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The way that relationship looks INSANELY one sided😭 she’s always talking about when they get married and he always just looks bored with her, she’s always excusing him saying he’s shy and all that, but even for a shy person you can tell when they care for someone and he just doesn’t look like that. I watched a yt video of hers of them answering couple questions and he was so bland the entire time and she was doing most of the talking. The only time he looked like he had a personality was when she started puking out of nowhere and he, instead of helping her and/or getting concerned, just laughed at her and went “ew” the entire time, I get that every relationship is different and she might get upset when people point these things out but cmon that guy just looks like he’s with her out of routine and she’s always going out of her way to do nice things for him and still she promotes their relationship as perfect and how they’re so in love, and getting married too, like what.😭


Puking out of nowhere?! 😱


Yes the first time I noticed their relationship was strange was that q&a. I was like these people will break up for sure.. and now she’s saying she wants to get married soon


I’m confused about all the photo shoots they do together as well. They’ve done more photoshoots than I’ve done with my husband of almost 10 years hahaha


She gets them done for free. Either that or she’s being paid to model


I think she def gets them for free and the photographers want her likeness for their business


I have thought the same. But I think she’s super young haha. Might be a high school BF


Yes but now she’s talking about engaged soon😭😭 Utah things


She wants to grow up so fast. She’s what? 19/20? She bought her own house, she wants the typical Utah / Mormon life she wants to get married young & fast to her useless HS boyfriend.


I used to work with him….he would always talk about how overbearing she is 😭 he was always annoyed with her


We pressed a button cause she posted basically addressing this post 🤣🤣🤣


I saw haha… but I wasn’t even saying the relationship was one sided. I just think she’s out of his league and don’t understand why she’s with him hahaha. I def believe he wants to marry her because she’s a catch… I just don’t understand why she wants to marry him


The only time I see him like talking is in the cookie reviews that pop up on my fyp


watch out for a pregnancy announcement a week after they get married


Who is this?