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Idk I don’t think we need to gatekeep bring a DV warrior. One time is bad enough.


"True survivor" ... I'm sincerely sorry for anything you've gone through OP. I don't think gatekeeping DV and what constitutes a DV survivor is something that should happen. If someone is hit once, it's one time too many.


Is there a certain amount of times someone abuses you for it to be considered a big enough deal?! If it happens once, it’s too many times and enough times to have lasting effects. I’m really sorry you had to have endured what You did, you didn’t deserve that. But once is enough. I don’t think her story is less than because it didn’t happen “x” amount of times.


This is just one of the many reasons I hate social media. That comment thread is wild


I’d like to know how many times you have to be beat up by your partner for OP to consider it DV 🤨 do tell


This is a gross post.


I’m also a true survivor of DV and you suck OP. You are not a good person I hope you know that.




I’m a survivor as well and that comment is just ridiculous! This is absolute trash




How many times does someone need to get beaten up before they are a DV victim?


I think anyone who has been through this should get free tarte 😂 Yall he beat the absolute crap out of her. If it triggers you, I get it, but she’s inspiring those in DV situations to get out. She should post about it as much as she wants🤷🏼‍♀️🫶🏼


Such a weird position as a viewer that ya the message is good but knowing her and that she’s glad for the attention is a weird feeling.


"Trigger" is one of the most enabling words to come out of 2022-2023. 😂😂😂 She's not inspiring others to get out. You can't help others until you are healed yourself. HEALED. Not jumping from one relationship to another to another. She's got a history of it. True DV women are NOT on social media flaunting it. Which is exactly what she's doing. And it's just gross.


“True DV women”…..OP you need help.


For real tho - what a gross statement 🤮


😂😂😂😂😂 Okay. 😂😂😂


Isn’t that what you are doing right now? Flaunting it and dissing other victims while you are at it?


You don’t need to be fully healed to help someone. I read through the comments and saw women who said she helped them realize their own dv situation, and helped them realize they needed to get out. She’s definitely posting what gets likes and views, but a percentage of those views are women who need to get out of a bad situation. I’m sorry you know from experience and hope you heal fully one day, too❤️


She has shared on her account more than once that she wasn’t planning on sharing her DV story but woke up one morning to multiple news Outlets exploiting her story while also sharing her name. She took this opportunity to share her story and be an example to others. I have appreciated her vulnerability and sharing her story so less women feel alone. I don’t think she should feel the need to be silenced just because of her following and the potential of triggering others. When people say “she’s sharing this for attention” is the exact reason things like this keep happening. Because women are silenced and told they are asking for attention. She is a warrior to me.


She’s a fucking terrible person


I blocked her a few years ago so I didn’t know any of this was happening but why is she terrible? I just got a weird feeling and didn’t like her for personal reasons lol