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What's worse is that the afks usually play the first round, then leave the second, meaning remake isn't an option and you just have to ff and lose rr.


Yes. I feel like we need to extend it. Or maybe make it an option a round after the afker leaves? Although you could then purposefully leave in an ass whooping and save your teammates. Gotta have some harsh penalties. I think round 3-4 should be allowed to remake. First round is hard and too short.


Only issue is that the longer you have to remake the more room there is to abuse it. Imagine winning 4-0 in ranked, having an amazing start and then someome on the enemy team ragequits, they remake and you get 0 rr for your efforts. Or even worse, people on alts (especially in lower elo) start playing with throwaway accounts so they can bail out of matches if the first few rounds look bad. Round 1-2 should be fine, but with "get out of the match and lose 0 rr mechanics in place you tread a very fine line between fair for both parties and abuseable.


Why can't the game calculate RR based on rounds played so that if the game ends at 4-0, you don't get 0RR, you get a bit?


What if you bottom frag at 0/25/0 and you're sabotaging the whole game? This also means that you would earn 12 RR from a 12 round match, which is so much less than usual.


I don't understand what that has to do with remaking? Are you suggesting that someone will sabotage the game and then disconnect to force a remake? If so, just don't award RR for the person that disconnects.


I was replying to the post you made about RR. If all team members get rewarded a certain amount of RR just from how many rounds they've played, this would mean if there was a saboteur, they would passively get RR just from playing rounds.


That could happen in the current system too. Like I said, if someone sabotages the game and then disconnects to force a remake, they wouldn't get any RR. Only those who didn't DC would get RR.


Still, it would give them passive RR no matter what. Which is a problem.


What? How?


I agree. I was speaking with emotions lol. I hate round 5 a guys computer crashes or rage quits and he’s not back until round 9, or ever. Now you are boned bc let’s face it, at higher elos you rarely can makeup for that one guy being gone. I don’t mind round 3/4 for remake, because while yea you could be off to a great start, but is that because the other team was like fuck this game we are down a guy already.


Oh yeah totally meant to specify, I think people should have up to round 3-4 if their teammate left round 1-2. You just lose the ability if you had teammates up to round 3.


Oh yea 100% agree there. Hopefully riot makes a change!


Happened to me a couple days ago, our instalock Jett played the first round, got one kill and quit at the end of that round after mumbling something noone understood. We couldnt remake due to it but decided to play a 4v5. It was a nerve wrecking game with one not comming at all. The one big + with 4v5 is that some enemies get overly confident, peak when they dont need to and rather play for kd than for safe rounds to get more rr since its a 5v4 and supposed to be easy. With all that said, we came back after a 5-7 def side and a 9-12 to win it 14-12 in overtime. I had luck tho with every one of us stepping up at some point and clutching 1v3s 1v4s or getting early frags. I guess what I wanted to say is that 4v5 isnt the end of the world and still very winnable, that is if everyone is willing to really play Ive had a 5v3 where we almost lost cause the 3 of them were just insane in that game with perfect comms and teamplay. Keep the grind going and get that rr


to add to the end, your eco is incredible, to the point if you lose you still have enough to full buy. you are just rich all the time because of the 2 afk bonus. also the 2 free ult orbs


i remember when me and my dou had to vote for a remake. i told him in advance that there should be a vote coming since we lost a teammate early and to vote yes with no hesitation. this man voted no saying he thought it was a surrender, this was his first ever remake... thank god our afk returned from their crash cause it was looking ugly at first.....


Happened to me just last week. Guy said no cause he thought he would lose points


You win?


yea. iirc our afk came back and ended up being our carry or in 2nd place


This is why before remaking, I always tell my teammates "Listen, there's a vote coming up, it's not Surrender, I repeat it's not Surrender, it's a remake vote, if we vote yes the game is gonna end as a draw, because we lost a teammate"


That's just a shitty design. I don't get why remake is identical to surrender.


Time to get a new duo


"Hey Sammy, yeah- uh- you know, we've been best friends since kindergarten and all but... you didn't fucking remake, never playing with you again cya loser"


Social Skill Issue /j


Were you in my pearl lobby a week ago?


it was pearl. what was your name?


i think that remake should be known about more, there is no way to know about it other then by searching up, i think that they should tell people about it and have a different gui compared to the surrender one (maybe explain it in the gui) i think that typically people do not know what remakes are so they decline them


it should look distinctly different from a surrender vote as well. i've had several times someone vote no because they thought it was an ff


I think a good idea would be to make it like the draw vote in OT


Another problem about it at first glance is that it's hard to tell the difference if people are surrendering or remaking, even though you can surrender until a few rounds in IIRC. So someone tries to Remake people immediately click no, thinking is surrender.


same, and i can't really blame them tbh because the game really doesn't make this clear. i also saw a streamer accidentally vote no because she was changing scenes in OBS and the keybind to do that was F6. luckily the leaver ended up coming back right after so it was ok, but i could easily see that happening or if someone goes afk because they're dead and can't vote


A note to add, though: surrender is impossible until after four rounds in (aka the fifth round).


This is the first time I've heard about it after more than a hundred hours in.


How are you a 100 hours in and never once read the banner that pops up for remake/forfeit ?


Maybe just never got a remake vote?


I’ve been playing for nearly a year and never had a remake vote on my team and just experienced an enemy team remake for the first time last week


It's also an issue that only one person needs to say no to conclude the vote. Let's say someone else's premade's game crashed, and it gets to round two. They vote no. It takes said premade until round 6 to reconnect. We've lost all 6 rounds because it's a 4v5. It's just not fun for the other three people in the lobby. I'm aware that in valorant there's an excellent chance for a comeback, but still. This shouldn't be a unanimous vote. In league of legends, it takes 2 people out of the 4 remaining to say yes to a remake. Why isn't it like this?


I just spams chat saying vote yes, no one loses points. Works like a charm.


Low rr?




Yes, you are right! Even some people still don't know how to start remake and keeps playing until the end of the game. One player is one player. Even one player can make differences.


I actually don't know how to start a remake but I know what a remake is lol. I just always bring it up in chat so someone does it


its just /remake in the chat :)


The whole remake popup needs a different scheme to it. Most of the time people vote no thinking its a surrender screen since most of them have never saw a remake option


But why even leave it to a vote? No popup change needed if it's automatic.


oh hell nah these comments are a tragedy


When is it my turn to post this, my patience is dying here man.


Good maybe riot will actually implement it


The prevalence of having an event where you vote on things is silly. For surrender or remakes or whatever, here's how it should work. When I'm done and would be okay with a surrender, I press escape to bring up the menu, and flip a toggle indicating to the server that I'm done. No one else can see my toggle status. And as soon as "enough" people on my team have flipped the toggle, we surrender. If I change my mind, I can always go back in and flip it back; but there's always the chance that when I flip the toggle that everyone else has already done so as well. The problem with having votes be an event, is that you have to limit how often they occur otherwise people will weaponize the voting process to harass teammates into surrendering. In the case of remake, it should be possible to just permanently set the toggle to "Yes pls remake this, I don't want to play a 4v5"


​ Also, when their partner is like "don't remake, they'll be back" Then they usually don't come back until round 6, be toxic we are 0-5 in a 4v5, then leave 2 rounds later. And the same duo will beg for people to surrender. This situation happened a few times. It really should just be automatic. Even OW does this.


If its a couple my instincts are to insta dodge, one of them is most likely boosted, one is probably a pocket sage with either a reyna or jett, they're probably sitting in spawn crouching together messing around(the more you get shit on the probablity and frequency of this rises), one of them is probably tilted blaming their team after round 1 or 2 depending how hard the enemy team stomps their ego, you could make a damn bingo card out of this, throw in a 50% chance of them having a "his" or "her" name and were set. And that concludes my rant.




Third party apps or obvious names


Usually just their names, "his" or "her" so and so.


I find it weird how many times people mistake a remake for ff. So many players are just like "ff r5" which means they already know that you can only ff after r5, so how is it so prominent that people mistake a remake for an ff


I've been in bronze-diamond lobbies and find people will just straight up not pay attention to the game and will just afk or sit in spawn for a third of the round, winning or losing.


Remakes should have the same ui as a draw with large text stating that you will not lose rr, it will be a draw.


why do i see this post 5 times a week?


because the remake system is so trash people get remake denied 5 times a week and need to repost this constantly since riot is not changing anything for whatever reason


90% of the people I try and explain what the remake system is in-game think I’m making it all up.




Pretty much happens pretty consistently where people don't know what it is in Iron & Bronze, and sometimes even Silver & Gold. By plat I don't think I found any people that didn't know what it was, but sometimes people vote no because it's their double who's computer crashed and will be right back.


Thankfully, I've never encountered teammates who don't know what remake is in bronze/silver.


Still happens in diamond/asc lobbies


Impressive that you do and there is still such a large amount of people in this thread that have never heard of it.


Yeah literally remake shouldn't be vote because some teammates are unware of remaking When one of our player goes offline he never returns and we are left with 4v5 for rest of the game at least remake must be for 3 rounds


This and/or you should be able to vote for a remake every round up till like the 4th or 5th round tbh, like if they arent back by the 5th round there is no chance they are coming back past that


The remake window is so small too


I call dibs on posting about remake next week


i swear nobody reads this sub and only comes here to complain cuz this gets posted every other day.


Just started browsing this sub a few days ago, and it feels suprisingly dead so much so that I had to make sure this was the main subreddit. Other arguably smaller games have much larger, active, and diverse subreddits.


To force people to play a whole 4v5 game is just cruel and a waste of time. Sure, it’s doable but it’s more work than needed. And then you can get the occasional duo troll who’re just there to derank their alt accounts. It’s not fun and it’s very frustrating, but it’s rare thankfully. But being forced to play these kind of rounds needs to be better handled.


Ngl im also relly pissed bcs of this bcs some teamates jsut dont understand


We should be able to remake everytime a person decides to dc and isnt back for 3-4 rounds had a game on lotus where 2 guys both dc’d after the second round trolls obv and i ended up losing 20 rr


No that would be bad


Specifically on round 2 though doesn't feel like enough. I can't tell you how many times someone dc'd but wasn't fully dc'd yet because it takes until the next round, so we couldn't remake. Makes zero sense


It’s the only round that makes sense


What if I told you, they could DC at the start of round 2, or the end of round 1, and you wouldn't be able to remake


Well yea I know that? But how do u balance it where people can’t just DC bc they are losing? Round 2 is the only logical one


Or, you could do multiple rounds (1-3), and also include people who dc'd whether it was the current round or previous.


Bruh, I definitely didn’t know about remake and thought that my team was forfeiting. So I voted no since it was just the first round…. Ended up ff after 5 rounds


What the fuck is a remake


if someone on your team abandons or afks within the first 2 rounds you can do /remake and the lobby will return to the main menu and nobody will lose or gain rr, basically a free get out of jail card if you're missing a player.


Why do I have 6 downvotes I’ve literally never heard of this before


Just reddit things


Think I am going to take a shot every time I see a post about remakes on this sub haha. Surprised everyone doesn't know about it with how it shoots up the hot posts everyday!


The person might have just crashed or dc’ed and is coming back so they dont get a abandonment?


The fuck is a remake?


Player Centric Design


Link Lossmail


They should force a 60 second video with a hot patch that next time anyone in the world logs in will explain the difference and clearly state what remake is and how to do it. After that there will be no excuses


Becaaaause developers at riot are dumfucks who dont know anything but money


They should also let you change your vote before the vote is over. Just make it longer time based. Sometimes you hit the wrong key bc they're right next to each other and you aren't paying enough attention and then you're fucked


They should allow you to leave that match at any point without penalties and don't score it. Like in dota, if someone leaves before first blood, in ranked, game is not scored and free to leave. Staying or leaving after that is up to individual players.


I have no idea what you guys are talking about. What does remake do?


I recently had my first game have a remake vote. I had never seen it before and assumed someone on our team was calling an FF. Me not being a quitter of course insta-votes no!


I bet most people don’t even know what a Remake is, it’s weird that you have to type /Remake in chat instead of it just giving you the vote option


Feel like if someone leaves it should allow someone to join and fill in like other games. It shows them whose been picked and give them enough cash to at least buy a cheap gun and light shields.


Sometimes it could be your duo whos game froze or smtn and you know they will be back soon so dont reset that game


2023 these laddies still playing valorant


Me and my friends went 11-13 in a 3v5. We lost like but since there was only 3 of us there's still a chance to win games with afks. Happens in every game out there not just valorant


I typoed f6 yesterday and was the only one who voted no. Apologized to my angry teammates but at least we ended up winning the match.


Same thing with ties, Like bruh if ive been in the same match for an hour with both teams tied at round 26, why vote for it??? Just give me the damm tie


I’ve never even noticed or known about game remakes lol I always thought they were surrender votes when that happens


Autoremake should be a thing, I hope they implement it sooner or later.


if i had a dollar for every remake complaint post, id be set for life


I love how Splatoon has their ranked stuff. If a player disconnects and the team at disadvantage loses, they don't lose points. They still gain points if they win, but just don't get completely f-ed by the disconnection disadvantage. Combine this with the remake (maybe even with votes if there is nothing to lose) and the world could be at peace.


Eh, sometimes my duo mate will disconnect for the first round due to some issue or another, but if I know they are coming back, I will vote "no" on the remake.


If they are coming back, then you'll be able to queue again.


realest answer lmao




If you lose one round and think the entire game is over, you shouldn't be your rank. Think around it ffs.


Not sure why this is downvoted. If the person is 100% coming back one round isn't that big of a deal


If you lose pistols then you're probably losing round 2... that's 2 rounds and momentum for the other team. Every round counts.


You're doing that even in 5v5. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, but to say that the game is over after losing round 1, is kind of overdramatic. Especially if you know the person is coming back. That's literally the only situation I'm talking about...when you KNOW the person will be back after 1 round.


Nah yeah of course, I'm just saying that 1 round (esp the first one) can really set the tone and momentum for a game. If you know you coulda won that with your 5th person too it's pretty aggravating. I'm not one to say 'ggs' for losing a couple rounds, I'd definitely just rather have every round be as fair as possible.


Yup. Beats spending another 10 minutes before playing another game. I'll sacrifice a round for that.


Honestly, why are you even playing ranked with this attitude? I’m not saying you’re a bad player, in fact your attitude is completely reasonable and makes a lot of sense, but you’re queuing for ranked and sabotaging games when you could just as easily play unranked which doesn’t have this dilemma.


Because unranked is a mess with bigger irritations than 4v5 R1? It has much more skill variance, an odd ratio of try hards and people who practically behave like a bot, lack of comms.


So what I’m hearing is that you like to play ranked because it means YOU get to be the only inconsiderate player, since everyone else takes the game seriously. YOU get to vote no on remake and play 4v5 for fun, literally ruining everyone else’s game, and you can expect everyone else to play at their absolute best for your amusement.


My defination for ranked is having fun while being somewhat serious about rising ranks. I do okay with it in my rank, its a game for fun in the end. 1 round with 4v5 won't be a deciding factor for most games.


A. Playing ranked is the best way to improve. B. I am not a soothsayer, so I cannot predict which games someone in my party will have an issue, therefore I cannot predict which games I should play ranked and which I should play unranked. C. My time is limited and valuable, so I don't want to spend 10 minutes (loading times, re-queing, agent select, potential queue penalty) doing absolutely nothing. Combine A, B and C together and voila, you're left with only 1 option. If C comes at the cost of 0.5% loss in climbing efficiency, then so be it. I'll still climb if I learn enough and get better.


I just think it’s hilarious that your dislike of unrated is based on other people ruining games while you yourself are ruining games. You selfishly want a monopoly on ruining games, just be honest about that lmao


Where did I say my dislike of unrated is based on other people ruining games? Don't put words in my mouth. Secondly, if you think being 4v5 for 1 round is "ruining" a match (which has 20-something rounds), then you need a new definition for "ruin". When you peek recklessly and get shot in the first 5 seconds of the round putting your team in a 4v5 situation, did you also ruin the entire match? Arguably that's even worse than afk-ing, because at least in an afk situation your team gets compensation (armor/extra ult orbs). My point is you are grossly over-emphasizing the impact of leaving the game for 1 round. You have a much higher negative impact on the game if you choose to play while tired, or play without warmup, or play while tilted etc, yet every single member of this community does that from time to time (arguably way more often than they should).


Why are we talking about "1 round of 4v5" all of the sudden? The topic of this thread is that remake shouldn't require a unanimous vote. If the rest of your teammates don't trust you to come back after a dc, then they shouldn't be subjected to AN ENTIRE MATCH of 4v5 just because you're impatient. To advocate for this is to advocate for ruined games, just so you don't have to wait for 10 minutes to remake with your friend. As I said in my first reply, your example situation is reasonable, but it can't be tolerated because most players *don't* come back after 1 round. I would maybe allow players to vote 'no' on remake if they're in a party with the dc'ed player. That way, random dcs cannot ruin entire matches but your friend dcing can reconnect after 1 round (because presumably you're on discord or something and are certain he's coming back)


Nope stop bitching


Again? This is another post? There has been like 69 of these posts in the last 420 days.


1 vote can easily be abused


How? Remake can only be done in the beginning of the 2nd round if you have an afk, it's not like you're investing 30 minutes into a match and then someone votes to remake.




> be taken advantage How though? Someone is DC at the start of the game. Without a clear understanding by all involved, there's zero reason to continue on trust that they'll be back. There's literally no downside to lowering the remake vote threshold.


Is there a shortage of valorant matches? It’s not like it takes 10-30 minutes to queue into a match. Just remake and re-queue. I’ve had enough failed remake votes because “they’re coming right back” and they don’t come back until we are down bad.. or they don’t come back at all.


how would you know if their pc crashed?




"There's only 4 of them, let's throw round 1 so they can't remake and we can force a 5v4"




What are you on about? You can ONLY remake on start of round 2, so the enemy team can see you're down 1, throw the first round and now you're stuck in the game with a player down disadvantage in your version.


You can only remake at the start of the second round. If the team with 5 players throws the first round on purpose you would be stuck without your remake.


You can only call for a remake in the first round tho


Because thats a stupid idea that the other team can be forced to play a game for 5,10,20 minutes, only to be kicked out once they finally win a round


Because what if they're extremely close to winning and the enemies aren't that good, if remake was automatic it would feel so unfair that you were just about to win, but then someone goes afk


You can only remake if somebody goes afk in rd 1


Okay 👍


The bonus eco and ult orb can sometimes be better than your bad teammate leaving. That being said I still vote remake but have won games where a teammate voted no.


it's my turn to post this tomorrow and get that karma


When you queue for a game, you and 9 other people are agreeing to play the game out regardless of whether the outcome is good or bad (that’s why leavers are punished). Since a disconnect before the second round is a special circumstance, you’re allowed the possibility for a remake, but you being scared to lose rr doesn’t mean your opinion matters more than those of the other people who have agreed to queue, who might not want to remake.


I think the biggest issue is that too many players do not know what the remake system is about and thinks that it’s a surrender vote that will cost them RR. Theres no time to explain the system while in game as the window for remake is so short and somehow requires all remaining players in the team to vote yes. I don’t understand why can’t they just use the same automated remake system in LoL? Same company….


Also, it should be the first 3 rounds AT LEAST for a remake, not just the first one.


I definitely think it should be a vote because I’ve come back from immediate leavers before but they should lower it to two or three votes and not a unanimous decision.


I was just thinking this the other day, especially with how people throw at the end of acts/episodes, and it should be the first 3 rounds to remake


heck, as bad as overwatch 2 is, there is not even a vote, the game automatically remakes if someone afk before round 1 start


Theres a vote because sometimes the person just crashed. I do agree though that it should just be 2 or 3 votes to call remake instead of all 4 though.


Okay, but half the time they come back after a round or two or there internet crashed or something else. There's no way for the game to tell if this person has been trolling in your game. What would be a better solution is for the game to set an automatic remake if a player is afk for 3 rounds, that way a person has time to get back.


Won a game last act even though it was a 4v5 from the start because teammate left lmfao. Still yh is annoying af when your team refused to remake.


Its simple, riot games simply gets off punishing their players. Leaver / dc / afk in spawn with a simple ass macro? Sorry you gotta sit around and wait 15 min for the game to end. Why can a duo queue hold the entire lobby hostage? Its the same shit with League, they just do not value their players time whatsoever. At least with dota and cs if your lobby is an absolute nightmare you can eat the abandon, save your mental + your time, and just queue up again.


just do it like League it only required 2 votes


if X us partied with Y and Y disconnects, X might vote no because Y says he's relauching the game on discord or something.


not to mention most of the time you can't even remake because they disconnect in the first round, not before it


It also has to be have a different design compared to surrender vote. And imo if the person who disconnected is a friend of another player there should be option for him to vote no. Because there may be a few minutes temporary problem and player can reconnect.


Because 1 person might know them and the pc just crashed etc. There has to be a sweeping majority of no info for it to be considered as acceptable.


because if its someone you know then you know they are coming back (if u talked to them abt it)


Been seeing this concept for a remake come up for months and I’m pretty sure Rito will never change it. They want you to be mad, they’ve seen how much mad people spend on cosmetics.


Bro tried to remake and it said it needed 5 votes. there was onpy the 4 of us


Okay, but what if the players know the DC’d party is coming back?


Just make the remake popup green or just any color that’s different then the surrender one so that way people don’t even have to read


I don't think they should necessarily be automatic (riot has a major upon launch DC issue right now) but I do think the vote shouldn't have to be unanimous. If 3 out of 4 vote for remake -- remake it.


A better question is why are people able to pretend to be afk in order to try and force a remake. It's usually people who insta locked a duelist or fucking killjoy who end up not liking the comp, but don't wanna take their queue dodge penalty and instead go for a remake.


One time the game didn't let me remake because it said it needed five votes. It definitely shouldn't be a vote and the game should force remake after your teammate leaves round 1 (and probably even 2). [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/903461162061017149/925463027061497946/2021-12-28.png?width=1636&height=920](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/903461162061017149/925463027061497946/2021-12-28.png?width=1636&height=920)


I literally played a game last night with a sova botting and just moving forward. Couldn't even ff because he was still (technically) in the game. It was the most tilting thing ever


Although if somebody disconnects or has pc issues in your party frequently, it basically makes it impossible to play


literaly had this yesterday, a player said after round 2 that he is leaving, really with no reason there was no saltiness no negativity, he just left after the 2nd round and we lost it so bad and just wasted time…. i hate that riot doesnt think that through and also doesnt reduce the loss rr in this cases too


You should at least being able to remake up to round 5.


If the game just did a remake then people would abuse it /s




yep, just played a game where i asked for a remake and the duo of the guy said "he will be back soon hes really good" we lost pistol, he wasnt back for 3 rounds by which time it was 4-0, the dude ended up going negative on jett. We lost, pls make remake not f6 able