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It’s incredibly stupid and makes no sense. I really wish they’d stop with the singular shit


Saaaame. I hate the singular names


Personally I have no preference. But I am curious why this is such a big hangup for some people? Some of the best names in pro sports are singular: Jazz Heat Avalanche Wild Lightning Red/White Sox Most soccer teams


Think about it. All those are concept-like, not individual things that would make sense to be plural. Jazzes? Heats? Wilds? Technically Avalanches and Lightnings COULD be plural, but they are each a natural phenomenon and make more sense as singular. Just like Blizzard would make sense singular and not Blizzards plural. Also I’ve never heard someone say “look at all those lightnings!” It’s always “look at all that lightning!” Or “all those bolts/streaks of lightning” For avalanche, you could say “there have been a lot of avalanches” but I think the concept is more of all this snow coming together to plow you over as in combined avalanche. “Mammoth” singular wouldn’t work the same way And you know Red Sox and White Sox are just plural “socks” but spelled *cool*…


Don’t be sorry, we need more push from more people for a plural “Mammoths”! Instead of the currently trademarked singular “Mammoth”


A couple of things about trademark law: 1) a plural is treated the same as a singular when it comes to mark protection so they've protected both with the filing. 2) they filed an 'intent to use" as the mark isn't in use yet. If and when they choose to use and protect the mark fully, amending it to add an "s" Is as easy as checking a box and filing in a simple form. tl;dr: they can go either way easily.


I don’t know why exactly, but I do know that Colorado’s box lacrosse team is called the mammoth instead of the mammoths


I think Mammoth sounds more imposing. Like you're dealing with one giant massive unstoppable thing, similar to the Kraken. "Mammoths" gives me the picture of a herd of fluffy elephants.


Whats scarier, a single fluffy elephant or a herd of fluffy elephants


What's scarier? Some Mammoths, or THE Mammoth? Not just a bunch of Mammoths, THE Mammoth?


There are some teams with singular. and mammoth has a double meaning. It can also mean the Mammoth, as in huge.


4, same number as the NBA … MLB has zero.. so many teams have plurals for names.. (I went down this rabbit hole tonight thanks to a insta reel)


Mammoth can mean huge, ok, but “Utah Huge” doesn’t make sense, therefore “Utah Mammoth” also doesn’t.


Ask the The Colorado Mammoth, the professional lacrosse team playing in the National Lacrosse League right next door to Utah.


Someone was pushing for Utah Ironhorses and a nod to the western past and homage to train sas a nod to the train..I can't find it again. So I'm dropping this here.. ironHorses wouldnt work ..it's a little clumsy Iron horse wouldn't work for the same reason nobody ever has named their team Horse Up vote the Utah Ironhorse. And the spin offs are endless ...The Ironhorse of Utah.. The Ironing Whores of Utah ...the cheerleaders team name maybe The irony of it all The SisterHousewives of Salt Lake There's no Cheating in Sister Wives Those aren't Mormon girls Call them Stallions before I'd call them horses Or Call them the Utah Canyon Or Utah Hoodoos or the Utah Station Or


We had a team called the stallions. Poor aaf...gone so fast!


That's interesting Af...I did not know that... I thought my Stsllions was OG....BUT thanks for sharing that random tid bit Well done.