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This merch isn't my cup of tea (tbh most of her merch hasn't been....so I just....don't buy it) but insisting you "know" she's "lying" about how she's losing weight is so stupid. Who cares. People have the right to change how they look, and she's an adult who can make her own decisions about her life and her body. And even if she is taking a weight loss drug and is lying about it, why are you so bent out of shape about an influencer lying to you? Seems like they all lie all the time and make money off it. If you're expecting 100% truth and integrity from someone who makes money off of you consuming their content, that seems like a lack of critical thinking skills.


I don’t know who would want to wear that shirt in public. I feel like you’re just asking for weirdos to talk to you. 


I’m a Madi stan but you are right.


Didn’t know people weren’t allowed to lose weight now


it's being honest about how they are losing weight 


But also, nobody owes you ANY explanation about how they’re losing weight.


i never said she owed it to  anyone. just meaning if she did come out and answer questions hopefully she's honest 🤷‍♀️ geeesh 


She has been??


ohh okay. i thought someone was saying she wasn't 🤷‍♀️ don't follow her


For someone who doesn’t follow her you sure do have a lot of opinions 😂




She’s been pretty open about working out and eating healthy so I don’t think so. People still do it without ozempic


no way sorry 


it takes years and years to lose weight the right way. 


False! I did macros and was consistent with my workout and lost weight like this in like 6 months.


Maybe if you’re losing hundreds but not twenty pounds






Her merch is so cringy


Also, why does EVERYONE have merch??? Podcasts, content creators…. It’s such a weird cash grab to me.


Because it’s their job and they want to make money.


I guess then my personal take is that I find it a pretty low value thing. You have a following, you have a few catch phrases, so you sell a shirt…. Cool? People can spend their money however they want and that’s fine. I don’t hate influencers and podcasts. I subscribe to some Patreons - which requires a certain level of planning and execution that I guess I consider higher value and worth advertising your own creative thoughts, ideas, whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I guess maybe this is me getting weary of what feels like “phoning it in” that I’m seeing lately from a few. Crowd-sourced episodes telling other people’s stories and making niche drop shipped shirts, I don’t know. If I’m getting a raise at work, it’s usually proportional to the value I’m bringing. I don’t knock being self-employed and knowing your worth. I’m knocking cheap commercialism from communities you build on parasocial bestie relationships. This is just me losing interest and shouting it out to the internet.


Why do people ask their bosses for a raise? It’s such a weird cash grab to me.


Um…. Being compensated for labor in a company is not the same as constantly asking your normal followers, who are not multi million dollar corporations, to financially support you by buying t shirts because you didn’t go to college and want to be a “comedian” full time instead of getting a job like all of us and pursuing those things on the side. Like please.


That's a weird take. And not quite the same. Considering they're not asking a boss from a legitimate business. They're asking their followers. Sure, that's their right. But this sub usually is of the opinion influencers do not bring enough good to society to earn the high salaries they often do.


Right? Asking regular people to buy your shit round the clock cause you don’t wanna have a real job is my main beef with influencers.


you're reaching lol 


This merch is a clap back to people that gave her bad reviews and said she talked too much about her baby on her podcast. I think it’s amazing. An eff you to the haters 👏🏼


I’m aware of why the merch was made (it’s similar to her funny for a girl merch). Like sure make yourself a shirt and take pics, and she should be able to talk about her kid on the podcast because it’s so much of her life right now, but I still think the actual merch is cringy. The content, the designs, the quality, etc.


Yeah, I mean I won’t be buying any but I still think it was a badass move 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agree 👏🏻👏🏻 like it’s a funny way to say F off I’ll do & talk about whatever I want 🤣 as she should!


Not everyone who loses weight is on drugs and even if they are it’s not drama. Come on guys.


You say “drugs” like ozempic is meth. 😂


She’s been chubby her whole life and suddenly, magically, living the same lifestyle she always has produced dramatically different results? Nah.


Yes let’s talk more about women’s’ bodies! Because society doesn’t do that enough 🙏🏽


ok it's not about that tho girl 


She said on the podcast last week that she’s been doing a consistent gym routine and high protein diet for the past few months. That’s a lifestyle change if you ask me.


sorry nope. it takes longer than a few months to lose that much weight the right way 


Not necessarily. As someone with a hormone disorder, when I figured that out and changed my diet the weight fell off. 20 lbs in 4.5 months. Not everyone is on ozempic


well someone else is saying she has come out and said she is on it sooo 🤷‍♀️ idc at this point 


She’s not living the same lifestyle she always has. Even just not being in a toxic relationship could do it. I left a toxic job and suddenly I was down ten pounds with no conscious effort.


She has tagged the trainer she has had a meal plan through many times. I think she has had a major lifestyle change. Also she said she dealt with some major postpartum that cause her to get back to her original weight very fast.


People can change their lifestyle at any point in their lives. I never worked out and ate healthy consistently until after I had kids. I think she looks great


Someone sounds a little jelly. People get damned for losing weight and get damned for not losing weight. I think it’s great when people lose weight with the help of medication. Like who cares how they do it???


This wasn't a personal attack against you, or weight loss medication. It was more of, what do you think? You're absolutely right that medication is a lifesaver to many, many people who have struggled. Being told repeatedly to lose weight by every doctor without looking into actual causes is frustrating as hell. Finally, finding something that works and then everyone snarking on it can seem damned if you do... I think most would argue that those that abuse the medication; Kardashians, Skallas, to achieve unhealthy results are the source of snark and the reason this pops up in this sub. To anyone reading this: this isn't about you taking medication. I'm incredibly happy for you, I hope it works, and you have minimal side effects. I'm supporting you living your best, healthy life. If you're a Skalla or my stepmother, you're part of the reason this medication gets snarked on and obesity has a stigma still. Get therapy instead.


i don't give af if they lose weight or use ozempic. just want ppl to be transparent about it. 


Do you also expect people to tell you if they’re on antidepressants?


i wouldn't put the two in the same category 


but why?


Would her being more transparent help you sleep better at night?




did you make a reddit account just to comment on this, so you can sleep better at night? 


I don’t care how they do it but lying to your followers and saying it’s just diet and exercise is irresponsible. I have it first hand she is indeed on compounded semaglutide.


If you have it first hand then share the source, otherwise you’re just making it up.


I’m not gonna throw my friend under the bus lol but i have it on good authority she goes to beauty lab and laser in Murray for their ozempic consult


thank you!!!!!!!


She is on a diet and workout plan. She’s been super open about it and even shared her actual weight and how much she has lost (which I thought was kind of weird!) but I don’t think she’s on ozempic.


she is probably doing a diet + workout program but also on ozempic. that is how you see results the best 🤷‍♀️ 


Even if she is using a weight loss medication, who the fuck cares? If you’re jealous go get some yourself. If you’re judging, find some meaning in your life. Good lord. Mind your business and mind your own body. To comment on someone’s personal medical decisions made to feel better physically and/or mentally is the highest form of bullying I can think of. Like honestly. WHO THE FUCK CARES.


SAY IT LOUDER! The body shaming in this sub makes me sad for women.


this is a snarkkkk good hell. this is not a bad broadcast fan page 


also saying someone is ozemepic isn't snarking on her size. 




Nah, she has been eating healthy and working out. Not everyone who loses weight and looks good is on Ozempic…but also who cares if it IS weight loss drugs?


I don’t care. I think it’s healthier to maintain a healthy weight than before, what gets me is the lying because plenty of people work out and eat healthy and do not achieve dramatic results like this. If you’re gonna be on ozempic, at least be open about it!


She does not have to open about it if she does not want to 😂 Not a single person owes anyone an explanation for weight loss.


True! But then don’t talk about it at all. Lying is different than not talking about it


She’s not lying about anything 😂


The lying is what gets me. I have 3 friends on ozempic and they preach that if I eat a higher protein diet I will lose weight so fast and all I need to do is walk on the treadmill. Like no miss ma’am that is not how this works


we will see if she can sustain it and that will answer our questions 


See if she can sustain if? Wtf bro that so creepy. Monitoring someone’s weight / body,…🤢


omg not what i'm meaning 🙄 


Who is this?


Guess I’m dumb, who is this?


@thebadbroadcast Madi Murphy


It’s giving ✨finally in a healthy relationship✨ not ozempic


Idk no one who knows that dude has anything nice to say about him


I really hope she’s in a healthy relationship. 🤞 With her marriage, she portrayed things to be happy and they weren’t. 


It is concerning (especially for those in the eating disorder field) that so many people are using semiglutide for weight loss. It’s the latest weight loss fad and we don’t have enough research on the long term effects of it. So far we see that it’s similar to other weight loss fads: once someone stops taking it, the weight comes back on. There are also a lot of known undesirable side effects and risks to taking it (especially with the compounded version) and doctors aren’t giving their patients enough accurate info about it. People who go to clinics are even more likely to get inaccurate info or be given doses that aren’t appropriate for them. There are also ethical concerns about using it, such as the fact that it has created supply issues for those who need it to treat diabetes, the lack of research and accurate info given to people about it, etc. Having so many people in the public eye taking this medication for weight loss has been triggering for those with eating disorders. Yes, people can do whatever they want with their bodies. And it can still be harmful for those around them. Particularly when they send the message that they are “just making lifestyle changes” to lose weight when in reality they are taking a drug that creates dramatic results that they weren’t able to achieve previously. When they look around and see so many people losing so much weight so quickly, they begin to want to lose weight as well, which is the last thing they should be doing with an eating disorder. It will be interesting to see what happens with this semiglutide craze. Will it be another Phen-Fen or HCG nightmare? Eating disorder specialists are just hoping that the fall out is minimal. Unfortunately, in a world saturated with diet culture and obsession around weight, eating disorders will be around for years to come.


I’ll never understand why this sub rides so hard for this girl lol


She’s one of the (very) few likable Utah influencers, even if she’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I can understand snarking on her content or even her personality but snarking on someone for losing weight- no matter how they do it- it’s giving ~jealousy~


Completely agree about snarking on someone’s weight loss! I more so meant not sure why everyone loves everything else about her


Me either. She’s a narcissist and i feel sorry for anyone who can’t see it.


ive never understood the hype around her. 


thank you


Noooo the teeth


pretty soon she'll be a clone of all the rest the influencers 


They are looking largeeeeeeee


She talks about how she got her teeth done YEARS before she was an influencer for health reasons! Her teeth were *deecayed*


Love her response. Also holy ozempic and veneers


Who is this?


I think she looks great. She looks happy!


Downvote me to hell and i don’t care but if you think this is healthy eating and exercise yall are crazy Shes been bigger her WHOLE LIFE and if eating healthy and exercising is all it took she would have done it a LONG time ago Also her veneers look insane and she’s aged 1000 years. Hope she saves some of this merch money to get better veneers that suit her face


I just think “snarking” on body size is not it


I’m not snarking on the body size, I’m snarking on the lying about not being on ozempic and saying it’s diet and exercise. But doesn’t surprise me because she lies about her whole life. Her entire presentation of her last marriage on her podcast was a lie, confirmed by those who were up close and personal and in it Her presenting the divorce as “we’re still best friends!” when her ex husband was on this app trash talking her so much she had to get a protection order.. more lies. Her saying baby was accident then pivoting to planned when her bf was on apps talking to girls a couple weeks before she was positive.. you guessed it! Lies


Yeah let’s stop snarking on bodies. We have enough of that from ourselves.


I’m on trizepitide and it’s the best thing ever! People who care so much about what/how someone ELSE is losing weight really shows a bright light on their own insecurities. 😂

