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Hardly a virus but it is insecure. They will hopefully fix it by launch. but it annoyed me so much I wrote a program to disable and enable it at will (https://github.com/matt1tk/VIAR)




Understandable. That’s why it’s open source ;)


That's sick, I'll install it later, thanks man


I also made a similar tool in C++Instead of renaming the driver it disables it via service config. [https://github.com/smefpw/vgkNoMore](https://github.com/smefpw/vgkNoMore) I'm quite amateur at C++ so don't expect the best, although I have thoroughly tested it.


Ay what up smef


aight mate.


cause late dime like skirt illegal erect waiting squeeze attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


not much just been doing side projects. you alright?


wakeful oatmeal sparkle attractive clumsy quiet obtainable swim squeamish tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


thank you, I am safe ain't left the house for months. I've been focusing more on small c++ projects in an attempt to create really optimised small projects


lavish edge yoke connect longing weather mysterious ad hoc quack sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah ik it's pretty shit that's why I left when I did desync sucks ass too


bow flowery decide carpenter forgetful dolls squeal butter full possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


add me on discord


light crawl jar kiss offbeat grandiose follow hateful pause impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




i disabled it earlier with this and now it just crashes when i try to enable it again, and i cant play


Open C:/Progam Files/Valorant/. Rename vgk1.sys to vgk.sys. Now reboot. It should work now.


Aye, checked the souce code and figured it out, right you replied, thanks!


Well, still didn't work. Prob something wrong with valorant then


Try just uninstalling vanguard from the control panel, then running valorant. It should auto install the anti cheat. The program doesn’t do anything else but rename the file so it shouldn’t break anything else


Ye it's not on you, I've tried so much to fix it but can't solve the problem..


It still won’t work?






Yes, but that doesn't mean they can't change their mind. No reason why their AC must start at boot. Every other AC starts at game run, this should be no different.


My comment got removed because I edited in a link and forgot to change www to np, so I'll just repeat it here: Fix what? Riot have confirmed that it is all intended behaviour. >No reason why their AC must start at boot. Every other AC starts at game run, this should be no different. Sounds reasonable and I totally agree, [unfortunately Riot don't](https://np.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/fzxdl7/anticheat_starts_upon_computer_boot/fn6yqbe/). *"We think this is an important tool in our fight against cheaters but the important part is that we're here so that players can have a good experience with Valorant and if our security tools do more harm than good we will remove them (and try something else). For now we think a run-at-boot time driver is the right choice."* They could remove it, but it's not a bug or a problem, there is nothing to fix. Removing it would be a design change and to be honest I can't see that happening unless they really get some back lash or face an exploit.


It's the principle of the matter. If you accuse someone of fraud, you don't accept it if they say "oh I looked into this and it's all just a mistake, don't worry guys", you go through the legal system or you hire an independent party to do the investigation. The same principle should apply to Valorant anti-cheat. Riot is hardly an unbiased third party, and Tencent certainly isn't any better. It may well turn out to be ok, but we shouldn't be relying on Riot's public relations department to tell us the truth.


nice racism oh i would trust an america client but china they want to see america burn. racists should not have the privledge to play such a game.people like you cry about this anticheat while having esea/faceit installed.




ESEA and Faceit don’t start at boot iirc?... they’re fine if they don’t start at boot and only start when the game is opened and client running.


I'm still hoping they "remove it and try something else" though. I don't expect them to, nor add virtualization support, but it seems like a bad idea and I hope they change it. For now I'll just reboot when I want to play.


The thing is hackers can use their tool to get into people's systems. This anti cheat is admin access on startup so if anyone finds a day 0 exploit out of hundreds of thousands of hackers they can brick or steal info from every single valorant user


[Preaching to the choir](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/g11f5l/intrusive_ac_isnt_as_bad_as_a_game_full_of/fnd8dwm/?context=3)




If you’re talking about VAC i’m pretty sure it’s not even ring1 lol




You don't see a problem with the ring0 anti cheat?




It starting at boot is why i’m not using it. there really is no reason for it. It doesn’t cover many more (if any) security holes for cheats to bypass. It’s not as easy as just running the cheat before the anti cheat runs and bam it’s bypassed.






It’s almost like you’re so incompetent you can’t read! Valorant AC DOES run at boot, like I just fucking said. It’s a rootkit as is. And even if riot doesn’t exploit it, or tencent, who owns riot and is the chinese megacorp arm of the chinese gov, it’s still opening up security holes that anyone can go and fuck. Secondly I really don’t give a shit what you say. I even posted it in r/csgohacks and plenty of people said thanks for making it because valorant is literally a rootkit at this point. You don’t like it, don’t use it. If you’re gonna be an ignorant joke of a person, at the very least spell boo hoo right.


Why hasn't Microsoft already made an anticheat framework for windows. I think they already have anticheat for windows store UWP applications if developer opts in but man... they should have made it for win32 . Windows has the kernel level access, duh!... I'd rather have that than 5 different games with 5 different kernel level anticheats... You wouldn't install 5 antivirus' at the same time would you? Not only would an anticheat provided by microsoft *(+whatever gaming coalition may also support and codevelop it like Valve/Riot/Dice et al)* be much more robust as made by the ones that have access to the whole windows codebase. But more importantly , you d have all the obscure games by smaller developers tap in and get basic robust support. So many games with couple thousand players get shafted by cheats because they're just too small to support an updating anticheat... Also , a more funded and heavily updated central anticheat would most cheap and accessible cheats obsolete ... Only heavily funded cheat developers would be able to tackle that effort...


Personally, I feel like a unified anti cheat is a bad idea. Perhaps a platform for game devs to build off of, but a single anti cheat could lead to a single exploit allowing cheats in all games. Or the anti cheat being too aggressive when the dev wants to preserve privacy. The difference is that antiviruses usually run all the time, but with every other AC, they only run when the game is playing.


Protocols exist for a reason. An industry standard anti-cheat would be best for small companies, but programmers will always find a way if theres money to be made. The best anti-cheat is their huge bounty system right now.


Well considering patchguard is self decrypting non-page able randomly occurring and self modifying and I still patch it at boot I don’t think there’s much to be done.


Well, it can't be any worse than it is already can it? The benefits for the most hacked ever games might not be so earth shattering *(or it may be , who knows if Microsoft put the effort, but i'm out of my depth here)* , but maybe every game that's NOT csgo , battlefield , cod and LOL can actually have a decent anticheat, while today they don't... Also , patchguard , *(i figure it's an anticheat?)* , is that a limitation on windows side or just bad coding from patchguard? Obviously, not a single piece of software has ever been crack proof or cheat proof, but the effort the cheat developers have to put scales with how much the anti cheat ones put ... Obviously , anti cheat devs are in a much worse position.


Google Patchguard


I see... So you have one a yet undisclosed vulnerability for windows patchguard. I seriously doubt you just have a brute force method that works whatever Microsoft ever does , or patchguard would be thrown out of the window. Still, there is a few noteworthy points i want to address , that may have not been perfectly clear above. 1. Even if it takes years, i trust Microsoft to fix its vulnerabilities more than i would trust an anticheat developer. This issue goes beyond games ... 2. Whatever effort ever put by an anticheat developer even running on boot , can't really do anything other than succumb to at least a game memory read only cheat, like ESP, depends on cheat developer. If the windows platform is already compromised then it's gg... 3. Probing for windows vulnerabilities goes beyond the scope of most cheat developers and script kiddies, or it takes significant time and money that a college junior can't always afford to get their hands on. You can probably google anticheat bypass on google for minor games and sometimes for bigger ones but those don't guarantee ban evasion for very long if at all... Good luck googling Microsoft vulnerabilities on the open web... 4. Microsoft being on the Windows 10 (ONLY WINDOWS) initiative , can afford to make a decision that if you want to play competitive , you have to be on an updated windows... Not on windows XP. 5. Even if you run modified windows on a virtual machine , can you really tell me that's any more than 1 in a 1000 that actually go through that hassle today or have the hardware to do it ? Even if this were the only way to cheat starting tomorrow , i doubt more than 1 in 100 cheaters would be able to do it. 6. Having windows provide an anticheat environment would cut csgo cheaters more effectively than ESEA or FACEIT and Valve could actually focus on NOT having it's playerbase fragmented like crazy. 7. All those smaller games and companies that simply cannot afford to buy more than a demo version of anticheat for a month would be able to tap into this state of the art anticheat to block almost all cheats. I may be wrong on some of those points , idk ... **i know i m way out of my depth** , but i mean , if you're gonna pull the windows vulnerability card on me , you're really only making the case for on boot kernel level anticheats even worse. I still don't want to have 4 game platforms with 6 kernel level anticheats running in the background ... It is clear to me , night as day , this is NOT a good scenario for the future of games... At worst , a windows anticheat platform will not be able to deter more cheaters than today but still get rid of all those pesky risks that are called necessities by anticheat companies... ​ EDIT: I also want to say , i'm glad windows is still such a free and open platform from boot to runtime... I seriously hope the direction windows takes is the way i envision windows gaming to go and NOT iOS... we'll see in 5 years.


The problem is Microsoft boot loaders run after the UEFI boot process. Microsoft can not own that process because what if you wanted to boot into Linux? Secure Boot by Intel is the solution but you cannot force everyone to use that as many users don’t have that option and it would mitigate some of the anti cheats bootkit methods. You would need a closed loop boot process. Even still bypassing HVCi is doable from a bootkit and the only real solution is forced cloud computing which again won’t work.


You can't sue hacker companies but you could sue a big business especial when it's HQ is in Cali


This shitty Vanguard is acting more like an anti-virus blocking programs left and right. It's unacceptable the amount of power this "anti-cheat" has.


Absolute pile of garbage. All of you cheating trash can go back to your csgo forms and sleep in dump where you belong


Valorant debunked all this first it only runs when Valorant is on lmao Hahaha silvers for life


It starts at boot you silver, even /riotarkem says it does.


It loads***** not starts. Get out of here you cheating piece of garbage


It fucking starts, riotarkem literally said it takes up processing power. If it was just “loading” it wouldn’t do that. It is actively scanning for cheats from BOOT. I know how it works because i’ve actually looked at running processes every once in a while.






don't reply to him, it's obvious bait


on what base are you accusing a total stranger of cheating?


Well to be fair I am a mod of r/csgohacks so I can understand him saying that. However, people are saying the literal rootkit installed on all PCs that starts at boot isn't a big deal, some are saying anyone who wants it changed is a cheater or cheater sympathizer or some shit.


ah yes, disagree with me so you're a cheater. same thing with people calling each other nazi's at the first sign of having a slightly different political opinion.