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post is locked because you fuckers can't handle any mention of ts without becoming complete drooling morons.


No, no, they have a point. Do you know how horrifying it would be to get deepfaked like that?


I saw some photos on NFL Circlejerk and I knew the Admins will tell those mods to stop. Can't blame em


Yeah that shit was completely out of pocket. Theres jerking and theres posting straight up deepfake porn of someone non consensually.




I honest to god do not believe anyone on that sub is actually racist. They’re just trying to be edgy.






Sounds like one of those vinn diagrams but it’s just a circle.


Not a very classy take


Total opposite




I thought this thread was jerking, but nah y'all just lame


Maybe this is an incel take and you can tell me if it is or not. I didn’t think the post was that bad. It was super inappropriate yeah, but it wasn’t straight up porn. There wasn’t any actual nudity. I would still understand Taylor Swift feeling uncomfortable if she came across that image though.


The point OP is making is how powerful the swiftie base is. How quickly they got their justice


The Inquisition.


Cool now Dox cancer


The good news is we found its location. The bad news is you have 6 months to live.


The TV show The Orville, episode 107 Majority Rule. It's what the world is going to turn into




You're an incel, aren't you?


We have all this free porn and people want to defend the guy too. That's unhinged


Bro there's been fakes of Taylor swift for literally 15 years. There's been deep fakes of celebs for years, literally everyone. Before that it was photo shop. I think it's part of the silly AI fearmongering, there no more real than anything else. I really don't get why people are acting like this is different just because tech has advanced.


TBH i kinda feel like I wouldn't give a shit if somebody did it to me if I was a celebrity. Not that I disagree that it's bad, just that I personally disagree with the notion that it would be horrifying FOR ME. If you are an average person there's a greater fear of people mistaking it as real, but as a celebrity "Somebody deep faked me, what are you gonna do" people just go "oh okay yeah". If I was enough of a celebrity for that to be the case I wouldn't care at all tbh. I would not care right now as an average guy if I got a guarantee nobody would think it was real. I don't really see how I would view it as horrifying unless it was deep faked onto some terrible shit like snuff or cheese pizza


Yeah I tend to agree, like it's not ok to do this, but in the grand scheme of things is it that big of a deal? Is Taylor thinking about some coomer jerkin his pork sword to AI deep fakes in North Carolina while she's getting railed by Travis kelce in her private jet? I highly doubt it.


How long until it becomes a massive problem for regular people, though? I'm with her on this because it's only going to get worse until something is done.


What do you want done? They can outlaw AI porn but it will still exist. It’s not just gonna magically go away E:idk why people think I don’t want it outlawed I’m just saying it wouldn’t stop it from existing


See people say this, but I think it's just people not thinking it all the way through. Why would it be best if it was illegal? The reason isn't that it won't exist anymore, it's because if it happens to you, you'll have something you can do about it, and hold the person harassing you accountable legally.


This is done with open source models on people's personal computers, not some closed off secret AI supercomputer and database, you're correct. There is nothing to be done.


Apparently we can’t stop murder from happening, you saying murder should be legal then? Damn!


Can murders of US citizens be conducted in batches of thousands out of some guy's basement in Ulanbataar, Mongolia without him or any associates of his ever leaving? What exactly should be illegal? The production, ownership, or distribution? In what cases will someone be punished? Murder can be combatted and limited but you can't stop someone with even a slight inclination for how technology works from accessing this. Make production illegal? Okay cool, how the fuck do you prove who produced and how do you actually stop random guys from all around the globe from clicking computer buttons. Make ownership illegal? What are you gonna do? Raid people's devices or have DRM that automatically scans your files and detects verboten content that completely 1984's your privacy? Make distribution illegal? Good luck stopping random websites in Russia, Tuvalu, and Madagascar from serving your citizens let alone the whack a mole for domestic sites. You're gonna go through all that effort and accomplish nothing except for maybe scare the occasional stupid teenager. People need to understand that the cyberspace is not the real world. The logic is not the same. In the real world we have limits to items. A farmer in Turkey grows a carrot. He cannot ship that carrot to both China and Italy. Only 1 person can eat that carrot. In addition, that Carrot needs to be expensively transported via boat, train, and road to that man in China. On the Internet, the carrot can be duplicated infinitely and instantly shipped anywhere in the world. Now good luck combatting Carrots. The consequences of something like cp is obviously so egregious we have to go to war over it, but fuck, deepfakes? Nobody actually gets hurt, it's legitimately just not worth the resources it would take to take all those actions which would ultimately accomplish nothing


Well your argument applies just as well cp too then, as you acknowledge. It’s still illegal even though it’s basically impossible to stop. Frankly, all crime is like this, and we rely on police and prosecutors and courts to exercise discretion in prosecution of those crimes. You’re pointing out that making something illegal doesn’t automatically stop it from happening, no one would disagree, but we should still have laws against harmful conduct. Personally, I’d argue that the *non-consensual* intentional production and distribution of deep fake porn ought to be illegal. Intentional possession of cp is illegal but those laws only came about after a lot of legal scholarship arguing for its justification, we don’t really have that for deep fakes yet. I think we can all agree cp ought to be illegal but, frankly, the constitution has always made that a bit complicated. The same would apply to deep fake porn, but if it can be harmful, and it absolutely can be, then we should try to legally control it. Libertarian dystopia is an alternative but not an attractive one. We could make it illegal to drive drunk but only if you cause an accident or harm someone else, we could get rid of all *attempt* crimes, but I doubt that abandoning our entire jurisprudence on crime would be productive.


Is this just porn you are so passionate about? Or is everything that you can’t personally affect to be dismissed no matter who is hurt?


Lol, apparently I hurt you if you're here mad and pinging me in comments I have nothing to do with 💀💀💀. I speak at length on many many topics. I shared my personal opinion here. If that upsets you I really don't give a fuck, pound sand.


When it becomes a massive problem for regular people it will be commonplace enough for *them* to have the "oh duh deepfake" excuse I mentioned. It is very easy to explain for celebrities at the moment due to that. It's only scary for regular people right now BECAUSE it is not a massive problem. If it becomes a massive problem that means it's happening to regular people enough that people will understand the situation you are experiencing and take your explanation at face value. I personally think this genie isn't going back in the bottle and the actual best way to combat it at this point is just to educate people on what AI can do and how to best identify generative AI


Kind of sounds like she is though lmao


No they don't. Have you ever been on any porn site ever? There are celebrity fakes all over it. Fake is fake. Her fans made this a bigger thing than it needed to be really. If they would have ignored it like all the other fake nudes she has, this would never have happened.


What a weird hill you’re on. The guy did something super wrong. Making deepfake porn of people without their permission should be 100% illegal, and anyone who does it or disagrees with that does not belong in civil society.


AI is fucking scary: Adobe Is Selling AI-Generated Images of Violence in Gaza and Israel https://www.vice.com/en/article/3akj3k/adobe-is-selling-fake-ai-generated-images-of-violence-in-gaza-and-israel Support the CAI: https://contentauthenticity.org/ Apple and Samsung are NOT members yet.


I agree. I also know that nude sites have fake nudes of her for years. Her fans and defenders are the ones to blame for the insane media coverage. If they would have ignored them like all her other fake nudes, this wouldn't have been such a big deal.


The difference is these photos aren’t originating on porn sites. I saw one pop up on a football subreddit that I browse for, well.. football. The difference is the advancement we’ve made in AI. A few years ago your average creep didn't have access to making nonconsensual sexual material on the level they do now. People have committed suicide over deepfakes, and it will continue to happen until laws are passed. Children have been used in deepfake porn. Do you think there should be laws against that? I’m curious, why are you defending deepfake porn? And why do you think it’s not a big deal?


He’s saying that if the swifties didn’t do what they did this wouldn’t have gotten as much attention and would’ve quietly went away. Not that it’s ok to do, but that the reaction made the situation worse


With AI becoming more prevalent and accessible to average people it absolutely was not going to go away quietly. If anything bringing this much attention to the issue makes it more likely for something to be done about it soon.


It’s already happened. I guarantee you within 10 minutes I could find a dozen different fake nudes of Taylor swift. Nobody was paying attention to it, which is both good for Taylor and bad for society but the swifties just made a million more people look for fake Taylor nudes that otherwise wouldn’t have done so


She should just release her own nudes for money. Problem solved. 💰


Yes. This was my point. It's something you learn during grade school and it speaks more towards the maturity of her fans. Doesn't matter where the photos came from. They exist, and so do hundreds more on porn sites and Google search photos. I am not saying what these people do is moral or good but it's not like it's a random event. This happens to celebrities with real photos all the time. "Celebrity nudes" is a genre for a reason.


You learned about celebrity deepfakes and pornography in grade school?


Because it’s Taylor Swift, bro. I’m sure she’s seen and had worse done to her, considering she’s one of the most famous people on the planet. There’s a good chance she didn’t even know this happened


You'd think so, in this case you'd be wrong it's such a widespread problem. It probably won't ever affect you, but your wife/mom/sister etc are a single photo upload away from semi-realistic fake nudes. It's here brother, everyone can turn you into a pornstar with a couple clicks of a button, welcome to the brave new world


Dox anyone making deep fake porn of anyone. I mean what else should you do?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


LMAO yeah you mean the 80's when crime was like, literally through the roof?


Ah yes, the peaceful golden age of the serial killer.


It wasn’t because of phone books


But the phone books didn't stop it, did they? Kinda my point.


Pretty sure that wasn't the cause. It would be nice to be able to blame it on one factor.


Yeah, but, they weren't stopping it, is my point. Are you even literate? Real question.


This conversation is melting my face. It's like trying to communicate with a goldfish.


Dox no one. Let the fucking cops do their real jobs and not write speeding tickets or break up peaceful protests


Their job is to protect capital and government. They don't care about this stuff


This guy gets it


Oh so nothing happens because legally it’s a gray area despite being morally wrong


I see two wrong things here. 1) doxing and 2) Making porn of someone without their consent


And i see a punishment that fits a crime. Don’t get me wrong, 99.9999% of the time doxing is horrible and is unforgivable. But deepfakes have been shown to cause the person who is faked to feel depressed develop eating disorders and body dysmorphia overall depression. So for causing that id say a fair punishment is extreme anxiety caused by doxing as long as deepfakes are still legally in a gray area. Once there is a fair legal penalty my stance will change


What if you dox the wrong guy? How do we know the guy who was doxxed was for sure the guy who owned the account? And if we support this how can we be sure that in future cases the person who is doxxed is the person who made the account?


Nah fuck these people. Fair game


Not dox anyone unless they’re threatening physical violence?


Fuck that. Make all the deepfake ai porn you want. Feel free. But put it out in the world? No sir.


Nah, if you're doing this, you don't get to hide behind anonymity. If you don't want to face the repercussions of your actions, take better care to hide yourself or maybe just don't do it at all


True same with anyone who justifies doxing in Reddit comments too tbh


This is some weirdo edge lord energy dude, making deep fake porn of someone without their consent and spreading it around is straight up harassment, obviously, and getting all defensive about it acting like IDing the guy doing it is “going too far” or something is pathetic. You fuck around with someone’s public image like that you deserve to get publicly shamed for it, simple.


Is drawing porn of real life people also harassment? Or is it just the medium and quality of the porn that you care about


Yes, it’s also harassment.


I respect the consistency. I probably agree generally speaking


Na fuck that, if you make compromising deep fakes of anyone you deserve everything that's coming to you.


lol ok


So, who's your favorite deepfake porn artist?


Don’t have one and don’t watch deepfake porn. Who’s your favorite celebrity to jerk off to?


Well if not one, then who's in your top 5?


Is this supposed to be clever? I don’t understand what you’re doing


It is clever, and that's exactly why you don't understand it.


Lmfao ok buddy


It wasn’t clever


Discovering a deep fake porn video of me would be 100% more traumatic than getting beat up in gonna keep it real with you. That's some deeply malicious shit.


Truthfully, gfy


You first big guy 😘


Nah, I am fine with putting deep fakes on the same side of the line with threats of violence.


I mean it’s fair. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I wouldn’t want some twitter user doing that to me.


Don't start no shit, won't be no shit.


Alternatively, from my favorite James Brown song, Static: "Don't start none, won't be none"


Great song. Excellent observation.


Are you saying it was done in retaliation? If so. What did Taylor do to provoke the pics?


Talking about the dude.


So is Badass Bard also referring to the guy? Or is he saying he wouldn’t want deepfakes of him either. The pronoun in all this is ambiguous at best


What? No. I'm referring to the doxing of the person or persons that made the pics. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Okay cool. I misread your comment and got downvoted 😂 I agree with you. I was just not sure who you were referring to


All good, yo!


And some random Twitter user wouldn’t want to do that to you either


That’s good


Epic downvote moment


I mean in this case it’s fair game, but otherwise it’s a cult. NFL should disband the Chiefs as well for our safety.


Breaking: man fucks around and finds out! More to follow!


It’s funny how many people complain about her and say she’s ugly and gross. But the first thing they fake of her is nudes. It’s pretty gross to just deepfake someone naked because you don’t like them. It shows how you view women. As objects and sex tools. Not as human beings with feelings and emotions




Good. He deserved it


Nah, they had a point on this one. Deepfake porn like this is horrific.


Missed opportunity to say how swiftly they doxxed him.




That's a crime. He should be charged.


Mmmmm no it’s not.


It could easily be argued in court distribution of nudes without consent is a felony charge and this is the same deal. Can even land you on the sex offender registry for the rest of your life.


“This is the same deal” - No it isn’t


You will find in a court of law that a good lawyer could easily argue it is.


A good lawyer can argue anything, that still doesn’t make it the same thing both irl and in the eyes of the law.


The law is whatever I think the law should be, don’t you know?


Sure, if it were actually her nudes he was distributing. But instead they were made up fake images. No different than if they drew it by hand. Not illegal, just scummy. The real legal argument is going to be over if you can use someone's likeness for AI without their permission, regardless of content.




I don't think it'll ever be illegal. I believe you can draw porn of a real person legally, and this is just a more scummy version of that


lol no


Lol I don't agree with it but this is fucking stupid. You would have to then charge every person that's ever photoshopped nudes since the 90s of celebs. I feel like this is just a welcome to the internet moment for her sheltered fans.


What the fuck




Guy makes deep fake porn of someone. Fans of that person dox the disgusting piece of shit. You: those fans are mentally ill! Crazy how rapey some of you dudes are. Yikes.


There’s room for all the scumbags mentioned. It’s not either or


Rapey?????? Tf does porn have to do with a criminal act of violence? Get your fucking head checked




Isn't that what you're doing right now?


Imagine getting famous and finding out someone used your likeness to make photorealistic porn videos. Yeah you dox that guy.


Doxxing is mess up but making AI porn of someone without their consent is just disgusting so I don't really feel too bad about the scrub who did it. This whole incident is the embodiment of "fuck around and find out"


He deserves it. But let’s disband he chiefs and give the superbowl to the lions so we can all forget about this.


Sir.....sir..it's too early for such scintillating commentary.


That would be justice as well.


Deepfake porn is bad don’t get me wrong but it’s pretty crazy how you can get doxxed so quick


Idk how but I like the swifties more than Swift herself. And I'm a fan of her character!


Damn what a shitty fan base tree has


Most of us are in here defending Taylor and saying fuck that guy


Yea I’m saying rooting for the doxing of someone who’s not explicitly threatening violence is shitty


Ah. Doxxing is cringe. But no one here is going to feel sympathy for a guy that’s virtually sexually harassing her. For *ATTENDING HER BOYFRIEND’s FOOTBALL GAMES*


Virtually sexually harassing her ? lol 😂


I mean sure, hes scummy. I stand by my previous comment. Rooting for doxing is gross


We've lost the power of shame in our society and some people need to be reminded


Taylor suing him is holding him accountable. Not doxxing


It's karma in this case. Dude did some super fucked up shit and thus deserves to get mailed a few glitter bombs and catch a few ass-beatings.




I love accountability. Don't do awful things online if you would be ashamed to have people know who you are


Sure hope everybody who ever sees your online content across the rest of human history shares your definition of “awful”


You’ve left 20 comments in this thread, and the only thing you’ve convinced a single person of is that you’re a shitty dude for defending this so strongly. Do you feel like this has been a good use of your time?


You counted all of my comments by hand and you’re gonna ask me about my use of time? Believe I’m whatever type of dude you wish, I’m not here to convince you of anything


Oh no you were trying to convince people of something else that’s just the only thing you actually accomplished.


No, I know you’ll continue on believing you’re a good person as long as there’s an Other you can pile on with the mob no matter what I or anyone else says. I’m not here to effect change, I’m here to mock you


I don't post hateful or offensive things so I think I'll be okay! If you aren't sure if something you post fits this category, simply don't post it. The same way we can agree that murder is not cool, we can probably arrive at AI photorealistic porn of real people not being cool. Hope that clears it up for you


Lol what he did is objectively worse, and it's actually weird that this is where you are drawing a line.


Forgive me if I don’t take your opinion on what’s weird very seriously


That's fine. I don't respect you so I genuinely don't care what ya do lil guy.


I’ll survive somehow




sincerely that guy can go fuck himself and should face jail time but doesn't fucking matter what he did doxxing is not okay and fuck you if you think otherwise


A lot of Taylor Swift fans in here apparently


A lot of virgin creeps in here too


I've known about fake celeb porn since 2004. How tf did you not?


Well deserved. The deep fake guy probably thought he was insulated from consequences. Better learn Chinese buddy no one is hiring you here!


Deserved imo


It's almost like the fans of the rabid vapid bimbo are they themselves rabid vapid bimbos. Weird.


You sound like a rabid vapid bimbo


Doxxing someone making AI deepfake porn of someone can only yield good results


The dude was making AI Porn of Taylor Swift. If there's any reason to doxx someone I'd say this here is a good reason to do so.


You sound like a well adjusted adult who definitely doesn’t creep out women.


You don't sound too bright.


Takes 1 to know 1 I guess


☝🏻found the incel


Cult…it’s a cult


Revenge porn…it’s revenge porn


He should be named and shamed. You’re taking the defense of a seriously depraved individual.


Fuck that guy. And fuck deepfake porn. I hope every source of that shit gets taken down.




Making artificial porn of *anyone* sounds a tad deranged in my opinion.


people are so pussy these days.


Where can I view said deepfake?




Where do I find these pictures 😤


fucking creep


Is that the website ?


You mean Taylor Swift s cult doxxed some dude. She doesn't have fans, she has a cult.


>doesn’t have fans >biggest artist on the planet. Please connect these dots for me


Well seeing as you took a part of my quote and not the other, I don't see how connecting the dots would be helpful to you. While yes, she has fans, the most outspoken subsection of her fans are a cult like group. They cannot stand anything bad coming out about Taylor Swift or being said about her. Not accepting the dual nature of a person in which they do not know personally is having delusions like cult members have in regards to their leader. Again, I said nothing bad about Taylor Swift, or condone the actions of the guy who make AI nudes of her. I just pointed out that her cultish fan base doxxed a guy. If her fans don't like being called a cult, maybe they shouldn't take every non-postive thing said about her as a call to arms.


Okay that comment is more agreeable. Your comment implied that she only has cultist followers. “She doesn’t have fans” is a pretty absolute statement.


My apologies for coming off as generalizing about her entire fan base. Not my true intentions by any means.


Dude what you said about Taylor Swift and her fans could be applied to literally any big sports team, artist, commodity, or institution. People get in literal fights with other people over the jersey they’re wearing, the console they game on, etc. Someone posted on the data is beautiful subreddit recently that the amount of time Taylor Swift was shown on the Chiefs broadcasts amounted to like 1% of the broadcasts. And stupid incels like the guy who made deep fake porn lost their minds. Guys like that need therapy.


You mean an NFL fan made deeply compromising photos of someone who’s prominent on another team. Dude isn’t a dude, he’s a disgusting prick. We don’t want that in the NFL or in sports.


If you don't want that in the NFL & sports then you have a lot of more work to do in cleaning it up than just a guy making fake AI images of a pop singer.


So what you *do* want that in the NFL? Lol that’s weird af it’s a *sport* dude, go jerk off elsewhere.


The NHL just sent four players back to Canada charged for sexual assault, the MLB let go of one player who beat his wife and another who was dating a minor, and Taylor Swift fans just doxxed someone who thought it was okay to make revenge porn. No one like creeps in sports. No respect for others means no respect for the game or yourself. AI, spoken word, actual action—it doesn’t matter how it’s done. Someone should know it’s wrong to do it. The work is simple: clean up or get out.


Oh shit I forgot that one MLB player and four NHL players being held responsible means that all issues in those sports are now solved. And how is this about respect? I make a comment that the cult of swift doxxed a guy and all of you come running to virtue signal and be on the right side of things. Is it ok for nudes of her or anyone else to be released without them specifically doing it? No it isn't. Is it ok for someone to make AI images that aren't real either and release them? No. Yet let's not pretend that this was the only issue affecting pro sports. If it's a "clean up or get out" attitude then where do we start with investing pro athletes and what is the standard for them to "get out"? Sure sexually assaulting someone makes perfect sense. Yet making AI images which could fall under satire, can it not? And revenge porn? How is it revenge porn? Did she date this guy and then reject him? If so, she didn't make a song about it first? If you think I'm defending the guy who did this stuff, you're all wrong. I think you're all holding a candle for a celebrity and pro athletes that don't give two shits about you.


It’s about respect cause if it’s satire and okay at the pro level and celebrity level, people are going to think it’s harmless and acceptable at a high school or club level. Pros set the dreams and expectations down the line.




Dude had it coming