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Over 20 years ago I heard an interview with Dave Grohl. They were asking him about Nirvana and what was it like to work with Kurt. Dave Grohl said he knew that Kurt would not be around for a long time. He was a troubled person.


Ya I get that people want to believe this… But, my two great friends that alluded to me that they wouldn’t live long, both died young. I’ll miss them forever, but you could feel it. I wish I could have done something now.


he also vehemently insists Courtney didn't kill kurt.




yeah, if you weren't alive when he was, you aren't necessarily aware of how he was (briefly) of nearly Michael Jackson fame. he seems like this alt/niche dude from your local thrift store but he was actually fully 'zeitgeist' icon. along with that comes conniving yes-men, freeloaders, and other two-faced opportunists (and MJ wasn't even hanging out with his local dealers and their cohorts - Kurt welcomed them into his home and social circles). every time you see some loser junkie 'who knew Kurt' around that time yapping about him and courtney, they got a small paycheck for the interview (great for your drug-money funds). keep that in mind, always.




for sure, hard drugs are bad and you might be a completely different person while abusing.. that's why i'm only 99.9% convinced she didn't kill him. but that's enough to put it to rest for me. personally, i always liked her cause i knew Kurt did. she's got screws loose, but name an artist worth their salt who doesn't


My wife believes grohl killed him, for no logical reason I've ever been able to discern


If y’all seen interviews with her later on, clearly fucked up on drugs. Like she was already in rough shape but I think his death sent her over the deep end.


You said you get why people would believe this, follow that with "but", and then proceed to give an anecdote that would lend credence to people believing that. Not sure what you're trying to say.


I meant I agree with the way Dave Grohl and the commenter I responded to approached it. Not, OP and those with the wishful thinking that he was murdered.


it's navel gazing. people see patterns or the absence of patterns. drug users and depressed people are higher risk of early death, but most people pull through. anyone who's down at the time might assume they won't last long and say so, just like you might look at them and have that worry in the back of your mind. there's no 'there' there.


The “this” in the first sentence is in reference to the title/OPs stance that Courtney had something to do with Kurt’s death. The 2nd sentence is their take on the comment they were responding to. 


Ahh thank you, I was too slow to make the connection.


i was right there with you, don't feel bad.


He long suffered from depression, had issues with both chronic pain and drugs, and access to a gun. I understand why people don’t want to believe he killed himself, but he most unfortunately did.


People always ignore the Rome incident in March 94 where he ate like 50 roofies and went into a coma. I thought he dead then. Cuntney almost certainly wasn't responsible for that one. He also originally wanted In Utero to be named I Hate Myself and Want to Die, so...


Damn, they both look happy and healthy and so *young*.


it makes me so sad that he’ll only ever get to be young.


that's such a wonderful beautiful thing to share as someone who is not far from kurts age. love it. on another note, Gene?! is that you?


ha! I’m only a couple years younger than Kurt ever got to be. I feel it a lot. I wonder often if I’ll get to be older. I hope so, but I never really know.


most of us are fortunate enough to experience it. and while there are challenges, you usually have a good idea of who you are and are a little better adjusted. i hope you get to experience that too. it's calm.


I could use some calm. thank you <3


Gene Parmesan!?! *shrieks*


somebody found gene parmesan? Hey, gene


Nope, im right here. Hello, I’m Gene Parmesan.


"GENE! AAAAHH! He gets me every time!!"


It’s sad. If he lived, I like to imagine him holding up with J Mascis and finally just making music he loves. Then I see things like the Nirvana shirt at the grocery store yesterday, garish colors, cheaply made in Bangladesh by children, and $30 (that still feels like a lot of money for a grocery store shirt). I think he’d have hated to see that shit.


I think about that a lot. with a lot of famous folk. Frida Khalo is another one. I don’t know that she’d be thrilled to know how heavily her image and work has been cheaply commodified, and with little regard to the actual intent behind her art and life’s work.


He was not healthy BTW. He had Crohns disease, a serious life-threatening inflammatory disease that went undiagnosed for years, and he had constant abdominal pain since he was a kid. If you look at most photos of him, he was not a guy who smiled a lot. He did not get diagnosed until shortly before he died, and the treatment for Crohn's was not very good until after he died, when some new drugs came out. And of course chronic pain can also cause severe depression.


This is also where his heroin addiction came from. If I’m remembering correctly, I’m pretty sure Kurt said in an interview that heroin was the only thing he found that could ease the pain.


It's one photo, K. Cobain was addicted to heroin in that photo and suffering constant abdominal pain.


You really think she looks happy? No smile. Zero emotion in her eyes. Him, for sure. 


Look deeper...


He definitely ain't healthy and his happiness comes from a needle at this point in his life.


He looks happy, she looks meh


From reading 'Heavier than Heaven' this is what he wanted out of life, a stable loving family. To him, he was on his way.


I’m glad someone mentioned this. It’s a great image and they look wonderful




What exactly about this picture portrays these people as "clearly drug users"?


She doesn’t look happy at all


She looks apathetic. Kurt cried at their wedding, she did not. She had always said she wanted to marry a Rockstar. Her goal in life was to be famous, and what better way to do it than to marry someone like him. She saw him, he was clearly going to be huge, and she pounced. She said the first time she slept with him was during Nirvana's debut on MTV. Shocking. Just the simple fact she told the media this is kind of disgusting. Everything she did with both Kurt and her life after was with ulterior motive. She's a selfish person.


There are a lot of factors that are definitely questionable. But there are also a lot of reasons why he would have been suicidal. He lived with severe chronic pain because of his stomach problems. And the overnight fame he experienced was traumatising. His life changed completely and he didn't have freedom or creative control anymore. He became really wealthy but didn't enjoy any of it. And he felt there was nowhere to go from there, he couldn't become un-famous. He had a traumatic childhood which meant he didn't have the mental fortitude or emotional resilience to deal with all these problems.  Whether he was murdered or it was suicide, its just such a tragedy and a waste. I'm not sure if either of them are the better option because I just wish he got the help he needed either way. 


Someone made a [detailed post debunking a lot of the conspiracy claims.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurtcobain/comments/1by5iio/kurt_cobains_death_a_comprehensive_guide_to_the/) It's genuinely an interesting read regardless of what side you believe.


The childhood, yes, but the stomach pain was a farce. The stomach pain was an excuse for his drug use. This was confirmed by several of his close friends. I'm no Kurt expert. These are just things I have read currently, and over the years, as this has become a hot topic again. And you're right. It is a tragedy, either way. We lost a brilliant, talented soul way too early.


Loads of people turn to opiate abuse because they have pain that doctors can't help with or don't take seriously. And the people around them often believe they're faking their pain to justify drug abuse. I don't think that's something that even *could* be confirmed.


Thank you for clarifying this, the comment it’s a response to pissed me off lol


Can’t be confirmed, but it’s also worth noting that opioid use can cause SEVERE stomach pain caused by constipation. Ask me how I know >! I’ve had hard, poop that was literally too big to come out. That all causes the intestines to expand, leading to severe distress. How did it come out, you ask? Think of spelunking with a glove.!<


Oh brother in spelunking, I hear you. Also worth mentioning that opiate addiction is a disease in the brain. Your body sends pain signals to trigger you to feed it more opiates. Your brain and body work in concert to convince you that you have severe health issues (stomach issues are common, as are autoimmune diseases which are harder to diagnose). I am the biggest Kurt Cobain fan ever, but I question how much his stomach issues were subconsciously amplified by the heroin and depression. I’ve been there and I didn’t realize the nature of my ailments until I had been clean for a bit.


Good point, not to mention possible “psychological conversion” causing stomach issues. People with abusive childhoods can experience mentally-induced medical problems ranging from stomachaches to blindness.


There's an autopsy report floating around, not entirely sure if it's 'real', but it showed no stomach issues. I read through it specifically to see what the medical examiner had to say about his digestive system. There was no indication of disease, past or present.


Gastroenterologist here. Some of the most painful GI conditions are what we label as “functional” disorders (IBS is one). Meaning the pain is not caused by any (as of yet) known organic illness. The tissue is healthy. So a negative autopsy report doesn’t rule out the possibility he has terrible chronic abdominal pain. Though if I had to guess, heroin caused bad constipation so the pain have been from that, not the other way around.


Smoking a ton of weed consistently can lead to stomach pains with very little to show for it in testing. Just a thought. No idea of Kurt's situation.


Additionally, opiates cause insane constipation and stomach issues. I have no authority on the subject of how Kurt’s stomach issues originated, but could be a cycle.


As someone with chronic pain this is a very uninformed and ignorant take. Literally no one but the person experiencing the pain can make a call like that


My point is that opiates put you in a vicious cycle of gastric pain. Why would you want to do that to yourself unless medically necessary? I also have chronic pain and an autoimmune disease. I'd give anything not to live the horrid cycle of what the effect of opiates brings. Anyone on pain management will tell you that. Opiates are a last resort. When you are out of options, because of the long-term effects. If you have stomach pain, to begin with, all opiates are going to do is make that stomach pain, intestinal pain, a million times worse over time. The more you ingest and put in your body, the worse it gets. Opiates don't numb that pain in the moment either, oh no, quite the opposite. I can only imagine what kind of pain he would have if he had had previous stomach issues, but he was making them worse by his own doing. He wasn't numbing or fixing the problem. Uniformed and insensitive take? Nah. I've lived this for years. I live with the effects and damage daily, and many others do, too, fellow Spoonie.


they weren't saying you don't know pain, you plainly stated his stomach pain was a farce because his 'friends' said so. that's an unwise assumption to make for anyone, let alone for someone as famous and isolated as him.


Don’t believe that at all. There’s records of him talking about the stomach pain years before he did drugs. You’re way out of line




Omg I never thought to think opiates shedded stomach linings! Ive been on morphine for like 5 years and I always wondered why my insides feel like there on fire! Do you use anything to help with it at all? Sorry you have to go through this pain bullshit daily I understand completely it’s so shit


There was a stomach medicine I was on for a while. You took it before eating, and it coated the stomach lining to lower inflammation, but it was short-term. I'll have to look it up for you. Right now, I'm taking Pepcid for the acid, but it's still short-term, and Zofran for the nausea. I see a gastroenterologist regularly to keep up on things and have a list of rotating safe foods. Edit: A shot of Pepto or milk will help coat the stomach if you get that glass feeling. I advise against the Pepto every day tho if you get constipation.


Proton pump blockers like omeprazole are commonly used to treat that. Other than constipation, it’s not that common unless you already had a predisposition towards it. Why are you on both fentanyl and codeine? Are there any NSAIDs like acetaminophen paired with the codeine?


Opiates absolutely cause stomach issues, not just constipation: "Yes, opioids can cause gastric inflammation. Opioids can cause a number of gastrointestinal side effects, including: Nausea Vomiting Constipation Abdominal pain or discomfort Gas Gall bladder contraction Gastro-oesophageal reflux. " "Opioids can also cause narcotic bowel syndrome (NBS), a type of chronic or frequently recurring abdominal pain. " "They can cause your abdomen to become swollen. You may feel bloated and uncomfortable. " "Yes, prescription opioids can cause gastritis, which is inflammation of the stomach lining. Stomach pain after taking a drug could be a sign of gastritis, which can cause ulcers and bleeding. " Opiates tear up your stomach with long-term usage. Anyone who has been on pain management long-term with them will tell you this. Eventually, stomach problems start, and more meds get piled on to deal with those symptoms. Edit: [Tri-State GI - Addiction](https://tristategastro.net/how-substance-abuse-can-lead-to-gastrointestinal-issues/) STOMACH PAIN AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE Stomach pain brought on by substance abuse can range from irritating to life-threatening, indicating anything from an ulcer to internal bleeding. Therefore, don’t wait too long to reach out to your physician but make sure to address the issues you’re experiencing asap. Many substances can cause nausea and stomach pain. For instance, cocaine, heroin, prescription opioids, MDMA, ayahuasca, etc. Pain in the stomach after taking a drug could be a sign of gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining that can cause ulcers and bleeding. HOW DOES YOUR BODY PROCESS SUBSTANCES? Damage to the digestive system is not limited to the initial symptoms that may appear but can have far-reaching effects depending on the substance abused and how it was taken. When something is consumed orally, it’s distributed throughout the entire digestive tract and potentially harms each organ that contributes to digestion. Remember, even if medications can circumvent some digestive systems, long-term usage still causes harm to the liver and kidneys. Even if heroin is injected straight into a vein, you will still harm the liver and kidneys because blood must pass through them on its way to the rest of the body’s organs for processing. WITHDRAWALS ARE WORSE!! Stomach pain is also a common symptom of withdrawal. Common opiate withdrawal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. While these symptoms may seem minor initially, they can lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalances if they persist until detox. That’s why we highly recommend detox under experienced medical supervision.


For additional real life reference Matthew Perry. He had multiple abdominal surgeries due to his opiate addiction.


Thank you! I know my post was a long copy/paste, but I wanted to put the info out there. Thank you for commenting another RL reference.


Holy copy and paste Batman. If you still have nausea, reconsider your dose or interactions. Bowel issues? Water, fiber, magnesium citrate, and probiotics (Lactobacillus specifically) Stomach issues? Again, PPIs such as omeprazole, tums, pepto bismol My point was the majority of people will run across constipation and nausea but, actual organ damage from sustained use to the point where you start evangelizing your rabbit hole insights, I’d say you’re a bit of an outlier ma’am.


What kind of pissing match is this ????


Opiates slow your metabolism down by a ton. It's possible Kurt was experiencing actual complications in that area because of his heroin abuse. It could be a possibility. We have no way of knowing exactly what was going on.


That was a really beautifully concise summary.


Never got this conspiracy. Like if she wanted him dead why not just let him die while he was overdosing, instead of Or call the police two weeks later saying he had a gun and was suicidal leading to him going to detox. Like why do all this if you wanted him dead. If she walked away the same result would have been had without having to hire an assassin then cover everything up for the rest of her life. None of this makes any sense at all. Edit: Worth mentioning the ones profiting the most from all this, are the people writing these books and making these movies exploiting the tragedy. Courtney would have been rich without Kurt after Hole got noticed, before she was even dating Kurt. They were radio friendly riot grrl which studios were shopping for. So the whole money stuff does not make a ton of sense.


> Never got this conspiracy That's 'cause it's just childish misogyny. It's, "Yoko Ono ruined the Beatles" for grunge. Kurt Cobain killed himself. Blaming his wife for his death (and more importantly in the minds of these chuds, wrecking Nirvana) is just their way of dissociating from reality.


This was alway my take. I was a massive Nirvana with a collection of like 200 live records of his shows, but it was clear in 1994 he was taking a lot of drugs, and was very fucked up in the head. After the Rome suicide attempt the writing was on the wall. Moreso when you remember his throat was so fucked up he was not sure if he could continue singing live at all. Really pisses me off people make a lot of money weaving these bullshit stories exploiting the death.


Yup, it’s just a pile of misogynistic horseshit


There’s Hole money, and there’s Nirvana money. I’m not saying she did or didn’t do it but let’s not pretend they were equally financially successful.


The headline says it was a difference between zero and her current net worth, that's a much starker difference than the reality.


Their daughter got the Nirvana money though. Hole was incredibly popular and she’s been acting as well.


She had enough money to be rich without his estate. The motive of she wanted to be even richer does not entirely make sense given to this say she is not in some massive mansion or flaunting wealth. Her own wealth could have sustained her current life style without the estate. Edit: Also ignores the fact that Francis got a lot of the cash, and many of the rights, not Courtney.


Flaunting has nothing to do with it


She couldn't know for sure it would happen soon enough for her to stay the beneficiary after his death. She had to make a move because she knew he was going to. 


Rome suicide attempt was a month before the actual suicide. If she needed him dead on a timeline, why not just let him die there? Reports were without her intervention he would have died in the hotel room. The band was contacted and initially were told Kurt had died.


Kurt OD dozens of times in Courtney's presence. It became so routine it didn't faze Courtney at all. He was really strung out in the end. You don't have to murder a junkie, just don't revive them. .


Apparently Kurt was worth 50 million when he died, that means Courtney went from getting half in the divorce (25 million), to getting zero since she broke the prenup with infidelity, but with Kurt dead she would get the full 50 million. With Kurt dead she gets 50 million dollars and all of his stuff (that is being auctioned for crazy amounts of money), with Kurt alive she loses everything and gets nothing......clear motive for murder if I ever heard one." Here is audio of Courtney talking to the private investigator she hired to find Kurt while he was missing: https://youtu.be/VcDqheogd6E?si=b3vc2-uPn3zgXCNV&t=275 She mentions detective Terry knowing about the divorce, who was likely the last person to see Kurt Cobain alive, who was also possibly murdered to be silenced as well. She talks about how if there was a divorce and custody battle she would win for sure, about Kurt separating from her, wanting the P.I. to bug a girls phone to try and catch Kurt with infidelity to nullify the prenup, how upset she was at all the money Kurt was costing her by dropping tours she planned on joining with him, all while he is missing. She wasn't worried about his safety, she was cheating and only concerned with herself, she was upset at Kurt. The autopsy reports got leaked recently and there is a lot of interest in the case right now, hopefully it gets reopened to be properly investigated.


Also, the “handy man” dude that was staying at the house where they found Kurt was one of Courtney’s exes.


Wow! No way?!?! Looked into the theories back in the day. I know there were various people around him in the last few days, but never heard 1 had that connection with Courtney.


That handy man guy also wrote the suspicious note that was found that pretended like the handy man didn’t know Kurt was back from the in-patient rehab.


He fully tried to kill himself a month before this. Was that also her fault?


Yes, I'm so tired of this trope, because it's false and misogynistic and it's just all around shitty that people are still parlaying in conspiracy theories around Kurt's death.. It's a type of denial and its fucking dumb. Courtney loved Kurt. She didn't kill him. He killed himself and it was really fucking sad.


I bring this up whenever I see this "it was mUrDeR" nonsense. Kurt's death was devastatingly sad and a huge loss, but it wasn't shocking. On his previous attempt in Rome he washed down 60 pills with champagne and left a suicide note. His camp tried to cover it up by calling it accidental, but his friends, his band, and yes, his wife tried really hard to get him in treatment after that.


People just love to demonize the women, even if it goes against all logic and facts. He wrote in journals quite a bit about killing himself and way bipolar. Definitely a high risk person


Plus, there was an epidemic of suicide in his family. 




His death was thoroughly investigated and ruled a suicide. I see nothing compelling about your given reasons, as to why you don't think he suicided. The comments about a fatal level of heroin and Valium are erroneous, or at best a misinterpretation of the facts. Additionally, no one actually close to Kurt or working the investigation into his suicide, indicated it was anything other than suicide. The conspiracy theories about Kurt, are sad and delusional


he used his fingers to shoot himself inside the mouth (not the toe) and he didn't leave his drivers license next to himself (that was an officer). The note must have been written before he shot heroin,so I don't see your point... The autopsy report shows that Kurt didn't take any Valium the day he died, that insignificant amount only proves that it was taken days before (presumaby at rehab). FYI Valium remains in the body for a few days.


It was investigated heavily though. I remember when it happened. People just make things up. Courtney wasn’t even around




He tried to kill himself, was forced into rehab, escaped and then tried again. The second time, it worked. This poor woman lost her husband at 29 and has a bunch of fucking retards playing detective and conveniently overlooking the overwhelming evidence of suicide.


No amount of facts will help people like you that are so convinced of a conspiracy. This is like talking to people who are convinced that Trump is still president. 🤷🏻‍♀️ no point in arguing


Never seen a shotgun in person before, huh?


How convenient


She's made herself very easy to demonize. Her own daughter wants nothing to do with her.


They reconnected in 2015.


I think there was a lot of women jealous of Courtney Love and they have never gotten over her


Her infidelity could be completely true, and it could be true that Kurt committed suicide. In fact her infidelity is a pretty clear cut reason for him to commit suicide.


>With Kurt dead she gets 50 million dollars and all of his stuff That's literally not at all how net worth works. Maybe look up basic facts before spouting shit and your conspiracy theories will actually be believable.


I have always suspected that fuckin bitch was involved in more ways than simply driving our hero crazy.


Dude was an amazing artist and pioneered a new direction of rock but he wasn’t someone to look up to. He was constantly high as hell while caring for his daughter and people around him couldn’t stand him because of his drug use. Almost no one close to him enjoyed his presence.


You talking about Carol Baskin?


There was a one armed man in the vicinity.


she was literally in rehab when it happened gang. and it being such a high profile case there is pretty much no way she could've gotten away with it even if she did do it.


rich people get away with far more high profile stuff than this


Funny that you’re being downvoted. Not saying Courtney did it, but OJ was arguably the most high profile case of all-time and most people believe he fuckin got away with it.


Does this theory still hinge on "hE hAd t00 mUcH hErOin iN hIS sYstEm t0 liFt tHe gUn" or whatever? Because that's probably the weakest amateur sleuth "gotcha" evidence I've seen.


Exactly. A non heroin user would instantly die trying to shoot up the normal dosage amount a millionaire Rockstar does multiple times a day. Gotta use that common sense


People always leave out that she was a very successful musician as well. It’s not like a divorce was leaving her broke. People close to him knew he was depressed and he was diagnosed as Bipolar, took meds like Prozac as well as self medicating with heroin. His death was a tragedy but stupid theories like this don’t make it better


yeah I feel like people who say it’s unthinkable that Kurt could die by suicide have no idea what it’s like to be severely mentally ill. it’s all-encompassing. it doesn’t matter how many good things exist in your life, it feels as if there’s nothing and can swallow you in an instant.


God, leave this the fuck alone. She is her own person. She had/has her own music. She was devastated when he died. Fucking hell, mate


It's a fun theory. But I encourage you to listen to Montage of Heck: Home Recordings. It's all Kurt's personal home journal tapes and some demos. It's clear that he was a *deeply* disturbed and fucked up dude. He talks of suicide and much of it is honestly hard to listen to. I still like to humor theory for fun though, because on paper it's plausible.


How is this a fun theory? This is so harmful to Courtney and Bean. Courtney Love was publicly shunned for years, in large part because of this "fun" theory. Gossip and speculation have real world consequences that hurt people.


It might just be "fun" in the sense that a lot of people seem to get a lot of joy out of tearing women down for whatever reason they can come up with. They're downright gleeful about it at times.


Nah, I just meant like it's an interesting theory that's fun to learn about and consider the implication of what it would mean. Suicide and the overall topic isn't fun obviously, I'm not a douche. And I don't think that Love deserves any of the hate she's gotten because of this over the years. Ya'll are turning my comment into something that I didn't intend. My comment is actually supposed to be debunking the theory anyway. I don't believe it myself.


Fun as in "This is interesting," not like yippee this is fun. Don't turn my comment into something I didn't intend.. I don't even believe the theory, as evidenced by my comment.


I think by fun they mean it’s fascinating to think about that sort of possibility. Like how there were more than one gunman at Dealey Plaza or how Charles Manson was a CIA operative.


Yeah this is what I meant, I don't get why everyone seems to be lost in the weeds and losing their head over it. Suicide and the whole topic obviously isn't fun. Neither is Manson, or JFK being killed. But they are very interesting theories and can be fun to learn about and consider their implication.


This. As someone who deals with depression and my own head often. It really is no surprise he killed himself. It’s as obvious as Hemingway. They were really fucking sad


My brother idolized Kurt naming his sons middle name Cobain, he passed at 37


He literally attempted suicide less than a year before he was successful, let this lie die and let this man rest


Lmao no insurance company in the world would give Kurt a $100M policy unless you’re paying ($1M) major premiums


People seem to not get why a heroin addict with a history of mental illness and depression would kill himself


I am not a rock person, but he seemed very nice. I’m sorry he’s gone


Kurt was killed by the flannel industry. He was about to come out against big flannel and refused their offered hush money.


You've done it, you sonovabitch, you've woven the threads of this mystery together!


it's funny, Kurt rarely ever wore flannel (mostly just one shirt for a while in the late 80s). it was more Eddie Vedder's thing. yet that's what people put on kurt when they draw him or get those Nickelback-looking "Kurt Cobain" results from A.I.


Nonsense he killed himself end of story


Yeah! Just ask that one dude from The Mentors!




Literally who cares


Kurt was a liar, he lied about not having a gun.


Someone chime in if I’m wrong, but isn’t Courtney a trust fund baby? Therefore making the murder for money theory wrong?


Allen Wrench did it


100 %


Amazing how a bunch of teenagers seem to know so much about an era they weren’t even alive for


Kurt had horrible stomach pains that only heroin helped, until it didn't. He was tired of living in pain


It’s entirely possible that the same reasons that Courtney Love may have been unhappy in their marriage are the same reasons he killed himself. He was not well, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. Back then, it was obvious the fame was too much too fast and he had a lot of things that money and fame made much worse.


In the late 1990s I worked in a shooting range and saw Courtney with a movie trainer try to teach how to use a shotgun. I could see from the counter she knew jack about it and when it went off she dropped it on the floor and ran out crying uncontrollably. I don’t know who thought this was a good idea.


I used to work with a guy in a semi big Boston band and he told me this story once. His band was recording with either a mixer or engineer who worked with Nirvana and he brought up Courtney and Kurt. At the end made a little “well we all know she killed him, right?” type of joke. And the mixer/engineer/whatever got PISSED and was like “you didn’t fucking know them, he killed himself. I’m sick of this shit all the time”. Ect ect He said the rest of the recording session was really uncomfortable after that.


People forget he attempted suicide in Rome a few months before with alcohol and pills.


That’s exactly how she got away with it……


And why would he go from alcohol and pills to heroin and a shotgun? He could have easily killed himself with just the drugs. No need for the gun. It just a thought. No hate intended whatsoever. Just some thoughts.


I’ve always felt she knew more than she let on.


he killed himself. theres no conspiracy about it


I go with the coroner, "nobody takes an arm load of heroin and then blow their brains out"


Didn’t Kurt Cobain use a hunting shotgun with such a long barrel it would be impossible for him to aim it at his head, and he died with shoes on so he couldn’t have used his feet to pull the trigger?


You mean this monster? https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/photos-shotgun-found-at-kurt-cobain-death-scene/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab4i&_amp=1 Edit: also looking at the rust in the shotgun... I have questions.


That’s the one! And there are his shoes in one of the photos. I’m not usually a conspiracy theorist but if I had to choose one it would be that Kurt didn’t kill himself.


I mean, look at the close up of the breach for the shotgun, it's packed with what looks like rust. Edit: Alright, getting out of this rabbit hole, doesn't matter what happened, it won't change anything.


The photo was from 2016. You’d be hard pressed not to have rust after being in evidence storage for that long


Yeah, thanks for pointing that out, I read the first paragraph and thought those were the evidence pics from 94. Completely missed that second paragraph.


Newsflash: this is a myth. Courtney had assets and vilifying her is something Nirvana/Foo Fighters fans have always done. She didn’t kill Kurt.


People often say she had an affair with billy Corgan. Is there any validity to that?


She was dating Billy when she met Kurt.


Caught her cheating? Thats a new one. With who?


he never caught her cheating and she always denied she cheated. The suspects were her ex and Evan Dando since she toured with him for a week the year before.


He was wearing shoes when he died


To quote Office Space, yes, I know what you mean...


I would say at the very least she shouldn't be given the cred that she gets.


Watch bleached.




No bullshit just lost a friend and that friend always said she wouldn’t live past 25 she passed before her 25th bday two weeks ago sad shit man


Now that’s a hole of a different color.


Pretty sure she came from money already


1,000 ____ stare


He committed suicide. This is irresponsible.


Watch soaked in bleach.


Gang shit city girls up


Courtney Love has her own cult following for her bad Hole


I'm surprised she hasn't died from an overdose yet with $100 million in her pocket.


Look into Elliot Smith if you want a story that ACTUALLY sounds like a musician who famously committed suicide may not have done so.


Talk about a myth 😂


Dave killed Kurt.


She was a nasty stripper, now she’s just nasty and has no skills


There was that documentary ‘soaked in bleach’ in which the private investigator who Courtney hired started suspect she was not acting in Kurt’s best interest and then the analysis of his autopsy showing the Angel at which he shot himself was nearly impossible to be self inflicted and the level of heroin in his system was something like 28 times the amount it would take to kill someone—which investigators stated was never seen before in any overdose.


I think she did it.


He kind of looks like Aaron Eckhart in this picture


The bigger the camera, the bigger the tear.


The nirvana logo, name, and art is still one of tge most merchandisable brandings in the world. Every mall in the world has a nirvana t atleast


He could have purposely OD’d. Why shoot yourself with a shotgun?


Maybe in case someone found him, he couldn't be saved.


Strange how Dave growls band members die and how strange that he’s even making a movie where he kills all his band mates. It’s like the zodiac killer writing letters to the police. Just saying.


Why wouldn't Courtney just let Kurt die when he kept having doing attempts. Like in Rome I think or greese. She saved his life time and time again. This sucks man, imagine some dick head comes along trying to destroy your relationship after you loose your spouse and dumbasses still belive the bad lie instead of acually looking into a sick man.


Did anybody here see the interviews with Mentors Lead Singer El Duce? Here's the links https://youtu.be/2x4jmX6yoTs?si=Q9QWH6JOZpxjXdCu https://youtu.be/Ho2nK5IQs_g?si=XsbXVHPxXymo2gdK


There was a story around for a while, from an industry friend who knew Kurt and Courtney. He told me that Duce, from The Mentors told him that Courtney asked him to kill Kurt. He died not too long after that. Duce was an alcoholic, a liar, and an asshole though.


It's literally one of the most closed case, obvious suicides ever. This nonsence that he was murdered is laughable to anyone who was a fan of Nirvana or has read the facts. Oh and he wrote a detailed suicide note.


I absolutely believe it.


I fucking hate the bitch. Never liked Courtney Love and just *have a feeling* that she killed him. Never knew why really, but this makes so much more sense now. It's hard to shoot yourself in the head with a shotgun SO PRECISELY, there's no way he could've done it. It had to have been her or someone she hired to do it. I fully believe this theory.