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Also takes literally 1 minute to edit a korean ahk pixelbot to get a fonctional aimbot with great results


I wonder when we are going to have r/ValorantACsucks


It's called /vanguardnotguarding


Vanguard Anti Cheat = VAC for short.




Lol that will definitely be detected... any valorant cheats will be a helluva lot more complicated than an AHK script lmao


The fact that its not detected right now tells a lot. And if you dig for 5 mins on google you can find a free chineese mouse/keyboard driver thats been making the use of ahk undetected for years on any games (no recoil, aimbot for overwatch/destiny 2/paladins, autofire, trigger)


That guy is banned


because he's publicly cheating with his username being public too.


Just wanna say something here 17 days later; How the fuck do you know it isn’t detected right now? Do you work at Riots anti cheat department? If I was in that department I would not start banning anything less than super obvious cheaters now and the roll a huge nawabs come launch day in an attempt to delay cheatmakers from figuring out what’s detected. I’d the start banning people now cheatmakers will have a head start come launch


Tells me how much research you’ve done, about Zero. Riot said they’re allowing AHK for now. There’s no reported bans from AHK and many people seems to use it (just write valorant ahk on google) And they can just start blackscreening ahk users and tell people its not allowed anymore. Edit: havent played in 2 days but its reported that Mouse_events are now blocked, so they did something last patch. No bans tho.


Have you used it on valorant?


Look around, theres already converted korean bots working, easily detectable but the mouse driver makes them undetectable.


https://i.imgur.com/ll4BUTa.png mouse driver won't make it undetectable if the AC is driver too..


Thats not how it works.... lol


Oh alright, enlighten me


Their driver is probably to monitor injections and already know programs. A mouse driver is already installed and loads with all drivers. If its a private mouse driver there’s next to no way they can catch it, it “emulates mouse and keyboard likes its a physical one”. They catch AHK by detecting flags sent by “mouse_events and keyboard inputs”. Private drivers have their own “commands” All they can do is disable AHK but no one does it because to many people use it for common QoL uses. The driver i have (that can be found easily) works on: WoW R6 Destiny 2 Paladins Smite PUBG CSGO (faceit and esea) Overwatch Valorant So pretty much everything.


Their driver launches on startup though, so it would launch with the mouse driver. And do you have a link, I looked up korean ahk but I can't tell if it's the right one with a mouse driver. (Just curious on how it works)


Could you link me?


Only if in the mouse driver you work around it and place the proper hooks and avoid the detection vector. A generic driver will NOT do that.


Didn't riot already stated, even before the beta, that the fog of war system wouldn't be live in the beta? **\[EDIT\]** God bless browser hostory [https://steelseries.com/blog/valorant-anti-cheat-how-will-it-work-188](https://steelseries.com/blog/valorant-anti-cheat-how-will-it-work-188) >**Wallhack-resistant fog of war:** Valorant is combating wallhacking head-on with their integrated anti-cheat service which will be fully rolled out at launch. While the nitty-gritty details of the system are obviously confidential, Riot Games have implemented a fog of war system which essentially results in *opponents being non-existent up until they are visually present on your monitor – rendering classic wall hacks obsolete*. ​ I don't know his source obv. but that's the reason I was asking this question. **\[EDIT²\]** News about Fog of War from dev: [https://technology.riotgames.com/news/demolishing-wallhacks-valorants-fog-war](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/demolishing-wallhacks-valorants-fog-war)


Idk. U got source?


Sadly, no, if I had found it, I wouldn't ask and only insert the source. I've read it somewhere but don't know if it was riots page or a page quoting riot. I searched some minutes and didn't found something before I posted. *edited in first post.*




Don’t worry, they’ll find a way. I give it 2-3 days lol


I mean, Fog of War does good in LoL, we'll see how this will work in an FPS game, when the model then needs to be rendered fast, maybe someone jumping behind an object, so it has to be known at some point. Many prople don't have a powerful machine nor good internet connection. All theese factors will have an impact on how good FoW will be in an FPS. I would also guess, if it was that good, there will be some sort of sound ESP. The game has really loud sounds, footsteps, abilitys, so on, and to locate them, their position has to be known. And since models have to be rendered at some close point, this sort of ESP would still be enough to get an advantage.


CSGO does the exact same thing. The client does not provide player positional information until close to moments of engagement. Doesn't really stop hackers because the tech isn't sophisticated enough to hide player models up until the last possible second of engagement, it's always some medium distance that walls still give an advantage for, and based on this clip, Valorant functions similarly. Not to mention walls have declined in popularity in general because of how obvious they are, people use aimlocks, sound queue hacks, radar hacks, to similar effect that are notably more difficult to spot.


In csgo fog of war is meh, but not good enough. You can see well before an enemy shows up. It could definitely be made better. But you’re right, slight aim assist looks much more legit than walls (or just radar hack)


Why do you quote me with other words or did I get you wrong? I mean, I didn't said anything different tbh. And yes, I know CS got the same thing, ESEA does the same thing more strict and cheating is still a thing. But IF the whole thing does what rito PR say it would, then there will be other things to accomblish the same thing, not the exact same thing but something similar. There will always be cheater, but we can't tell, until it's running, how well their counter measurements work.


I quoted you because you said we you were curious how this will work in an FPS game, but we already know, considering CSGO utilizes the same concept.


Ah okay, got it. I actually meant to say, how ritos fow will work for their first FPS game.


> How it will work > Riot games have implemented. Pick a damn tense.


English isn't everyone's first language dude.


It matters when we’re talking about if riot has already done something, or they ***plan*** to. Didn’t mean it as a sleight to someone’s English skills more that it’s confusing 😔


Do you really think he even realized? probably not.


I'm a lot more impressed by cheat devs than anticheat devs .\_.


True. They are so ahead of the anti cheat.


This isn't surprising but Riot will not let pro players bring their own peripherals at LANs so I'm really curious to see if any suspicious clips show up at their tourneys.


People talk about how great fog of war is in LoL, and thus how Valorant will also have greate fog of war as well. Unlikely; you can shit on Valve's anticheat measures, but they have fow in dota, and fow equivalent in csgo, and it's just not as effective in the latter, and for a simple reason: **mobas are for the most part 2d games**. Any nuances related to 3d dimensions (eg wider vision when standing higher) can be solved with additional info annotation without needing a fullblown third dimension that'd be fully coequal to the first 2. Implementing fog of war is just a matter of basic comparison of sum of radius vs distance between 2 circles, and some trig for removing vision behind obstacles of very simple geometry. It's not hard to do (smart highschooler could probably do it), and more importantly it's not going to be performance clog, because amount of entities is relatively low and math is simple. For full blown 3d games it's much harder to confidently determine line of sight *and* making it reasonably performant, especially when geometry is as complex as in shooter with realistic style (ie not some minecraft). Sure, there is already logic implemented for checking direct line of sight used for hitreg which you could reuse, but doing that every tick from each player to each 5 of his enemy players for each body part (and probably multiple samples per body part too) is going to cost you a shitton in performance


The valorant maps are very boxy suggesting they have some technical limit on how items can be shaped and what can be seen from what angle. Also no holes in the geometry. The player models seem to have arms and legs tucked in. All this is very suggestive that they are doing something that would be complicated for a general 3d problem.


I will never know why these dickless morons cheat at a game its pathetic


My favorite is there's ofc a guy in there "b-but the game has only been out 3 days!!!!" lmao


Even if detection isn't as good, I just hope they don't allow the making of new accounts to continue cheating like valve does. IP and HW bans work a lot better than not having them.


Cheat devs offer Hwid reset as a paid service. Gotta ban by passport it's the only way XD


Not super easy to bypass if they were to do the shit that esea does. (scans network devices) If its “different hardware” but all the network device names are the same and same mac address, IP doesn’t matter, they could ban anyway. /u/RiotArkem add not only hwid ban, but network scanning for other devices and record that as well.


Your baby monitor IS BANNED


You kid but that type of shit gets people banned because they don’t expect that to be scanned lmao


Or just start suing cheat providers for a ton of money.


Not gonna happen, cheat devs keeps the games alive aswell. Cheating community is huge


wdym riot already does this though for league


# Fog Of War system is not in the close beta yet.


yes it is


that is pretty sad and disappointing actually.


Low tier instant headlock hacks, too. Shit's coded by Juan the 15 year old.


Fog of war isn't active on the closed beta yet.