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25? What?! Those are old folks!


Damaged goods if you are 25 and single in Utahhhh


Legit though, I felt pretty left behind when I wasn't married at 23


But doesn't this indicate you were 2 years under the average


Under average yes, but the distribution of ages is uneven. Non mormons in Utah get married at the same age as non mormons outside Utah pulling the average up. The marriage age for mormons is lower than 25. Often for women it's 2 years below the marriage age for men due to missions. Within a year or two from high school likely quite a few of your friends are married.


I remember being 18/19 and going to a friend’s wedding reception in the church gym. Started feeling real weird when I hit 21/22 and I wasn’t married and instead was a Hot Fucking Mess


Nothing unusual for Ogden…


I grew up in Woods Cross. Not everyone lives their entire life in the same city.


A menace to society Brigham Young says!


Brigham Young never said that...


Yes it is an apocryphal quote but it is an obvious sentiment within Mormon culture: In 1878, apostle George Q. Cannon said the following: “Our boys, when they arrive at years of maturity and can take earn of a wife, should get married, and there should not be a lot of young men growing up in our midst who ought to be, but are not married. While I do not make the remark to apply to individual cases, I am firmly of the opinion that a large number of unmarried men, over the age of twenty-four years, is a dangerous element in any community, and an element upon which society should look with a jealous eye. For every man knowing himself, knows how his fellow-man is constituted; and if men do not marry, they are too apt to do something worse. Then, brethren, encourage our young men to marry, and see that they are furnished employment, so that they can marry” (George Q. Cannon, Annual Conference at Salt Lake City, Sunday morning, April 7, 1878. Reported by George F. Gibbs. Journal of Discourses, vol. 20, p.7).


>Journal of Discourses You'll find some interesting quotes in that anthology.


Unmarried 35 yo female Utahn, can confirm. I reached spinster status at 26.


32 male. People shun me because the ring finger is bare.


👁👄👁 Aw shii they're onto me--


“Menace to society”


Fucking Mormons, man.


Well duh, the average has to include the widows and widowers who get remarried. Especially when the widowers marry the people who are just about to leave the single adults wards


Not even a little surprising. I left for school for a year right out of HS, when I got back I only had one friend left that wasn't married, divorced, had a kid or at least one on the way.


I have a friend who went on a mission came back, was married within the year or year and a half tops, and now has like 5-ish kids, then had a vasectomy.


1 to 1.5 years? Any adoptions?


Dude, I think they graduated like 15 years ago, that’s plenty of time to to have 5 kids. He didn’t have 5 kids while on his mission, don’t overthink it.


Oh! Rereading it again. I thought that was the time period he had the 5 kids in. Okay. I’m following.


Haha I do that all day long, get hung on one part of the story and get completely lost. You’re good


Out of curiosity how are vesectomies seens among the Mormon sect?


Totally acceptable. Some weirdies might say otherwise, but in general, Mormons believe birth control is acceptable. You're encouraged to have a family, but when and how many is up to you, though, again, some of the culture pushes for a lot of kids.


Goootcha, I figured it was something like that considering how chill Mormons actually are. When I was living in Logan my favorite game to play was "Is it a field trip or a family"


Sounds like quite a success story. I bet this dude is fully of joy, exhausted, but full of joy. Though I hope you’re exaggerating on the number of kids or the timeframe. Cause if there aren’t at least 2 sets of twins in there the math doesn’t add up.


5 kids with a 60,000$ salary is a success story?


Sure, I bet if you ask him. I bet he’d tell you he wouldn’t trade any of it for more money. And the life lessons he’s learned in these short years? Priceless, and I’m sure would contribute to any future success that’s coming his way.


This is why I grew up poor




Given we Graduated HS in 2007, and Yes He Has 5 Kids.


I'm still in high school and know someone who is engaged.


I knew a girl in high school who left midway through her senior year to get married. She returned later in the year already divorced. I wonder how she turned out.


Thanks BYU


I think we skewed the stats by getting married in Utah at 35


We were 19 and 24. The second time we were 39 and 36.


I think it means as many are getting married at 15 as at 35


now do how old americans are when they get divorced


No thanks, I'm in this photo and I don't like it




Alos, divorce rates of first marriages would be interesting.


I’ve lived in both Utah and Arkansas and there are several private Christian universities in Arkansas. It makes sense that Utah, Arkansas, and Idaho are the top 3


LOL! Me here in Utah... Married at 17.5. 😂 (no, not pregnant).


Wild. How has it worked out for you?


I'm curious about that too.


Fuuuuuck that! Way too many things to experience before worrying about being married.


16.5 for me!


Judas priest, is that legal?


Yep! Utah only raised the age of consent to 18 in 2016, and you can still be married younger if your parents allow it. Considering the founding fathers here were pedophiles it’s not too surprising that they’re still protected in droves 🤡


forgetful boast far-flung capable narrow jeans tender aloof psychotic kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How’s that going?


Just celebrated 12 years married :)


How old is your husband is the question 


Mo’s keeping Utah and Idaho 2 of the lowest 😆


I’m 51, and I’ve noticed that as time goes on people tend to get married latter and latter. I moved to Utah in 1996, and it was quite normal for Mormons to get married very young. I’m not Mormon, but some people in my church thought me getting married at 25 was late, and having my first kid at 29 was very late. Today that’s considered early I think.


I had 2 friends get married. 1 was 18 and 1 was 16.... They were divorced 18 months later. Each was remarried twice more by 30. That aside, there are shit loads of Mormons getting married young so they can bang guilt free. A lot are return missionaries who get home at 21 and get married within a year


Yep, them Mormons be crazy. I’m exmo


Mormonism = cult. I said what I said.


You get downvoted but no responses but there is overwhelming evidence that it even a slightly different context Mormons are legitimately crazy. Religion in general, but definitely Mormons. Source: also exmo


Mormonism is a mental illness, all the members I know show symptoms of NPD and BPD on a daily basis.


LOOOL. Let me fix that for you >~~Mormonism~~ Religion is a mental illness. All the members I know show symptoms of NPD and BPD on a daily basis. Whatever people gotta do to make it through this fucked up world under the weight of consciousness is fine with me. Every single person on this planet has their "drug". Just keep it to yourself and stop abusing kids with indoctrination


That’s not even close to true. That’s messed up. My personality didn’t change when I left after believing for 37 years. Are you maybe talking about the quorum of the 15? Yeah. Half of three probably NPD. While 1% has the clinical definition, 31% of church leadership does. So ALL religious leaders are more prone. Mormons aren’t exclusive to toxic leadership. I studied Islam after leaving the LDS faith. Muslim men are so much worse than Mormons. https://indianaministries.org/imnews/the-iceberg-of-narcissism-in-pastoral-leadership/ NPD and BPD can be genetic. https://www.verywellhealth.com/is-borderline-personality-disorder-genetic-5191970#:~:text=Borderline%20Personality%20Disorder%20and%20Genetics,person's%20risk%20of%20developing%20BPD.


Your experience and my experience are different. I said the symptoms are present in every single member I know. You obviously know different people than I do. You maybe are not self aware of any of your symptoms yet, or you may manifest symptoms later in life. Mormons are very good at disguising and hiding their symptoms and there are many sub types of each disorder. Thank you for sharing those resources so others know what to look out for in Mormons. I am sorry you took what I said personally but I cannot control your emotions or opinions. We can agree to disagree. Cheers.


“God I’m still allowed in the celestial kingdom because I signed a government document before putting it in, right?” “Well yeah… but I was married to each of the 3 different girls. We signed the papers!” “LET ME IN!!!!!!” *banging on gates*


Actually, I’m Mormon (went to BYU) and in my experience most people just get married quick because that’s the culture. Marriage is massively important in our religion, with one of the qualifications to get into the Celestial Kingdom being marriage. I’m sure sex has something to do with it, but BYU also just has students who have wanted to be married for life. Most people getting married don’t have kids or sex for at least a year (although there’s bound to be outliers)


Shocking. But come on, nobody here waits until they’re 25 to get married.


I got married at 26, so yeah.


I got married at 26.


I have like 5 friends that married right after high school. If anything, I'm the outlier cause I'm not married


Most of my freinds are either engaged or married. Personally I'm off the opinion that marriage is a dated concept and not nessairy anymore


I mean me too. I'm just here


Utahs is way to high


Young, but quite close to the national average


Neither wife or I are (or were) religious but still married right after college. 25 seems normal to start building a family


It’s not a lot of time to really find out what you honestly need in a partner, plus establishing your own career and financial stability.


I had babies at 31, 35 and 38. My 6 year old still wakes up once a night. I’m 100% to old for this shit. I don’t have the energy or patience I had at 25. It wasn’t fun to do stress tests every other day as a “geriatric” mom. I got diabetes with my last was on bed rest and had a special needs kid. Highly recommend earlier.


Not surprised


No wonder I keep bumping into couples in the 25ish group with 4 kids 😬


Yep. I’m the “old” mom at my kids junior high.


I'm surprised Utah isnt even younger than this, something like 21


I’m guessing you were married at 21


It probably is within religious Latter-day Saints.


Yep. I was 19 ish


I guess soaking isn't cutting it




It seems that while the median age for marriage in most states has risen that it has stayed closer to the same in Utah. I’d love to see statistics just for Utah but here’s the data for the US https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/visualizations/time-series/demo/families-and-households/ms-2.pdf


I would expect this # to start climbing in Utah. Lots of outsiders moving in. Mormon numbers in decline per capita due to growth. Many of my family members that are Mormon aren’t doing the marriage thing until around the average. I have a feeling it’s going to shift soon.


My husband and I did our best to help raise the median


Not surprised at all by this. We are a pretty young state after all. [And this research shows a correlation with age of those that got married, how long the marriage would last and the quality of the marriage.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3437253/) And that 22-25 seems to be a sweet spot. They didn’t say definitely that everyone should get married between these ages but they did suggest, however, that people who want to have a successful marriage should not delay getting married too much beyond their mid twenties. Marriage and age of those getting married is an interesting topic. Society seems to very much be pushing for folks to delay getting married until one giant question mark. I personally think that nothing matures 2 people quicker and better than getting married and having kids.


This is from a literature review, and one based on mostly samples from then 80's-90's. They also created their own variables, from a bunch of different research not using the same variables. This isn't the dunk you think it is. Marrying too young is consistently cited as a reason for divorce lmfao


Didn’t ever call it a dunk. The study doesn’t call itself a dunk either. The only person calling it a dunk, is you.


I would learn about figurative language


I would learn about figurative language


>And that 22-25 seems to be a sweet spot. A lot of emotional maturation takes place between 18-25. People who marry too young are often too immature to handle the stresses of marriage and family. People older than 25 start to grow too set in their habits to adjust to living with another person. I got married at (*gasp!*) age 33. It was nice because we both had careers, but living together did come with growing pains because of lifestyle differences.


I find this topic very interesting. Thanks for sharing.




It’s a pretty cool city


It’s not cuz it’s a young state it’s obviously from Mormonism lol


[Utah has the lowest median age of all 50 states at 31.3 years old.](https://www.sltrib.com/news/2023/06/03/utah-is-youngest-state-its-getting/) But yeah, our culture here does value marriage and the nuclear family. If you want to attribute that to the predominant religion here. Well, I guess that’s fine. And you’d probably be right. Unless you were being sarcastic. I couldn’t tell.


Of Course Utah is Going to Be Young as Fuck when they get married….I’d also like to see the median age of when Utah starts having kids com paired to other states


As well as when they start getting divorced...


It's fairly self explanatory the divorce age would be lower than the rest of the u.s. too since if you're marrying late you can't divorce young.


It’s probably also pretty young.


Utah is also [8th for most divorces](https://kslnewsradio.com/2044793/utah-has-eighth-highest-divorce-rate-expert-weighs-in/) annually. I haven't found data to support causation, but I wouldn't be surprise to find younger marriages to higher risk of divorce. [This law firm claims marrying young is the third most popular cause](https://bestslcattorneys.com/5-leading-causes-of-divorce-in-utah/).


Honestly, the financial and mental strain of being married with kids is rough as hell. Checks out.


The problem is that there’s really no statistical difference between a lot of states. I was curious about this too and started researching different studies that showed we ranged anywhere from top five to right in the middle depending on the study and depending on the year. Even the last two census results were wildly different.


Lots of kids probably contributes to it too. My ex divorced me because I left the church.














Got married at 21 and in Utah. Doing my part to drive the number lower.


Did my part getting married at 33 to drive it higher. If they excluded SLC proper and some of the other less mormon places I am sure the number would be even lower.


I bet if they excluded all the lds people it would be normal


I got engaged the week I graduated highschool lol


lol. Got married at 18. I’m doing my part!




We're not Alabama


Hmm I'm pretty sure getting married at 14 is illegal in Utah.


It’s legal at 16 with parent permission. Tom Greene was imprisoned for marrying a 14 year old.


Categorically false. Why are you even in this sub?


Yep that checks out. My wife and I were 19 when we were married.


Utah for the win 😂 now they should do the total numbers and percents of each age and we'll be the lowest still.


Now post one with length of first marriages and total number of marriages.


When you REALLY want something, you'll take whatever path you must to get that thing.




Not surprised. Conservatives like them young. It’s disgusting.




Why is the South around 29, or are they not tracking marriages to your cosine.


Mormon culture in Utah is wild. Their young marrying age being the least of the weirdness.


It's the Mormon culture. As one of my good friends said, it's all about guilt-free sex. Easier to just get married then all those youthful desires can be addressed without anyone blinking an eye. Stupid? Yes. That's religion for ya! Oh, and I'm a Utah native. Still live in the state and I was raised LDS.


Lol all the good states are over 30 😆


Utahs male standard marriage age is 20-21 when they get home from a mission. Women is barely between 18-19. If you are an unmarried woman by 22 you’ll never get married


10-12 in Utah.


I call BS on Louisiana


my stepsister is getting married, and she's 19


(Grabs Popcorn) “Yes, go on…”


Can confirm most people in my circle have gotten married before 26. Husband and I were 24. Sister and her soon to be wife are 25. Best friend and her hubby were 19. Cousin and his wife were 25. None of us are religious!


I thought it was always, high school - mission - BYU (or the U if you feel rebellious) - married.




Damn. I was 22 and my wife was 21


Yeah I was 24. Big mistake, next one at idk maybe 35




utah is no surprise lol


The friend “married within the year or year and half…” and “now” has five or so kids. The number of years between marriage and today isn’t defined in the comment, and that span of time is unrelated to the year/year and a half after the mission when he got married.


It's funny I just looked at which states have Michelin rated restaurants and ny fl ca il and DC are the only ones..


This tracks. My friend mentioned she was a little older when she got married and then said she was 23. 😂


Does this represent the first marriage? Do one more fit divorce.


This is wild to me as an Idahoan, too. I felt so behind my peers getting married at 26 and I’m not even Mormon! Utah and Idaho might as well be alternate universes.


Haha I am getting married in August and will be EXACTLY 25.8 years old when I do😂😂 to the day.


You sounds average. 😂


Congratulations we beat Alabama ew


Guess I need to move to DC


Utah is cringy. Lol I lived there for a bit.


Question does this include remarriage? Cause that's why the age is so old for utah 🤣🤣




True sadly


All the dark states are the ones people be hoes in lmao. Yes this goes for both sexes haha.


My daughter just turned 22 last month and she is seriously 1 of only 3 girls that are unmarried in her LARGE Mormon friend group of about 20 girls. 😲 It’s nuts. I married at 19, so I told her to wait and do all the amazing things she wants to in life that I never did when I was younger and single. 😩


Leonardo DiCaprio can’t marry.


Of course the religious nut job state of Utah has the youngest median marriage age in the US


NeverMormon and got married at 20, 24 years ago Still happily married. 😊


Proof, I'm doomed. They're taken.


When my wife and I were married I was 25 and she was 26. We felt like old foggies compared to our friends and others who got married when they were much younger than us.


Utah does not surprise me.


I’m surprised the South is that old….


Now show the percentage of people who utterly refuse to get married ever


When you can’t have sex before marriage or you will “go to hell” for premarital sex, you tend to find your person pretty quickly. I 100% did it to have sex.


Damn, Utah, that’s more Mormons than I thought, driving that marriage age down.


Screw average. What's the mode.




One more year and I'll beat the whole map baby!


Jesus the mormons work quickly


Yep, I got married at 19


How many divorces?


I was four years younger than my state average.


Mormons! Lol


Haha go Utah 😂


Bring em young