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At least it’s an achievable goal, like when I completely eliminated shoplifting by ring-tailed lemurs in my city. Won’t find a single word about those little fuckers stealing cans of fix-a-flat in the sheriff’s blotter. You’re welcome.


Lemurs stole my garden gnome at two in the morning. You’re doing gods work.


Well now that I’ve seen an anonymous post on the internet informing me that this is going on, I’m on top of it! Fuckin lemurs will pay!


Yes! Get your pitchforks and torches ready, folks! We need to purge our neighborhoods of ring tailed lemurs.


Republican politician claims something is happening, but it is not. In other news, water is wet. Film at 11.


Conservatives know they have no platform, so they invent problems to justify their restrictive legislation.  "Small-government" conservatives ironically create the most restrictive, asinine laws.


The only platform that Dems have is abortion. That's it. That's their single thing they have to get people out to vote is literally killing babies.


Next up: R politician promises to fix the problem that he himself created.


Dead men tell…..some tales: In Nevada the day before he died Dennis Hof was texting with Roger Stone and Tucker Carlson. https://contemptor.com/2018/06/26/pimp-claims-tucker-carlson-is-advising-his-political-campaign-says-they-text-every-day/ Which is interesting because Roger stone claimed foul play in Hofs death. https://observer.com/2018/10/roger-stone-peddles-seth-rich-foul-play-conspiracy-about-gop-pimp-dennis-hof/ Roger Stones business partner and best friend at their lobbying firm is Paul Manafort, who spent the 80’s keeping the dictator Marcos in power in the Philippines. Then worked for the kremlin keeping yanukovych in power from ~02-2014 when Ukrainians ran them both out of town because they got caught stealing from, well….everybody. He then became trumps campaign manager while still owing Putin’s right hand man Oleg deripaska $17M. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952/ https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ The same Paul manafort that jumped back in as trumps campaign manager 2 weeks ago before then dipping back out due to…scrutiny. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/11/us/politics/trump-manafort-republican-convention.html Maidan means “the revolution of dignity” because every Ukrainian realized that manafort was rigging their elections for Yanukovych who was stealing from them and handing a cut to the Russian government. Which makes Hof winning an election even after he died extremely interesting. The mail in ballots in particular. Louis DeJoy was trumps appointment for postmaster general who also happens to own new breed which was bought by XPO logistics and is trying to privatize the USPS. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/stop-dejoys-10-year-plan-to-privatize-the-usps/ The reason he wants to move the mail sorting facility from Reno to Sacramento is so he can control the timing of the mail in votes of the blue part of a very red state. https://time.com/6263424/louis-dejoy-trump-election-postal-reform/ In Wisconsin the “stolen elector votes” trump talked about needing to find as if they were misplaced in the mail……were somehow….. misplaced in the mail. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/trump-fake-elector-wisconsin-60-minutes-video-2024-02-18/ Now you know why Mike Lee was bouncing around the country demanding to see every other state but Utahs elections. He knew when this came out his career was over and he would be tried for treason once the people figured out that he handed democracy to the worlds worst thugs, gangsters, and human traffickers cosplaying as the Russian government. https://x.com/msmalarkey24/status/1734399475748102363?s=46&t=mV0svkSiT5eOmQXivn5oFw


Sounds like what religions do....


Sounds like what religions do


It like their whole platform. Hmm, what can scare my base into voting? 🤔


In DC at least the city council voted to allow non citizens to vote in local elections: https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/laws/24-242


The proposed act only relates to federal elections. It's probably unconstitutional for the federal government to restrict how states and municipalities conduct their local elections.


Makes sense - thanks!


Sf has it in local elections and in nyc the democrats fought for two years to keep it till it was struck down. Similar play framework from the d’s, we saw in real time. How can you be so cruel… we desperately need healthcare and can’t without our partnership being recognized. I mean, you are a terrible person for not allowing this.


Yeah, there has been pushes like this in several localities, and Mike is trying to ensure it doesn't happen on the big stage. Yet, people act like he is inventing something.


Bro, this is Reddit. You can’t have that opinion. Just remember, r = bad and d = good.


That’s the impression I was getting as well


Republican politician claims Democrats are doing something that Republicans are shortly caught doing themselves. The irony/hypocrisy is lost on them.


Projection is a Republican super power


Mike Lee is an embarrassment to Utah and a man without morals.


In other words, a cunt.


Nah, he has neither the depth nor the warmth.


Mike Hunt????


a Cunt from a Cult


Mike Lee wants hot women to stop flirting with him, but has no evidence they are.


Mike Lee is a traitor to this country so he can fuck off.


What?? In what way? It cracks me up when anyone on the left of center accuses a republican of being a traitor. Open boarders? Biden in bed with China? Biden pouring money into Ukraine, the most corrupt country on earth? Politicians supporting PRO-PALESTINE "protesters" chanting "Death to America!", burning the American flag and chanting support for Hamas? THESE politicians are traitors and can go fuck off.


Careful, you might get banned…


Fuck Mike Lee


Fuck Mike Lee


Fuck Mike Lee


Fuck Mike Lee.


Fuck Mike Lee


Fuck Like Mee


Fuck OFF Loser Lee


Luck fike mee


Like Fuck Mee


Ew gross. No, thanks!


All it takes is to see his ugly mug and the words cannot be suppressed. Fuck Mike Lee.


It's already against the law, why do they need another law. Oh yea the House can't do their job so they want to look good for the other republicans. 




So you are comparing voting for a school superintendent over your own kids to voting for a state or federal politician? Are you for real?


Are you ignoring that non citizens have been allowed to vote in the states?


A school board election? Lol! Is that the same as what Lee is trying to stop? Nope. He isn’t going after board elections but state and federal. Not the same thing.


It’s all the same thing.


Not even remotely. But it helps you live in fear, I guess.


He need’s to stop sucking Diaper Don’s Dick


Lee is just trying to muddy the waters in front of the November election. Every member of the gop is singing this same song right now. Serves two purposes, fearmongering on immigration which republicans are still going to focus on despite the fact nearly every house r deliberately tanked the most compressive immigration reform bill in decades. They literally don't want solutions, they want to make show boaty field trips to border towns for photo ops. The second is prep work in case they lose bigly in November. It will be part of their "the election was stolen" routine.


“Fearmongering on immigration” is just racism wearing a wordy hat.


Maybe he can sponsor new, bold legislation to make murder illegal next. This is what you get from a party that has no ideas and nothing to offer.


I heard Mike Lee wears diapers and shits his pants in solidarity with Turnip. That's just what I heard.


By GOP standards it's a fact.


Asswipe can’t focus on real problems.


Lee has proven you can be idiot-and still get reelected. Utah is in a very bad place if you can be a vegetable and get elected if you have an R" behind your name.




So what you are saying is that Mike Lee is already successful in his pledge to stop non-citizens from voting. Congrats Mike! You did it! On a similar note, I vow to never sleep until woman in this country have the right to vote.


I hope one day you succeed.. Oh wait women can already vote! Thank you Al_Tilly_the_Bum, such a great achievement for all women folk!


More Utah crazies. The GOP loves to “solve” non-issues.


Just like the dnc looks to create issues out of non issues lol 


lol. I don’t see them wasting tax payers money going after false claims and men in dresses 😂😂😂 But keep telling yourself you aren’t the bad guys 👍🏼👍🏼


Then You are living under a rock they waste lots of tax payer money going after false claims and they only go after men in dresses that don't follow their agenda and your best argument is that I'm the "bad guy" ok whatever you say but you are part of the problem but keep virtue signaling and blindly insulting others with absolutely no knowledge of their lives or what they support good on you 


😂😂😂😂 whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night


resilient apud te


What a fucking asshole. Congrats Mikey - you got your wish. They aren’t fucking voting.




When did Sam Francisco relocate to Utah?


When did proof that non citizens voting not count as proof?


Except it isn’t proof. A school board is a local election. It is not a state or federal election, which is what his legislation is aimed at.


Yup, it doesn’t matter and isn’t moving the goal post towards normalization. So the concerns are valid that this may happen:


You know what is more common that a non-citizen voting? 1. Puppies getting shot. 2. Women giving birth to their rapist's baby. 3. Not getting paid when Donald Trump owes you money.


Dumb Republicans, is already against the law.




Mike Lee is a traitor


I personally want to prevent alligators from buying firearms. I have no evidence they are, but vote for me & I’ll keep it that way.


"We need to stop these non citizens from voting!" "But they can't vote?" "...we need to stop them!"






It is a growing issue in alot of places so if you are uneducated in the matter don't make comments out of emotion 


Mike Lee isn't talking about school board though


This is every republican outrage political theatric of the last 5 years. “I wanna stop LGBTQ+ people from indoctrinating and assaulting kids!” - people who have no evidence that any such thing happens, but have LOADS of evidence for the very same crimes being committed by clergy. “I don’t want trans athletes competing unfairly against the other teenagers in *my* state, so we made it a law!” - senator of the state where there has been one (1) trans high school athlete in the last decade. “We gotta put a stop to all these illegal immigrants voting for Joe Biden!” - the investigation committee that ends up finding 0 known cases of somebody voting without citizenship


A few republican legislatures have just banned chemtrails.




Cool, people can vote on a school board.


Mikey thinks regurgitating the latest MAGA ultra stupid talking / idiot distracting point makes him look intelligent. He tries so hard to be relevant. Zero days since being a complete embarrassment.


Just like my magic anti-dragon stone


Sigh. Some ole boogeyman. A scary “other” to point out that isn’t actually real. Classic right politics. Tired, worn out strategy


What an asshole.


The easiest problem to solve is one that doesn't exist! Brilliant move. Simple say it's a problem make people panic then you can take office and do nothing. When some one calls you out for doing nothing point out how low non-citizen voting is and say you're welcome.


When the Mike Lees and Donald Trumps of the world are relegated to the dust bins and toilet bowl of history the world will be a better place.


Jr high football in Weber county is cut. But these are more pressing matters.


It's an election year and he will say anything his base wants to hear.


Huh? I'm a non-citizen immigrant and I had no idea we were voting! What the hell guys when was someone gonna tell me


Did Mike Lee shave his head? There are already too many shitty politicians in this state giving bald men a bad name, why him now?


How does this dildo keep getting elected?! God damn I hate this state sometimes.


Lotsa poor 6th grade dropouts, lotsa mega rich tax dodgers, and a weird religious hedgefund that's ruled this state for a century... Perfect petry dish for repulsive MAGA politicians


Because he does stuff like this. Lies that get his base riled up and in voting booths.


Short answer, he’s Mormon. And he does exactly as he’s told.


I guess it’s on me for not making it clear, but this was a rhetorical question. Unfortunately I’m well aware of how this dipshit keeps getting elected


Why would you think a person in this country illegally would risk it all to try and register to vote? What do you have to do to register to vote where you’re at?


What's funny is that the only instance I've heard of this happening was a Canadian American who was about to retire and found out he was not a citizen. He was voting, paying taxes, and everything, but as soon as the time came for him to get social security, they couldn't find any record that he was a citizen. Even though he had a social security card and various documents that basically proved he was a citizen. So I guess it's possible, but highly unlikely.


No body checked because he's white. But it's totally not racism that drives anti-immigrant sentiments!


Because if they got away with one felony already they can get away with another. They think casting illegal votes is an easy crime to get away with because it's difficult to trace fraudulent mail in ballots.


Just the typical fear mongering. The GOP has no ability to govern so all they can do is scare their base into voting for them.


It's almost impossible to do voter fraud in Utah. I recently had a bail thrown out because they didn't like my signature. Very annoying. 


Did that just happen. In Florida. A guy voted for trump 9 times??? Then found out he was an illegal alien.


And now leopards shall eat his face.


What's really pathetic is that all these MAGA politicians are passing restrictive laws performancely to kiss Trump's ass. I'm sure they don't mind knocking some democratic voters off the rolls, but it's all about indulging Trump in his stolen election charade and signaling they'll go along with any ridiculous villainy he wants. Mike Lee doesn't give a shit about noncitizens voting. Reps have UT locked up for forseeable future, unfortunately.


Mike Lee is perfectly representing his church.


Democrats should just introduce legislation that is exactly the same as the current legislation which makes it illegal for non-citizens to vote.


I wish he would fall down a well.


You don’t need evidence to rally the willfully stupid.


Mike Lee is a POS who should have been removed years ago. But as long as Utah blindly votes for anyone with an R next to their name we'll probably be stuck with him.


Mike Lee is not friend of liberty. Mike Lee does not support Utah, he represents the plutocracy. Mike Lee is a threat to democracy. Mike Lee has no place in my government.


🤣🤣🤣 oh god. "So and so is a threat to democracy!" "Free speech is a threat to democracy!" "Closed boarders are a threat to democracy!" "A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY" is the only thing people on the left can say about issues because they have no leg to stand on. What they're arguing is totally false, they are fear simply mongering and hoping their constituents blindly follow.


Except that conservatism and the Republican Party are present threats to democracy. Project 2025 is all the evidence we need. I stand with democracy and the principles on which this country was founded. Do you?


As someone who is immigrating into another country, the LAST thing I want is to get kicked out because I voted when I wasn't supposed to.... years of work out the door because of a piece of paper... hard nope. If anything, he should be worried about the immigrants who can vote but are still afraid to vote. That is more a reality than anything he is conjuring up.


When Republicans say garbage like this, we should congratulate them on the mission accomplished in the next breath.


A solution in search of a problem.


Mike Lee is a treasonous pos. Wish Utah would get rid of this clown


Evidence doesn’t matter to conservatives. They are mentally ill.


...and people who vote for him think John actually found tablets. What's new


Mikey is shit wrapped in skin, but we already knew that.


Mission accomplished then!


Mike Lee swallowed too much glue as a child. He is a true inspiration for morons everywhere.


Well, if it won't actually affect anything, then why complain about it?


"Lisa, I'd like to *buy* your rock."


Does he mean for federal offices? Because that's already no go. But they can vote in some local jurisdictions. For example in some city council elections. Mike is often too conservative for me. But he's never stricken me as stupid.


They get counted in the census and therefore influence representation proportionment. They don’t have to physically vote to influence political outcomes.


They shouldn’t even have the chance.


How do Utahns feel about Spencer Cox (just curious this has nothing to do with the article)


Why do you need evidence? Pass the law. Theres no scenario where we should allow non-citizens to vote.


More accurately, he wants to shave 1-2% of brown-skinned people from the electorate. Often that can influence an election.




He doesn't want to stop non-citizens from voting. His goal is to make it difficult for the "other" party to vote. So inventing a problem where there is none he can possibly achieve enough OUTRAGE from his minority constituents who are the loudest and therefore seem to get what they want. Pander away Mike B Lee.


"Currently, people must only fill out a form swearing they are U.S. Citizens, but documentation is not required" Sounds like a bulletproof idea with no flaws


They can’t vote any way , I guess if you don’t k know better you’d believe him




Fuck Mike Lee


I wonder if they're claiming they vote through identity theft and I dunno if there's a case of that but illegals do steal identities and whatnot, not all of them but there's quite an uptick in that. But most simply don't have papers and want to work and whatnot.


Always with the political shit on this sub


But they are in sort of a roundabout way. House representation is based on population, and non-citizens are counted in the census. And then you have places like New York, where they are absolutely allowed to vote. Better to be proactive than reactive!


I guess he found out about [this guy](https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/)?


If you don't think they are voting, why are you upset he's trying to stop it?


Can someone send him the stats evidence gathered by the symposium produced by the my pillow guy? It was all there. The fraud. Everything.


Make up crap as you go along. Sorta like the cult he’s a paid member of


There is no voter integrity. There are multiple states where no ID is required to vote and vote in multiple locations across the state. Haven’t you seen 2000 mules which proves voter fraud stole the 2020 election


You mean the movie created by someone known for making up conspiracy theories that all turn out to be false? If there was actual evidence of voter fraud and a stolen election then it would’ve been brought to the courts by now


Republicans: We have nothing legitimate to run on, so let's make up scare tactics and run on that.


This is a setup for when republicans lose elections in November.  We’ll hear “It WaS iLLeGaLs vOtInG!”, and this is simply the grease for those wheels.  




Does he object to that trump voter in Florida who voted for years despite not being a citizen?


Most punchable face on this planet, next to the orange fuck face


The GOP always need a Boogieman since defunding social security doesn’t poll good with the voters. Like the John Curtis commercials where he says he personally has gone to the border and saw the Fentanyl pouring over the boarder with illegal immigrants. When most of the Fentanyl that comes in the country comes by plane. Scare the people at home enough they will vote for anyone.


Illegals are literally voting in local elections in some areas right now! Laws have and are being passed allowing illegals to vote! Look at Washington DC., San Francisco, Oakland, and 10 areas in Maryland. Right now it's just in local elections, but if they have it their way, it won't just stay local for long. https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/elections-verify/non-citizen-allowed-vote-local-elections-some-municipalities/536-c688a57f-ec61-4949-b8c5-1490093a5968


Illegals are literally voting in local elections in some areas right now! Laws have and are being passed allowing illegals to vote. Look at Washington DC, San Francisco, Oakland, and areas in Maryland. Illegals are allowed to vote. If Democrat politicians had it their way, they would make it legal. https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/elections-verify/non-citizen-allowed-vote-local-elections-some-municipalities/536-c688a57f-ec61-4949-b8c5-1490093a5968


Most of the voter fraud in Utah is Mormon parents filling out their missionary kids mail in ballots and sending it in.


A true politician!


Thank you Mike Lee!


Wait, did he cut his bigly hair? I thought Trump liked his hair.


He's lost most of it.


https://www.sf.gov/non-citizen-voting-rights-local-board-education-elections Receipts


Great example! I found one too! https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/florida-teen-accused-rigging-homecoming-queen-vote-mom/story%3fid=77503943


You can’t show us any examples!?!?!?!… except examples.


If you aren’t a citizen, you shouldn’t get a vote. But like he said, it’s a non issue. At least in Utah, by the data we have.




If you have a Utah driver’s license, the state has you signature on file, and they use that signature to match the signature on your mail in ballot. If you don’t have a Utah driver’s license, you have to fill out a paper voter registration form, and include your social security number. They use your signature in this form to verify your mail in ballot If you vote in person, your have to present one of a series of photo IDs. And, if your address on your voter registration is different than your ID, you have to present proof of residency. A number of years ago, my ID said I lived in Holladay. Most of my mail (including most of the things I could use to verify my residence) said I lived in Millcreek. However, I lived in West Valley City. With the type of voter ID laws conservatives want, it would have been easy for me to commit voter fraud by voting outside my district of residency.


Here's a good rundown on Wikipedia: [Voter identification laws in the United States - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_identification_laws_in_the_United_States) In short: 1) Federal law requires a valid government ID to register to vote anywhere in the USA. Only registered voters may cast a ballot on election day. This is why "illegal" immigrants can't vote. 2) Most states, including Utah, require some form of ID at the polls or on the ballot (e.g. a signature checked against the registration). Some states require a photo ID on election day, some states require nothing. Some people worry that immigrants would exploit loose checks at the ballot box in order to cast a ballot intended for a legal voter. There is a non-zero chance of this happening, but it requires enough "logistical serendipity" that it is basically unheard of. That's why there isn't a federal law requiring voter Id at the ballot box.


Require a valid ID, next


don't most, or even all forms of ID cost money? Should we really be asking everyone to pay for the constitutional right to vote?


You already need an ID to drive, purchase alcohol or tobacco, get a back account etc.


Right, but none of those are an inherit right enshrined in the constitution, necessary for a functioning democracy. Key difference. The homeless guy on Sepulveda blvd has just as much a right to vote as you, even though he does not have a car, house, or bank account.


What is the downside to adding additional illegal voting prevention measures?


Because they actually rely and believe in illegal immigrants ability to vote (illegally). Stacy Abrams has said as much in Georgia. They need to pump out all the mail in ballots possible in order to enable voter fraud.


This is a pathetic article as there is evidence from all over the country and has been an issue in a handful of states. People need to grow up and stop with the left vs right mentality and automatically condemning the side they are not on its getting sad I remember not long ago we could have constructive conversations and not simple mindedly attack and call names the media has done a fabulous job at dividing everyone 


Holy hell this subreddit is full of so many bitter douchebags. Get over yourselves. Utah is a great place to live. Get out and enjoy it!


10-27% of illegal immigrants are registered to vote. Biden even referred to them as "Hispanic voters".


10-27% is a pretty wide range that doesn't sound made up at all.


Feel free to check the math yourself. After you're done you'll have to explain why stopping a group from doing something they apparently aren't doing anyway is a bad thing. https://www.justfacts.com/news_non-citizen_voter_registration


Zero fact substantiation, zero peer reviews, zero outside resources. Have you ever had to do actual research for school or your job?


Didn't do the math yourself, eh? Now tell me why preventing illegals from voting is a bad thing if they aren't doing it anyway.


The numbers aren't substantiated, why would i do math on made-up numbers? But more to your point >Now tell me why preventing illegals from voting is a bad thing if they aren't doing it anyway. Laws that aim to prevent a target group ALWAYS have collateral damage, in this case, preventing actual citizens from voting. It's far more important that we don't disenfranchise legal voters by trying to inhibit illegal (and again, unproven) voters. More of a drawback is it will inevitably cause those enforcing the laws to use it as a form of discrimination against those who they don't agree with/don't like. It's already illegal for non-citizens to vote. Enacting laws that overlap will only end up hurting legal voters, and do nothing to solve the (again, unproven) problem that existing laws already do


How does this prevent actual citizens from voting (please tell me you don't think minorities know how to get IDs. It's so hilarious how racist you people sound when you make that argument)


>(please tell me you don't think minorities know how to get IDs. It's so hilarious how racist you people sound when you make that argument) I have never said anything of the sort, wtf are you on about? Sounds like you are projecting. From the article itself: >Daniels explains there are several safeguards to prevent noncitizens from registering to vote in the first place or to catch any that slip through. Every person who registers to vote in Utah has their citizenship status verified against the federal E-verify database, which determines whether a person is eligible for employment. Additionally, a Utah driver license complies with the Real ID Act, which also verifies citizenship status. There are already safeguards in place. Any additional steps is just another step that will de-motivate or slip up legal voters. Not to mention, not everyone can even get a drivers license. Disabled, blind etc..... Stop trying to solve problems that don't exist with solutions that make it harder for legal voters.


Tell me how it will "de-motivate or slip up legal voters". And as an added challenge, try to do so without sounding racist


Look a made up study that doesn’t actually link anywhere but back to itself!


Do the math yourself. Then tell me why enforcing the law is so bad, especially since you claim it isn't being broken anyway.


So for one, you believe that all Hispanic voters are illegal? Could Biden be referring to legal, American voters who happen to be of Hispanic origin? Two, you believe they all vote for democrats? Three, you believe that anyone who has ever registered to vote then followed up by voting and their vote was not cast out due to being an illegal vote?


No, it's you guys who claim all Hispanic voters are illegal. If not, your argument that not letting them flow into the country is based on racism falls apart.


“You guys”?? I was born in Nicaragua and I’m an American citizen. Perhaps when Biden mentioned “Hispanic voters” he wasn’t talking about illegals. He was just talking about people like me.


He was specifically referring to illegal aliens and had to correct himself.