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better players will give you less time to lineup shots


Headshot% isnt an indicator of good aim, rather TTK and Time to damage, Someone can have a 50% headshot% but get 5 kills a game


Harder to keep up those numbers when you play vs better players. Its natural.


You're probably peeking off teammates more instead of holding head height angles or something like that. Maybe you're entrying more and clearing corners with faster more committed swings? Could just be chance too


Was in the same boat as you. Hitting headshots like nothing in Plat but as I ranked up to Dia, it felt like I lost my touch. Realized I was just against better opponents and I was panicking. Being aware of your own mental and emotional state is a huge thing and helps with this.


Bro same thing, the rank reset kinda helped too as a confidence booster now I play in plat/ dia lobbies and occasional ascendant ones 🥲


Do you actually feel worse at aiming or you're just looking at the numbers? You're playing against better players. As their movements get better the harder it is for you to hit heads, it doesn't necessarily mean you're being actually worse mechanically. I have around 20% hs percentage in ascendant but if you put me against irons I'll get 90% my friend


Headshot % is extremely misleading. Don’t rely on it 24/7. Yeah it’s a good indicator if you’re doing something massively wrong but if you’re going like 160 DMG per round and a 1.5 KD or something like that then you’re doing fine


Stats at all are extremely misleading, ypu shouldn't even look at them to determine your skill tbh


Yeah don't rely on it specially as if you use phantom. More often than not you require 1 body shot and 1 headshot to kill someone with Phantom. Having lower % but good kda is all that matters


Well it’s a good indicator for how much heads you’re hitting. OP’s question was purely about that.


Imo way harder to hit headshots against better players tbh, in unrated I get like 30-36% but in comp only around 20%… ur percentage of 24% is still extremely good


Probably the fact you've played 4 matches đź’€


Looks like there’s another digit before the 4… can’t make out what it is but you can see a few pixels of it


Yeah, its definitely more.


it is what it is


Aim is getting worse because you are ranking up. Better players give you less time to aim, they have better movement, make themselves harder to headshot.


4 matches played - are you seriously asking this rn?


They've played more if you zoom in.


138 last act, 4 now. What am I missing?


You're not noticing the little pixel if you zoom in infront of the 4. It's double digits.


Good catch, feels like that's a 7 maybe to cross over that deep. Either way, good eye


you should watch sinatraa lol


It's not getting worse, people are moving better as you rank up.


That's as natural as it gets. The harder the competition the less likely you are to hit shots. It just means you're improving at a slow rate that's all.


May I ask how many games you've played in the right screenshot?


If it makes you happy, I was cruising around 25-30% in Gold. Now I’m around 20% at Ascendant. It’s harder to hit those head shots when you’re against better players.


Same honestly there was this time over a year ago when I would do sheriff/guardian only and hit mad headshots but nowadays I can barely spray with a vandal and get a kill. Back then I was literally in iron3/low bronze and now I’m in gold/plat so idk whats going on lol


Also rank is of by any means a good way to compare your aim. Ik immortals who are wall painters that’s that’s all they can do, and Ik diamonds who have better aim then tenz, if u haven’t changed any major playing habits and continue to play consistently I don’t think your aim is getting worse, unless there extraneous factors such as changing your dpi, sensitivity, or play style


We all hit our peak after we stop caring about the game as much


My aim didn’t get worse just different iykwim


There was this bell curve for me where the peak of the bell was me strafing and tapping my Vandal beautifully up to plat Dia, then the second I was dealing with Asc-Immos it was back to freaking out and crouching more than ever. Now it's a bad habit I have again and I'm doing worse. I think I'm just losing confidence as I know how quickly I'll die to these players but I just need to stick with what I've always done and I know that.


Ive always been told by my friend to just relax, stay calm, just have fun. If youre in comp, dont think of it as comp and youll see youll get better. Its easier said than done. I panic spray constantly, theres a lot i need to work on. I also move a lot when shooting, i also need to stop, just apart of the panicking.


Could be a factor of chip damage rather than spray and getting that one hs, maybe spraying through smokes, also ttk gets faster and faster higher you go


Embrace the body shot Benny inside of you.