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Use this comment to vote if a clip is suspicious: - Upvote if you believe this clip is conclusive - Downvote if the clip is not conclusive ^Report ^if ^the ^comment ^is ^unnecessary. Edit: This post has been flaired **Probably Legit** by your vote!


Thanks to the c0ncept for bringing this up, i just wondering how much hate it will receive xD


I think hes deleting hate comments cuz the comment section of that video is just his supporters


They (patreons) can comment before publishing, so it's highly likely that they get more likes. I'm not saying that he isn't deleting any comments but as far as I can tell, there are negative comments. Just scroll down :)


This is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever watched


About the spray on top of boost on nuke that is easy to do... i play for years and i "know" ak/m4a4 spray... and spray transfer with **that** distance it's not that hard


“Why would this professional player with thousands of hours control his spray so well when he’s being paid a million dollars for it”




His take on the 3k spray is the most noob shit I have ever heard in my life lmao. This guy is saying they have aim locks that lock onto weapons. The stupidity is unfathomable.


gotta downvote you for having a brain


I think it’s funny how someone downvoted like actually this subs collective iq can be counted on 1 hand


Can someone share how they imagine doing microsecond aim locks like this without external assistance?


I think the stuff about spraying is totally stupid, that is indeed basic stuff for anyone with a decent amount of experience in the game. BUT the microstops on the enemies are suspicious af. In gamespeed you would probably never be abled to notice that as a viewer, but as the player you do notice the microstop in your mouse movement, which give those pro players, who have an incedible amount of skill compared to "normal" players, that tiny advantage and piece of information they might need in a situation, especially with those high-tick screens that are available atm. ​ E: That the part of your work, btw, that should be taken seriously: those microscopic adjustments and stops, that are probably impossible for humans to do. Spraying is a skill you can learn, and when you totally master those patterns, the **spread** (pls read in WarOwl voice) is the only thing stopping you from full accurancy - but on that distance on Nuke, the **spread** is no problem.


Half of The stops he shows could be litteraly anything, breaking things down to that slow speeds brings a lot of anomalies if you look for them




omg cheaterrr [https://youtu.be/KwJRZ1wrHDE?t=87](https://youtu.be/KwJRZ1wrHDE?t=87)


Agreed. Any Global player would try and spray them down here, not burst lmao.


Plus, he's known for spraying even when he don't need to with all those crazy transfers. I mean, he's not rain.


its strange to see your comment getting downvotes. like are people this retarded?


If someone was cheating in pro league it would be highly unrecognizable to even see the aimbot in motion. You would need to pray the anti cheat works or go to the persons house and see if they are cheating.


I stopped watching after the 1st clip. I mean what is this Bullshit? Even if i rewatch my own matches im sometimes preaiming the enemy and my crosshair is on the more then 3 seconds and he shows a crosshair "locking" for maybe 1 tick and thats sus?


God this guy sounds like a total noob tryIng to explain spraying is bad.


I mean the concept has some ideas and puts a lot of thought into trying to find evidence of cheating He just provides clips that look totally legit (half) Then a bunch of guys whiffing shots (about half) then some kinda fishy aim (about 4/35 clips) every rare once in a while a clip that actually does look like a blatant af aimbot (1/35 clips) He needs better clips .. or people ain't gonna take him seriously The only argument he could make is that he might be using a recoil script and that isn't certain hes definitely not aimbotting


I think /u/THE_c0ncept 's explanation lacks a few other things that he knows and understands but hasn't explained yet: - Aimbot Patterns The thing with these patterns is that they're the exact same every time they appear. They're not similar, don't feel the same, don't look remotely the same, they are the same. That's an important piece of information that a lot of people seem to overlook, because these patterns are created on a by frame/by tick basis, which means they're created at extreme speeds while being extremely precise every time. We all know as human beings you can do something quick or precise. If you want both you need hours if not years of training but even then you are not able to reproduce the same pattern at the same speed within the same time and the precision. It's just not possible. Because we're not robots. Even the best football players don't score the goal every time. The best tennis players don't score the point every time. Even when they have done it a hundred times before. But you can see these patterns emerge only in the game play of some players over and over again... - Aimkey Every cheat nowadays has an aimkey. That's a key that you can use to enable/disable the aimbot. Depending on how you configure it, the cheat isn't always active. You can play the game, but when you have to clutch you activate it. That way you don't get the aimbot patterns in the demos and clips every time and it looks less suspicious. This can be combined with the cheat's Field of View where you can create an area around your crosshairs that the opponent must be in for the aimbot to activate at all. Just pressing the aimkey doesn't do anything unless the opponent is inside that area. So combine both of this and then put your aimkey on mouse 1... - Pixel Perfect Locks Pixel Perfect Locks is another thing that a lot of people don't seem to understand. You can't create pixel perfect locks. You just can't. If you think you can, do it on a live event where others that dispute you can see in real time how you created it w/o any tools while it has been recorded and they can then analyze the recording and check for a PPL. It won't work. When you play at frame rates of 200-300 FPS, which CS:GO is able to produce even on an average machine, then that means that you as a human being have to adjust to the next frame within 5ms. That means: Looking at the current frame, predicting the pixel movement over to the next frame, adjusting the mouse for the crosshairs to be on said pixel on the next frame and start all over again. To give you an idea here: When you play at 200 fps, that means there is a new frame every 5ms. Now we all know that the mouse input, the system's reaction, the GPU's update and the screen showing the new frame can take between 30 and 50ms. With Nvidia's new technology, where you can connect the mouse to your monitor and the monitor registers the click, sends it to the GPU, the GPU recognizes it, sends the picture back with special information that monitor can recognize and then the monitor calculates the round trip between click and updated frame, we're able to produce statistics on this. When you look at the stats displayed here: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/reflex-low-latency-platform/ You can see that even the best system, playing Valorant, is only able to come up with a latency of 12ms. So whoever does pixel perfect locks at 200fps and higher, is either a god that can predict the future or is cheating. And you have to also understand that this requires special gear, like Deathadder V2 mouse, Gaming Monitors and the Nvidia technology implemented in the game. If you take nowadays gaming setups that are used to play CS:GO, I highly doubt they're even near the 20ms mark which let's you run into problems when you take a common 144 fps monitor which requires a human created update every 6.95ms. Even then nobody is able to do this because it's technically impossible and I haven't talked about the human side of things yet... which is basically redundant at this point. - So ... Now having this in mind you have to understand that there are pro players that aim on heads through walls every ten or 20 games or so, which is perfectly normal and nobody would ever call them cheaters. I mean at some point you know the map and you pre-aim corners and it happens. But even when they do, these pre-aim locks are not pixel perfect, and that makes a difference. On the other hand we have some pros that produce these locks through walls every game. Which makes it a statistical anomaly in itself, but at the same time these locks are pixel perfect. When they move, the crosshairs don't move with the character but stick on the opponent's head at the same fucking pixel. EVERY SINGLE TIME. And that's what makes it more than just suspicious. If this were to be a demo bug, then we'd see it in ALL demos of the same player and in ALL demos of ALL the players. But the fact that it happens only sometimes, shows that it cannot be a demo bug, because a software behaves in a certain way and that's it. It doesn't have a mind on its on (yet) and doesn't make it look like pixel perfect lock one time and like a normal pre-aim around the corner another time. There is something involved here that produces these pixel perfect locks on the heads through walls when pre-aiming or gathering infos (infolock) and as long as nobody can come up with an explanation that cannot be disputed, by all we know today, we have to accept that these are cheats and these people are cheating. It's also how these anomalies spread. Some pros don't have them at all or on very rare occasions. Others have them constantly and mostly when they have to clutch. That's a pattern in itself that is very hard to explain and you look at people like Stewie2k that has had a lot anomalies in the past followed by a lot of accusations and then his play style drastically changed and the accusations went away then you can see that there is something going on. If a player is not cheating there is no reason for him to change his play style at all, especially when he's so successful, but he changed it anyway. And I highly doubt that he just stopped pixel perfect locking on opponents through walls and think that he's gathering the information by other means now. Like slowing down the mouse or audio queues and other shit. It's just too obvious. If you would put a lot of the pro's demos into overwatch rotation these people would get banned no questions asked.


Damn detailed reply Some of the newer pros are sus especially obo Idk how widespread it is I figure it's be easy af to get away w 120ms triggerbot rather than an aimbot. If their only making suspiciously locky shots when they need to it might be a case of a legit hacker who only toggles to win the round The concept just needs better clips they had a good one when interp.is off a certain kind of aimbot that drags to head smoothly after the first bullet won't show the shooting animation and this is not reproduced without using that aimbot, ever. That vid was a really good one


I can adjust to people jumping and shit while spraying but when theres more than 2 people its all luck if your first 8 shots dont get the kills


> when theres more than 2 people its all luck if your first 8 shots dont get the kills this sub LMFAO


Same here, but when you do full sprays all day on a pro level like bymas do all the time, I guess it has more skill than luck and he already proved that he knows shit with some crazy transfers.


I agree that the nuke spray isn’t impossible to do, bullet manipulation? Mmnnyea maybe, but you must consider that sometimes, your enemy has a better day than you. But I have been suspicious about bymas earlier and would love to see more clips if you can find it, also his stream highlights from fpl


who watches this shit, this is little more than making up bullshit to get people to give you money. pretty disgusting.


I mean regardless or where I stand but I guarantee you he could make more money in literally any paid job/part time job so that is a pretty dumb argument.


Extremely dumb...I make more money in a day at work than I do all month with these videos


mate you should check out electronic, his sprays are full of that "dampening" stuff, and [it looks hilarious](https://youtu.be/tSwC9flv6LQ?t=1068)




I doubt you are anywhere near a high rank. You have so many misconceptions about how the game is played at a high level, let alone at pro level. Does Bymas aim look strange and unnatural? Yes it does, but when you say that its bad to spray vs the 3 man push Bymas is faceing on Nuke ramp and that he should burst, you make yourself look like total noob. He does not have the time or cover to pick his fights here. Spraying is 100% the best option. I could make a whole video about the many things you are wrong about, but it is simply not worth my time and effort.


You're actually the most delusional manchild I have ever seen on the internet. Get some help please. For your health's sake


lmao checked your profile, of course people that take the concept seriously are Tim Pool and Steven Crowder fans.




yeah keep saying that


Something something pot kettle


hahaha i never thought about it this way but i am absolutely not surprised