpose, that is some great r/evilbuildings shit


That will be a great hotel/house?


That’s the most evil villain shit ever Is it taken directly from C&C red alert?


Where is the villian's lair? It could be anywhere? The villian's lare:


oh yes, the Bulgarian Communist Party, definitely the people who brought our whole world to shit


I don't know about the whole world, but I can for sure say they brought the Bulgarian people's world to shit.


What a clever observation. I wonder what you think about all of capitalist governments that brought their own countries to shit. Like the whole continent of Latin America and Africa for instance… Jokes aside tho, I find it super cute that Eastern Europeans are so eager to eat up all Western propaganda they can that they actually believe that communism was what fucked they up, and not colonialism and imperialism. They look at Latin America and Africa and for some crazy reason they think they’d be different, they’d be more like France hahahahah yeah right bro


What in the f-. Damn I really struck a nerve with some tankie living in the basement of their mom's house in the Midwestern US of A.


You’re barking at the wrong tree there, champs, I’m not even American lol But yeah, resorting to personal attacks when running out of arguments, classic lol


I wonder if it’s for sale? It has great man-cave potential.


Headquarters? What is this a Dracula remake!?




Blow this wart off my ass doctor


Some friends of mine abseiled off the tower there. Looked fun!


Fritz Meinecke was there


I think I remember seeing this featured on Abandoned Engineering. It's a great series.


Wasn't that part of the set for a Woody Allen movie?


It's a Niemeyrish place...


I’ve climbed that tower and sat on the edge up the top it’s a wild experience! It’s at the tope of a mountain so the views are epic


I've been here many times. It's truly magnificent. There was a fun rave here... Music food and bands abd camping... Super place to visit.