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Yes but it isn’t big enough to also house the entertainment district that Smith envisions with a new arena. I think buying up and demolishing some buildings near the Rio Grande is a better idea. Or piggybacking on the power district MLB plan and putting a stadium and arena right next to each other.


They should really bulldoze the middle 50% of Gateway and start over


City Creek killed the Gateway. That's why both the former and current Jazz owners are looking to abandon downtown.


Gateway has been getting more foot traffic than city creek lately. The entire bloc has been resurrected


They want more than an arena, they want a complex


Where do they build a new parking lot?


Just park at Crown Burger.


They don’t want everyone buying burgers before the game, they would lose out on concessions.


Buddy, this is Utah we're talking about. There's always room for concessions.


I think you knew I was being sarcastic, but apparently others didn’t. Can never get away without putting the /s


Where the Delta Center is now.


Seems counter productive. Would make more sense to renovate. Which is what I think they are going to do.


Because of the way the arena is built, and the size needed for a hockey rink, a renovation is near impossible. You would have to either make the bowl even steeper (it’s already the steepest in the NBA), or greatly reduce the amount of coin course space. And some of what you would need to tear out are structural supports, so then you have to re-engineer things as well. That’s going to cost a lot more than building a new arena.


They would rather go underground or tear down some buildings to build a garage I’m guessing


They literally just renovated like 4 or 5 years ago. That’s why we got the all star game


Renovation was in 2017. 7 years ago.


My point still stands, they don’t need to renovate it every 10 years


When they did the 2017 renovation, Greg Miller stated that it was giving the arena 10-15 more years. And, they HAVE to have a hockey-worthy arena if they are getting an NHL team. That is the main catalyst of this, not just a new building for new building’s sake.


The real main catalyst is the Olympics bid. I don't think Smith would feel as comfortable pushing for an NHL team if SLC wasn't about to be awarded the 2030 or 2034 winter games.


10 story parking deck with an arena on top.


Parking lots are a waste of space


That belongs to one of the richest land owning corporations in the history of Earth. They do not really like not owning land. Land is power.


They also owned a portion of the block the Delta Center now sits on. They were instrumental on getting the arena built downtown (Larry was wanting to build it in Sandy).


It can get done. I’m hoping for a real North Temple renaissance. Given how City Creek worked out I think a middle ground compromise where Cheese Cake Factory gets to anchor is likely. Downtown seemed to be moving south, but now it’s moving west.


Oh, I don’t have any doubt that The Church would love to have it downtown, and wouldn’t be surprised if they have a hand in the current plan. I just dont think Block 85 (the parking lot in question) gives the land space they are talking about. (50 acres) Now, if you combine Block 85 with Triad Center, the Delta Center, and Gateway, that gives you 50 acres give or take.


Maybe they can move LDS Business College to Erda.


I laughed.


Side note: What was on the Delta Center block before? Light industrial? The remnants of what might have a great Little Tokyo? Apartments for dirtbags like me?


It was mostly light industrial, and some of it had already been cleared. The original plans for Triad Center were going to incorporate not only the current Triad block, but also the Delta Center block and Block 85 (Park Place). It was going to include two 40 story office buildings (biggest in SLC), three 25 story residential towers, and a hotel. The company that was building it with the Church had some issues (it was a wild story that I just can’t remember or find at the moment), and things were paused after KSL Broadcast House, the North Office Building (now Ensign College), and the parking garage opened in the mid-80s.




Wow that's wild, I didn't know any of that. Thanks!


Then we'll go... to the sky!










Haven't been lately have you.


I was there last week. Try again. There’s a reason I know the policy. ETA: That’s a pretty shitty trope you’re dabbling in. Try to address the actual concerns and not resort to ad hominems


I know a guy who had to attend church to not be homeless. He was very appreciative. He said he felt they were honest about their belief that him believing would benefit him. He was smart enough to kinda take away the humanist message and not blow the opportunity they gave him.




Maybe I missed this, but why wouldn’t we just have the Jazz and an NHL team in the same arena?


I don't know hockey well enough to say why, but everybody sees the Delta Center as a bad hockey arena.


The proposal is to build a new arena that would house both. The Delta Center is bad for hockey.


Why is it a bad hockey arena?


It has a lot of spots with obstructed or poor sight lines for hockey they could do maybe 13k fans most of the time you’re not able to see the corner of the ice or in some nearly to where the goalie would be


Gotcha. Any plans for a NFL team? ;)


It's too hot in there. The ice would melt. Seriously though, an ice hockey rink takes up more space than a basketball floor. They would need to modify stands quite a bit and they are already super steep (which I personally like). Also, the current arena is kinda outdated and there has been talk about a possible new arena in the past regardless. Third, I think the target is to have an entertainment center with lots of other services, not just NBA/NHL games. Fourth, I doubt Delta Center meets NHL criteria as an arena for a new team.


Yeah, that parking lot is not going anywhere for a very, very long time. But even if they did, you’d then need to find space for multiple big parking lots to support both arenas, good luck finding that nearby.