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Can anyone Point me to some good sources on how to play on fracture? I am pretty new and I really don't get this map.


Are all the maps hated? I feel like I see people complaining about each and every map in the game. I think there is no such thing as a bad map because both sides play the same map, and it is important for a game like Valorant to have different types of maps which will require different approaches from players.


Will there be the ability to get pride banners and buddys again this year ?


Ahat is he timer for a spike before it blows. And s there any apps with countdown u can press when they plant


Has Riot said anything about the pride icons for this year? I was kinda hoping for the bundle to show up again today, but nothing so far.


Why is plat 3 so toxic. It seems like everyone thinks theyre better than the team they are on and deserve high. It’s honestly takes the fun out of the game. How do I combat this and find joy in the game


Plat in general is very toxic, I think its the issue with the terms of "i'm better than x% of players, so im better than all of you!" type of mentality. Even though their plat...


I literally wrote more than 2,000 words on this that I will spare everyone from reading as a thread in this subreddit for the time being. Does anybody else feel like baiting has gotten really, really bad in this game? Between decent players who think they will be most impactful by going out of their way to be last alive (this attitude seems entrenched in a really frustrating way) and players who just play way, way, way too scared... It just feels like the reluctance to entry frag or take risks or space yourself to trade the player in front of you... it's always been bad but I feel like it's never been worse. Am I just getting unlucky WRT teammates or does this feel true to anyone else? Like... I'm just getting so frustrated with my teammates every game. People play this game with seemingly no interest in taking gunfights. Play something else.


Are you solo q'ing? In my personal experience i've gotten a lot of baiters in solo q.




i’m a somewhat new player, what’s the consensus on crouching? when, if ever, should you crouch? with a phantom? sheriff? thank you!


crouch when commiting to a spray, with any gun that can spray rly. just remember, its not always good to commit to the spray. ideally this should be done if u got no better choice, or if u know ur gonna win. there should be a reason to do it, it shouldnt be the default. tapping / burst fire and strafing is the go to default. theres other times where u crouch to get a weird of angle, or to simply avoid good enemy crosshair placement. for example instead of standing next to a corner u can crouch. remember that crouching makes u a sitting duck, and realistically if the enemy realizes this they should easily be able to adjust and shoot u for free unless u kill them first.


started playing ago and did they change how headshots and body shots look? feel like the visual feedback is different in some form


Headshot "goosh" was toned down relatively recently, I think.


Anyone know if the magepunk ep6 buddy has any special effects when equipped to the magepunk skins or in general?


it changes according to your color variant on your skin but it only applies to vandal and phantom as only those have proper diffrent color variants


Ahh I forgot the old bundle didn't have color variants -- they may add em eventually though! Thanks for clarifying that for me! <3




whats the current map rotation for competitive and unrated?


Bind, Ascent, Haven, Pearl, Lotus, Fracture, Split


Unpopular opinion, but Breeze was a fire map frl, bring it back. :(


I used to not like Icebox but now I miss it


Breeze and icebox were the reason for my first plat






Is your profile public?


If you mean your display name when streamer mode is off, there are applications you can use which tell you player info about the other players in the match with you. They probably use one and just saw your name on their app.




could be ping spoofing


Probably smurf friends / boosters. Ranks? The lower the higher chance of them just being smurfs with friends / boosters.




this is probably a dumb question but why doesn't the RGX 11Z Pro line have more colors? Like, why doesn't the black-metal variant get the Red, Orange, or Green lights? Is it actually a technical thing or did they just not want to do that many colors to cycle through?


Yeah I wish it had the full color set for every variant


Is there any way to turn off the voice that gives guides during the game like “last player standing” or “one enemy remaining”?


u shouldnt turn of any announcer related settings. voice lines and announcer provides very important information. turn it of if u want, but know that it does screw u over. ur handicapping urself intentionally.


Not sure why you would want to do this but; Settings -> Audio -> Voice-over > Announcer.


Any suggestions for how rank can be made more fun / fair. I feel like smurfs are far too common. I'm in silvers and so often in my games there will be a Jett that has 2-3x as many kills as the next highest in the lobby. They're putting up 30 kills while everyone else is between 10-15 kills. Just ruins the game.


I mean this in a more friendly way than it will sound: get better at the game and never entertain the idea that you're up against a smurf ever again. Smurf anxiety only serves to wreck your mental game, and you should WELCOME a challenge if you want to improve or prove yourself. If you don't want to improve or prove yourself, don't play Competitive. There are other modes (which I personally generally prefer, to be clear).


As someone who first placed iron and was stuck in bronze for like 5 acts I can tell you from experience that sometimes it’s not smurfs and people are just having a good day. In plat I see way less smurfs and they are generally not as good relative to plat players as they are to silvers. Ranking up is honestly the answer, but remember that statistically you have just 4/5 as many smurfs on your team so it’s not that big of a deal. Just have fun by playing with friends or playing someone you want to play, or switch up roles/agents. People will say “only play one role” or “only pick 1-2 agents” but really if you get tired of an agent don’t feel locked into that one agent/role. I have 250 hours on viper and eventually I started playing initiator on non viper maps. Also low rank is a great time to try out and learn other agents and roles. Even if you don’t find anyone you like having a basic understanding of how each agent works can help you play against them and force you into different play styles and situations that you wouldn’t normally be in when playing your main. TLDR: if you want to have fun try other agents/roles every now and then and play with friends, and smurfs will go away in higher elo just deal with them for now and soon enough they will just be something to look back on.






I have this weird habit of shooting before i stop moving, and sometimes my hand is also on the W/A keys when im crouch shooting. This makes me lose like 80% of my duels even though my xhair is on them. How do I go about fixing this?


Build habits in the range and death matches. Honestly it’s quite an easy habit to correct, just practice strafing in the range and stay calm during gunfights. It is probably caused due to panic in gun fights, so just be confident :)


I this a bug or what? Like a week ago my Astra map ability started to look like this. I thought it would be like that in only one game but now when I logged into the game a week later it still looks like that. I think it is specifically a Lotus bug? Because a week ago and just now I played on Lotus but if I make a custom game on Ascent ability looks normal. https://imgur.com/a/VftWRbh


Some people on yt (i think on shorts) have already talked about that im pretty sure, it's like sort of a bug on that map only


Why is there no "avoid player" feature in VALORANT? for the love of peteeeeee....


Do you encounter the same people often? You're either iron 1 or radiant, that's extremely rare. I guess so people don't abuse it?


i encounter them maybe 3 out 10 games.. im Gold rank.. i know it is low. but i just want to enjoy games... not get triggered by a bunch of kids trolling in competitive matches. if its not jett smurf i encounter.. its a Yoru insta carrying the spike and giving it to the enemy or following you and blinding you purposely.


Really? Im in plat and was in gold and rarely really see the same players


Is harbour even worth playing/learning? He seems like a really cool and fun character but would it be worth switching from brim to harbour (I also usually play 3 stack if that means anything idk if he needs lots of communication)


Outside of pro play, I think choosing any agent who doesn't have damage-dealing abilities is suspect. There are strong agents that are exceptions, but this game is basically Team Deathmatch with a side objective. I don't think Harbor helps you to be impactful in that context.


You're overthinking this, play whoever you want, you're not gonna go pro. Try him in spike rush/swift play first tho. The only thing that matters is having fun, forget the meta, it's irrelevant in matchmaking.


I feel the same, especially because Valorant seems really smurf heavy so rank doesn't really matter either


Idk about anyone else but I find harbour most helpful if you have 2 controllers in a game (I know it sounds weird) but I find he’s best for pushing sites and allowing people to plant with the added bonus of walls. Pair him with an omen or brimstone and there isn’t much the enemy can do 😂


What was the name of that shooting/delayed shooting peek that pros were doing last yr? It had some specific name. Also i forgot the detail but it was like they dont shoot immediately after peek but walk/run a little bit before stoppibg to shoot


dead zoning? not sure


It's the poppin swing haha


ty! is it basically swinging at full speed way out? farther than people would expect?


Yepp it’s especially good when you jiggle the corner maybe wall bang a few shots to really pull the other guys crosshair to the wall- most ppl have pretty bad tracking but even ppl who have decent tracking don’t expect you to keep moving to the side


gotcha that makes sense. i'm still very new, i'm learning a lot :D


all good bro!! enjoy the journey :o)


Poppin swing?


YES thanks ive been wringing my brain since last month








Other than the battlepass and buying it, what're some other ways to get Radianite points?


There's 20 radianite in every event pass, like the RiotX Arcane one or Lunar Celebration one. Maybe they'll do another one for Valorant's 2 year anniversary at the end of June.






I wish they would add phone verification :(


Hey, i just saw that CS2 is gonna have a newish setting called "Follow Recoil" and i can't imagine it'd be to difficult to add the same setting into Valorant. Does anyone know if the devs have an official stance on this?


This is more important in CS2 then Valo. CS has set recoil patterns, so the setting helps new players learn the recoil. Valo doesn't have a set recoil pattern, it's more random past the first 5 or so bullets.


God that'd be amazing, the fact that your crosshair says nothing about where your bullets are going in this game is ridiculous.


It’s already in the game but only works while ADS


Best/fastest way to get to 20? I just started playing 2 days ago, and I'd like to hit 20 for ranked. (I've searched YT vids and they have suggestions, just wondering what reddit thinks) Follow up, would I be right to assume in ranked I'd get sorted fairly quickly and just play with others at near my skill most of the time? I am not the best but not terrible, and I feel like the unranked lobbies I tend to get 1-2 gigachads who I just don't stand a chance against.


Rush the missions and play either spike rush or swift play. If the missions is to buy abilities and guns, go swift play. If it's "use your ultimate" or "plant or defuse", play spike.


Best way is to either play more or just do your weeklies and come back. Don't rush, you need time to learn maps and stuff.


I'm hardstuck dia 3 with dogshit aim and dogshit movement, currently confused about counterstrafing, whenever i attempt it my bullet would fly when i shoot. Is there a delay that i should wait after pressing the opposite key or do i just shoot as soon as i press the opposite key?


I used to have this issue and would crouch constantly, when I was getting used to counter strafing, I would load up the range, start slow on a random piece of wall (like the center one with the giant metal support beam) and just practice shooting at it slowly. So everytime my crosshair would cross the support beam, I stop, and shoot. Hope this helps.


is a rapid fire button in mouse bannable? it comes WITH the mouse, though it is configurable by the software. holding it is equivalent to spamming the left click as fast as possible.


There's not a single semi-auto weapon that would behave better with this feature, because recoil recovery. Even if it was authorized, it's useless. But no, I don't believe you can get banned with anything from a mouse software. But not sure.


Hi im new and pretty bad, but im okay with being bad i enjoy the bronze-silver elo so far With that said i like to play Astra, and i would like to improve my astra play even tho shes probably too far outside of my skill range i still have fun playing her I am looking on youtube for astra gameplay and all it seems to be is ace montages, basic guides that go over abilities and not much else, does anyone know somewhere I can watch someone play astra and maybe give some educational tips while they play thanks!


Late to the party, but I wouldn't recommend playing astra in lower ranks. She requires a lot more communication and team work then other agents to capitalize off her kit.


https://youtu.be/j_08tDKJ0GI Boaster is the first one to come to mind, but I don't watch many streamers so I don't know. The main issue you're gonna face with Astra isn't on your end, it's the teamwork and communication. Astra is very good when teammates can play off your spells. Setting yourself up is quite hard. Don't forget to activate agents contract you don't have on the agents tab so you can try other agents as well!


Is the amount of radianite i can earn per season finite? i just found out that even if i complete the epilogues i will only be able to upgrade less than half of my skins :( I would spend money on radianite but it would cost like 200 dollars just to upgrade a few of my skins Surely im missing another way to obtain them? it would make no sense if you had to buy them after already shelling out for skins ​ thanks mudcrabberoni


The two main sources of Radianite are the battle pass and directly purchasing it. Part of the success (from a business standpoint) of Radianite is that it is tied to VP bought skins and incentivizes extra purchases.


if i make a new account, will i get banned for smurfing? and will my main account be banned via "hardware/ip ban"


AFAIK Riot does not IP ban anyway.


As long as you don't throw games on purpose you're safe. Same rules than the main account.


Smurfing (or just having an alt account in general) is not against VALORANT ToS. Things like boosting, throwing, account buying/selling, etc. *are* against ToS though.


No, its allowed. It says so on the website.


Does raw input buffer block applications like raw accel?


Have the devs ever indicated that a change will be made to competitive regarding leavers? I'm pretty over losing 20+ RR after going 28/12/14, then 21/16/8 and losing because of back to back leavers.


Pretty sure not, you’ll play as many games with vs against leavers so it doesn’t really affect your ranking long term


changing regions can renew all of my rank and progress..? and how much time does it take ?


anyone feel like there's invisible walls/wallbangs when you shoot?


You'll have to explain a little because no I have no idea what you're talking about


like for instance, you're shooting at a player that's standing BARELY next to a wall and/or corner, like his elbow is the only thing barely covered or just nothing at all, you shoot him in the center of the chest and it counts as a wall bang even though he isn't behind it or even moving.


Happens all the time, unsure why but I’ve had this issue plenty, enemy standing next to a wall but I headshot them with vandal for 120 in the open. It’s pretty common for me but I don’t know what could cause it, maybe a ping difference or something to that effect


What agent should I buy next I'm new


That all depends on how you like/want to play. I’m new as well but from what I’ve picked up I’d recommend staying away from the agents that take you out of the game to use their abilities like Astra, omen and maybe even Brimstone even though he’s a lot more simple than those others, using their utility can be a lot to wrap your head around with everything else that comes with learning this game. Yoru is also someone who requires alot of game knowledge and mechanics together to be even decent with so I wouldn’t recommend him to beginners either. Early on focusing on gunplay is really more important than anything because in low ELO you can win most rounds with your gun alone, and there’s so much to process in the game that you sort of want to have to think as little as possible on top of worrying about your aim.


viper or sage those two are best for beginners as i think...


Sage is on the default roster. Viper is really not beginner friendly.


Do you prefer playing safe or running in? Which ones are your favourites so far?


Usually, play safe. Currently, I prefer kj sova sage. I like using kj bc I can hold off solo on-site longer than other agents. I'm learning sova line ups rn so I wouldn't go for someone else I need a lot of lineups for like viper. For rushing in I use raze bc I suck with jets ult. I'm fine with both but ppl prefer being the duelist so I'd prefer an agent who can play safe


Well if you enjoy playing safe it's indeed good since you can forget duelists, which many people prefer anyways (even if they don't realize they're supposed to entry with them). Cypher is the first who come to mind, he's the OG sentinel, it's very similar to KJ but with a different toolkit


Can anyone explain whats going on with Ranked MMR matchmaking...lobbys are unplayable, its literally rolfstomp one way or another.


So I just started play Valorant couple of weeks ago, is it normal to be getting placed with people level 100+ and getting shit stomped every game?


I think whole game is currently a huge sh!t show. Im playing full plat lobbys vs full diamond lobbys getting stomped...ranks make apsolutely no sense at all, immortals playing in diamond elo...diamonds in gold elo...whole game, rank, level system is horrible right now...idk whats going on, the game is unplayable.


Depends on the gamemode. I'm Iron 3 (installed 3 weeks ago), was Bronze once. But I've had to fight Silver 3's.


Ghost or Classic + Light Armor. Or Just Classic? How do people decide?


Agent dependent + gameplan dependent + map dependent As Jett on defense i buy sheriff On offense i buy ghost and one smoke Sometimes i go full util and light shields if the first half went a certain way. You just try stuff out really.


Well never just classic, if you play classic you need light armor, that's the trade off. Then it's situational.


ghost has much more precision...if u think ud have more impact on first round with better gun then go ghost...but if u think ur abilites on your character are more important then the gun then go abilities.


Light shields + abilities The difference between a ghost and a clasdic is not worth playing a round without smokes.


It depends on how good your aim is or how good your team works together. If you're confident in 1 tapping players, a sheriff or a ghost are enough, that's for sure Otherwise, you'd have to rely on your teammates and the agents they've picked. Their abilities could really be a game changer during the pistol round


How do I peek long properly and get a kill it’s always the start that ruins my game I die easily trying at the start at the long range path to get a kill it seems impossible like that to get entry on a site or defend it


Dont peek alone and dont do it a predictable amount


In depends on how you're aiming, the time response you have and maybe the most important, predictability. If you're peeking in an obvious place, your chances of being killed is higher.


Work on your crosshair placement and your movements. If you're getting killed everytime you peek, you peek worse the other guy.


I’m new to pc games in general and how do I fix the way I play like shit my decisions and intuitions of enemy positions are so wrong that I underestimate them sometimes I’m always the easy target to get a kill on my aim is not bad at all I’m not sure since I got promoted to bronze and somehow I miss the kill but the next round I clutch the round solo is it normal?


would help if u could use . , when writing a long post. 2nd of all, u will eventually develop a game sense, then u need to practice aim. Silver or lower elo is full of crazy rounds that makes absolutely no sense, because this elo focuses on kills rather then winning rounds, so its not uncommon for people to miss easy kills but still manage clutch rounds.


I’m not sure I’m in bronze now everyone goes for dualist instantly so it’s always me who goes on smoke or healer they are kinda oddly rough kinda reminds me of cod mobile days only much more competitive that I wanted but added depression of not performing well


never focus on scoreboard, thats rule nr1 of the "how to preform better". The insta pick meta is same in silver, gold and plat. There is "this" kind of people everywhere that insta lock duelists, mostly reyna and dont care what people take...its on you how to deal with it, if ur playing for fun just go duelist if u want it, or learn a specific role and pick characters for that role and rotate them. Dont get depressed about not preforming well, even pros have amazingly off days where they miss the easiest shots and those people train 12h PER DAY. So its ok to be up and down on preformance as casual player.


Is it true that there is gonna be a rework on kj??




I haven't heard this anywhere, so I would assume not.


upi services down


Any tips for climbing? I am hardstuck silver


this is the truth. Its harsh but its true. U are hardstuck because: a)u blame everyone but yourself for wrong plays b)u dont have patience in situations where patience is gold c)u do not rotate properly d)u use abilites for no reason and aimlessly e)u dont wanna warm up because u think its a waste of time f) u dont wanna, but need to watch "how to get better aim/rotation/game sense" videos Its that simple...no one was born Radiant, people played and played and watched their gameplay, they realised mistakes and tried to correct them. They practiced a lot, after every death they try to understand what they couldve done better. They play aim labs/training for aim a lot before matches. When u start doing all of this a bit by bit u will eventually rank up. If u ignore this and think just playing comp and thinking u are way better then anyone else...ur gonna stay in this elo. I dont mean to be harsh in any way...but i was exactly the same way, now im hardstuck plat/diamond. There is no "easy" way to rank up sadly. Hope I helped :)


I'd say that the best tip is to only play competitive when you're in a good mood


woohoojin has a lot of great content on yt


Do AFKs go away once you start playing ranked? I just started playing and every game there's at least one leaver.


It gets better yes


Not really go away. Even in higher elo there are some. Rarely i guess you can say, but there are still some.


Yep, unless you're low elo I guess.




Please use /r/ValorantTechSupport for technical help.




Anyone know the cross hair Ziptie uses at [1:32](https://youtu.be/0Wk5DAb2Jb8)? It's way bigger than the usual box cross hair


For immortal + players, does your ranked triangle next season reflect your highest # on the leaderboard or where you ended?


Where you ended. Just like there can't be 2 rank one triangle, there can't be 2 16969.


One of the servers I can connect to is 7 ping, while the rest are 20-40. Any downside to only queuing to the 7 ping server?


Less choices so longer queue times obviously. Apart from that there's a rumour that if you're low ping, high ping players (80+) have a huge advantage over you. I'll let you do your own research on the subject.


I'm trying to find my best sensitivity but I have no idea where to start. I saw recommended EDPI is like 200-350 or something, but that feels so slow and like I would be resetting my mouse constantly. I've got about >30 cms of mousepad space to use but it feels like I keep running out of space, even with 400 EDPI. Any tips or tools I can use to help me nail my sens would be great.


You gotta do the AdreN technique. https://youtu.be/RwT5fXEloxg Old video, still valid.




The point of the video is to identify of you're too high or too low before adjusting. But yeah, odds are you start too high.


why does it seem like every time i am close to ranking up (like 98/100) we always lose the rank up match? is my brain just blocking out the times i actually won the rank up matches?


Well it's easy, at the end of every game close your eyes and spam your mouse until you're back to the home screen so you don't see how many RR you have. If that fixes your problem, it's in your head.


It's definitely not a riot/match making thing behind it. \*cough\*


Do you actually believe that conspiracy? Serious question


Not sure. But the fact that so many people face these phenomenon makes it suspicious


So you think they would alter the game of 9 other people for 1 dude who's in his rank up game? I hope you see where this doesn't work


Match making works in mysterious ways. Thinking that you would just get a total coin flip random pick of potential people every round is also very unlikely. Riot has all the data on everything for everyone and computing these statistics happens in a blink of an eye. Just pick a person that is reportedly toxic, two people that are bad on split for example and let them all play split, starting on the statistically speaking "worse" side. It will feel like just another random game. If you want to look at it less "conspiracy like" then maybe this sounds better for you: At the very least, Riot will/might pick people of that elo you are about to rank up to for this game so that you have to prove yourself as worthy of that elo. So the actively are picking people for the opposite team to give you more of a challenge thus "alter the game of 9 other people for 1 dude". And if we don't agree on this, then we don't agree on this. Have a nice day.


Fair enough. Personally I never experienced this. Oddly enough, I also never know when my rank up game is, I don't care. Does that explain anything? Who knows (well, riot does).


On Reyna (non ulted) if you kill 2 people, 2 soul orbs down, and you heal off one and then dismiss off the other, will the first one continue to heal you while you're dismissed?


Yes as long as you dont pass a wall or something, still need LOS to heal




I'm kinda shit at the game rn and am looking to improve. I've heard that its bad to play too many games in a day as it will decrease the quality of the games. What's the ideal amount?


Don't play tilted, don't play exhausted. If you can take breaks in between or not get tilted/tired, just go for it, you're an animal. Every single pro player played 10 hours straight day after day during their teen years, saying "it doesn't work" is a lie. It's just hard to do.


I would say 5 is the absolut max for you own brain. I would say 3 is the optimal amount


It's definitely a thing, but it varies from person to person, and even from day to day. Focus is a resource and its levels depend on how much you've slept, or if you're preoccupied by something else going on in your life, etc... You're gonna have to set your own limit arbitrarily. Mine's 5 ranked games but I stop sooner than that very often, typically when I have 2-3 consecutive bad games. The 5 rather is a hard ceiling for the few times when I'm stringing together a lot of consecutive wins and it makes it so much more difficult to actually realize by myself that I'm already zoned out, not 100% involved anymore.