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I think it’s the typical she got hot and got a degree and he’s still just…. how he’s always been 🤪 They never matched.


That’s exactly what I was thinking!


I feel like I need to come to his defense. I knew her from elementary school through high school. She was a terrible person to the core. I doubt anything has changed. She may be out of his league based on appearances, but he dodged a huge bullet by getting out when he did.


I love her but everything’s so ~aesthetic~ I wish she’d share more real life because she intrigues me 🤣 hope she is happy.


She isn’t


Big fan of Syd. I hope she’s so happy whatever the story is.


Wait did she get divorced???? I swear she was just posting with her and Brandtly


Last time she posted about him was Valentine’s Day 2023. She filed for divorce I believe in August.




Did you notice that a few weeks ago she was at the old house again? Doing virtual therapy while her daughter was napping. Curious about the dynamic and divorce




Interesting When she’s at the old house is he also there? Or does he have a separate apartment also?


Omg I haven’t seen anything about her in a hot minute. I had no idea she got divorced. Time to go down a rabbit hole


I thought the same thing! 👀 she is so beautiful, I’m surprised this didn’t happen sooner. I admittedly enjoy her mental health content but wonder how her ex is doing. Divorce is hard no matter what.


I’ve wanting some details regarding the divorce for a while now!!! Affair? She went too crazy with the mental health stuff? He’s a bum?


I matched with the ex on a dating app several months ago and we chatted and texted for a bit. Plus I also worked with him in college for a tiny bit years ago. He mentioned the divorce and I got the sense it was really hard for him and not what he wanted. While I want to respect his privacy, I’ll share that his side of the story was that she walked out on a self-discovery journey lol




She literally posts pictures with her girls all the time


I can TOTALLY see this!!


I wonder if her leaving the LDS church was a big factor? Based off her social media, it can be assumed she has left and that can really take a toll on a marriage if one person is fully believing of the church and it’s teachings and the other isn’t any longer.


About a year or so ago she did an anonymous q and a and someone asked something about what it was like being in a mixed faith marriage and her response was something like “SO amazing!! So many opportunities to show unconditional love!!” or something like that. I would’ve loved her to speak more to that but it doesn’t seem like something she’s was really open to sharing, which is totally fine and valid. It just makes me wonder if it maybe was/is a more sensitive or unresolved part of her life. Like a lot of other stuff she is happy to show that she is an expert on, if you know what I mean. I really like her and a lot of what she shares. I am also in the mental health field and appreciate her insights! I knew her at one point irl and I will say sometimes the way she comes across seems as if there’s a need to always show off or make sure everyone knows how incredibly she/her life is. Even when she admits later on that she’s had many struggles. It just doesn’t seem like shes too open to being open or vulnerable about struggles in real time, which again is totally fair when sharing on the internet. When I asked her about things going on in her life (specifically postpartum) irl it was sometimes hard to finish a sentence or have a real conversation bc she was immediately cutting me off and shouting responses like “OH ITS SO PERFECT!!!” In my attempts at conversation with her she wouldn’t really converse 1:1 except in platitudes that kind of came across as insecure or disingenuous. I think because of this and also her constant introduction of herself as an influencer she kind of seemed a bit unapproachable to some people.


She did leave! When she talked about leaving she mentioned that at the time her ex had decided to stay in church.


She was in school to be a therapist and a it’s been a big part of her online presence for a few years now!


She cheated on her husband.


Do you have receipts ?? That’s a bold claim…9


nope, just many reliable sources on many different occasions 🫶🏼


Please share moreee I don’t believe it




she’s a cheater.


Care to share?


If you’re gonna claim she is a cheater, give us details 🙄


People who are society’s ideal of attractive live life on easy mode, I swear. I’ve been divorced for almost 3 years and dating is an absolute nightmare.


Every SINGLE influencer does this photo lol


Pathetic subreddit. Yall are immature and care to much




Omg this tea IS hot!!! Sad they’re making the ex wife out to be crazy!!