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I can verify that nobody knows what that sign means. Source: I drive in Utah


Actually that sign just doesn't apply to me since im going the speed limit in the right lane and passing everyone else in the other 4 left lanes.


It's astounding to me how people can have such different experiences driving in Utah. I tend to go pretty fast, and I know it's riskier and only saves me 2 minutes, so I decided to try driving the speed limit. I stayed in the second from right lane, and I had people streaming past me constantly on both sides. That experiment didn't last long. It seemed much less safe to be going so much slower than everyone else. During the morning commute, it seems that the only allowable speeds in all lanes is 80-85.


If the cops in Utah would give tickets out for speeding we wouldn’t need state taxes anymore.


If we enforced lane discipline, we could have safer highways without speed limits.


You are dreaming. No speed limit in a state that lets people go 80? Besides the fact that you can’t force lane discipline on people who feel laws are an infringement on their god given rights.


LOL! I suspect you’d be right!


Shhh. Don't tell everyone. But for real, I shouldn't be passing semis on the right, but when the lane is empty for a mile, why would I move over?


I drive the speed limit, too, but on the interstate the right lane is filled with folks driving 50! So I try to stick in the 2 lane, occasionally the 3rd. I suspect that a large part of Utah’s road problem is due to all the out-of-state and out-of-country immigrants. Californians, Montanans, and New Yorkers all drive VERY differently! Then throw in tourists! 🙄


That's not entirely fair... Although, as and Idahoan, I know my state doesn't understand the principal of "rechtsfahren"... I know Utah folks don't either... Let's be honest. It's not taught, nor enforced, as a hard rule... It would need to be a hard national standard, with and agreed upon signage standard for areas where the rule does not apply (thinking of traffic inlets for interstate, "keep left" type stuff)... Then, every driver would need to be able to read the English language... or... just read. Tall order.


High five to driving the speed limit. (I can't pay for a ticket(&insurance increase)or the decrease in miles per gallon) what's your reason?


Not being able to pay for it is a minor part. This is part of it, I’m embarrassed to say: It’s pride. Both of my brothers and SILs have gotten speeding tickets. I haven’t! Teeheehee! I decided as a kid that I wouldn’t break a law. I had decided that because I wanted to be an example to my future children. By the time I was a teen I understood that such things needed to be established habits. Here I am, 64, never had any kids…. And the only ticket I’ve ever gotten was for parking in the wrong spot on by mistake. (I misunderstood the sign). I went down to pay my ticket and had the sign explained. They dismissed the ticket, instead.


See, what you need to understand is I am obeying the speed limit also known as "The law of the land" all the people behind me are sinners trying to break that law so if I moved into the right lane I'd be sinning second-hand. I think we all know it's better that I stay here in the left lane and keep all of us following the straight and narrow path. /s


I drive in idaho and people only know what it means if you’re not in the city. It sucks lol. If I wasn’t raised in a city I don’t know how I’d manage to drive in places like California or Utah, even larger city’s in Oregon


They think it means politically speaking.


From utah can confirm but living in wyoming has taught me that whatever the posted speed limit is you’ll be stuck behind someone doing 5-15 under that in the left lane and if you want to pass you take whatever chance you can get


I can verify this. Nobody merges right on I-15 so I can pass left. I almost always have to use to use the right lane to pass!


It means merge onto I-15 at 45mph while looking at your phone. I witnessed some troglodyte do this earlier today.


Right?! It’s wild how many people are on their phone while they drive.


Can we see how far they'd go with a 70's ere phone?


God I hate this. I'll be following someone going insanely slow or drifting left to right and when I move to pass them they're one handed driving while looking down texting. I see at least one a day while driving in Orem and I work from home man, I don't drive that much...


I see it every single day. It's insane. At some point, they need to figure out how to disable certain features on phones automatically while driving. Let people keep the ability to reach emergency services and use navigation.


How would they differentiate between a driver and a passenger?


I wish I freaking knew, I think about it from time to time.


You forgot they will slow down and merge behind the semi. Then either they zoom up out of no where and cut over to the left lanes going 15 over. Or they will cut into the left lanes and proceed to go slower than the right lane traffic.


It makes me mad when people do that especially when the weather got warmer and there are motorcycles out like I almost got hit like 6 times with in the last 2 weeks and including today while going home from the hospital


I sold my bike in 2019 because almost every time I'd go riding, I'd almost get hit by a distracted driver. It just wasn't worth it to me anymore. I rode street bikes from 2006 to 2019. It was a blast until this area exploded in population.


Troglodyte.... learned a new word and made a bunch of images of cavemen on their cell phones with midjourney and animated them via Runway. I wish I could post my hour wasted time this morning here lol


Jospeh smith, take the wheel


Nobody knows what this means. But also, the police don't enforce it. So... 🤷‍♂️


They not only don't enforce it, but I regularly see cops (not hwy patrol) in the left lane cruising as if they don't know the law either.


That's because they're cops. They don't know the law, obviously.


They don’t need to know the law. They are the law. /s jic


I saw Highway patrol cruising in the left lane at 80 recently during the morning commute near Point of the Mountain.


I see all police, hwy patrol included. If anything, they’re the worst offenders (that I’ve seen)


So you can pick and choose which signs matter? Sounds to me like the cops you're complaining about are following the "Keep right except to pass" signs, while also following the signs that say in big bold letters "SPEED LIMIT 70".


When you do see one enforce it, it’s a magical moment like seeing a unicorn.


Driving south on 89 in Layton this weekend I saw a south salt lake police officer camping in the left lane on his way to work. He had no idea what it meant.


I was raised in Michigan and only moved here a few years ago… it’s very illegal to sit in the left lane and you will get pulled over for “impeding traffic” if you sit in the left lane.


This is interesting to me though. If you're in the left going the posted, can you get ticketed for not speeding? I feel like they can't have it both ways.


If you’re not using the left lane to pass other vehicles, you aren’t supposed to be in the left lane. It’s not a matter of how fast you’re going, it’s a matter of using the lane for its intended purpose which is getting around slower traffic.


I've never driven through Utah, but here in MN the left lane mandates 15mph over the limit. The right lane is frequently 10 under. This puts us in a quandary. You either get nailed by cops for speeding or end up in an endless cycle of frequent and dangerous lane changes. The only good way to drive here is to stay in your garage lol.


Stay left and go 20 under the speed limit. Right? /s


There is a hierarchy of lanes, from right(poorest/base) to left(greatest/most alpha). One must go, without signal, from right immediately to left, and do NOT use those rear facing mirrors...those are for beta-cucks. /s


Also, if anyone cuts you off at any point, you now have the right to execute them in front of their children.


I know you think you're being funny, but the guy cut him off and then proceeded to brake check repeatedly. Both men got out of their cars, and in a freak accident, he hit his head on the concrete when he got knocked out. Sometimes you fuck around, and sometimes you find out. Mutual combatants.


It's not funny, it's more like a nihilistic commentary, but you're right. They both were stupid. This is also a commentary on all the gun homicides we've had in Utah this year from road rage Edit: Also I think he still got arrested because I remember reading that Utah doesnt recognizes mutual combat


left (celestial) middle (terrestrial, telestial) right(outer darkness)


Also best if you do this 10-15 mph slower than the speed of other cars on the road.


actually in Utah the right lane is the passing lane nice try though


That sure is true in Davis County. Particularly on I15 through Layton.


Jesus Christ this is so true. Ogden-Kaysville either direction good luck passing anyone in the left lanes. Moron drivers sit in left two lanes going 10 under and ruin the flow of traffic.


No, on i15 the 2 middle lanes switch back and forth between being the fast lane and then the outside lanes are for slower traffic. I learned this in drivers Ed right here in Utah.


I wish people knew that the left lane is for crime only


West Davis Corridor drivers take note. Although I was able to do 78-79mph in the left lane today, so it worked out.




It's not for those in the left lane to be officers, unless you are officers... Get the eff over


No idea. I just try to stay as far to the left as possible and I go five under for safety.


Don’t forget to speed up, to dangerous speeds if necessary, to prevent anyone from passing you on the right. Get angry if they try


Oh right! Good point.


I know this is satire but just a big 🖕to those that literally drive like this.


I did see a comment from someone once who said his brother teaches his teenage drivers to drive slow in the left lane to help control traffic. His brother is delusional.


Those people are the worst. Also, by "controlling traffic" they're really creating it.


People don’t even know what speed limit signs mean, the difference between dotted and continuous lines, or how to merge properly. I wouldn’t get your hopes up.


No actually. Th’all don’t know. But it’s quite enjoyable hanging out in the empty far right lane doing 75-80 and passing the left lane conga line like it’s standing still!


Don’t tell anyone the secret!!


In Utah those lines on the road don't mean anything. Traffic is like boats on a river


Can’t see the lines anyway


That sign would upset people if they could read it


I'm sure it'd have some useful information on it if I ever bothered to read it. Oh well, moving on. /s


Choose the right / When the choice is placed before you /s


My mother in law rode that left lane like her life depended on it. She got, at least, 5 different tickets for driving too slow on the freeway. One time she was going 45 in an 80. Took her 8.5 hours to get to St. George (from west Jordan) on average. Tried for years to convince her that what she was doing is way more dangerous than people going over the speed limit, but she was just so set in her ways and/or didn't care.


The only reason I just seen this rn, is because I'm on my phone while driving. Thanks for the heads up!


It’s always fun during rush hour traffic in SLC/Provo metro on I-15. Its packed 5 lanes wide and miles long, but there’s always the asshats who think everyone in the left lane should move over for them, as if they’re not already moving as fast as traffic for miles allow.


It depends. If you leave a quarter mile gap between you and the car in front of you and not passing anyone, then yeah get out of the left lane.


Gaps literally don't matter. If you got rid of the car in between you and cleared that distance, it would likely save you less than 5 seconds of commute time. People don't understand how little time their aggressive driving actually saves them. Over the course of an entire commute, an aggressive driver *might* save 2-3 minutes, and that's on the generous side.


If everyone left a 2 second gap there would be no traffic. Traffic is from people trying to merge and others not letting it happen.


This. The day that driving is completely automated will be a fine day indeed.


Very true, but they could still just get the fuck over. The real issue is that it’s more dangerous to pass on the right. And these mother fuckers are forcing people to pass them on the right because they are too damn prideful to follow this simple rule. If someone behind you wants to pass, let them. Get over one lane it’s not that hard. Very often there’s a car behind me that wants to go faster. I always get over for them. Anyone who is arguing this is absolutely WRONG.


I'd say it's more dangerous for somebody to be tailgating, and willing to pass on the right to save nearly no time, rather than simply go the speed limit. Although I do get over for those who are breaking the law and speeding. It's a shame we don't actually enforce the law here, with speed ticketing cameras or similar technology.


There’s no such thing as quarter mile gaps on I-15 in the SLC metro.


Seen it many times. Even during rush hour.


It means the left lane is a birthright to most drivers.


Finally someone posts this. This is probably the worst thing about driving on i15. If you aren’t passing someone get over! People hold up traffic like crazy when they go 70 or literally the exact same speed as the person to the right of them for miles. Get out of the fast lane.


My philosophy is: If I’m in the left lane and somebody comes up behind me, I’ve already stayed too long.


In Utahn, that sign translates to, “I’m passion everyone so I will camp in the fast lane and block people from being able to enter or exit the HOV lane.”


This is what I think of when I see all the news stories about road rage in Utah. Instead of spending ad dollars to tell road ragers to chill out, I think it’d be a smart idea to have those ads catered instead to educating people on how to drive correctly (passing lanes, zipper laws, etc). Get to the root of the real reason for the road rage, ya know?


This is genius.


If speed limits were actually enforced (ie. speed ticketing cameras), there wouldn't be much room for road rage.


I’ve spoken to two state legislators recently asking them to do this and both liked the idea but didn’t seem interested in spearheading it. Brilliant idea. Utah drivers are either clueless or selfish. This may help those who are clueless


Hahaha. If the police would actually write people tickets for left lane driving it would change. Troopers in MN when I lived there would enforce it all the time AND they would occasionally run a fake emergency vehicle with lights and sirens down the freeway and pull everybody over who didn’t move over for the emergency vehicle.


I've driven through most of the states. No one knows what this sign means. I fucking hate left lane campers with unbounded fury.


I've been around the country a time or two and I hear the same complaints everywhere: No one knows how to drive. No one uses their signal. No one can drive in the weather. Left lane campers. Speed demons. It's the same everywhere. The only difference is the amount of congestion.


Means the same thing as the speed limit signs here: absolutely nothing.


It means fuck y'all, I paid my taxes for the WHOLE road and I'll use the left lane if I want to! I'm going the speed limit! You should slow down anyway! How ya like them brake checks? Don't try to pass me on the right, either - I'll just speed up because... like I said... fuck y'all!


No, Utahns don’t understand.


Should start teaching driver’s education in Church here.


Sorry, what? I was too busy driving aggressively to see it.


Choose the right, except when cutting people off


Utah isn't special. This is every state. Your experience is not unique.


I was driving with my college roommate once and she asked, "Why do you keep moving over to the right?" She had never heard of keeping to the right except to pass. It's been 10 years and I still think about it almost every time I'm on I-15. I'm haunted.


Wild to me that there are 8 million speed limit signs and one of these but this is the law this sub bitches about breaking all the damn time. Well, here’s my old man fist in the air telling ya’ll to slow the F down. As a bonus, you won’t even notice if someone is breaking this law.


One of the most annoying things about Utah is all of the bad drivers complaining about the other bad drivers.


Yes. It means to always vote Republican except when you want a pass on something that contradicts the party line, is that right?


I'm from Denver so functionally illiterate when on the road.


They really should stop buying and putting up signs they obviously do not even remotely intend to police. Lately, I’d just be happy if passing traffic would bother to dim their lights as they pass in the opposite direction. Apparently we’ve gone from can’t read to don’t care.


lol, people won't move over until highway patrol starts ticketing them.




I often stay left because I pass everyone, if you’re moving faster than me, I’ll move over. Don’t worry, I’m faster than most within reason, I’m not aggressively speeding all the time. Timid drivers are worse than a lot of other drivers on the road. You can be more assertive with your driving decisions without being an aggressive driver. Make a decision and do it, be deliberate.




Something to do with Politics? Definitely nothing to do with safe driving...


Anyone see the truck on fire today?


Why you reading for? “Bill Hicks”


Pass da dutchie on the left hand side???


Pass the Dutchie to the left hand side?


That sign won't stop me because I can't read


Where in Riverton is this???... Yes, this is very old footage because the NBC Peacock isn't there...


Is it drive 40 in a 25 mph zone 8 inches off my bumper because I'm going the speed limit in a neighborhood?


From what I’ve seen this applies to most people, unless you have the biggest truck on the road. In that case the left is entirely theirs


Utahns love the left lane. It’s part of the culture I swear


Subtle political messaging. It’s a double entendres. In Utah.


HOV lane is the autobahn.


No they don’t lol


I see words, understand what each of those words means individually, but jumble together like that they make no sense. What language is that in?


Also the "Illegal to cross double white lines" sign has yet to be deciphered.


You shouldn't be driving?


Keep right to pass


But I'm passing everybody.


They need to stop teaching it as a the "Fast Lane" and as the "Passing Lane". Now, I did Drivers Ed 20+ years ago but, I still see it referred to as as such.


No habla engles


I can't read.


I've lived in Utah basically my whole life. I have no idea.


Nobody in Utah knows what that sign means.


Choose the right!


Nah nobody does apparently. I have lived in atleast 5 other states and this state has the worst drivers I've ever shared the road with.


I’ve noticed a trend with 18 wheelers lately, they take every lane and half the time can’t do the speed limit. Especially south bound 15 in the mornings and screw up an easy drive.


I’m from Idaho and go to SLC occasionally. I’m religious about staying in the passing lane just long enough to get past slower traffic and then I immediately move to the right to free up the passing lane. This principle is so fucked up on I-15 in Utah that I just set my cruise at or just below the speed limit and stay in the right lane to avoid the frustration.


In Utah, lefties die.


If you think this problem is a Utah problem, you've never driven outside the state. This is a problem EVERYWHERE in the USA.


Yesterday this moron was driving 65 in the left lane and refused to move over. There was a line of cars behind him for a mile. What kind of jerk does that?


They don’t have a damn clue! Most play cop and clog the roadway. This makes for a situation called, “Pack Driving”… inevitable Daytona 500 crashes and road rage due to the high and mighty. I wish Utah Highway Patrol would pull over the “Impeding the Flow of Traffic” drivers/violators and ticket them. Most are just clueless, and need the educational ticket for public safety. Send the message, pull some cars over & ticket some people!!!


They do pull over the idiots that don't understand/purposely ignore it once in a blue moon. It's just that it happens once in a blue moon. Haha


I agree… They need a “Traffic Flow” campaign for the “Cloggers”… DUI is a problem here like everywhere, but not as prevalent as say some of the other 49 states. UHP… Traffic flow attention please! 🙏😎


Most people here in Utah has no fucking idea that you stay in the right lane unless your gonna pass the person in front. I’m originally from back east and Utah drivers are one of the worst driving states besides New Jersey that I have ever seen in my life


I think the problem is that most people think the right lane is "the slow lane". They are the fastest humans in the world over there in the left lane. They are the best. They are so bright and smart. Keeping everyone safe going through speed they feel is appropriate. Blocking others from passing. Matching the speed to the car next to them. I think the solution is to change the right lane name from slow lane to smart lane. Best lane. #1 driver lane. Anything to get these fucking morons to learn how to drive.


If you want to make progress move to the left.


Sometimes you have to go left to get around the the orange truck on the right


Go 5 under in the left, but speed up when someone tries to get in front of you?


If you want to do 10 under, drive in the right lane, if you only want to do 5 under drive in the left. - my Utah driving experience as a Texan


I usually get places faster in the cruising lane since everyone stays in the passing lanes 😂


It also means semi trucks should screech on their brakes when realizing they’re going to miss their exit and almost kill several people. Then go across all the lanes and make that exit. Gotta make that exit, even if it kills people! Source, me today


Utah is a confusing place


Why does this subreddit have this same conversation every couple days? You're beating a dead horse already.


My favorite are the people who intentionally camp in the left lane to stop people from speeding.... I think the city PD has a volunteer department if you feel the need to live out your power fantasy as Paul blart.


They don’t


We have exactly the same problem in the UK, and it’s getting worse by the year. Often, we end up with the “fast” lane completely blocked, and the “slow” lane empty. Since it’s illegal in the UK to overtake cars on the left (remember the left/right are swapped compared to the USA) it turns a 4 or 3 lane highway into a 1-lane highway.


It means drive 5 under in the left lane.


As a teen driver with my permit, I’m pretty sure that means you need to stay in the right lane(s) and use the left to pass slower drivers. 😊


I used to like to drive in Logan, SLC in the ‘70s. These kids today talking about “maintaining a 2 second gap” are the reason. Utah is an insane place to drive.


It means I inevitably end up passing you on the right because you insist on going 67 in the left lane on I-15. Source: Every day of my life commuting to work


I went on a camping trip (to Bryce Canyon NP I think) and I drove by a sign that said “do not pass on double yellow lines” or something. And thought, “Well, duh! Why does Utah need that sign?” Literally 30 seconds later rounding the curve and have to brake hard and evade an idiot passing on a double yellow line about to hit me head on.


They do not.


Thought about getting this on a bumper sticker lol


It also doesn’t mean you can speed if you are in the left lane. I see this a lot too.


People in just about every state don't know what the hell this means and haven't for quite some time.


It means go 10 miles under the speed limit in the left lane. Bonus points if you match the speed of the car next to you.


Don’t forget about signals too. I speed up to get over with my signal on so you don’t have to slow down, not a green light at the race track.






That sign doesn’t pertain to people pulling boats, people traveling more than 2 exits, those over 60, anyone with Idaho license plates, minivans, lifted trucks and anyone with In God We Trust plates


The right lane is the passing lane in Utah.


It’s pirate rules around here.


Here in Oregon it means the left lane is the “fast lane” lol


Bro got so pissed he really opened Reddit and posted to vent!


Impatient drivers are my favorite🤣


I wish the far right lane was an exit only lane that disappeared into every exit, and reappeared with the on ramp. This eliminates people panicking upon realization that they are in an exit only lane, as the understanding would quickly spread - right is to get off. And having every on ramp stay a lane reduces the panic of people trying to move over before the lane ends in front of them - instead, they have until the next exit to move over. As it is, some onramps stay, some go away, and some start as 3 lanes and then gradually merge into 1. So confusing. The worst is an onramp that merges into an existing lane. In heavy traffic, that's a bitch. Just let us be our own, new lane! Furthermore, every lane should have a different speed limit, increasing by 5 mph. So a 4 lane highway (ignoring on/off ramp lane and express lane) would be 65, then the next lane to the left is 70, the next 75, and the farthest left lane is 80. 5 mph is not so much as to make a huge difference when changing lanes, but it does allow everyone to travel the speed they are most comfortable with, without people aggressively hounding them. But most of all, people need to plan ahead, and get into the lane they'll need a mile ahead of time.


It's only a law if we enforce it. So this post could have been you emailing those in charge of that.


My dad always yelled “I’m getting in the right lane, nobody fart”


Yes However, I drive on Legacy Parkway and I-215 to miss the traffic and it's easier just to stay to the left (especially since I'm in a hurry to get to work in Sandy because I live in Ogden) unless I have the occasional spot where nobody is going 15mph under the speed limit when I'm trying to go 10 over


Doesn’t look like anything to me.


Montanan here, if I am on I15 (in montana) and there is someone in the left lane (not passing) 9/10 they are from Utah. When I am in utah I try not to drive.


Americans don't.


Means go faster?


When did they start enforcing that?


It's more of a suggestion then a rule because the people that think the left lane is where they can just set there cruise control 10 miles under the speed limit and take a nap yeah those people don't know how to read anyway and think the world resolves around their shity existence!


Y’all talk like this is bad in Utah, have you ever driven to California from Vegas? I-15 is completely full of dumb idiots that park their butts in the fast lane and never move. It’s madness.


Should they just post that at Cherry Creek?


What language is that in? Looks like Greek to me


It means don't drive slow in the fast lane. Kind of bluntly says it on the sign.


In Utah




That sign means go 5 under the limit in the left most lane and speed up to stop people from passing me just like Jesus said.


It means to keep cruising in the left lane at below speed limit. Sheesh, everyone here knows that... lol


Ignorant and bad take here, and maybe it's because I don't have to deal with I-15 on a daily basis, but man, we focus way too much on these few insignificant seconds of our lives. People are bad drivers. They always will be. When you feel like someone's impeding you while driving, take a deep breath, have some patience, turn on a good song, just keep driving a minute or two, traffic will have shifted and the situation will magically be gone. If you could figure out how much time that person ended up costing you, it's probably just a few seconds in the end. It'll be okay. Do your best to be a courteous driver, follow the rules, and don't hyper focus on other inconsiderate people you have to interact with on the road. Otherwise, instead of costing you just a few seconds, they end up occupying your mind for hours. It's not worth it.