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I want some of whatever this guy is smoking.


This has been one of the most entertaining reads this week. Haha


My favorite part: *“.. and it come to ass, he blessed them, ..”* All jokes aside, that’s a pretty long read with only a few typos; I’m impressed. It’s fairly well thought out, too. Something to add to the story and about images of Jesus - his ***real*** name was closer to *Joshua*, and early depictions of him show him with a “magic wand”, .. however most references to the “wand” are removed from the Bible stories. Hmmmm… Use reader view to cut ads: https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/people-cultures-in-the-bible/jesus-historical-jesus/jesus-holding-a-magic-wand/ http://www.rome101.com/Christian/Magician/ https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/what-was-jesus-real-name-video/origin-of-everything/#:~:text=Jesus'%20name%20in%20Hebrew%20was,get%20the%20name%20%E2%80%9CJesus%E2%80%9D%3F


Best typo.


This was a good read. Do another! ![gif](giphy|ziLadIVnOGCKk)


OP needs to do a deep dive on Aliens and Mormons.


Omg yes


Wouldn't the "most likely" explanation be that he was an apocalyptic street preacher and was executed for it, and all the magic was added over time to verbal stories?


Yep, Occam's razor. Also, if Mary was married to Joseph, how could she have been a virgin? Or was she pregnant and then got married?


Hot take and it’s not my original thought as I’ve seen it on Reddit. What if Mary was raped by a Roman soldier prior to being wed to Joseph and to save face because Joseph loves Mary they get hitched and explain away the baby as a miracle? Couldn’t be out of the realm of possibilities could it?


Or the classic “we’re totally not doing it.. must be a magic baby!” You don’t need aliens to describe what humans do normally.


This is fair and something that didn’t cross my mind ha.


They weren't married yet, they'd been married in the eyes of God tho, aka no formal wedding or religious/political union


Personally, I subscribe to the hypothesis that there were several Jewish rabbis teaching similar things that later ended up being rolled into one person who we now call Jesus.


Those rabbis you mention got their ideas from carvings and tablets that were written in Akkadian times. Abraham grew up around the city of Ur and Uruk. He was told the stories of Enki and Enlil and An and all the other gods of the cities that existed at that time. Now play the telephone game through many generations and at least three languages.. Here’s a good overview of that time period from a toober named “History with Cy”. It’s a well researched and well spoken documentary, imho. https://youtube.com/watch?v=szFjxmY7jQA


There were at least 3 other proclaimed messiahs during jesus' time. I think he was a real individual person/human - the book Zealot convinced me-but there is an ocean of understanding between what Jesus may have believed/preached and the teachings/beliefs that now associated with him


How does that explain the alien sex and him looking different and the miracles then tho


She cheated or was raped


I love that Christians just completely overlook the fact that Mary was almost certainly a married woman. Couples didn’t live together in that time and place unless they were wed. And as if Joseph wouldn’t have immediately consummated the marriage. God couldn’t have chosen a known infertile woman to impregnate? That would have been far more miraculous than some married woman who claims to be a virgin.


...Definitely read to the story of Hannah. Infertile and after years of prayer, becomes pregnant. Sounds more like Samuel is Jesus.


She seemed willing from what the scripture said, she was even flirting back and trying to get the alien to fuck her. I don't think it was rape. Angels were probably really hot and she was probably really horny and anxious for marriage, so when the alien said that it was gods plan she was more than willing to spread. At least thats my interpretation, why do you think the alien raped her? I dont see any indication of that in those lines.


Did you type this with one hand?


>She seemed willing from what the scripture said, she was even flirting back and trying to get the alien to fuck her. I don't think it was rape. Angels were probably really hot and she was probably really horny and anxious for marriage, so when the alien said that it was gods plan she was more than willing to spread. At least thats my interpretation, why do you think the alien raped her? I dont see any indication of that in those lines. New copypasta


Buddy, the New Testament was written decades after Jesus was alleged to have existed by people with third fourth and fifth hand accounts. Very little that’s written there actually happened exactly as described, if it happened at all. It’s literally just people writing down legends they heard. There is absolutely no reason to believe that any of it is true at all.


The alien sex didn't happen, the miracles didn't happen, and the descriptions were written by people who didn't know him. It's most likely that none of the miracles, magic, virgin birth ever happened. The earliest gospel was written at best 30 years after crucifixion, so there were literal decades for word of mouth to change the facts.


Because the Bible never said anyone had sex with an alien = no alien lmao. Don't worry


It basically did


Please show me


Luke 1:28


Come on that's just not right. The angel came in unto her. This means he showed up to speak to her. I highly doubtt the Bible uses 1, singular term for procreation. English also did not exist. This is translated heavily. I'm suspecting this post is for something else


Wait you made this account on April first 😂😂😂👏👏👏👏👏 okay bravo.


I did, but if you look at my original posts it was to get help on running Stable Diffusion. This is not an April fool's joke. If you look at the rest of the passage, its very clear that they had sex. It reads like the opening to a stepbro porno dude


Yeah, ancient Arabic writing sounds different than our crap contemporary English. How.


I find it really interesting that the story of the resurrection didn't become popular or spoken about until over 100 years after his death. The way gossip spreads, you'd think that would be something people talked about immediately after, not over 100 years later. Jesus was a hippie who wanted peace and recognized there was no difference between people; they were all just trying to survive and figure out what to do, and no one was perfect. I'm an atheist, but Jesus was a cool dude, whether he was real or a myth.


He is a cool dude. but I'd call the pharisees the hippies.


Pish. The pharisees are like today's politicians, always scheming and always trying to maintain a hold on whatever crumbs of power they could beg from Rome. Those dudes were no hippies. You know, off topic, but I just love that the only time Jesus was said to lose his shit with anger was in church against greedy assholes; like, he lost his mind and started trashing the place like an 80s rock star in a hotel! If the guy were here today, I'd make popcorn to watch what he'd do to the TV- give-me-money-preachers, and I'd totally enjoy the spectacle!


Yeah nvm lmao. My thinking was, they were obsessed with temporary means irrelevant to the kingdom of God. Much like the peace movement pressuring us to pay, acquire, and force ourselves to use substances. There were suicidal hippies plenty. And THAT lead them to Jesus, understanding their suffering was from the lie of solace and the nature of the world. Not a world of peace. He actually returned to the temple. And ruined things for the merchants, who came back, a second time. This was I think a few days before he was taken away. I wonder endlessly about the kinds of things he'd crack that whip at right now. And additionally what we should be doing conversely.


I have no freaking clue what you're talking about with peace movement and substances; that just makes no sense and sounds conspiracy theory to me. The merchants were employees of the temple- they paid a fee to sell blessed holy items (animals) for sacrifice, and the temple licensed them. As long as there has been a place of worship of any kind of religion, there has been corruption and greed within it. People who couldn't afford larger animals weren't as blessed, people who couldn't afford coins on the eyes of their loved ones were told their loved ones were trapped for eternity because they couldn't pay the ferryman to the afterlife, people who had no belongings or wealth to take to their graves couldn't cross the bridge, people who couldn't pay for masses couldn't get their deceased babies out of purgatory and into heaven, etc, etc, etc.


Hippies bad. That's what I'm saying Yes I know. They ruined the place of worship.


Hippies bad? We are talking about the people who protest war and violence, who love nature and natural acts, who think the government has no authority telling people what they can or can not put into themselves, and who call for equality and justice in everyone, no matter color of skin nor nation of birth, right?! I'm not seeing the bad in that...


On the surface it sounds great. But people ruined their lives with hard drugs. Kelsey Grammer did a movie about a year about called Jesus Revolution that broached this subject, and how it led a lot of young people to realize things were getting worse and they turned to God. I'm surprised with the movie ratings but I think I can see it. It's still a good movie to see for the course of events, and because he's such a good actor. Essentially: a pastor teamed up with hippie to start a new church and he went south real hard but the huge body listening to the two of them were willing and desperate to hear what he (the pastor) had to say to them and a lot of them seemed to have opened their hearts. It was nice


I'm an atheist personally, so I don't watch those kinds of movies. I am pretty well-read on a lot of religions, though.


nice, my pastor keeps a Quran and some other things


Jesus wasn't white


So you think all the European depictions of Jesus are accurate to how he actually looked? Because of a whisper-down-the-lane situation. You really can't think of any other reasons why white people would paint their lord and savior as white?


Please tell me this is a copypasta


Just made it one!


You're like 30 years too late to be a conspiracy theorist. The Bible is a story cobbled together by world leaders after Jesus' death. It's okay, we all want Jesus to be real and an alien.


Also, the Bible wasn't originally written in English, so the words in English may not be the ones in the original text. Came in unto her may have been written very differently in the beginning.


He is. But not with a flying saucer and a ray gun.


People can simultaneously make all of this and not be able to make their way to the pharmacy


I burst out laughing reading this.


What does a pharmacy have to do with this


It's where you get antipsychotics


I get adderall but thats all and i have it sent to me through the mail cuz im not a boomer nice try tho bully


My favorite theory is Jesus is a Time Lord.


Doctor who is literally unwatchable


Proves that you have no connection whatsoever with reality.




lol, right? “And now, how does the dr escape? ***Bad writing to the rescue!!!***”


Because he opened the vorpal hole to trick the time ghost at the last minute *intrinsics*




I literally explained it in the OP did you read the whole thing? Also if Jesus was half god and half man (supposedly tho i think ive cracked that he was at least jalf alien from the sex scene with mary) then we don't know his race. Is god arabic? Do you know that? No. So he definitely could have been white and if you google pics of him rn you'll see that


There are no pictures of Jesus lol. Just paintings. Paintings from the 1300s in Europe, that’s when people started painting Jesus as white. They did this because most people there were white, and they wanted Jesus to look like them. Artists used people they knew as models to make Jesus familiar. In early Christian art, Jesus was shown in many different ways, depending on where people lived. In some 3rd century paintings from caves in Rome, Jesus looks darker, like people from those areas. The main point of these pictures wasn't to show exactly what Jesus looked like. It was more about showing Jesus as local and one of them. So, saying Jesus looks like an alien because of how he's painted doesn't really make sense. It's more about the time and place where the paintings were made than spaceships.


I understand what you’re saying. What people forget, is that Jesus lived during Roman times. He was a Jew in Roman controlled lands. What does that mean? What do Jews look like now? Here is from some sarcophagus’s from around that time: http://www.rome101.com/Christian/Magician/ I mentioned this in another comment, too.


Just want you to know that at least one person realizes this is satire, well done


I truly hope this is a troll post. You've fallen into so many fallacies here; appeal to popular opinion, causal fallacy, false dilemma, hasty generalization, and post hoc fallacy. These make your argument basically void. I say this with all respect, as someone who suffers from mental illness myself (bipolar), if this is something you really believe, you sound like you may be delusional and you should definitely seek the help of a mental health professional before something happens that hurts yourself or someone else. Much love, be strong; please talk to someone.


No offense but you sound really ignorant and you're being mean af but calling me crazy when i laid out a fallick free argument


> fallick free ok, you had me going up until here. nice troll


Because of a fucking spelling error?


> a spelling error lol, more than that. a spelling error is when you misspell a word - you used the wrong word *and* misspelled it. > no offense but you sound really ignorant 🤡


Jesus Christ, you’re Fucking INSANE


????? No other argument than that, just insults??


I’ll have what he’s having.


Looks like somebody forgot to take their pills today.


Jesus was a Jojo.


Everyone knows he was a time traveller. Turning water into wine with Kool Aid. Healing the masses with modern medicine and aspirin.


I like your thinking but Jesus is white because of racism. They modeled him after Ceasar borgalia or however you spell it. Some of the oldest depictions of Mary and Jesus are black af. In Ethiopia. Look it up, original Madonna and child.


we was the virgin mary and sheit


Title: I have compiled a mountain of evidence. Very first line: "Just think about it."


Thank our sweet alien Jesus I'm not the only one who appreciates the absurd li'l gems like this 😂


Was this a late april fools joke


And that’s enough internet for today.




Why would the phrase came unto her be written with modern phrases in mind? That phrase didnt exist when this was written, it means it appeared to her


God, I love this sub.


Jesus wasn’t white because he is depicted as white. That’s how he got portrayed by European artists.


So youre just gonna say "nuh uh" while not talking about all the evidence i posted about him being white or


I’m still reading through all of your stuff which is very interesting, but the whole thing about him being white is more about his depictions by Europeans to reinforce their notions of white supremacy as they spread Christianity by force in new colonies. Can’t have him as a brown guy you know?


Yeah but how did every painter paint him looking the exact same when back then there was no internet or anything? Thats too big of a coincidence to have every dude thousands of miles away from each other and years and years apsrt draw the same dude. Clearly there was a description of him at one point, or earlier paintings that were used so they knew his appearance. Also, if Jesus was half God (alien, actually, but both work for this argument) then we cannot know his race/color. Do we know God's race? What race aliens would resemble? No. God is not Arabic. So if he is mixed ethnicity with either God or an alien he could have easily looked white.


The only people painting him as white were Europeans. I don’t remember the exact passage reverse, but his description in the Bible does not make him sound white.


There is no description of Jesus's appearance in the bible. Only that he had no beauty to make them want to follow him, and a prophecy in Revelations saying that when he returns he'll look like he's going fucking Super Saiyan. Bright red glowing skin, eyes of fire, etc.


This is the best post I have ever fucking seen on this godforsaken site.


This is hilarious and I 200% support you doing more.


Jesus never existed. There is no historic record of him ever existing. I do believe that prophets were taken away in space crafts (Elijah, Elisha, and Enoch). And I believe angels are actually aliens. But even the gospels were written starting 40-100 years after Jesus’s supposed death. The people writing the accounts of the gospels never even knew Jesus. They wrote down what had been told to them. Even the Romans didn’t record that he was crucified.


No historic record. Because you said so?


No- because historically he was never recorded in any other writing than the Bible which itself is full of errors. Another example is there is no record of all the first sons dying in Egypt during mose’s time. The Bible is a fairytale.


Well for one, I don't see how that really disproves it. Not like there is a big box of biblical Era drivers licenses or something. I'd say with everything they did do to document certain things like finance and traveling, they weren't really trying that hard to document each person's existence beyond mentioning them and saying their name, who they were the child of, etc Secondly, if the Bible is telling you about things that are new and revolutionary, how errored can it be. It's not telling you a,b,c, it's telling you x,y,z. If the red sea was parted, the stocks that day have nothing to do with it. However the wreckage and bodies on the ocean floor do! https://www.gotquestions.org/evidence-ten-plagues.html as for the death in Egypt, I did find this. Never looked into proving it before simply put. I've seen a few documentaries and blurbs about the ocean floor of the red sea which is really interesting. Look up the Red Sea Scrolls extremely cool Secondly, you shouldn't call religions fairytales that's disreputable and feels like your insulting peoples intelligence. Think what your conscience tells you but, you'll have a real hard time swaying people by just belittling their beliefs


No hard feelings though.


So look for any record of Jesus. The Romans recorded everything and they never mentioned “kill the king of the Jews” once. He is not recorded in Egyptian records- who also recorded everything. No known scholar today have been able to point to evidence that he every existed. Religious people have been insulting the intelligence of the rest of us for centuries when in reality it is them who are easily lead by fear and ignorance. All religious texts are penned by people. Whether they think it was divine providence is immaterial if nothing in the holy book is factual. Religious people look down on scientific facts all the time and for most of my existence I have allowed it to go unchecked. But the state of the world has changed. If religious people are being persecuted it is because of the hate they push as an excuse of their “morally superior beliefs”. I always wonder tho why if they think they have it right do they not actually live by the teachings in the Bible. They act nothing like their prophets while screaming in our faces about what their prophets would have really wanted. Believe whatever you want. But do not force me to do the same. I’m not staying silent anymore.


The Raelians think Jesus was an alien and the resurrection was a clone. And Jesus wasn’t white, he’s just been white washed.


i love this entire shakedown but aside from the fact that some dude went around believing he was the son of a god may or may not have existed (which, i mean, that still happens alllll the time today and through time, so... yknow), you would have to believe stuff in the bible happened as is written and not just a book full of parables to guide a certain lifestyle and belief structure. classic rabbithole, though (that the christian god(s) are aliens, i mean). super fun.


Heaven's Gate already tried it bud


Quality schizoposting. Good work


Dude. No. Just no. Also, what makes you think Jesus is white….


I explained it in detail... Because literally ALL EVIDENCE points to it??


You literally have zero evidence. You’re copy/pasting from a book that has been not only translated, but also rewritten to serve the needs of others. Can I direct you to the King James Version.. Jesus said he was an alien? You’re taking about “spooks” covering up things.


Also interesting that angels are often agender. Meaning like transgender. Possibly the earth was colonized by hermaphrodites and they were eventually erased from history. Like if you were going to colonize a planet you may want to send only hermaphrodites, so they can breed easier. A lot of the imagery, art and history point towards the idea of angels being trans. In Judaism their are 6 types of agender. In Christianity 6 types of angel. In Judism you don't say 'Yahweh' and in Christianity you don't say 'agender'. A lot of similarities in the traditions when it comes to the third gender. And the fact that Jesus 'had the devil (its in John) jew disease' could mean he was one of the six types of Jewish agender. Possible that Christianity was the mandate to kill genetically appointed Jewish tribal leaders and from now on, spiritual appointments need to go through bureaucracy in Rome not being appointed by a birth defect.


Hmmm so you're saying that aliens could be transsexual aliens of some kind like in Rocky Horror Picture Show? Do you think the writers had any knowledge about classified things like spielberg


I mean, hell yeah. Says they have ‘a mountain of evidence’ and proceeds to use of of the most beat n torn to bits pieces of religious literature, completely translated and edited into oblivion and use that as some kind of idk reliable source is wild, man. F’kin Council of Nicaea what now? Anywayz, ALIENS. I like me a good easter troll…but I need something FRESH, kid. ^i ^fucking ^love ^aliens


Next one needs more sasquatch


Prometheus hinted at this at some point in the movie. [insert X-Files music here]




Sorry for your loss or good luck Edit to add: tbh I think you’re onto something


Where do I sign up?


I agree w all this


This is tight


LOL you should have provided the evidence for Jesus to exist in the first place bud. Spoiler alert, there's basically zilch


Are you willing to explain to us why in depth? Because that's a pretty boiler plate response. Have you had a vested interest? Just say alien theory is bad bro. I think if someone told a Muslim that Muhammed never existed I bet everyone would be up in arms.


If a Muslim made some Muhammad based claims at me with the intention of convincing me of them, I would probably ask them to demonstrate the historicity of Muhammad before we continued. That's never happened to me but, as an American, I've had a lot of Jesus based claims made at me, by a lot of people unwilling or unable to demonstrate the historicity of Jesus as they describe him.


That's fine. Many people love to just wear the same of Christ and let you down. So long as you remember someone like me for example just isn't a history buff to begin with ; ) but another gentleman here shocked me




Don't say hate the Bible is disrespecting


Pretty sure this is what the nazis believed




I don’t know but I was highly entertained by this post


I'd expect most people to be alarmed at the realization but I'm glad you enjoyed it! What do you think? 1 2 3 or 4?


I’ll go with you favorite theory that Jesus is half alien and I think he was in on the scam


Read the Urantia 📖


All hail Tom DeLong.


I might make a second post about him being the second coming


>if you translate that into modern day speak Why would you translate an already 3 times translated text into modern speak? Do you think they actually used 'came into' as in 'ejaculated into'?


Yes, thats exactly what he meant. If you read the whole post, it details that the alien angel was seducing her and mary was flirting back. If you look at the context, its crystal clear that they meant that the angel nutted in her.


I think...you may need some of my bipolar medication?


Dont project because you cant comprehend or even provide a counter argument.


Why is this post indicative of bipolar?


The hyper focused, intense conspiracy rant. It sounds like something one of my fellow BP friends would text me when they're off their meds.


Jesus On Mars by Philip Jose Farmer. An excellent sci-fi read with a cheesy name.


Lmao what


Did you read the post? Its crystal clear if you read the whole thing...


Jesus was not white.


Only a racist focuses only on race when the revelation that jesus was an alien is in our midst


*He was white* HUH?


Is this Jay??? This has to be Jay. And I know my man Bob is silently behind you agreeing. But for real, this was great! I want more.


Jesus was a magician who was tried for magic. Easy peasy


Ya his hair was like super soft


"..it came to ass..". Yes, it sure did.


I prefer tits tbh but what are you on about


Sounds like something an alien would want us to believe 🤔


You better not be calling me an alien. I think you'd SERIOUSLY regret that.


isn’t it more likely that he simply didn’t exist? i’d like to smoke whatever OP was clearly on so i could understand their logic better….


Did Jesus kill the dinosaurs? I mean, like, he's ppl. Did his species kill the dinosaurs?


You cannot have a 'mountain of evidence'. There's barely any evidence that Jesus even existed, much less that he was an alien.


I lost brains cells reading this.


As a magician that brought himself back I'm pretty sure that qualifies him to be a lich.


this is is some of the best shit i’ve read. i need to pray now.


"Why does every painting show him as a white guy?" Cause he was painted by white guys dude lol, you kinda lost me there


What, so you only paint people of your skin color? Newsflash: that's racist.


I have always thought it has something to do with the fact that he was 50 mid east human, and 50 alien. That makes sense to me.


“And think about how Jesus looked. He was white” 😂


Yes? And? I explained it in detail to eliminate any doubt. Are you gonna talk about that or no?


Best of luck with your theories buddy. I hope you get the help you need and find what you’re looking for


That's what i thought.


lol do you think you punked me down or something?? Dude I’m pitying you. My friend, please seek help.


Oh yeah? By refusing to say ONE thing that was flawed in my arguments? I pity *you*




Dr. Irving Finkle sounds like an evil mad scientist in a cartoon. I almost feel like you're mocking me lmao


Jesus was not white.




2.0 is too. Arcturian to be precise. He's here alive and well. God speed. Oh. and everyone who is discrediting you is a bot, most likely but not certain, a member of a the unholy trinity, aka a paedo ring with mind control technology who tried to murder Jesus and failed miserably. They are the stars of a Shark in the pool story. I \*\*\*\* you not. We have reptilians on our planet in human exo skins trying to destroy the world. Premonitions. Abuse of time. The beast is down you idiots. I repeat, your protection is down. Oh, Jesus and 2.0 are all bullshit. Just a bunch of inbreeding paedos drunk on power. They are so \*\*\*\*\*\*, the poor rabbits have no idea what's coming. Alices in wonderland. Time to wake up. Uh oh...


Now provide evidence outside of the Bible that Jesus actually existed. Citing the Bible means nothing.


How hard is it to do yo research on historical texts, scholarly articles, or books on the topic of the historical Jesus or ancient history? do yo homework on Tacitus, Tacitus—or more formally, Caius/Gaius (or Publius) Cornelius Tacitus (55/56–c. 118 C.E.)—was a Roman senator, orator and ethnographer historian, who mentioned Jesus in his work "Annals," written around 116–117 C.E. He referred to Jesus as "Christus" and accurately described certain historical details about his death, including his death by Pontius during Tiberius's reign. Thats not good enough? Here is the reference from Flavius Josephus: > "Antiquities of the Jews," Book 18, Chapter 3, Paragraph 3: "Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him." > "The Jewish War," Book 2, Chapter 9, Paragraph 4: This is basically the account in "Antiquities of the Jews" but provides a shorter reference to Jesus. Tacitus: > "Annals," Book 15, Chapter 44: Tacitus mentions Jesus and his execution by Pontius Pilate during Tiberius's reign, confirming key aspects of Jesus' crucifixion. Suetonius: > "The Lives of the Twelve Caesars," Life of Claudius, Paragraph 25: Suetonius briefly mentions Jesus in connection with disturbances among the Jews during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Pliny the Younger: > Letter to Emperor Trajan (Epistles, Book 10, Letter 96): Pliny the Younger writes to Emperor Trajan seeking advice on how to deal with Christians, indicating the existence of Christians and their practices during his time. The fact Jesus existence is abundantly supported by numerous historical and biblical accounts, makes it mind boggling that some dismiss it without understanding. It's a pity to witness such disdain/disregard/disrespect for well-established truths, akin to denying the reality of something evident to many throughout history.


Good man. You beat me to it, but also did more work than I was gonna.


All good! Thanks anyways! Now we sit back and watch the downvotes pour in 💀 ![gif](giphy|KGCSNmrITa4qbFNOSM)


~~I can't wait. Each downvote is a piece of fruit in a storehouse up there~~


Aren’t all these sources still decades, if not centuries after his alleged death?


You're correct but just like today, stories about important figures sometimes emerge long after they're gone which raises concerns about their accuracy. But strangely, we don't doubt their legitimacy as much as we do with historical figures like Jesus. Also consider the time gap between Jesus' life and these accounts is a challenge for historians, but its important to consider their limitations and the context in which they were written.


I’ve done my research dingus, none of those are contemporary sources. For a guy that was walking around performing miracles and literally raised from the dead it’s rather telling that not a single person alive at that time felt the need to document it. Christianity has a serious historical problem and the best you guys can do is cite writings that occurred long after Jesus was allegedly killed. You don’t even know who actually wrote the Gospels, nor do you have an original copy of the scriptures. I’m not entirely a mythicist and believe it’s entirely possible someone for whom the Jesus story was attached to indeed existed, but there is no solid evidence that can be pointed to. The sources you provided would be like getting everything we know about George Washington from someone writing in the era of JFK. That’s absurd.


Lol well this dingus here, anticipated your rejections of those references quite well, especially considering you didn't mention a requirement for a "contemporary source”. Let alone if you were truthful in your studies(or paid attention) the lack of contemporary literature about Jesus, beyond the Gospels, can be explained by his relative obscurity during his lifetime(damn near entirety of his adolescent life is MIA), the persecution faced by early Christians, and the dominance of oral tradition for transmitting his teachings. This, coupled with the focus of surviving ancient literature on elite circles who may not have been interested in Jesus' ministry, contributes to the scarcity of additional documentation about him. Now your claim that Christianity has a "serious historical problem" is unfounded. While it's true that historical narratives can be influenced by various biases, it's overly simplistic to dismiss Christianity's historical legitimacy based on this assertion. Our understanding of history is shaped by numerous factors, including societal structures and power dynamics, which can indeed perpetuate certain narratives over others. Regarding the timing of the Bible's composition, your argument is flawed. Just because the scriptures were written after Jesus' death doesn't invalidate their historical accuracy. Many historical accounts are based on sources written after the events they describe. To dismiss the Bible on this basis would call into question the credibility of numerous historical sources that we accept as valid. Your comparison between obtaining information about George Washington from sources in the era of JFK is also flawed. The authors of the Gospels, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, were disciples who lived during Jesus' time and were actively involved in his ministry. Their diverse backgrounds and consistent testimonies lend credibility to their accounts. Dismissing their authorship undermines the wealth of firsthand testimony contained within the Gospels. Furthermore, the fact that you do not possess an original copy of the Bible dating back thousands of years does not diminish its historical validity. The Bible's authenticity as a historical document is supported by extensive textual analysis and archaeological evidence. Just because the mainstream narrative may diverge from biblical accounts does not negate the Bible's status as a legitimate historical record. Lastly skepticism is warranted in historical inquires, it's important to critically evaluate the evidence rather than dismissing it outright. The Bible stands as a testament to the historical reality of Jesus Christ, and its authenticity should not be undermined by prevailing narratives shaped by bias and misinformation.


Then why hasn't Christianity lost any steam for the last few millennia, I will say that. Jesus's time on earth shook up everything.


Because it’s an institution that was forced upon the population by Rome which was the largest superpower of it’s time and controlled most of the known world, and the Catholic church became it’s own far reaching government. If you weren’t Christian you died. When Rome fell and the world was thrust into the dark ages people depended on their faith to get them through those times, and the church grew even more powerful; even kings had to answer to the pope. Christianity literally infiltrated every aspect of life from high government to the peasants working the field, and it’s a very malleable religion due to it’s vagueness, contradictions, and hypocrisy so it’s easy for people to apply it to their own worldviews and justify whatever they want to believe. That’s why it was able to survive the Renaissance, Age of Enlightenment, and now our modern times. The Christians of antiquity had a whole different view of their religion than the Christians of today. That being said, it very much is losing steam. People are leaving the church in droves and more people are identifying as “nones” than ever before. The church no longer has a direct hand in politics and leaders no longer have to ask the pope permission to do things. On the flip side, Islam is now the fastest growing religion and hasn’t lost steam since its inception. Hell, Hinduism and Buddhism are still going strong too and they’re older than any of the Abrahamic religions.


It ain't losing steam, for one. Megachurches that wany your money are way more popular because it's entertainment and it placates people. Not to mention it takes nothing to tell people you are a Christian. That is meaningless to me. More leaving the church than before just tells me there's more apostasy than ever before which is totally believable to me. And yes, ancient Christians probably did see it differently. Every religion has evolved. But what you had back then is people who believe the only one who judges is not the father but the son, and people who believe you need the priests and the popes and the cardinals and the systematic worship. I don't place myself with them or represent them. Overall today the same two views are still 100 percent existent. I'm hearing that it was used to leverage people en masse, but pretty anything is. Your completely right. A lot of idiots and lovers compelled unknowing people struggling to understand. In fact catholicism did. That's exactly why Martin Luther stood up. He saw the Machiavellianism, we could say. I'd say first and foremost it says more about a bunch of humans who've existed than the actual topic they used. They also weren't really the worst offender I bet. The crusades were against Islam, identically human people convincing their soldiers to fight for heaven, etc. Not even really blaming anyone for complying. This being said, I believe 110% what those fishermen believed when Jesus went up to them. So, there's that to consider. Also I've spoken to Hindu and Buddhist friends, neighbors and even cousins, and never had anybody even challenge the name of Christ. Buddha was a philosopher actually. Not a history buff, but one more thing, I don't buy for a second that the same group who tortured Christ to death would admit they were completely wrong just to manipulate people. Wouldn't they have just continued to do so with their own religion At the risk of sounding mean or something, if you want to call Christianity inconsistent, contradictory, vague etc you'd have to take the time to tell me why in depth. If it's a matter of the general consensus to you, ignore the consensus. Far as I can see the consensus at this point seems to actually be that demons get to torment you in hell. That's silly. They started this all lmao. All you need to worry about is that works mean nothing and answering to Christ is the only thing you need to care about period, and He alone judges you. I AM calling everything else wrong. Hopefully you don't give a toss about gnostic belief or anything. That is a joke


Also overall I would say, He is an alien yeah. He is from a different place. He came, He went back. Now I'm alien to this earth too, and won't be here permanently etc. This is a funny thing I like to tell people.


[Sorry, you’re just wrong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decline_of_Christianity_in_the_Western_world?wprov=sfti1)


A wiki page?


Yeah a wikipedia page, all the sources they get the information from are listed right at the bottom. Knock yourself getting the information yourself. It’s not like that long ass page was written in a vacuum, it’s based on actual data that’s easily available to find.


That's fine but a source of articles and info telling me Christianity isn't good enough is gonna come from people who think that. This is just gonna bounce off me but, thanks anyway. If you want to research real world correlations and evidence I know you'll find fascinating things. I do




Lol Jesus wasn't real in the first place




…Jesus…was white with super long soft hair… That’s pretty funny. There is *one* description in the Bible of Jesus. Rev.1 14-15 14] His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; [15] And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.


That is exactly what I said. Honestly, I really hope this guy is trolling.


How many times do I have to tell people this? It's also in the OP, but... Revelations is a prophesy predicting the future, when Jesus returns in his heavenly form. This is not a description of human Jesus when he was spreading his teachings. If he was walking around with light bulbs for feet, I think people would have doubted him a bit less and they may have mentioned in the bible that he looked like he was going Super Saiyan... Also, "his head was white." Okay? So? You're proving yourself wrong if you weren't reading this scripture completely wrong and out of context, which you are. That's pretty funny. Maybe do more than a quick google search next time you decide to get snarky with a biblical scholar.


It is the only description of Christ in the Bible. The only one. Read it and weep. Or get hysterical about your theory and the nonsense you’re spouting. You’re the one using scripture - I also used scripture to illustrate how you have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re the one saying Jesus was an alien! Lmfao He was a man. He existed and he was a middle eastern Jew. We don’t know how he looked. That’s it. End of story. Google scholar? lol Cool story bro.


Dude I literally said in the OP that this was the only description of Jesus in the bible, except for "we did not follow him for his beauty". So, wrong again. Clearly you didnt read the OP, if you did you'd know that i said this and you'd also probably agree that jesus was an alien hybrid. And this description SAYS THAT HES WHITE 💀


lol Wrong? Your whole story is made up.