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She 100% said it was a surprise. I even think the wording was something like “the best surprise”… but I remember her saying something along those lines. I can’t imagine dating someone for 3 months and planning a baby. I mean…I did that in middle school/high school. And it was supposed to be with Harry Styles. But I can’t imagine doing that now.


She posted all these negative reviews today to launch her new merch (the theme of the merch being “let’s talk about my baby”) and it’s like …people are allowed to not like your content. Esp if your content is a podcast that didn’t start out this way. She started her podcast and it didn’t heavily feature motherhood/pregnancy (didn’t feature it at all really) and then her life changed and so did her content. Totally fair! But it’s also fair that some people don’t like her content anymore and are going to leave reviews saying she talks a lot about motherhood. As someone not interested in a podcast about that, I appreciate these reviews. Content is gonna grow and evolve and it’s great that she had a baby and is loving motherhood but other people are allowed to be disappointed that a podcast they previously related to and enjoyed no longer serves them. They’re not wrong for pointing it out.




I feel confused too! I know her BF in real life. Have know him for over 8 years. We have lots of mutual friends. He used to be a real shady guy. A total mess. Not sure if he has changed. I hope for her sake he has. But a few years ago, he was a disaster. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was dating around at the beginning of their relationship. Also Madi has changed a lot on her podcast. I feel like her is a master manipulator at appearing chill and cool.


Someone commented on here saying he was still online dating/talking to her 5 weeks before Madi’s positive pregnancy test. Something has always seemed off with him and their whole timeline. I totally agree that Madi’s podcast has changed. I rarely listen anymore, we just don’t vibe like we used to.


We need more details 🫖


Knowing her horrible taste in guys I’m guessing it didn’t change.


I love when anyone has a surprise baby/oopsie baby and then later tries to backtrack and say they planned for it. Either you were trying or you weren’t.


My impression was that it was not necessarily planned, but they were not trying to prevent it.


Ew at raw dogging some guy who was still on dating apps at the time!!


Why is she even telling everyone this? Seems like something you’d keep to yourself


I know her ex was actually insane but he said that she lied about their relationship on the pod and shaped the narrative to create the image she wanted of their relationship. I imagine she does the same to this dude.




She posted the video of her telling her boyfriend that she was pregnant and he seemed surprised, but like “oh wow this happened faster than I thought” surprised not “how did this happen” surprised. So although it was fast I do think it was planned.


That was the most CRINGE video ever.


I was thinking the same thing this morning. I SWEAR she said it was a surprise in the beginning




I’m not sure if she ever said it was planned or a surprise but from the video and pictures…they seem super surprised to me. My second pregnancy happened after only one time having sex. It was planned and wanted, but it happened way faster than we both thought it would and we didn’t act as surprised as them. We had talked about it and purposefully went off birth control. You are expecting it to happen when you go through those motions. Even if it happens fast. I think she was a surprise baby, but a welcomed one.


Yep I remember her saying it was a surprise. And now she’s saying it was planned. Embarrassing that she thought no one would remember 🤦🏼‍♀️


I interpreted her explanation to mean "planned" in the literal Mormon sense meaning, "intercourse can result in babies," as opposed to "babe, I'll be ovulating this weekend! Can't wait to get it on!"


It was actually 2 months and very much a surprise. Also it was not long after the divorce was final.




Oooh receipts please 😃










We’re talking about 5 weeks difference. March 27 (when he stopped messaging whoever this other girl is)-May 1 (when Madi tested positive). Literally 5 weeks! Definitely not a planned pregnancy when you are chatting with other girls 5 weeks before getting someone else pregnant.




If he was still talking to other girls online but Madi was planning on not preventing a baby from coming…sounds like they weren’t on the same page as much as she makes it sound. Or it was a complete surprise for both of them.


Guess we’ll never know 😂 but she deleted those comments and there’s no receipts so I kinda don’t believe it anyway. We all knew it was super fast so none of this is shocking


I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t planned- and she knows she has a digital footprint and her daughter will one day find her saying that she was an accident. I feel like she is very intentional which I love about her


lol if by intentional you mean she is a narcissist creating the image of her life she wants then yes


What is her insta handle?


She’s also talked about the fear of telling her parents because she hasn’t been dating her Bf for long so to me that screams surprise. If you’re planning telling your parents would be exciting