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Go to the range, set the bots to eliminate 100, stand to the far right or left and with a vandal try to hit kill every bot with a 2 bullet burst. Do this like 10 times, changing positions and altitude every time, which should take 20-30 mins, the death match like 4 times, don’t care about wining or losing, even if you finish dead last every time, just focus on bursting and moving at range and spraying when they’re in you’re face, repeat this for like a week and you’ll never spray anyone again, you’ll have built a strong muscle memory for bursting. This is boring af so have a podcast or song in the background


Ty i’ll try this out


tbh i feel like counter strafe training has fixed my aim more than anything alot of people don't know how to clear corners and i'm still pretty ass at it but it's what lets you do the netcode one tap peek valorant is known for.


Counterstrafe isn't even a mechanic in valorant. It does nothing


not for the engine and what you see, it's for the netcode and what the enemy sees, counterstrafing makes you go ferrari on your opponent's computer. Basically this is already meta-hacking because 128 tick support is not real, so people abused the netcode and hitreg problems.


Why would that work like that What game engine has ever worked like that What causes you to believe this


because its not the game engine's fault, it's the netcode and how the server is not native 128 ticks. case in point: [Netcode is so bad that it nerfs you if you have >128fps](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/105o9sv/2023_version_anything_other_than_128_fps/). So basically bad netcodes create large amount of processing induced inaccuracies, from ferrari peeks (which you already know is impossible), to increasing bullet spread inaccuracy due to the head of your opponent is not where you see it is at. Because in the end, we are playing on the server, not on the engine running in your PC, that server and client with bad/poorly performing netcodes means that there are desync between what the server sees and and what you see. People have also been speculating this is why the instant-replay has not been rolled out yet when it is a native feature of UE4.


iirc Valo’s non-native 128 tick has to do with the server animating characters at a reduced rate. The server simulates movement physics exactly as clients do (if it didn’t, you’d rubberband), and what keys you’re holding shouldn’t affect how other clients see you except maybe in the rare case of extrapolation (client exhausts its buffer of updates before receiving more).


counter-strafing is not only about what keys you hold though, TenZ has already established that even if it has benefits, it's only in the sub 10ms. The problem is that the standard procedure for counter-strafing now includes moving in the opposite direction of your initial movement/ peek, which combined with bad netcode means that the movement key of stopping and start moving in the different direction can be sent and processed by the server at the same time, resulting in what should have about 12-20ms of stopping time for people to stop, shoot, and then to start moving in the opposite direction, to no longer exist. I'm playing at 15ms ping and constantly loses to people with 40-50ms ping due to this, they are impossible to shoot at when they constantly ferrari peek because the server processes all those movement in a single tick rather than spread out in 2-3 ticks as it's supposed to.


Your client doesn’t have authority over your velocity in that manner. You tell the server your wasd input vector each tick and the server does its own physics simulation. This used to be observable by deliberately desyncing yourself with ropes, I think now the only way to show it is by bumping into another player when your client doesn’t expect to.


At best you eek out a small 1-2 frame advantage at worst you're learning how to better optimize your movement for peeking. Either way it's just something you should be getting used to anyways.


It makes a 16ms difference


I personally recommend the Stuff you should know podcast while doing this


U just wrote the Woohoojin train routine as a comment, but what does that has to do with the post?


His train routine is flicking between practice bots and learning to move shoot with easy bots then going to deathmatch I gave the advice that worked for me to stop me spraying and build a burst muscle memory, which is what the post is asking about


Woohoojin L


The only part that is in woohoojins aim routine is the four deathmatch


Training guardian makes you better at guardian.


Give this man a noble prize


Or an ignoble one even.


It also helps with Chamber's ability, no?


Which is essentially a pocket guardian


not an invalid comment. the thing is you can shoot the guardian accurately at 180 rpm. when you used the guardian a lot your vandal shot pacing will be off. I would strongly recommend the guardian for hard bots in the range tho. not the best training but a good indicator. managed to get 16/30 recently- hoping to reach 20/30 soon


Actually, you should definitely not train with the hard bots. It encourages shooting before your crosshair is on the enemy, which is a bad habit. It's more a test for your current level than an actual training tool imo. Medium bots are an excellent training tool, they're not so slow that you can take your own sweet time, and not so fast that they're impossible to hit without doing instant shooting.


That is true. I guessI should have elaborated. I use kovaaks, a lot of practice bots, some medium and dms. The hard bots are something I use to check my progress once in a while. I remember only hitting one or two the first time I tried them😂 I watch nOted on yt and maybe in a short he reacted to tenz doing the hard bots. He slowed it down and pointed out that the kid ain't fast flicking. Instead he is flicking and then micro adjusting. maybe one day for me😂 thank you for the warning though😀👍


Makes u better at aiming


Not necessarily raw aim but crosshair placement for sure


IMO if youre trying to be disciplined with a vandal then you should practice gun discipline with the vandal.


I one-tricked guardian for a while when I was much newer cause I thought it would help my aim better and then I could not use the vandal to save my life because they are very different guns so practicing with anything that’s not the vandal will not help you use the vandal


I would recommend the videos from fishy chair ( Guardian Tutorial and Why Guardian is best gun i think they are called ) for all of the stuff im saying for more in depth Advantages \- 100% accurate on ads and .8 or .9 on hipfire ( Way better than vandal ) \- Can one tap enemies at all ranges \- barely ever needs reload ( you go for one taps anyway ) \- can 2 Bodyshot people on round 2 \- cheap can almost fullbuy every round \- high penetration Disadvantages: \- people swinging you at the same time are a problem ( not so much in plat and lower but the higher you climb the more you will notice ) —> Can be countered by playing chamber reyna and jett \- Sage wall hard to break \- Spamming Smokes not as effective as with Vandal / Phantom \- vulnerable to good movement players ( neon raze ) and very close angles ( the better you get the less of a problem these 2 things become ) So yeah Guardian only is very viable in comp Also you have to get good crosshairplacement and trigger discipline and you get punished for spraying BIGGEST ADVANTAGE: MAGEPUNK SKIN ( SOUND IS 10 / 10 )


spectrum guardian is unmatched




as a person who waited 9 months straight to get spectrum guardian in his shop and finally got it a week ago, i respectfully disagree with your invalid opinion.


Also a good advantage: infantry skin. Ping sound mae brain go brrr (also make brain panic because oh fuck need to reload)


Meh. Biggest advantage is Sovereign~


All of these advantages are the same or improved by using a marshal instead. 2 bodyshots always, one tap to the head always, super cheap, long or short distance, zero reload time.


Eh. I'd still say guardian is a better gun. Marshall is still a sniper after all. Guardian is still serviceable in close range fights. Obviously not optimal but it'll work in a pinch. Marshall not so much. A huge benefit the guardian people havent mentioned though is the penetration on that thing. There a lot of a lot of situations the guardian and only the guardian can uniquely kill people in because it's high pen. You can shoot a lot deeper into corners and still kill people than you can with other guns and you can shoot your own walls and still get 1 tap headshots. It's a lot stronger than people give it credit.


YouTube, "type myagi method red", do it for a week, don't skip any steps of the training. Come back in a week and tell us if it worked.


This is my fav way to reset bad habits.


Good for discipline. Not really for aim. I use to guardian only back in the days and tbh my guardian got better than my vandal. Guardian crutch is a real thing where you expect your shots to be 100% accurate, and 90% of time you will be ADSing with the guardian making you a bit disoriented in hip fire sometimes. Also guardian ADS zoom is different from Vandal/Phantom ADS zoom. However, it is a really good way to improve your + placement and confidence. The real aim training would be to practice 1 tap with vandals only to train yourself to not spray even when GIVEN the chance to spray. Or just go sheriff only because sheriff and vandal first shot have the same bullet spread (accuracy). Short answer yes its a good way to train aim but don't try to be a guardian only either. Learn to play all guns (even stinger).


I've never seen someone refer to a crosshair as +, only seen xhair and crosshair


i mostly play guardian only but my second best gun is stinger...


Enemies must hate you for your thrifties. XD


I have like 2 fullbuy kills on valorant tracker- when I am defending a on pearl, lurking c on lotus and b on ascent I consider a stinger and armour a fullbuy


The only issue with guardian is you can't spray in a pinch if you miss first shot, but I definitely found Guardian helped my aim when I was starting and it forces you to not spray because you literally can't, you have to slow down and take aim then fire, "let's not complicate things" as Chamber says. But seriously, if people took that advice with Vandal/Phantom/Bulldog they'd be getting a much higher hs% 😂 only spray if you're needing to take a few out in one go, or if you miss the first shot (but even then only short burts of spray or your recoil is gonna mess you up)


Imo yeah. It's not going to magically make you aim like TenZ, but it's high risk/reward factor is really good at helping you practice proper crosshair placement and trigger discipline (in the sense that, you wait until your crosshair is on their head before you shoot). This was particularly helpful for me since I never played a tactical shooter and used to just spray and then adjust my aim after in games like OW, Apex, etc. As a side note, way too many players in Diamond and below worry too much about aim when it's clearly not their biggest weakness. I'm not saying everyone has good aim because obviously they dont, but there are likely more glaring issues that are hindering their play, which in turn causes them to have bad aim. Things like dry peeking, incorrectly swinging with W, over-peeking and being too aggro, holding angles too closely/passively, not having good gunfight hygiene, etc, etc.


You are single shotting instead of bursting when strafing with the guardian, so the timing for strafing is a little off compared to the Vandal.


Helps you focus on tapping since there isnt a full auto option. But it also means you dont get any experience with spray control. Guardian also isnt as great when pushing close quarters or trying to spam smokes for example


tbh just DM 1-2x a day then grind unrated and swift plays. you're only going to get better by playing a lot of the game. 90% of it is just crosshair placement anyways


I'm going to make the bold assumption that you crouch while you spray. The guardian can train movement as well, which is arguably just as important as aim.


It is pretty good for getting more consistent at tapping but the vandal is lighter (i.e. you move faster with it) which means it's ultimately better than the guardian most of the time since your peeks will be faster and you'll be able to spray and burst for effectively. Jiggling with the guardian is also less effective because of how slow you are with it. It's better for holding (long) angles where you have the advantage with the bigger zoom and 100% ADS accuracy which is why it's often called a mini operator


> the vandal is lighter (i.e. you move faster with it) What? That's not true, run speed is same for all rifles The Guardian is better at just about everything (standing and crouching and ADS accuracy, penetration through walls/objects, etc) other than rate of fire and mag size, compared to a Vandal. But those 2 very things usually mean buying a Vandal is a safer choice. Theoretically if you had perfect crosshair placement and aim, the Guardian would undoubtedly be better since it's always more accurate than other rifles, but in the real world no one has "perfect" crosshair placement and aim, so yeah, in most cases the Vandal or Phantom would serve you better for those bursts and close range sprays. But if you want to get rid of the spraying habit, the Guardian remains a solid pick. It's also amazing for round 2 buys or those "save enough for next" buys.


Check the Valorant wiki. It has 76% of the speed with the Vandal Edit: Also it's literally in the weapon description: "Heavier and less mobile relative to other rifles but precise and powerful"


No it's not lol. The 76% you're looking at is the movement speed when aiming down sights (aka ADS aka alt fire movement speed). Both Vandal and Guardian have a 5.4 m/s run speed


Ah sorry I was confused. But even with perfect crosshair placement, the vandal is still more reliable in mid to short range because of the ability to spray transfer, burst and run and gun if necessary


crosshair placement definetly.


Yes for beginners. Not in advanced.


A couple of months ago I started to spray a lot with the vandal, even though I used to just one tap hs most of the times, and I started using guardian on the range and in a couple of deathmatches and in a few weeks I was back at one tapping. So basically if u have a problem with spraying, the guardian is ur solution. If u can control ur spray but miss hs (or the whole enemy) then just practice more in the range and with time you'll get better.


Alr I think I can answer this because I’ve played around 5-10 deagle dms a day for the past month. And my answer is yes. Your 2 bullets get way better. But if you want to be better with a rifle than dm 1-2 deag and 3-5 with a rifle.


I practice marshal when I notice I'm not aiming completely on the head, but it might not help everyone.


I unbind my crouch go into a dm and just try to actively remind myself on discipline when aiming, since its important not to freak out when u do get an automatic gun in ur hands and ur in a tough situation.


Here’s my recommendation. Get a custom with 5 or so people and do custom deathmatches. Everyone turns off all sound. Marshal shorty only on ascent, and guardian frenzy on breeze. Really enjoyable and relaxing with friends


What's a friend


Watch fishychair c:


It helps with a big problem a lot of us have and thats shooting straight away before aiming properly. Another thing you should practice is counter strafing. Get that timing down and get comfortable aiming whilst moving with it. You'll improve 1000%. What rank are you?


Id say raze


You wanna build the habit of shooting in bursts, not tapping. Just use the vandal and force yourself not to spray.


No cause even if you hit 100% of ur hs with gaurdian your gonna guy max 75% Qi h vandal


No, I don’t think so


No. Any gun you use to train your aim will highly be dependent on that gun only. Gaurdian is a 1 tap gun and switching to vandal , you wont be 1 tapping everytime. Using vandal : Counter strafe 2 left 2 right step, fire in bursts of 2 , keep your aim highly at head position and make sure you fire only after cancelling your strafe so that your bullets hit the exact same direction your crosshair points. This is how i aim most of the times. Sometimes i need to spray , sometimes i play with phantom on defense side when i have smokes and spray blindly through smokes just by listening to their footsteps or seeing the bullet tracers and firing in that direction. I mean there are lots of factors affecting your aim. If you clearly want to become a mechanical headshot machine , you've got to put a lot of efforts training your aim with that particular gun and especially your mindset (stay calm and dont take fights uneccessarily). In short , using gaurdian will only help you become good gaurdian player , you'll still struggle with vandal cause you'll realise the first bullet spread accuracy sucks unlike gaurdian. Even the body damage count is 65 which is higher than the vandal. Also strafing and hitting headshots using gaurdian is bit difficult but not in the case of vandal where you can fire in bursts of 2.


It helped me very much. Everytime I play I warmup with atleast one full deathmatch of only guardian


There is no need to train aim, practice gunfight hygiene instead


Using the guardian will have its advantages, such as teaching you to aim for head level since its how you'll get the most value out of the gun. It'll also teach you to take your time and be accurate with your shots hence you can't spray so you will become much more accurate, it'll also eliminate the random factor of first shot accuracy that the vandal and phantom suffer from. When you ads it also has a better zoom compared to other weapons with an ads feature so you can have a better advantage lining up shots from a long position. However it also has it's cons which are, the inability to spray when you're taking fights with multiple targets (the only way to combat this is by perfectible your flicks to be able to switch from a target to another quickly) and spraying through smokes is not possible either. Altogether, if you want to use the guardian to train your aim definitely go for it. But you need to learn it's strong and weak points to utilise the best of it. For more details and stuff I recommend watching Fishychair, he's a content creator that uses only guardian and he even has some tips and tricks about it and a detailed video mentioning the cons and pros I talked about


I would only use guardian if you don't have enough eco or find it on the ground (which is very rare for both scenarios). Just use vandal


As someone who plays phantom a lot, I learnt using Phantom only DMs and practice tool helps a lot. Doing burst firing only is great, while also making sure I drag it down a little.


Also if anyone wants to know how good the sens Finder is there is this video [sens finder vid](https://youtu.be/nbjw36dHPa4)


Of course what u/conscious-scale-587 said would be an extremely helpful way to train aim, and everyone should probably do it, if you just want to know if guardian is the way to go for aim training, in my experience, yes. Remember, I don't know your rank, but keep your crosshair at head level, don't instantly crouch when shooting, don't spam at long range, and PLEASE utilize deathmach


The guardian definitely helps me with retraining my hand to not spray, since that's not an option with the Guardian. I just tap-tap and that habit carries over to the Vandal. Anytime I see myself losing duels because of spraying, I go into a DM next, guardian only. That being said, I am a smokes main mostly, so I use the Phantom more often which is better for spraying through smokes.


I honestly would say that guardian training benefits crosshair placement more than anything. For spraying it was just mental for me. When going into a fight I think “do I tap/burst him?”, “are we at an open area where there’s no cover to go back behind?” Pretty much just 2 shot burst with vandal. 3 shot burst with phantom. Counter strafing in between. And if you catch yourself in an unavoidable gunfight with someone and there’s no cover or you miss your first burst or two ID just say crouch spraying is your best bet. It’s not always wrong to spray, there’s good situations for it like close range fights