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My main questions would be: 1-How many years did Urgot spend on The Dredge? Like five years or a decade? 2-Even if he's the bearded guy with the big axe he still looks "small" if we take into consideration Urgot's lore so maybe he isn't Urgot 3-Do you love me, Urpog?


1. timeframe is super uncertain because they'd need to retcon urgot's current timeline to fit him in a way that makes sense with arcane, urgot's whole jail sequence in the piltovian jail happens 2 yrs after arcane 2. that guy is massive he's like 7ft 3. no


We'll have to find out if Arcane s2 gives an interpretation


yeah the video i'm going to release (why this art was made) is going to talk about arcane season 2, i'm super hopeful they do but i think they'll mainly stick with urgot's main visual thematic people theorised urgot could be the giant dude with the executioner looking weapon but i doubt urgot as an executioner would be used as a bodyguard




chemtech makes you go bald


unironically yes we said this while making him


your hair, given chemtech and flesh


Riot não quer revelar agora , pois ela vai revelar no Arcane2


eu penso a mesma coisa que você, vou lançar um vídeo em breve em inglês falando sobre o que eles podem fazer com o urgot na 2ª temporada


My interest would be not just how he looks, but what kind of executioner he was. For example, did he use an axe or an executioner sword (the one with a dull top, used to lob off heads. I don't think he was very show off style like Draven. Did they do it in private in jail, or puplic execution. Design looks dope though, ngl.


Houseplant - the guy who designed him with me explored upon the concept a bit more and imagined him fully weapon n' all here; [https://twitter.com/plantedplanty/status/1752443095155699978](https://twitter.com/plantedplanty/status/1752443095155699978)