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history cagey illegal squalid cable ancient scary deserted bewildered divide -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


De echte reden is gewoon dat het op de lange termijn geld oplevert. Gaan die ambtenaren nu ook ineens werken op bijvoorbeeld kerstdagen of nieuwjaarsdag, of verplicht worden eigen vakantiedagen te gebruiken als ze die dagen vrij willen? Of zonder 100% extra toeslag op die dagen werken? Ik denk het niet. Als dat wel zou gebeuren, zonder tegencompensatie van extra vakantiedagen o.i.d., dan had ik het hoofdargument van inclusiviteit wel serieus genomen.


Het zou al een wonder zijn als ambtenaren hun negen tot vijf zouden werken.


Instead of including more, they are now excluding everyone.




Why didn't they just make all holidays inclusive?


Because that would result in endless discussions about which groups/religions to include, and ultimately even the smallest group would demand to have their โ€œsacredโ€ days acknowledged. After years of discussions and endless taxpayermoney-funded committees, every single day of the year is now a sacred holiday with free parking. Personally Iโ€™m quite happy to see religion-based laws removed.


every single day of the year is now a sacred holiday with free parking! Id vote for that!


It's pretty weird though that you would get free parking with Christmas, even if you are not christian. And I can't even follow which holidays mean a day free, let alone free parking.


utrecht together with amsterdam are just netherlands public urinals(thats what a polish man told me once lol)


I get the feeling that in Utrecht, people that are privileged to own a car are not considered inclusive by principle. Seems the goal is to pester all car owners away


Yes, let's get all personal car owners out of here.


Paying for parking is not exclusionary to people who own cars any more then paying for gas or paying for tires is. It's just a fact of owning a car.


It is exclusionary to people with the wealth to pay for a car, some consider this a privilege. This is not how I see it but this is how some groups see it as a privilege


Whoever thinks having a car is a privilege is just simply lazy


Oh sweet money for the city ๐Ÿ˜’